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Official Discussion Thread for "European Megaserver Migration"

Community Manager
This is the official discussion thread for the blog article European Megaserver Migration. We're looking forward to the move to Frankfurt on Wednesday!
Gina Bruno
Senior Community Manager
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Staff Post
  • Navuri
    Well, hopefully the game won't crash as much now that we're going to be playing on the EU based server. Anyway, a good move (finally). Wasn't this supposed to happen a month after release?
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Navuri wrote: »
    Well, hopefully the game won't crash as much now that we're going to be playing on the EU based server
    No reason to think the game will crash less simply because the packets to and from the server are traveling a shorter distance.

  • Turelus
    Predicting 10+ complaints threads in GD on 30th. :P
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • kosac
    ZOS plz make backup ;)
  • Tankqull
    Turelus wrote: »
    Predicting 10+ complaints threads in GD on 30th. :P

    guess so :P people are just to ...

    nonetheless at last its happening hopefully it will happen without any unpredicted problems.
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • Sharee
    Since this is mainly of interest for europeans, how about announcing the times in CEST? :)

    Begin: 2:00PM CEST on July 30th
    Complete: 11:00PM CEST on July 30th
    Edited by Sharee on 28 July 2014 16:11
  • gresiac
    you guys doing a great job !
    love this game
  • epoling
    Sorry - not strictly on-topic, but did anybody else think "Borg Regeneration Alcove" when looking at the bottom picture in the article? *smile*
  • xionemaileb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks Zenimax for informing so early, i can now plan other things to do in that day. Loved pictures of serverfarm, cool looking. Would like to see more pictures and hear info of your servers, people etc.
    Keep on doing good work...really waiting with great pleasure update three and its funmesam (fun & awesome) experiences that it will bring to players!!!
  • stefan9
    Should not be done in eu primetime....
  • lestaudenmaierub17_ESO
    Should not be done in eu primetime....

    Seriously...RL --> that way.

    I believe they explained why it needed to be done during EU prime time.

  • Maotti
    Should not be done in eu primetime....

    The reasoning behind this i stated, and it is a very good reason too. I really don't care that it's being done in the middle of the day.
    Edited by Maotti on 28 July 2014 16:50
    PC EU
  • impgirl
    Can't wait! Looking forward to much better ping.
  • VinnOmniusVeritas
    OH NO!! The servers are already infested with torchbugs!!

    It's a little fuzzy, but ... I think I drank so much I couldn't pay my tab. If I'm remembering it right, I said something like, "This crappy quartz thing thing should cover it, catman!" -- Rollin
  • stefan9
    If patching can be done earlier so can this move. This is a cost saving move as this would take longer, nothing more nothing less.
    Should not be done in eu primetime....

    Seriously...RL --> that way.

    I believe they explained why it needed to be done during EU prime time.

    Oh how could it not have expected the typical trol IRL response...
    Edited by stefan9 on 28 July 2014 17:29
  • Gizzarduk
    This is the official discussion thread for the blog article European Megaserver Migration. We're looking forward to the move to Frankfurt on Wednesday!
    Nice work, Are those HP Blades I spy. :smile:
  • Gizzarduk
    If patching can be done earlier so can this move. This is a cost saving move as this would take longer, nothing more nothing less.
    Even if it was a cost saving exercise, would you rather save cost on a migration or development time?

    Personally I know which I would pick.
  • Dilly_Waffles
    We are finally getting the migration and before early August and yet people are complaining about the times?

    Its one day.

    Are the whiners actually say they'd rather have their extra couple hours playtime and risk bad transfers than have to leave the game for a few hours but with the safe knowledge that everything will be transferred correctly?

    Honestly, we're getting something good here and people still whinge and cry.

  • lexdavien
    @Dilly_Waffles it is completely legitimate to rant and complain.

    I can't even imagine how stupid the team, that descided to NOT have an european server at release, has to be.
    EVERY other MMO that I played since and including WoW had at least one or two european servers.

    ZOS has screwed us europeans over and over again with abysmal maintenance schedules only because they don't seem to be able to figure out how time zones work.
  • Cogo
    lexdavien wrote: »
    @Dilly_Waffles it is completely legitimate to rant and complain.

    I can't even imagine how stupid the team, that descided to NOT have an european server at release, has to be.
    EVERY other MMO that I played since and including WoW had at least one or two european servers.

    ZOS has screwed us europeans over and over again with abysmal maintenance schedules only because they don't seem to be able to figure out how time zones work.

    And the WoW servers where down for DAYS the first YEAR. With the EU servers down more then US servers......

    You know NOTHING about data centers and how they work, so maybe check your FACTS before your accuse anything for being "stupid".

    ZOS has screwed us europeans over and over again with abysmal maintenance schedules only because they don't seem to be able to figure out how time zones work.

    Yeah SUCKS that EU servers downtime been at 4AM!!! on a TUESDAY. B)
    ZOS really "screwed" us Europeans on that one.......ask our US friends what they think.

    Again, you know NOTHING about how data centers works. Find out, and then come post anything other then these fact-less accusations.
    Edited by Cogo on 28 July 2014 18:45
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Dilly_Waffles
    Thank you @‌Cogo.

    This is one of the only games I've played where maintenance has been that late, at a time where absolutely no one is on.

    Also, how have they screwed us over @lexdavien? Having the server in America hasn't actually been detrimental at all to us Europeans. I've never felt any evidence of it while playing PvE, and I more often than not play on a connection of 2mbps. The only time I've felt lag spikes due to the ping was during PvP peak times where everyone in Cyro got them, and even they were rare.

    This is a move that has started earlier than scheduled and will not fix the game, but bring about great improvement. The problem wasn't gamebreaking and as such this move is optimising the game.

