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Official Discussion Thread for "Audience with an Emperor: Morkulth"

  • Morkulth
    WeSlay wrote: »
    Entropy Rising has proven that in the course of three or four hours it is possible to get upwards of 400,000 Alliance Points by having a small group of coordinated individuals "who are a cohesive battle unit."

    i.e. they figured out how to camp inside resource towers :neutral_face:

    We actually do a lot of open field/use nature to our advantage to get alliance points. The resource towers is just an added bonus when we know we can't stand and fight on a flag.
    World First Emperor
    Masterclass Theatre
    Psijic Tester
    Entropy Rising
  • Cody

    "Not sure which campaign you are on, but I've seen various classes represented at the top of the leaderboards on Hopesfire and Wabbajack"

    i am in hopesfire actually, all i EVER see out of higher lvl players are mages. iv seen TWO warriors. but im not saying this guy sucks. being emporer does take skill

  • Wyldberry
    LOL all the crying hahhahah
  • daxdyson_ESO
    Exploiting to VR10, yea lets interview these Especially when they continually wipe to grps half their size!
  • Xaei
    Exploiting to VR10, yea lets interview these Especially when they continually wipe to grps half their size!

    Do you have any evidence he exploited?
  • Cody
    some of them do. iv seen it firsthand. htough not all of them
  • Cody
    lol. love how voicing your opinion is "crying"
  • daxdyson_ESO
    Xaei wrote: »
    Exploiting to VR10, yea lets interview these Especially when they continually wipe to grps half their size!

    Do you have any evidence he exploited?

    We were farming them as they were trying to get to a farming spot that was full of lvl 50 mobs that gave VR. I dunno, maybe there was just a ton of gold to be earned there =P
  • okatagaraath_ESO
    I have to say I'm thoroughly unimpressed by the feat in the case of Morkulth; that a guild as organized as Entropy Rising was able to power level their members to 10 in the first few hours isn't surprising. What was surprising was that they chose such an obscure campaign to push their way to victory with little to no opposition.

    Supporting the thought that it'll inspire equal amounts of opposing forces from the other factions ended up being completely unfounded, and by taking every single keep and fort on the map it led the way for Aldmeri Dominion's unwavering dominance. Seeing the damage dealt to this campaign by the greedy actions of a few power gamers is one of the reasons I've lost interest in the game. I may pop back in for a month subscription in the future, but for now all I can do is shake my head that ZoS has chosen to interview Morkluth as if he achieved something.
  • SatchmoJones
    Big suprise, the leaders of one of the largest eso fan sites and PTS access since god knows when achieves the emperor title first. Who cares?
  • Nazon_Katts
    Considering the state Rv... AvA is in, I do not think that's something you should be bragging about in your sig. You deserve acknowledgment, I even applaud you for being so lucky to make it first, but putting it in your sig? Really?

    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Robvenom
    lol what a joke! Just like the rest of the game.
    Puppet the Peanut - Templar Tank/Healer
  • coppersloane
    Exploiting to VR10, yea lets interview these Especially when they continually wipe to grps half their size!

    They'd be stupid not to interview the first Emperor. He didn't cheat to get it. He got it, and he was the first. Some things have to be honored, no matter what you personally think.
    Edited by coppersloane on 4 May 2014 05:21
    Raen Severus . Imperial . Rank 10 Vampire . Nightbow
    Adamus Regulus . Imperial . Craftsman
    GM of NACHT
  • Cody
    all iv done is talk crap though. what do I think about morkulth? I have not, nor will I likely ever, face him. so idk how he fights. he could be completely lying about his abilities and be another AOE spammer, he could be telling the truth, idk. nor do I know if he power leveled in 3 days, or quested and explored. from what I have heard, he picked a campaign that had a lot more AD players than anyone else, if so, im not impressed at all. if he is as good as he thinks he is, he needs to join a more balanced campaign, or join a campaign where the AD is losing, and boost them up, not join one where the AD is already winning. I agree about what he said about groups, and how small groups can cause much havoc. He SOUNDS to have put a lot of time into it, if so. he deserves to be emperor, and good for him. My only wish, was that he not be a mage:/ idk how it is in other campaigns, but the one im in, ALL the emperors/resses have been mages(actually, except for 1 or 2. 1 was a warrior, other was I THINK, a Templar) and 95% of the ADs V10 hordes in my Campaign, are mages of some kind. but that's not a fault of the game, that's just my opinion. I just want to see an emperor who is not a mage:) not morkulths fault. I think he sounded just a bit arrogant, but cant blame him. he is emperor:) Cant wait to see someone in the Pact be emperor/ress
    Edited by Cody on 4 May 2014 05:31
  • coppersloane
    Raen Severus . Imperial . Rank 10 Vampire . Nightbow
    Adamus Regulus . Imperial . Craftsman
    GM of NACHT
  • crawford132_ESO
    Soul Shriven
  • kosac
    Zenimax, do you plan make interview with all emperors? With emperors who take lead by wrong game mechanics like Vampirism ultimate with
    invulnerability.. or DK with their nonstop cc mechanism? maybe try play your pvp and test it how "funny" its is :(
  • oldkye
    Congratulations ^.^

    On any other MMO such as WoW or Aion or FF14 finding the best builds you can, leveling quickly with guild support, practice before hand, and sinking your time into something like this is praised if not expected in order to accomplish it.

