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Official Discussion Thread for "Audience with an Emperor: Morkulth"

  • Alexandrious
    Nybling, since you are a representative of your guild, being as I see that your an officer, you honestly should have handled your words better, thankfully in your favor, hardly anyone comes to these forums anyway, so little to no reputation lost, but take advice from someone who has done damage control in clans for over 15 years, in a situation like this, its better to say nothing, and walk away, it is not worth the reputation damage, again, thankfully, hardly anyone reads these forums, so really little to no damage done. Though if I underestimated you a bit, I may assume you intentionally incited people, knowing that.

    Congrats to your guild and the achievement, whether you done it via exploit, 20 hour a day plays, strategic play, or simply being the quickest, your guild and your emperor should be congratulated regardless.

    I pray that by next campaign, all the problems, will be fixed and populations balanced out, I too plan to try for emperor next campaign, sadly I may have to put in 5x the effort your emperor did to do so. Tbh I didnt even plan to come into this game until my partner dragged me into it, haha.
    Edited by Alexandrious on 5 May 2014 11:14
  • captain_awesome
    Congrats to your guild and the achievement, whether you done it via exploit, 20 hour a day plays, strategic play, or simply being the quickest, you should be congratulated regardless.

    Congratulated if they exploited? Seriously?!

    -Rep yourself for that... That is an awful attitude.
    Dominion FTW.
  • Alexandrious
    Congrats to your guild and the achievement, whether you done it via exploit, 20 hour a day plays, strategic play, or simply being the quickest, you should be congratulated regardless.

    Congratulated if they exploited? Seriously?!

    -Rep yourself for that... That is an awful attitude.

    Exploit or not, however they did it, they done it, and if anyone is to honestly blame for it, if anything they did was either an exploit, or bad game design, it is not their faults, but Zenimax's for allowing it to happen or designing it that way, you should ALL be directing your ire at Zenimax instead. The guild officer should have handled things better yes, but its really Zenimax you should all be angry at.
  • captain_awesome
    Congrats to your guild and the achievement, whether you done it via exploit, 20 hour a day plays, strategic play, or simply being the quickest, you should be congratulated regardless.

    Congratulated if they exploited? Seriously?!

    -Rep yourself for that... That is an awful attitude.

    Exploit or not, however they did it, they done it, and if anyone is to honestly blame for it, if anything they did was either an exploit, or bad game design, it is not their faults, but Zenimax's for allowing it to happen or designing it that way, you should ALL be directing your ire at Zenimax instead. The guild officer should have handled things better yes, but its really Zenimax you should all be angry at.

    Once again an awful attitude.

    If its an exploit even the players with the IQ of a grape know its an exploit. And as such they should not do it. Saying it's ok because Zenimax made an error in programming is pathetic and weak. Some people today have no values and standards. Where is your integrity?

    If they exploited they should be banned. Not applauded.
    Dominion FTW.
  • Nazon_Katts
    Your knowledge about human nature leaves much room for improvement and your delusion of grandeur doesn't impress me the slightest. But thanks for caring, can't say I'd return the favor, to be perfectly honest.

    Please, cry more.

    Now, what a well thought out and intelligent reply. Impressive. But it reminds me that all those who didn't post here, said it best by saying nothing at all. So no tears for you and I'll wear my big, fat grin elsewhere.

    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Dilarn
    yeah a big thing guy... play a sorc with bugusing Vamp and overhelm a nearly empty Cyrodiil-World. Wuhuuu what a great emperor... NOT!. Vote for wipeing the first emps, fix the vamp + bugs and do it again. And next time... dont polish bugusing freaks their ego....
  • hrdndv_ESO
    I was in this surge to emperorship and at one point was ranked 3rd to be emperor. Morkulth was a very good leader and he did encourage us to win. His organization was superb. There was hardly a dull moment in the mad rush to defeat all foes. The only confusion was over the Elder Scrolls. We lost a keep because most of the army suddenly ran off to get the scroll. But it was all fun.
  • Keffertjes
    Does some one even deserve the emperor????

    i mean is there an emperor that dindnt exploited the Kill 20 players qeust the first 3 days???

    or lets not get started about people that got RV10 full legendary in a week xD. (speedhack)

    This article is indeed a joke ^^
  • captain_awesome
    Dilarn wrote: »
    yeah a big thing guy... play a sorc with bugusing Vamp and overhelm a nearly empty Cyrodiil-World. Wuhuuu what a great emperor... NOT!. Vote for wipeing the first emps, fix the vamp + bugs and do it again. And next time... dont polish bugusing freaks their ego....

