Official Discussion Thread for "ESO Live's Next Episode: 1/16"

This is the official discussion thread for the web article, "ESO Live's Next Episode: 1/16."

Don't miss the next episode of our biweekly show on Twitch! Check out the above article for a rundown of what you can expect in this week's episode.
Jason Leavey
Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
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Staff Post
  • Mettaricana
    first question release date for pts and live(estimated)?, second question put to bed these f2p rumors and stock recall things? 3rd question when can we see a barber or appearence change?

    first* (always wanted to do that)
    Edited by Mettaricana on 15 January 2015 21:03
  • cozmon3c_ESO
    Perfect timing on this, people will be happy to see some animation revamps tomorrow!
    Guild UMBRA Chapter Lead
    ~Leper Si -V14 Sorcerer~
    Youtube Channel - Leper
  • Nacario
    Now that justice system is closing in, can one easier implement a dueling system that uses the same system we'll see in the future PvP addition to JS?
  • Rosveen
    If you don't give us an official statement, the chat will be flooded with F2P questions all throughout the show. I hope you're aware of that.
  • Mettaricana
    Rosveen wrote: »
    If you don't give us an official statement, the chat will be flooded with F2P questions all throughout the show. I hope you're aware of that.

  • ashlee17
    A guild leader - will there be any information on zos giving us better guild managing tools or anything to benefit guilds in general.

    You can check out the thread below.

    I'm desperate to know if this is an issue zos is aware of and/or working on. Thanks.
    Administrator of More Than Fair Guild- North American Server- Come and Join us for a fun and friendly experience - 480+ members and great trader location- all factions welcome - mail me @ashlee17 in game for an invite.
    Join the crusade for better guild management tools!
    Please comment and support this cause!
  • Darlgon
    Sorry but my first thought on reading the content of tomorrows show:

    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • Darkonflare15
    Yes finally animation revamp. This is number 2 on my list for things to see in Update 6. Number 1 being Class skills revamp. I cannot wait.
  • Darlgon


    1.) Close the previous thread from the ESO Lives from forever ago. A lot of those posts are no longer relevant. Stacking new issues on top only confuses issues.

    2.) Sticky this thread to the top, so its easy to find.

    3.) Close this thread, with a post, whenever you are finished getting questions for the current show. (Say, an hour/day before?)

    4.) Immediately start a new stickied and dev tracker thread, with the header "ESO Live- Questions for show on (whatever planned date)". Then, people can throw questions generated by the current show into that thread, as well as any new topics that come up.

    Thanks for considering.
    Edited by Darlgon on 15 January 2015 22:13
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • Elsonso
    Who will be the hosts this time?
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Who will be the hosts this time?

    Jess and I are hosting tomorrow. :)

    Also, if anyone has questions for Ed (our Lead Animator) but you can't make the show, feel free to post them ahead of them and we'll pull a few.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • WhiskyBob
    Shall i be posting my questions here or in the ancient thread in General?
  • Venriz
    animation Q: axe flurry looks stupid, agree? ( mace less, but still)
    Edited by Venriz on 15 January 2015 23:33
  • Darlgon
    Who will be the hosts this time?

    Jess and I are hosting tomorrow. :)

    Also, if anyone has questions for Ed (our Lead Animator) but you can't make the show, feel free to post them ahead of them and we'll pull a few.

    I have one for Ed.

    Players are constantly cancelling animations to increase DPS. How does that make him feel?
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • Engwar
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Since you have decided to do an ESO Live on my 43rd Birthday my question is: What are getting me for my Birthday? :smiley:
  • Djeriko
    In PVP, two classes are able to use an exploit to get themselves on top of a keep. The dragon knights who use the dragon leap ultimate can launch themselves at a target on a wall of a keep and sorcerors are able to use bolt escape to launch themselves onto a keeps walls. This can happen when an object is close to and either higher or the same height of the wall. I'm told they use the lag in Cyrodiil to help with teleporting them onto the walls. Either way a team of sorcerors and dragon knights can easily take a keep without damaging the walls if they wanted. Both technique's need to be checked out to prevent unfair exploitation. Best advice, lessen the range of both abilities and possibly make it so you can't use bolt escape in mid-air.
    "When in doubt, kill it with fire."
  • Auricle
    I have a question for Ed. I asked it in the other giant thread, but I'm afraid it got drowned out...

