Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Official Discussion Thread for "European Megaserver Migration"

  • sajackson
    Roll a character on the NA server and play that during the migration?

    Seriously a 9 hour outage feels like such a small price to pay for something that will hopefully have a huge improvement on in-game responsiveness. You'd think people were having their arms cut off or something.
  • Cogo
    Just wait for the crybabies who dont get any less lag cause their system is bad, but blame the EU server.....
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • ZOS_AlanG
    The discussion in this thread is getting rather heated. It's perfectly acceptable to disagree or critique, but please keep your posts civil and constructive.
    Forum Rules | Promoting Constructive Discussion | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Help Site

    I’ve moved to a new position and I am no longer active on this forum. For assistance, please check the resources linked above
    Staff Post
  • Vahrokh
    Cogo wrote: »
    Just wait for the crybabies who dont get any less lag cause their system is bad, but blame the EU server.....

    I live halfway between Europe and the US (on an island close to the backbone, with 200Mbps line and oversized computer). Depending on the status of the game, I still got more or less severe lag. When they'd fix it (as per sticked post) the "lag" went down a lot.

    Basically, anyone with a decent line would not experience ESO lag even before the migration, anyone with a crappy line (there are MANY countries in EU with that) won't see anything but a marginal improvement. The biggest differences, for me, have come from simply bugfixing the game.
  • Quintal
    People cry about server in NA...ok... but when there is actual migration, people cry about few hour downtime during daytime. Yeah, go fix your leaking pipe in the night, so you can wash your hands the other day. Stop crying....wait...and be happy! :smile:
    Edited by Quintal on 28 July 2014 21:02
    ''Subscription fee means that we will offer players the game we set out to make, and the one that fans want to play. Going with any other model meant that we would have to make sacrifices and changes we weren't willing to make.''
    -Matt Firor
    Nick Konkle no longer part of ZOS
    Maria Aliprando no longer part of ZOS
    Paul Sage no longer part of ZOS
  • Cogo
    Vahrokh wrote: »
    Cogo wrote: »
    Just wait for the crybabies who dont get any less lag cause their system is bad, but blame the EU server.....

    I live halfway between Europe and the US (on an island close to the backbone, with 200Mbps line and oversized computer). Depending on the status of the game, I still got more or less severe lag. When they'd fix it (as per sticked post) the "lag" went down a lot.

    Basically, anyone with a decent line would not experience ESO lag even before the migration, anyone with a crappy line (there are MANY countries in EU with that) won't see anything but a marginal improvement. The biggest differences, for me, have come from simply bugfixing the game.

    I Bow before you sir. Thats 100% correct.

    However, the game is pretty stable. Yes, it will always get better and better.
    But anyone who thinks their lag gonna be 100% improved by the move......
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • lexdavien
    sajackson wrote: »
    Roll a character on the NA server and play that during the migration?

    Seriously a 9 hour outage feels like such a small price to pay for something that will hopefully have a huge improvement on in-game responsiveness. You'd think people were having their arms cut off or something.

    It's not about THAT it happens, it's about WHEN it happens. How do you seriously not get this?
    A server in the EU before Release would have been the best choice.
    After a serious outcry on the forums ZOS rescheduled the maintenance and now they seem to have forgotten that we complained and do the exact same thing again.
    The problem is that this Publisher doesn't listen very well.

    Yes, my system is 20 years old and I do not know how to build a proper one. It's definately MY fault.

    How was the brainwash, fanboy?
  • adamastorx
    Sharee wrote: »
    Since this is mainly of interest for europeans, how about announcing the times in CEST? :)

    Begin: 2:00PM CEST on July 30th
    Complete: 11:00PM CEST on July 30th

    Was that so hard for ZOS? It's one of those little things... Details, details...
  • Cogo
    lexdavien wrote: »

    Yes, my system is 20 years old and I do not know how to build a proper one. It's definately MY fault.

    How was the brainwash, fanboy?

    Calling me names again? :(

    Lets be friends instead? Feel free to look me up in game and lets group some?
    You find our guild address in my sig.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • ArconSeptim
    I'm not crying, I'm happy it's finally getting real, so much waiting and I'm proud it happens.
  • Neollonx
    Good job!
  • arena25
    Cogo wrote: »
    arena25 wrote: »
    Ok, let me get this straight...

    EU megaserver is being migrated to Frankfurt. To do that, they are going to unplug the megaserver, transfer it by car, truck or (if you really want to press your luck) airplane to Frankfurt. They will then transfer it to their new data center, where they will then plug data in. At 5:00 p.m. (roughly), EU megaserver will be back online.



    I HAVE you ask. Is this a SERIOUS post?

    If its a joke, ok, I just didnt get it and fine.

    This is NOT how you migrate data centers.

    The data center IS ready. Its IN EU.

    The Downtime has to do with MANY of these AREAS like Network, databases and Virtual environment. You do not pick up a server, fly it to EU, put it up, change the IP and turn it on.

    This is a MMO, NOT a single game!
    In a DATA CENTER! NOT in your computer.

    Why do people believe MMO runs like Skyrim and your server is 1 server?