    +1 They should do this. But..

    They wont do it though because they already applauded the first wave of exploiting emperors. Whether its the vamp exploit, the kill 20 players or whatever other exploit is out there. Just like in every other game out there its the exploiting players that win the day. Will there ever be a Dev team that actually cares about the non-exploiting players? They don't care as long as they get paid. It's a waste of time playing pvp with these bugs and exploits, maybe in 6 months it will be better.
    Dominion FTW.
  • musicman_bass_playerb14_ESO
    Not sure whats going on but congratz!
    now that's out of the way I have some questions
    What is entropy rising. I've been playing since release and I've been all over forums. never heard of it. Second, we have highscores in this game? I thought the point of this game was to run around and kill stuff and quest, not kill stuff and quest then compare who can stand to do it the longest.
  • Alexandrious
    Congrats to your guild and the achievement, whether you done it via exploit, 20 hour a day plays, strategic play, or simply being the quickest, you should be congratulated regardless.

    Congratulated if they exploited? Seriously?!

    -Rep yourself for that... That is an awful attitude.

    Exploit or not, however they did it, they done it, and if anyone is to honestly blame for it, if anything they did was either an exploit, or bad game design, it is not their faults, but Zenimax's for allowing it to happen or designing it that way, you should ALL be directing your ire at Zenimax instead. The guild officer should have handled things better yes, but its really Zenimax you should all be angry at.

    Once again an awful attitude.

    If its an exploit even the players with the IQ of a grape know its an exploit. And as such they should not do it. Saying it's ok because Zenimax made an error in programming is pathetic and weak. Some people today have no values and standards. Where is your integrity?

    If they exploited they should be banned. Not applauded.

    Sighs, I just noticed your name, so im gonna give you, and the ignorant others, a day to figure out, why Zenimax congrats them, instead of banning, or the very least, roll back, the first emperor and everyone else involved, before I have to make you and the others screaming exploit look very stupid.

    Think, hard.

    Edited by Alexandrious on 5 May 2014 20:08
  • Cody
    idk what you mean by WE(as in the pact or the community) but I myself have seen former emps(AD) who were not vamps.
  • NordJitsu
    There's no reason to be rude to Morkulth or any other Emperor, but I do agree that the system as is kinda sucks.

    One of the problems is the low pop servers. People are using this to farm the Emperor line. Big guilds join these small servers, zerg them, get one guy Emp, he leaves, then they zerg it again to get a second guy Emp.

    Its trivialized the whole thing. There's no way of knowing whether someone is a legitimate Emperor or a farmer.

    Also, I don't like the way the leaderboards are designed. Getting Emperor often means you farmed a lot of Scouting Quests, healed while low level (since healing and being underlevel both get you more XP), or stood next to the most zerg fights (since you get credit even if you do nothing and the amount of the credit is dependent on the size of the fight.)

    I'd much prefer a system that rewarded skill rather than hours played. Things like kill death ratio, damage taken versus damage dealt, amount of healing done, ect.

    You know, actual skill based metrics.

    Ya it would be more complex to develop. It would also be more complex for players to understand (preferably it would be 100% hidden from us) making it harder to game the system.

    Emperor sounded like a cool system when it was announced. But I'm entirely unimpressed with the implementation.

    Maybe we could (at least) get an alternative rule set campaign where Emperor is determined by skill instead of /played?
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • Pmarsico9
    If I could get into Cyrodiil without locking up on the loading screen, I'd love to see what this game's PVP is like :'(
    I loved it in Beta!
  • ChairGraveyard
    oldkye wrote: »
    Congratulations ^.^

    On any other MMO such as WoW or Aion or FF14 finding the best builds you can, leveling quickly with guild support, practice before hand, and sinking your time into something like this is praised if not expected in order to accomplish it.

