When I first started playing this game back in early Beta, it was hard. And I loved it.
I relished the fact that I was seeing people dying to one or two wolves on Bleak Rock Isle. I loved that you could not get through the game without learning to dodge, interrupt, and BLOCK.
The game taught you how to play through repeated death. Was it Dark Souls? Not hardly. But it was refreshingly difficult for an MMO.
There were also several hard fights throughout the game that served as learning points. You'd be going through the game just throwing whatever you liked on your bar and doing well in overland content. Then you'd get to Balreth/Gutsripper/Doshia/ect. and learn whether you were playing the game properly or not. I loved watching people complain about these bosses in zone chat. It made me feel like my victory over them had been meaningful, since so many people were having trouble with it.
Not only that, I enjoyed helping people improve. My response to, "oh my gosh, Balreth is impossible" was never "learn to play noob." Instead I'd take the time to explain the mechanics of the talisman. I'd ask people what class they were, what build they were running, how they were geared, ect.
This was a good thing. These bosses forced people to improve. They slowed down the
progression to endgame and made leveling actually meaningful.
Now you've got a situation where any half competent player is going to blow through this content. That's why we ended up with a game where plenty of people were already Veteran Rank a few days into the launch of the game. Worse, the game allows people to continue being bad. They will get all the way to level 50 (possibly beyond) without ever learning to play well.
Molag Bal was nerfed. Gutsripper was nerfed. Balreth was nerfed. By the might of Stendarr's hammer Mannimarco was DEFILED.
When I first fought Mannimarco in the closed Beta, he whomped me pretty good. I fought him at level 40 and he handed me my arse, twice. He did so so easily that I decided I wasn't powerful enough to fight him. I went and leveled a bit and came back at level 43. He whomped me again. I changed my build around. He whomped me again. In all, at level 43, he beat me 5-6 times. I played with skills a little bit more and learned his mechanics until, finally, I beat him.
When I did so I was low on health and frustrated with the repeated deaths. But guess what, killing him felt great. I was a better player for it. I knew the game better. I knew my own play style better. I was just better.
I just redid this fight for the first time post-nerf last night. I did it the second I hit level 40. I didn't go out of my way to optimize my build, I mostly just kept the skills I'd been leveling with. I didn't eat any food. I was wearing gear that was damaged and 8 levels too low. Manni never got me bellow 90% health.
This time when I beat him, I felt like I had just beat up a small and sickly child, not the King of Worms.
His mechanics are the same. I interrupt the life drain (which I don't need to do from range any more because I'm in no danger), I dodge his AoE, and...well that's pretty much it. I didn't even have to kill the adds really. I just ignored them and kept plugging away at Manni.
The toughest challenge from 1-50 has been totally and completely trivialized.
So what is the result of this change? Beating Manni no longer made me feel good. New players who do this will learn nothing about their build or how to play the game. This means when they get to Veteran Dungeons, heck even Veteran over-world content, they're going to feel a huge difficulty spike. They're gonna be like, "whoah!?! What's this about? I'm a good player. I just owned everything from 1-50 and now I'm dying all the time. This game is unfair, better unsubscribe or go to the forums to complain about how hard everything is."
And its your fault ZOS. They're going to be mad and you're going to want to respond by nerfing that content too. But its your fault for not teaching them how to play as the leveled.
Please, please, please stop nerfing PvE content. You're making it boring.
The latest Patch Notes said you're nerfing Doshia too (which is what inspired this rant.) Doshia was never hard to begin with!!!!
At this point the only challenge will be Veteran Dungeons and Craglorn. So why not just grind to 50 and skip all the content you made to get there? I don't want to waste my time with gameplay that isn't fun. And easy isn't fun. PvP is less of a challenge now as well, because people are going to be hitting VR1 and heading into Cyrodil with junk builds.
I know you're probably thinking lowest common denominator here. There's probably someone in a suit somewhere worried that people are going unsubscribe if things are too difficult. But guess what? Good players are going to unsubscribe if there isn't any engaging content. I'm sure Craglorn will be hard (for now) but that's not enough. You're placing too much pressure on yourselves by thinking you can keep up with the pace that they're going to go through that content. If 1-50 was a challenge, people might be forced to take more time there.
So in conclusion, I love this game. I loved it even more when it was challenging. Please increase the difficulty of bosses throughout the leveling experience (especially Manni.)
Edited by NordJitsu on 15 April 2014 14:01
@NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)