    Ok, apologies, Cogo...I don't know how server migrations work...unlike my dad, I'm not a technician/ I don't know how these things work...

    In school, they don't teach you how data center migrations work...they teach you things like 6+8=14 and how George Washington saved the Continental Army...which, to this day, my dad is still shocked by this fact. So, don't expect much knowledge from me about how to write a video game, let alone know how a data center migration works.
    If you can't handle the heat...stay out of the kitchen!
  • KleanZlate
    lexdavien wrote: »
    sajackson wrote: »
    Roll a character on the NA server and play that during the migration?

    Seriously a 9 hour outage feels like such a small price to pay for something that will hopefully have a huge improvement on in-game responsiveness. You'd think people were having their arms cut off or something.

    It's not about THAT it happens, it's about WHEN it happens. How do you seriously not get this?
    A server in the EU before Release would have been the best choice.
    After a serious outcry on the forums ZOS rescheduled the maintenance and now they seem to have forgotten that we complained and do the exact same thing again.
    The problem is that this Publisher doesn't listen very well.

    Yes, my system is 20 years old and I do not know how to build a proper one. It's definately MY fault.

    How was the brainwash, fanboy?

    Edited by KleanZlate on 28 July 2014 22:45
  • Selodaoc
    Cogo wrote: »
    Just wait for the crybabies who dont get any less lag cause their system is bad, but blame the EU server.....

    I dont think the lagg has been becouse of the location of the servers.
    Rather the lagg, stutter, freezes etc is becouse of a crap client that cant handle it.
    I might expect a little bit less delay (not in Cyrodiil) but thats it.
    The horrible delay in Cyrodiil when theres more then 10 players in same area will still be there.
  • sajackson
    It's 9 hours guys, maybe not even that.

    Surely you can find something else to do for the 9 hours... Just stop the hassle and let them migrate it.

    Seriously these forums are just any excuse for a moan at times.
  • wounded_graywolf
    epoling wrote: »
    Sorry - not strictly on-topic, but did anybody else think "Borg Regeneration Alcove" when looking at the bottom picture in the article? *smile*

    Yes -- exactly what I thought.
    Ebonheart Pact
    Member, Order of the Silver Dragons
  • ozmorgudduth

    The main noticeable improvement will be with animation cancellation, at the moment no matter how good you are at cancelling animation, 120-140ms ping will make you miss sometimes. This will improve DPS and it's consistency. Can't wait :D
  • sagitter
    Thank you.
  • Cogo
    lexdavien wrote: »

    Well dude, first:
    Do you have to make every mistake over and over again, even if others made the same mistake and improved afterwards? (Yes I played WoW since release)
    There is no problem with learning from others mistakes.

    2nd: Did you start playing a week ago? In the first months ZOS did indeed have maintenance during european primetime. (I don't complain about hotfixes here)


    Lagspikes and latency did have an impact on my guildmates and my game play experience a lot. When dealing with bosses in dungeons often someone died because he stood in "bad things" but did not stand in them on HIS screen.

    Cyrodiil, as you mentioned it yourself, is another good example for latency caused deaths. Someone mentioned the weapon swap delay which also seems to be caused by latency.

    I once played the game with a friend, using teamspeak, when I told him that a quest item was right in front of me, while he was behind me, he responded that on his screen I was behind him.
    I've never experienced such an inaccuracy in an online game ever before.

    Ok Mr. Since you ask so nicely, you will get an answer, all based in facts.

    1. MMO "Mistake all over again?"
    Answer: There is not 1 MMO that's built with the same software/hardware setup like any other, and aimed at the same customers. ALL MMOs needs to patch each week. Why do they need to do that you think?

    EVERY MMO must go through 3-6 months of "launch", before it gets stable.
    Short reason. There simply are WAY to many moving parts to test without going live.

    2. You state there was MONTHS before the fast change of MAINTENANCE and PATCH day (2 different days). This is false. Easily proven by checking the server online on this site:

    In early APRIL, LESS then 2 WEEKS from launch. They changed the planned downtime on both US and EU servers. NOTE: EU got a better time then US.
    2014.4.11 - 05:00 BST (00:00 EST)

    The European Megaserver is currently unavailable while we perform maintenance.


    Cyrodiil, as you mentioned it yourself, is another good example for latency caused deaths. Someone mentioned the weapon swap delay which also seems to be caused by latency.

    I once played the game with a friend, using teamspeak, when I told him that a quest item was right in front of me, while he was behind me, he responded that on his screen I was behind him.

    Do I really have to explain why you and your friend had and will have this "problem"? Even if you both sit in the EU data center? This has nothing to do with ESO, or the EU server. Look at home.....
    I've never experienced such an inaccuracy in an online game ever before.

    Online game? Theres tons of those. Do you mean online games, or MMO?
    Because this last statement make you look kinda....silly, if you mean you never seen it in an MMO before. ALL MMOs had and HAVE these things.
    Edited by Cogo on 29 July 2014 04:07
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Paske
    I bet all techies involved in this are all giddy :)

    Scary stuff to be involved in such a huge project for sure, but how often do you witness first hand such a feat in IT?