    The only downside I've noticed on ESO is about half of the players are fans of the single player elder scrolls games and have never or rarely touched a MMO in their lives to any of us that have played them we know to even be "on" the high end of a leader board means hours and hours and hours of work and accept that most of us can't do that.

    But to these new players they seem to feel almost like it's cheating or that they deserve to have a fair chance without the hours, with out the support, and without the planning which means they are still thinking they are playing a single player game well they will learn at some point saying they don't like it changes nothing it will be a hard lesson.

    So again congratulations you deserve it. o7

    No one thinks getting Emperor on an empty campaign is impressive, and ER got called out on it. Heaven forbid not everyone finds facerolling an empty campaign impressive.

    Boo hoo, deal with it.
    Edited by ChairGraveyard on 5 May 2014 23:53
  • ZalzanKavol
    Soul Shriven
    Wow, what a bunch of bitterly jealous whining from all the people who couldn't do it so they want to devalue the accomplishments of someone who did. Congratulations Morkulth, you were the first and all the whiny complainers and naysayers can never take that away from you. Good job!
  • Cody
    its not jealousy. Granted, some people commenting are fools who have done nothing but talk crap, but there have been some valid points made. we don't know if this guy is an actual emp or a farmer. his guild says he actually played, but how do we know? according to sources, he picked a campaign that barley had ANY opposition, AND he got V10 in 3 days..... only way to do that is to power grind and farm the PvP quests. We don't know how he actually fights. he could just be another AOE spammer, or a VAMP ult spamer. I could go a long time. point is, his feat is really not that impressive. he still deserves praise, but he has no place to act as arrogant as he did in the article. Simple as that. I myself am not jealous. I actually DONT want to be emporer:) as soon as this guy goes to a campaign that actually gives him a challenge, he will have PROPERLY earned his spot. Not by farming and fighting a 10:1 campaign. Though im not saying he was completely arrogant. there were several things molkulth said that I agreed with. and im sure that once more people join the EP and DC, and those factions get more V10s of their own, he will get better, and will become worthy of his position as emperor.
    Edited by Cody on 6 May 2014 02:47
  • Robvenom
    Wow, what a bunch of bitterly jealous whining from all the people who couldn't do it so they want to devalue the accomplishments of someone who did. Congratulations Morkulth, you were the first and all the whiny complainers and naysayers can never take that away from you. Good job!

    Congrats on being a sheep.
    Puppet the Peanut - Templar Tank/Healer
  • coppersloane
    The general attitude and lack of decency among a lot of gamers these days almost (almost) makes me want to quit gaming altogether.

    Raen Severus . Imperial . Rank 10 Vampire . Nightbow
    Adamus Regulus . Imperial . Craftsman
    GM of NACHT
  • Reinmard
    Strange, I want to say "congratz dude u are awesome u did something ill never do"
    But the other side of me is like " Ill never do it because I dont like exploiting and using disgusting strategies" so I do not which side choose!
  • LonePirate
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    Also, I don't like the way the leaderboards are designed. Getting Emperor often means you farmed a lot of Scouting Quests, healed while low level (since healing and being underlevel both get you more XP)

    I have a couple of quibbles here. First, the Scouting Missions offer 250 AP so someone would need to complete 4000 of them just reach 1 million AP. The leaderboards on most campaigns are dominated by players with well over 1 million AP so farming Scouting Missions is not earning anyone Emperor. It's not like these missions are sending players to places just outside the main gates.

    You may be right about being underleveled and being a healer; but I have played as a healer at VR2 and VR3 and the AP I have received has been absurdly low, barely 1000-2000 over a couple of hours, if I am lucky. Maybe I am doing it wrong or maybe I should try something besides Mutagen.

    Otherwise, I agree with your post.

    Congrats to Morkulth, even if I am not impressed. He had already been playing full-time on the PTS for months and months - an experience and knowledge edge the vast majority of players do not have. It is to be expected for someone like him to claim the first Emperor title. In reality, this achievement was little more than the Chicago Cubs defeating a high school team. Hopefully the next interview will be with someone who hasn't played for a year or more and actually had to learn and claw their way to the title.
    Edited by LonePirate on 6 May 2014 13:34
  • fambaab16_ESO
    Everyone who is above lvl 49 and is a vamp is welcome in Cyrodiil
  • NordJitsu

    Ya, sorry, I should have been more clear. Under normal circumstances, Scouting Quests aren't gonna get you there. However, there were a few bugged scouting quests that were repeatable. I'm ashamed to say that I personally know someone who took advantage of this (though he's not on my campaign) to farm the quests over and over again.

