They're a bunch of elitists from GW2 that can't seem to wrap their head around the ESO game design.
Based off this video I would say this is a learn 2 play issue. Lol all those people trying to catch the sorceror on foot! We got some players smart enough to mount at least. You just cant catch the fastest class with a slow class and thats a pretty common theme in games with classes. If your playing team fortress do you whine that a scout runs faster then your heavy? Get real people.
I have seen it wipe 10-20 players at a time who can't pay attention in less than 10 seconds without heals. How can it do this with it doing only 1/2 HP over a 15 second period???
Also test Bash in PvE and then test it in PvP it does WAY more damage. Also just because there are glyphs on bash damage doesn't mean it is supposed to be the MOST viable damage ability a Shield Tank can have. Your argument's make absolutely no sense. Not to mention I said it was an interrupt that doesn't mean it isn't supposed to do damage just not at the degree it is doing. ALL stamina abilities are scaling VERY high damage wise at the moment.
I'm very happy for you that you can avoid these abilities but TBH you sound like FOTM Basher playing the tough guy card because you don't want your little secret nerfed.
Come to Auriel's Bow, Wabbajack or Goldbrand NA I'd love to see you and some buddies go up against myself and some of my friends. We'll see how well you hold up.
So your next post better have a time/campaign and how many people you are bringing otherwise I'll ignore you as the non-factor tough guy I think you are.
Non-Factor post is non factor
And bring some numbers....youre just saying whatever you want when its actually wrong. The aoe dmg from standard is about 125 per tick (per second) I think its either 10 or 15 sec duration. That means it does about 1,250 up to about 1800.
BTW your math is so grossly incorrect it's hysterical. Over 15 seconds the ability does 1250 to 1800. That means it does 84-120 damage a sec. i said over 10 seconds it kills people. AND NO ONE is using Synergy this is a SOLO DK doing this.
That's 840dmg to 1200 damage. So even a LvL 10 would survive the Ultimate if you were right. But you are not even close to being right.
I especially liked how when you typed you asked to go slower as if you were talking, this must be your first time on a forum.
Also FOTM means Flavor of the Month. Are you like a Battlefield or COD player or something not to know that? Your ability to call out people is incredible yet you lack even the most basic of MMO terminology. Much credibility to you, this is definitely your first rodeo.
Still waiting on a campaign and time. Oh yeah I forgot you are PRO at Dodging out of everything.
And bring some numbers....youre just saying whatever you want when its actually wrong. The aoe dmg from standard is about 125 per tick (per second) I think its either 10 or 15 sec duration. That means it does about 1,250 up to about 1800.
BTW your math is so grossly incorrect it's hysterical. Over 15 seconds the ability does 1250 to 1800. That means it does 84-120 damage a sec. i said over 10 seconds it kills people. AND NO ONE is using Synergy this is a SOLO DK doing this.
That's 840dmg to 1200 damage. So even a LvL 10 would survive the Ultimate if you were right. But you are not even close to being right.
I'm not even right? I was actually pretty spot on. I quoted myself so you can see it. I said it hits about 125dmg per sec. So lets work this out together class.
10(secs) x 125 (dmg) = 1,250 (total damage)
15(secs) x 125 (dmg) = 1875 (total damage)I especially liked how when you typed you asked to go slower as if you were talking, this must be your first time on a forum.
Says the guy who can't do math....Also FOTM means Flavor of the Month. Are you like a Battlefield or COD player or something not to know that? Your ability to call out people is incredible yet you lack even the most basic of MMO terminology. Much credibility to you, this is definitely your first rodeo.
Still waiting on a campaign and time. Oh yeah I forgot you are PRO at Dodging out of everything.
Excuse me for taking a few years of break from the MMO standard. I'll try to be more leet like you sir so when I get my ass kicked in the game...I will not how to properly whine on the forums with the correct acronyms.
I roll on all kinds of campaigns and all kinds of times. You're not even worth it for me bud. I'm not going to waste an hour of my time trying to schedule something and meeting up on TS.
You people do realise that that horse guy has infinitive stamina?
Exploits must not be an arguent!
Catching these blinking guys is extremly hard for 2-3 players.
Getting ooc takes "hours" and if he knows what he is doing the chase will take forever.
You come here acting like your a boss with work arounds but you aren't taking into account how other classes cannot bring anything to the table on equal power level.I don't understand the crying over Bolt Escape when Shield Bash and DK Standard are what is really causing PvP to be unbalanced.
Are people playing the same game I am?
What is it about Bolt Escape that makes it so OP? You run away....
If a Scroll Carrier has it no one will be able to keep up with him so you CUT THEM OFF. Then they are screwed and alone. Scroll dropped....
Seriously, Bash and DK Standard are the real issue in PvP atm. bash is just broken and DK standard cost to little for how unbelievably damaging it is to AoE targets.
