NookyZooky wrote: »and when i see people use magic i just call them mages. i don't really pay mind to specific names
As they can (with one or two minor exceptions) Rift and LOTRO (and even in WOW in many cases) .. your point is again?popatiberiuoneb18_ESO wrote: »everyone can be anything given they have enough skillpoints or respec gold
He knew that, he had no real rebuttal to your comment so he resorted to an ad hominem.NookyZooky wrote: »by "warriors" I ment people that use sword and shield, or greatswords
NookyZooky wrote: »thanks for the info. however, I still think some of the things these "emperors" have been doing to get this high in the ranks is lame. and its mostly done by magic. that's why I kept calling out "mages". good for mulkulth. I will likely never get close to being emperor. however, I felt this emporership was based on how many hours played, and how many times someone could Spam AOEs and bolt escape than based on actual skill. once the game gets older, and stuff gets changed. we may see a system based on skill, and not spamming OP attacks and playing longer.
As they can (with one or two minor exceptions) Rift and LOTRO (and even in WOW in many cases) .. your point is again?
Let me answer those questions for you:
How did you prepare to tackle the fight for emperorship?
We practised a lot in beta loads and loads so we could jump right in on launch day and quickly take keeps to get me to emperor and made everyone in my guild help ME and ME alone to get emperor. We learned the tactics off by heart so we could quickly apply them on launch.
What advice do you have for players who want to become emperor?
Yes, play the game for 20 hours a day. Get your entire guild to help you. Choose a server where your faction dominates the map.
This is what he said:
"The feat of getting emperor is no easy one and it requires a good amount of one’s personal time to get to the top of the leaderboards. I am climbing my way back up to the top on Bloodthorn, but it will take more time. When the campaign leaderboards reset, expect to see Morkulth on the top of the campaign I am playing on."
1. It was pretty easy for you because you got it pretty much right after launch where there was no competition.
2. Why aren't you at the top? You were top of the scoreboard when you first got emperor...oh thats right, you got emperor easy and can't be bothered to get emperor when everyone else is playing because it's too difficult for you.
When the scoreboard resets I'd like you to go on a server where another faction dominates the map. Obviously next reset there will be more people getting emperor so it will be harder for you to get it because you got first emperor way too easy.
Some people can be on the top of the scoreboard for days and days and still get no emperor. I see someone on my campaign with 8.3 million points. How many points did this guy get when he was emperor??
"First Emperor" doesn't count. This whole article is a joke and an insult to those who have put time and effort into the game. It's like they're making him to be the best player in the game because he basically fast tracked to emperor. Why don't you interview a proper emperor who has spent weeks at the top of the leaderboard. That's someone who deserves emperor.