    The broader point about the scoring still stands though.

    The leaderboards don't reward skill. They aren't any measure of skill.

    They measure (at best) hours played and (at worst) a players ability to intelligently game the system to farm points.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • Endlessa
    Soul Shriven
    Meh. . .all this bickering is beside the point. It was momentous and marked because it was the first. Regardless, that's that.

    I do agree that the article came off a bit egotistical, but hey nobody said this guy is a professional writer or anything. He was just the first emp.

    They should have never focused on the combat/strat used to become first emp. Obviously it was a race, not a skilled fight to the top. Those who could game the system the fastest won the reward.

    Yes, pvp needs help, duh. . .vamp, DK, etc. . .scream, cry, laugh. . .they are working on it.

    What will be interesting is when the next round of campaign starts, hopefully with most of these bugs fixed.

    Seriously, the first 30 days has barely run out. Anybody who's played MMOs knows/knew this would be the craziest 30 days with skill balance and bugs.

    grow up. have patience.
    Edited by Endlessa on 7 May 2014 06:08
  • KerinKor
    Endlessa wrote: »
    grow up. have patience.
    Many 'millenials' (the prime demographic for MMOs these days) don't have it, they want it and they want it NOW, that's why MMOs are dumbed down with a simplistic game-play, little depth to the mechanics and instant gratification is the order of the day.

    Edited by KerinKor on 7 May 2014 09:14
  • popatiberiuoneb18_ESO
    All I got out of this is "If you want to win be on the side with the most players and spam bolt escape!"

    Yes since every bolt escape one doese, 20 players die :) im sick of listening to the bolt escape whines (yes i play a sorc and abuse it to the max and you wont catch me unless you can shield charge or critical charge or mist form or riding an upgraded speed horse or being in pull range or being a sorc specced for bolt escape with at least as much magika as me) im totaly fine with giving it up for 1 pick of any other class (green blood from dk, spammable incombat stealth from nb, backlash from templar are just few examples) and yes, i agree it is broken as it is now, the 2s stun from the tooltip info doesnt work and with all the cost reduction ingame you can get the cost fairly low. Using it for fighting only gets my magika regen reduced into oblivion for ~5 sec and only thing i can use it for is getting away and chasing runaways. And yes, you need to spec for it, cost reduction sets, jewels, etc. unless you want to run out of magika in a few casts. I would like it revamped into being more of a situational/positioning skill rather then a spammable mobility skill, i can use my horse when im out picking mushrooms, ty.

    Anyhow back on track with this tread. Altough i find the emperor sistem as being broken and the bonuses it gives as being absurd, i agree it takes alot of dedication and planning (or exploiting, not saying this is the case here). Gz for emperor, you planned ahead and got on top. Well played :)
  • popatiberiuoneb18_ESO
    NookyZooky wrote: »

    "Not sure which campaign you are on, but I've seen various classes represented at the top of the leaderboards on Hopesfire and Wabbajack"

    i am in hopesfire actually, all i EVER see out of higher lvl players are mages. iv seen TWO warriors. but im not saying this guy sucks. being emporer does take skill

    wrong game? :) there are no warriors or mages in ESO, the playable classes are sorcerer, dragon knight, templar and nightblade and there are no archetypes for tank, melee dps, ranged dps, caster, healer, etc., everyone can be anything given they have enough skillpoints or respec gold
  • Cody
    by "warriors" I ment people that use sword and shield, or greatswords
    iv seen 2 people that do not use magic, is what i ment by that
    i myself just want to see an emporer that is not a mage:/. at least in my campaign. idk how it is with the other campaigns.
    Edited by Cody on 7 May 2014 19:48
  • Cody
    i don't use the term "dragonknight" a lot. as most DKs I see are warrior like players. i do need to be more specific, but that has nothing to do with what i was trying to say
    Edited by Cody on 7 May 2014 19:50
  • Cody
    and when i see people use magic i just call them mages. i don't really pay mind to specific names
    Edited by Cody on 7 May 2014 19:50
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