If you are stupid enough to stay in a standard....then you deserve to die. The aoe ring is not that big.
Pro tip....if you are out of the will NOT kill you.
And bash cant do ANY dmg to you if you are even 2-3 feet away. If you constantly stand right on somebody and deserved it.
Bash hits an avg of 275 (and thats with my purple bashing enchant)...where as others like hidden blade can easily hit for 500+ without critting. Let alone a snipe opener hitting for 1200+.
Non of these are op and all have their drawbacks. Learn to work around then instead of whining about that too.
Actually all horses have infinite run speed if you hold down sprint. This is a designed mechanic and was intentionally changed to work this way by ZOS. This is not even the fastest horse, it's only at 41% out of 75% when fully upgraded.
Really isn't hard to catch up to them and nor is it really that hard to gun them down because they're alone 90% of the time and easy to take out unless they run with a group.
Actually all horses have infinite run speed if you hold down sprint. This is a designed mechanic and was intentionally changed to work this way by ZOS. This is not even the fastest horse, it's only at 41% out of 75% when fully upgraded.
Really isn't hard to catch up to them and nor is it really that hard to gun them down because they're alone 90% of the time and easy to take out unless they run with a group.
Yeah... that´s why the horses you buy have different amounts of stamina.
It´s a bug and you do not use bugs as arguments about stuff like this... otherwise there would have been a patchnote like
"all horses have infitive stamina now and the black one is useless now".
Of course I could be wrong and I didnt see the patch... since beta.
In that case I would be pleased to see that patch note.
Until then you proved that one needs to exploit bugs to outrun bolt escape.
Wow deadmedic! Thats quite the pile of dirt you are tossing around there! Love the way you call thrm elitis gamers, and yourself a veteran gamer! What are you a veteran gamer off? The keyboard war or the dirt tossing game? You do seem competent in both.
Now, I dont agree with everything ER says and do, but i start to find the random bashing off them to get old. Im personal very happy for all the work they do on Tamrial Foundry, and all all the hours they spend on showing the game on twitch and YouTube. Now you guys can keep bashing them all you want, it only makes you look like you have a serious inferior conplex, and loke the fat child that didnt get his slice of the cake.
I will rather listen to players that have spend and documented countless hours on the game, then forum warriors bashing said players, for nothing but pure spite. Just because they are from ER does not makes their arguments less invalid.
You're over simplifying what I said, and your sarcastic commentary in retrospect is off target.
I'm all for nerfing something that is causing major problems. All I am saying is we actually have to understand what the problem is.
If the problem has something to do with the calculations of some mathematical algorythm... then that's one thing.
But if the problem is simply that people are getting butt-hurt over something stupid... then that's an entirely different issue.
To be honest... I'm not entirely convinced that there is any issue with the ability other than people being butt-hurt. So I say - no - no nerfs until someone brings something substantial to the table other than inflamed rhetoric based on personal subjective experience.
beravinprb19_ESO wrote: »
You're over simplifying what I said, and your sarcastic commentary in retrospect is off target.
I'm all for nerfing something that is causing major problems. All I am saying is we actually have to understand what the problem is.
If the problem has something to do with the calculations of some mathematical algorythm... then that's one thing.
But if the problem is simply that people are getting butt-hurt over something stupid... then that's an entirely different issue.
To be honest... I'm not entirely convinced that there is any issue with the ability other than people being butt-hurt. So I say - no - no nerfs until someone brings something substantial to the table other than inflamed rhetoric based on personal subjective experience.
They outclass gap closers that are designed to counter them. That is where the mechanics for this particular ability have failed. Not only do gap closers have travel times, they also require a target. We need to line up a bolting Sorcerer and hit the gap closer BEFORE they can bolt again. That gives us a window of about... 1 second. Miss the window and they are now out of range. Besides, gap closers cost more than bolt, so even if you keep using it, you'll run out of resources first. You can't really counter bolt, and that's a problem.
Here, I'll fix Bolt Escape for you:
Leave it exactly like it is - but require a destination plant. In other words - the player has to select exactly where they are escaping to - like how a lot of AoE abilities work.
This should more or less slow down the time it requires for the player to use it, giving you plenty of time to react.
Nothing else really needs to be changed about it.
Here, I'll fix Bolt Escape for you:
Leave it exactly like it is - but require a destination plant. In other words - the player has to select exactly where they are escaping to - like how a lot of AoE abilities work.
This should more or less slow down the time it requires for the player to use it, giving you plenty of time to react.
Nothing else really needs to be changed about it.
Wouldn't this allow you to reach areas you can't reach with the current Bolt Escape? For example, climbing up rocks you would otherwise have to jump up, teleporting over walls and other small obstacles you have to jump over, teleporting on top of keep walls, teleporting down so you take reduced/no fall damage etc.