    The only downside I've noticed on ESO is about half of the players are fans of the single player elder scrolls games and have never or rarely touched a MMO in their lives to any of us that have played them we know to even be "on" the high end of a leader board means hours and hours and hours of work and accept that most of us can't do that.

    But to these new players they seem to feel almost like it's cheating or that they deserve to have a fair chance without the hours, with out the support, and without the planning which means they are still thinking they are playing a single player game well they will learn at some point saying they don't like it changes nothing it will be a hard lesson.

    So again congratulations you deserve it. o7
  • Firmament
    My determination to be the best at anything and everything (...)
  • teh_pwnisher
    Soul Shriven
    This is why we can't have nice things.

    Anyway, congrats to the dude.
  • Nybling
    This thread is toxic, this community should be pretty embarassed by some of the people commenting in this thread.
    Member, Entropy Rising
    - Beta Tester since March 2013.
    - Psijic Tester since October 2013
    - Veteran Rank 16 once upon a time
  • Nazon_Katts
    Showing just a bit of decency and some royal understatement would have gone a long way not appearing so outright arrogant. But I blame ZOS for putting him on that pedastal, which quite frankly was just a bad PR move. 'Winning' a bugged, rigged and imbalanced game is no noteworthy achievement and bragging about it makes you just a bad winner.

    And apparently this community is pretty embarrassed by his boastful demeanor and coming here to make vague accusations doesn't make this thread less toxic either.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Nybling
    Showing just a bit of decency and some royal understatement would have gone a long way not appearing so outright arrogant. But I blame ZOS for putting him on that pedastal, which quite frankly was just a bad PR move. 'Winning' a bugged, rigged and imbalanced game is no noteworthy achievement and bragging about it makes you just a bad winner.

    I can tell you are new to online games, but it's okay to be jealous because you'll never be Emperor in ESO. Just don't spend your time hating on those that do, it's unhealthy.

    Member, Entropy Rising
    - Beta Tester since March 2013.
    - Psijic Tester since October 2013
    - Veteran Rank 16 once upon a time
  • Nazon_Katts
    Your knowledge about human nature leaves much room for improvement and your delusion of grandeur doesn't impress me the slightest. But thanks for caring, can't say I'd return the favor, to be perfectly honest.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • coppersloane
    Your knowledge about human nature leaves much room for improvement and your delusion of grandeur doesn't impress me the slightest. But thanks for caring, can't say I'd return the favor, to be perfectly honest.

    Please, cry more.

    Raen Severus . Imperial . Rank 10 Vampire . Nightbow
    Adamus Regulus . Imperial . Craftsman
    GM of NACHT
  • SinisterJoint
    Nybling wrote: »
    Showing just a bit of decency and some royal understatement would have gone a long way not appearing so outright arrogant. But I blame ZOS for putting him on that pedastal, which quite frankly was just a bad PR move. 'Winning' a bugged, rigged and imbalanced game is no noteworthy achievement and bragging about it makes you just a bad winner.

    I can tell you are new to online games, but it's okay to be jealous because you'll never be Emperor in ESO. Just don't spend your time hating on those that do, it's unhealthy.

    Typical of someone to come on and defend another that got something they clearly didn't work for. Face it, dawnbreaker is a crap campaign with a sever population disadvantage.

    It's ok though, I know you wont admit it. I also know that your next response will be "you're jealous" "cry moar" or "l2p". It's pretty common amongst people who take the easy road.

    Not to mention that half your guild is rocking the ever so OP and soon to be nerfed Vamp. Running around batswarmin with your invis morph. Lol @ these clowns.


  • okatagaraath_ESO
    Nybling wrote: »
    This thread is toxic, this community should be pretty embarassed by some of the people commenting in this thread.
    Nybling wrote: »
    I can tell you are new to online games, but it's okay to be jealous because you'll never be Emperor in ESO. Just don't spend your time hating on those that do, it's unhealthy.
    You don't seem to be contributing much in way of constructive discussion.

  • Robvenom
    Nybling wrote: »
    This thread is toxic, this community should be pretty embarassed by some of the people commenting in this thread.
    Nybling wrote: »

    I can tell you are new to online games, but it's okay to be jealous because you'll never be Emperor in ESO. Just don't spend your time hating on those that do, it's unhealthy.

    So because the community recognises that this is no great achievement and is not something that we should all bend at the knee for and give our ever lasting praise we are jealous?

    Your comments show us all the attitude of your guild and its members.

    A worthy guild would come out and say 'hey you know what, how we achieved this was a joke. It was not something worth commending and we would like to help the community and the game by providing our constructive feedback to make the system better'."

    But no, instead you call people jealous and say they are new to online gaming.

    Well done.
    Edited by Robvenom on 5 May 2014 04:42
    Puppet the Peanut - Templar Tank/Healer
  • Locksoli
    I wonder if they interview vamps and werewolves around halloween. seems like the right time to do that...
  • captain_awesome
    Did we have an Emperor that wasn't a Vampire yet?

    If so who?
    Dominion FTW.
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