YourNameHere wrote: »I'm level 39, and I have crouched Sniped one hit killed mobs quite a number of times.
Though I will agree, it is more suited for playing in the open world, and less in dungeons or close quarters.
If you get them from behind as well, you can do even more damage.
Not sure why everyone has to have 5 abilities that are spammy. Snipe is an opener, deal with it. Snipe used at range gives you plenty of options due to its long, slow travel time. You can have a second snipe already in the air before the first one hits, you can mark target during the flight time of the first, etc... My base snipe damage (listed on the ability) is 795, reg crit for 1340~1400 and sneak crit for 1880. With patch 1.3 coming the damage is just going to increase (stam soft cap raised, weapon dmg soft cap raised, better stam sets) so yes I have snipe on my bar, yes I use it to open and no I don't need to spam every ability on my bar.
xxslam48xxb14_ESO wrote: »For solo ganking it is possible to restealth after firing a snipe at someone. I often just snipe from stealth over and over until they see where I am shooting from. If they live long enough to see you still got your whole mana bar, say good night cyrodiil questers!
CapuchinSeven wrote: »
Yeah the stealth, snipe, stealth, snipe, tactic is a lot of fun.
martinhpb16_ESO wrote: »PvP- if done with the right combi of other skills snipe can decimate.
Yup. I got my first hate tell last night (can't believe it took this long) from a highly ranked player who didn't have nice things to say. Needless to say is, he died, pretty quick, and wasn't happy that he didn't get a chance to fight back. Snipe + healing debuff + venom arrow spam = dead DK. It's a fantastic skill.
CapuchinSeven wrote: »
Yeah I think the venom arrow spam right after rather than another snipe is the way to go I think, I get a lot of DK hate tells thanks to that combo.
I run with a 5 set of Hundings, 3 Ashen's and a purple bow with Flawless Dawnbreaker fitted and my venom arrow hits like a truck. It hits even harder and vamps with the weapon damage passives in Fighters Guild.
I'm running the same set up.I was messing around in PvE during my 45 minute queue last night and venom arrorw was regularly hitting for 450+. It doesnt hit that hard in PvP but there is potential.
CapuchinSeven wrote: »
Same, I just posted in the "Bow needs a spam skill" with some pictures of my damage in PVP and it's around the same I'm guessing. I can hit a VR12 in PVP for around 300.
I can actually see their health bars dropping like water out of a bucket, it's even better when they try and cast and wave their arms everywhere. It's so quick to cast I'm almost never swapping to my impale bar to finish someone off.
Yeah. I havent actually had to use Impale since the 1.3 patch. A funny combo you may want to try out is putting Tangling Webs on your bow bar. I was messing with it last night and it's pretty funny. Snipe, Venom Arrow, Tangling Webs and they are screwed beyond belief. I haven't morphed it since last night was the first time I've actually used the skill, though the fear synergy has peaked my interest.