    It is wholly positive and to complain in the way you have just shows that you want to cause hassle for no reason.
  • arena25
    Ok, let me get this straight...

    EU megaserver is being migrated to Frankfurt. To do that, they are going to unplug the megaserver, transfer it by car, truck or (if you really want to press your luck) airplane to Frankfurt. They will then transfer it to their new data center, where they will then plug data in. At 5:00 p.m. (roughly), EU megaserver will be back online.

    Ok, three questions:

    #1: Do you plan to run a master character (basically a ZOS employee running through EU Tamriel to ensure everything is good to go) before the EU megaserver will be made avaliable again?
    #2: The NA megaserver will still be online. Is there a risk that the NA megaserver might get a little bit of choppy gameplay during the EU migration?
    #3: I think I know the answer, but will there be a server maintenance on Thursday? Right now I'm thinking after you are done wrangling with the EU megaserver, all of ZOS will be so tired they're just going to want to postpone the regular Thursday maintenance, but I just want to confirm that before any rumors start.

    Just wondering.


    If you can't handle the heat...stay out of the kitchen!
  • Paske
    Edited by Paske on 28 July 2014 19:03
  • tordr86b16_ESO
  • Cogo
    arena25 wrote: »
    Ok, let me get this straight...

    EU megaserver is being migrated to Frankfurt. To do that, they are going to unplug the megaserver, transfer it by car, truck or (if you really want to press your luck) airplane to Frankfurt. They will then transfer it to their new data center, where they will then plug data in. At 5:00 p.m. (roughly), EU megaserver will be back online.



    I HAVE you ask. Is this a SERIOUS post?

    If its a joke, ok, I just didnt get it and fine.

    This is NOT how you migrate data centers.

    The data center IS ready. Its IN EU.

    The Downtime has to do with MANY of these AREAS like Network, databases and Virtual environment. You do not pick up a server, fly it to EU, put it up, change the IP and turn it on.

    This is a MMO, NOT a single game!
    In a DATA CENTER! NOT in your computer.

    Why do people believe MMO runs like Skyrim and your server is 1 server?
    Edited by Cogo on 28 July 2014 19:31
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • stefan9
    Thank you @‌Cogo.

    This is one of the only games I've played where maintenance has been that late, at a time where absolutely no one is on.

    Also, how have they screwed us over @lexdavien? Having the server in America hasn't actually been detrimental at all to us Europeans. I've never felt any evidence of it while playing PvE, and I more often than not play on a connection of 2mbps. The only time I've felt lag spikes due to the ping was during PvP peak times where everyone in Cyro got them, and even they were rare.

    This is a move that has started earlier than scheduled and will not fix the game, but bring about great improvement. The problem wasn't gamebreaking and as such this move is optimising the game.

    It is wholly positive and to complain in the way you have just shows that you want to cause hassle for no reason.

    The first few weeks there was regular maintenance during eu prime time. They only stopped it after an outcry from the EU community. Guess it wasn't loud enough as this latest action again shows how little they care for the eu community...

  • lexdavien
    Cogo wrote: »

    And the WoW servers where down for DAYS the first YEAR. With the EU servers down more then US servers......

    Yeah SUCKS that EU servers downtime been at 4AM!!! on a TUESDAY. B)
    ZOS really "screwed" us Europeans on that one.......ask our US friends what they think.

    Well dude, first:
    Do you have to make every mistake over and over again, even if others made the same mistake and improved afterwards? (Yes I played WoW since release)
    There is no problem with learning from others mistakes.

    2nd: Did you start playing a week ago? In the first months ZOS did indeed have maintenance during european primetime. (I don't complain about hotfixes here)


    Lagspikes and latency did have an impact on my guildmates and my game play experience a lot. When dealing with bosses in dungeons often someone died because he stood in "bad things" but did not stand in them on HIS screen.

    Cyrodiil, as you mentioned it yourself, is another good example for latency caused deaths. Someone mentioned the weapon swap delay which also seems to be caused by latency.

    I once played the game with a friend, using teamspeak, when I told him that a quest item was right in front of me, while he was behind me, he responded that on his screen I was behind him.
    I've never experienced such an inaccuracy in an online game ever before.

  • lexdavien

    The first few weeks there was regular maintenance during eu prime time. They only stopped it after an outcry from the EU community. Guess it wasn't loud enough as this latest action again shows how little they care for the eu community...

    Well, at least another player has a memory good enough to recall more than the last boozing.
    It's amazing how quickly people forget.

    You nailed it, ZOS doesn't care much for the eu community, otherwise we now would not talk about server migration, because that thing would have been there before the god damn release.
    Edited by lexdavien on 28 July 2014 20:03
  • brimits

    View of the real hardware for the move!

    Seriously though, I sometimes can wait 30 seconds just for the characters to appear in the market so moving the servers nearer the area will surely make a huge improvement.
    Edited by brimits on 28 July 2014 20:11
  • Cogo

    At least try google? TDS and HP are two of the BEST data center "Movers" in the world.

    Whats involved in a data center move?

    Its a project, since it has easily over 100 effected parts:

    Each data center has "assets", like databases etc.

    Applications....ALL with their own impact:

    ALL parts of the Data center needs to work as a "Virtual environment"

    We got the info that we get LESS THEN 24 HOURS downtime for this!
    "Normal" downtime for this is calculated in Weeks or months. Unless you PAY the BIG price to TDS or HP.

    5 days ago Volvo PARTS, had a downtime on 5 hours in their part shop. Their datacenter is 100 x bigger then ESO.

    "Learn from others mistakes?"

    Post things you know about instead......
    Edited by Cogo on 28 July 2014 20:37
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
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