    Do we poor mac users have a potential release date for the updated facial animations? I've been looking forward to it so much! Any chance they'll be included in the gargantuan 1.6?

    Thanks for your time!
  • Djeriko
    Have you also given thought to a system that lets us change a racial style of a dropped or acquired loot item?
    "When in doubt, kill it with fire."
  • Gyudan
    Is the Imperial Shield blocking animation getting fixed in update 6?
    Right now, with any style of armor, the gauntlet goes through the shield and is visible while blocking.

  • Sidney
    Not sure I'll be around tomorrow so asking ahead here:

    Are there any plans to update some of the basic game play options to include things that add-ons add but (some of us feel) really should be part of the basic package?


    (*)Time stamps!
    (*)More customization for unit frames to show more information/change appearance to better suit an MMO
    (*)Ability to re-size chat frames further to fit different screens/layout preferences
    (*)Ability to have a marker beside a recipe or motif to see if we know it without having to hover on it and wait for the tool tip?
    (*)Ultimate Power Tracking
    (*)Tracking research recipes
    (*)Increased information in combat text

    I apologize if some of these are already implemented - I have my add-ons on and have not wanted to turn them off because they lose settings too often xD

    Adding a second question:

    Any plans to add the ability to dye costumes? I love the epic gold suit I got in the mail but would love it more if I could make it baby pink.
    Edited by Sidney on 16 January 2015 01:48
    If you want me to read a post aimed at me, please put @Sidney.
    Please give us tail armor and dyeable tail ribbons.
    Click Here -->Support Dyeable Tail Ribbons<---
    All your mats r belong to Khajiit.
    Click Here -->Support Tail Armor<---
  • Tonovol
    Soul Shriven
    While character animations are getting an overhaul in update 6, are the horse animations getting improved?

    Currently when you upgrade their speed their animation just kind of speeds up rather than them taking bigger, more powerful strides. Can't wait for update 6, you guys are awesome!
    Bloody item management...
  • Skalfee
    On the Justice System, when you murder an NPC, will they be dead for only you or others as well? And when they're dead, are they dead forever, or only for a certain amount of time?
    Oh and greetings from Australia :)

    The masked woman will find you.
  • Darlgon
    Tonovol wrote: »
    While character animations are getting an overhaul in update 6, are the horse animations getting improved?

    Currently when you upgrade their speed their animation just kind of speeds up rather than them taking bigger, more powerful strides. Can't wait for update 6, you guys are awesome!

    Pretty sure you know this.. but.. you do know that at level 20 the storage horse gets bags, which grow. And the speed horse and the endurance horse get some kind of.. (barding?) decorations specific to the type of level up.
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • jackleminer55
    1: So first of all, how do you guys make the animations? Do you handcraft the rigs and manually do them or do you use motion capture shoots?

    2: I love how a lot of the combat animations/stances are getting changed to improve the gameplay, but will other animations be changed? I am specifically thinking of the running animation without a weapon at the ready (it is on your back) and it looks very weird.

    3: I have heard others describe the combat is floaty. What exactly does that mean, and how do you plan to fix it?

