This is all that matters. The scary thing is that it might not take a few months...Academic case of "preaching for your own church".
When evereyone - except some people who play those particular builds - thinks there's an issue with half a dozen skills, there is an issue with half a dozen skills.
I do very well understand you want to keep your AoE spamming vampire DK as is, taking on 30+ people playing other builds, but in a few months when Cyrodiil is be down to a few dozens of vampires spamming their bats on each other, I doubt Zenimax sees it as a financial and gaming success.
Reported for trolling
you simply have no idea
Academic case of "preaching for your own church".
When evereyone - except some people who play those particular builds - thinks there's an issue with half a dozen skills, there is an issue with half a dozen skills.
I do very well understand you want to keep your AoE spamming vampire DK as is, taking on 30+ people playing other builds, but in a few months when Cyrodiil is be down to a few dozens of vampires spamming their bats on each other, I doubt Zenimax sees it as a financial and gaming success.
Academic case of "preaching for your own church".
When evereyone - except some people who play those particular builds - thinks there's an issue with half a dozen skills, there is an issue with half a dozen skills.
I do very well understand you want to keep your AoE spamming vampire DK as is, taking on 30+ people playing other builds, but in a few months when Cyrodiil is be down to a few dozens of vampires spamming their bats on each other, I doubt Zenimax sees it as a financial and gaming success.
100% agree.
It's hilarious to me that the OP would say today's gamers want everything handed to them when they want to get vamp powers and have everything handed to him. As you said in this post--very nearly everyone EXCEPT those abusing this clearly OP nonsense believes that it is silly nonsense that completely undercuts one of the BIGGEST selling points of this game (that you can have a huge list of build possibilities due to the freedom of character development).
OP is whiny and @TedLevine is self-entitled. They want to be self-entitled to solo entire groups of players because they can mash a single button. Nonsense.
you simply have no idea
Wow, just wow. I just handed you a couple of tactics, that mind you we use and do work, against the very things that the entire forum is in an uproar about, and this is the response.
I mean you didn't even bother to submit your opinions on why it wouldn't work you just dismissed the idea all together.
Try it, just try it. Please.
Nick_Klaus wrote: »Funny most of these vampires are from Ebonheart Pact. All campaigns are spoiled because "Ultimate" cheat.
Watch and tell me how this is still allowed? 0 Ultimate.
MustyBritches wrote: »Anyone remember the way Warhammer handled early balancing? They DIDN'T! and it cost them the entire game! People left by the tens of thousands early on because of the abuse of AEO's with no need for LOS. They eventually fixed the problems, but it was far too late, they waited 6 months while a couple of classes were just facerolling the entire population of the game.
Academic case of "preaching for your own church".
When evereyone - except some people who play those particular builds - thinks there's an issue with half a dozen skills, there is an issue with half a dozen skills.
I do very well understand you want to keep your AoE spamming vampire DK as is, taking on 30+ people playing other builds, but in a few months when Cyrodiil is be down to a few dozens of vampires spamming their bats on each other, I doubt Zenimax sees it as a financial and gaming success.
There is a ton of balance issues with this game and yes, there will be whining for other skill combinations once the vamp will be fixed, because they are unbalanced. The problem with the game is that it's main focus is PvE and it will always be the priority, hence the PvP balance will suffer as a result for a very long time if not indefinitely.
The vamp cheese is just the most glaring and annoying. Yes, you _sometimes_ can kill the god like vampire build bu it requires a lot of co-ordination, very specific builds and is really not comparable in resource spent and risk taken vs what the vampire cheese builds face.
the game drastically needs:
1) more equilibrium in stamina users vs magicka users
2) more magicka muting skills and magicka draining skills
3) reliable lockdowns vs high mobility skills (for example while rooted you should not be able to bolt away, mist is already locked)
4) more detection tools for invis and stealthed targets
if every build will have a multitude of reliable counters and where a vast majority of skills will be usable in PvP, then the PvP is balanced. Currently not a lot of skills are PvP applicable and some builds are too good, because they have almost no reliable counter and it requires an extreme amount of co-ordination and use of resources just to bring one down and even then it is difficult.
Catch ANYONE in a Null Field and THEY ARE DEAD.
I am not arguing on the merits of whether the skill/s are broken, I am not arguing on whether it should be changed, in fact I am not arguing your point at all. My problem with this whole cry nerf on Vampires is, everyone JUST wants a nerf, when there are clearly counters to a Vampire and no one wants to learn how to use them.
Over time we may see other very powerful builds. Maybe the bat trick is just one of many to come. How about we stay cool about it for just a while longer, put on the creative hat, and when more people have reach v10, we will have a much more realistic picture of what is actually overpowered or not.
the problem isn't that tweaks don't need to happen. The problem is people DEMAND outright reworking and major changes to fit particular situations. First thing I recall seeing was VERY briefly NB, then Templars, then DKs so OP... then sorcerer, then vamp... I can honestly say I've never seen WW OP thread, but I might have been sleeping idk.
roflcopter wrote: »I see alot of "I find a way to kill vamps"
to be honest I haven't touched PVP (and I am a big pvper) yet because of some of the posts on this subject, not worth my aggravation. ...
As soon as you hit level 10, start spending time in Cyrodiil. I see no reason not to except for preference toward PvE content.