Receiving a delivery on the first login that happens at least 24 hours after the last one was received means it's almost impossible to receive one every day. No matter how hard you try, you'll never be able to log in/relog at exactly the same time every day, thus the delivery receival will shift to a later time every day, until you have to skip a day entirely.
If the hireling tier three was actually meant to address this, and not to receive two deliveries a day, i can accept that, but I'd want a "working as intended" confirmation.
Otherwise, my suggestion is the following:
1. Send deliveries at a fixed time e.g. 12AM (both simultaneously for tier 3) regardless of player logins. That way, as a bonus, players also wouldn't be punished for going on a vacation w/o access to a computer.
Failing that:
2. Take the refresh timer from above, but leave the login obligation (The deliveries will be overwritten by the following one, if not claimed). At least this way it wouldn't shift if you log in an hour later than usual.
Thanks for reading. Discuss.
EDIT after reading the comments:
3. Set the timers to 20 hours after last pickup and send both deliveries simultaneously for tier 3.
4. Additionally to any option chosen, make all characters' deliveries appear when logging in with any character. No more relogging 8 times to receive all mail. This would mean the mail is already generated in the inbox while offline, not sent upon login.
EDIT: updated the description to be more clear / replaced "chest" with "delivery" (i miss the feeling of opening those chests btw) / added 4.
Victoria Lux - Templar Tank