    P.S. For question 2, I think the reason that the running animation looks weird is that the character is kind of leaning forward and not moving up and down at all. The upper body seems not to move at all while sprinting. Maybe this is it?
    Edited by jackleminer55 on 16 January 2015 03:04
  • SlayerSyrena
    Maybe we can get a hint as to the ETA on new Mounts? :smiley: Pretty please? <3
    PC/NA, Level 50 * Current Champion Points: 1600+
    Cyndril - Bosmer Vampire Nightblade - Dual Wield Blades and Bow

    ***Member of the closed early beta group, The Psijic Order***
    Guest on first ESO Live
    My ESO fan art and comics
  • Windshadow_ESO
    Has it been considered to add in to the provisioning craft the ability to learn a recipe by researching found food if you are a master chef turning out complex creations with amazing effects perhaps you might be able to reverse engineer how a food item you find or loot was created. no?
  • Sazakala
    Hey! Thank you for doing these regularly. They are not only informative but really fun as well! ;)
    These questions and concerns are taken from our guild discussions. Pick what you like, Gina or Jess.

    About 1.6:

    1. Are you concerned that over time everybody will be able to unlock all passives thus removing the choice and the difference between player characters?

    2. Certain passives, such as Plentiful Harvest seem underwhelming. It is already quite easy to gather/buy materials. Crafting writ rewards also add to the already sufficient amount of materials. Another skill is that boosts horse stamina - people are only creating "stamina horses" for the look already. Why would anyone invest points into such skills in the current state of the game? Or is there something planned that would change these?

    3. Having so many "niche passives" are you concerned that people will stick to "cookie-cutter" builds for maximizing actual combat effectiveness for trials and PvP and in the same time drastically reducing build diversity? (The picture of Rawl'Ka with a hundred robed staff-wielding mages still haunts me...)

    4. Do you have any specific plans ensuring a balance between stamina and magicka builds? Having class skill morphs that allow stamina scaling is a step in the right direction. However, seeing most niche passives in stamina constellations, having stamina used for blocking and rolls appears to work against it.

    Quality of life changes, newcomer improvements:

    5. Are there any plans making taunt always effective, reducing taunt immunity duration or at least making the presence of taunt immunity and its duration absolutely clear on UI? (The last one would be especially helpful for newcomers as the loading screen hint is easy to miss.)

    6. A similar one: could you please add a built-in UI element for tracking buffs and debuffs? (Yes, there are addons but they also tend to negatively affect performance and "bug out" sometimes.)

    7. Can we have usable bank, store and inventory UI with multiple filters? Pleeeeaaase. o:)


    8. Can we get PVP ranks available through UI? For example at nameplates or besides faction insignias.

    9. Can we also get a chance to participate in friendly duels with the members of our own faction when the Justice system's PvP part is released?

    Racial balance:

    10. Could you take a look at Bosmer and Argonian racials (probably also on Orsimer) and make them more useful?

    Immersion and roleplay:

    10. Is there any plan on filling empty spaces in the world and adding more "life" in the form of children, interactive objects, outhouses, brothels, farms, housing, games etc? (Games such as: gambling, shooting range with moving targets etc.)

    "Please don't nerf dunmer DKs."
    "Please nerf DKs. And dunmers and khajiit too."

    So, could we get a slap emote? Or a buttkick?

    12. I find in unlilkely but a request: is there a way to allow us to buy a miniature of our own character?

    Thank you for taking your time and keep up the good work! ;)

    (PS.: Sorry for typos, it is 4 am in the morning here *yawn*)
    Edited by Sazakala on 16 January 2015 03:06
  • Darkheart
    Will food and beverages be used together with update 6? Will they still be seperate recipes or new ones with both on one recipe?
    Returning Home to Daggerfall.
  • ninjaguyman
    So if certain skills in class skill lines will have stamina morphs in update 6, will they replace one of the two morphs currently there? Or will there be a total of three morphs for these skills? also, will there be plans to add more stamina morphs to the class skill lines later on so that all class skills have stamina morphs?
    Edited by ninjaguyman on 16 January 2015 03:33
    AD breton nb: Shadowshinobi
    DC Altmer magicka nb: merc shot
  • timidobserver
    ESO Live Question for Lead Animator: Are you taking any steps to make Light Weaving look more fluid/natural?
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

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