    I'm jealous.

    Fear before it starts, week or more of nervous talks in various meetings, conference calls, your just a small cog in this amazing tapestry that is project of this magnitude, but you are there. As pivotal as any project manager, team leader or any person involved in any way. There are no "small" jobs in a project like this.

    Then, when clock strikes and all team leads confirm with head leads on both sides all is ready one leader raises voice - all right people, lets begin. He starts with a simple mouse click on icon in what ever project tool they have - Phase 1 started.

    From that point on there is no laughter, no jokes, every person waits for que when it comes their time to do their job. Its like a bee hive in US and EU alike. Both sides communicate in professional manner that looks like chaos to casual watcher. But every action has a meaning, every click calculated weeks before.

    I would love to be there involved in all of that.

    Enjoy it while you can tech monkeys.

    Just a small plee for those of us are watching from side - can we get some kind of flow chart when its all over ? Just to suck up on that marrow of what was going on behind the scenes.
  • PaulD
    Hey, Cogo, did you really say this?

    "Post things you know about instead...... "

    If that ever happens, the Internet will be empty! Imagine how the politics articles on Wikipedia would just vanish . . .
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    I'm in Alberta, I made characters on Eu that I got caught up with. I knew the migration was coming. I'll still use my EU characters for when I want to play when NA is down, and just make new experiments on NA instead.

    Congrats, Europeans, at getting your own server.

    Australians/NZ, um, wish I could help.
  • PaulD
    Ok, actual test here. Ping from where I'm in Kuwait City to Comcast in Boston MA - very good connection there.
    - 220ms.
    Ping from Kuwait City to Los Angeles - Fireline server
    - 281 ms.
    Ping from Kuwait City to Frankfurt - Vodafone server
    - 155 ms.
    And Vodafone is the best I've found yet. Really, your reflexes are that good that you can take huge advantage of a tenth of a second?

    The real advantage will be in the fact that I'll have a more reliable connection - the big data transfers between the US and Europe have priority connections. But that still holds true here as well.

    When I mention the big transfers, I meant financial and stock market, etc. Those can restrict our bandwidth and cause problems. But they happen in country as well, just not as large. Ping something with the -t option and it'll just keep pinging. If it's far enough away, you'll see patterns of sudden jumps. That's often big data flying by.

    And you aren't going to much better than that 100 ms wherever you are, unless you are just lucky in being on the same network that hosts the servers. Lucky 1/3 of Germany! (at most) The rest of us aren't going to see amazing differences.

    99% of the latency we are seeing is due to server overload in processing dynamic data and feeding it back to players. Maybe they've done something in the new datacenter to help with that. And maybe not.
    Edited by PaulD on 29 July 2014 05:21
  • Uisi
    Human nature is amazing ... there is something in this world that people don't complain?
    If something is not broke ... fix it!
  • xenowarrior92eb17_ESO
    OH NO!! The servers are already infested with torchbugs!!

    Yes:( we must burn them all...b4 the infection spreads to the other pods...I SAID BURN DEM ALL!!!
  • tordr86b16_ESO
    ZOS, ignore the whiners - you can never please everyone.
  • pahajuju
    Lets just hope we'll be able to play this week after the move.
    Should really grind my char to vr 12 finally. So I wouldn't have a real reason to log in.
    EU server, and loosing interest in the game.
  • Paske
    Reading some of posts here, Im having a hard time not feeling superior to most people out there ...
  • odiasuda
    Has it ever been answered, to anyone's satisfaction, why the euro server wasn't physically located in Europe to being with?

    They could have avoided the expense of a server migration, and the induction of nerd rage due to a service outage of an MMO, with some forethought.

    At any rate - I am looking forward to pings with less than three digits.

  • s2firestar
    So, let me give a few facts for the community.

    1) I experienced lags, but the game itself is not really that bandwidth dependent. I used to play on a mobile stick net that was restricted for 25+ days to 0,1 Mbit/s... and guess what? It worked perfectly. I live in Hungary, by the way.

    2) I myself died a few times because lags. Also did so in WoT with EU datacenter... and it was horrible. The fact that I didn't die in ESO every 2 mins (unlike in WoT) says that their tech is pretty good, so migration should help a lot.

    3) What the hell are ppl. thinking? A migration of a whole datacenter with tired engineers at night time? It's a VERY BAD idea. Being an engineer myself, I know that awareness in such things is very important. Surely we can do even 24 h without the game. And I wouldn't be surprised if we were given a free day after the migration.

    4) Yes, ZOS have screwed us over a few times, but this is their first game. AND they did EVERYTHING to make it up for us/fix the things. This can't be said of Wargaming for example. So yes, you may rant, but you must give credit where credit is due.

    5) They are bringing the migration before stated time. That is also quite good.

    6) They are informing us, communicating with us, giving reasons for everything and even neat photos of the torchbug infested datacenters :P

    7) For me, substantial improvement should occur. Right now I have ~120 ping to most US targets, and to Frankfurt, I have 18... :D
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