Good morning/afternoon/evening:
Let me just say, that I am -extremely- happy with this game and I've already brought three friends along to play it who are equally as pleased with it, if not more so.
We four have all agreed that we would like to see a couple more classes added to the game, or at least skill lines themselves.
Those classes would be:
Monk - basically, we want an unarmed skill tree that is designed to benefit from using light armor in a melee fashion, with passive bonuses that add health totals and stamina, and especially damage resistances per piece of light armor equipped. Active skills would include a variety of punches and kicks and an improved dodging mechanic for monks, as well as perhaps the addition of melee staves into the game. We also agreed that the game needs a second class that adds another healing tree to the game, and this class seems like a great choice for that. A Tanking defensive tree, of course a melee martial arts tree, and a healing tree would be great.
Druid - Something that many people want, and seems the Elder Scrolls has never provided, not really. Addition of spears to the game with this class, and give it a healing tree, an elemental tree focusing on wind and cold attacks (Tornadoes and Hurricanes come to mind of course), and perhaps a shape shifting and summoning tree that focuses on poisons, summoning bee/wasp swarms, such as a spider form or a snake form with some web CC or constriction attacks, something different than other MMO's who use the standard cat, bear or tree forms (as if nature is that limited). Also something not utilized in other games is Druids who may summon stationary plants (the art is already in the game!) that attack nearby foes like a natural turret or heal allies nearby.
Lapidary - We want to see something more with jewelry. So much potential.
Woodworking needs a good deal of help. Since melee staves and spears would be added with the two classes above, it would be awesome for there to be "wooden" armors added to the game with the addition of the Druid, and a "Natural" schematic added to the crafting list in addition to the racial schematics. Also, Woodworking could bring in Totems or Fetishes that take up a jewelry spot. Just an idea/suggestion.
Thanks for listening!