Auctions Houses have to come despite megaserver

AH have to come sure its not easy on a mega server but there are possibilities

May the AHs are always from 1-9 , 10-19 , 20-29, 30-39 , 40-49, and a solo 50, several auctionaters for each profession
and there are several spread in the world to make it clearer on the megaserver
without AH many players will be gone because its a huge endgamecontent which is always there

  • BrassRazoo
    No thanks.
    There should be just custom chat channels for trading / selling.
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    No they dont. Only a crying minority who are too anti-social to join a guild want them.
  • washlov
    No they dont. Only a crying minority who are too anti-social to join a guild want them.

    lol very social to join trade guilds
    for normal guilds a bank and guildchat ts3 ... should be enough

    BrassRazoo wrote: »
    No thanks.
    There should be just custom chat channels for trading / selling.

    why? for spammers and goldsellers

  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    washlov wrote: »
    No they dont. Only a crying minority who are too anti-social to join a guild want them.

    lol very social to join trade guilds
    for normal guilds a bank and guildchat ts3 ... should be enough

    BrassRazoo wrote: »
    No thanks.
    There should be just custom chat channels for trading / selling.

    why? for spammers and goldsellers
    So, basically you are refusing to even try to make use of the systems in place. You instead are going to come to the forums like a three year old demanding things and throwing tantrums.
  • BrassRazoo
    It's early days, so just give it a go. Buy and Sell in zone or join one or more of the many trade guilds that have sprung up, you can join up to 5.
    I see a lot of people asking for things that they are familiar with in other games, I hope this game does not follow suite as then everything just feels the same.

  • Rhakon

    im in 4 trading guilds and i hate this. only spam and a bad system to change between the stores and bags. to find things is nearly impossible.
    its very hard to find a good guild.

    and the guildstore is a joke!

    trading outside a Ah will always work.

    So, basically you are refusing to even try to make use of the systems in place. You instead are going to come to the forums like a three year old demanding things and throwing tantrums.

    @Ragnar_Lodbrok why are you so offensive?

    Washlov's had made a post his ideas are not bad.

    Ragnar it seems you are the antisocial one here..

    regards Rak

  • radiostar
    Maybe eventually Guild coops with a public vendor AH for purchases/purchase orders only.
    "Billions upon Billions of Stars"
  • Mishoniko
    All systems have their advantages and drawbacks.

    Global or public AH consolidates demand and reduces barriers to entry, increasing transaction flow, but, in a game system where resources are effectively infinite and market inefficiencies don't exist, it also makes it easy for dishonest participants to corrupt the system and destroy the market for everyone. Fragmentation has been the traditional MMO response to avoiding or compartmentalizing market corruption but the barriers to entry for consumers are still kept low, encouraging high trade velocity while confining corrupting practices to a subset of the population.

    A major design difference of the current ESO market system is that it sets a higher bar for entry for consumers than seen in other games, requiring them to join guilds in order to purchase items on the guild's market. We should not be having oversupply issues in week 2 of a new MMO. Yet, someone on /zone last night was whining that they couldn't list new items in their guild stores as all 5 guilds' stores were full. If this is becoming widespread then it indicates that there is an oversupply of suppliers and the joining requirement is too high a hurdle for consumers to access those suppliers.

    Another possibility is that no market needs to exist at all -- consumers can source the items they need on their own and the marketplaces don't solve an extant issue, global AH or otherwise.

    There have been many, many books written on this topic. ESO's system is one potential solution to a problem with many solutions. There is no perfect solution, because if there was, everyone would be using it. :smile:
  • Rhakon
    The Eso trading feels like the easiest solution was taken because of the megaserver, and this is implimented bad.
  • washlov
    of course this are the early days but what will come in the future? a statement would be nice

    to join and trade in several guilds is horrific
    you always will jump guilds
    every time you search a item you will have to look may in 4 AHs/stores to check the price
    every time you sell a item you will have to look may in 4 AHs/stores to check the price

    its a solution for a megaserver with little effort nothing more, its a gimmik for guilds

    i think on a megaserver a global tradechannels or something like that is nearly impossible
    so i made a thread with possibilities may other have better ideas

  • thismudtasteslikechocolaterwb17_ESO
    I like the possibilitis that the current system allow for, but I do think it could use a few additions.

    Not being able to search the whole world makes it harder to find specific items, but at the same time it also adds to the percieved value of the items you do find. As a trade off, I quite like the idea of that.

    The current system also means the game has many micro-economies rather that few macro-economies, and each of these micro-economies self dictates a potentially very different value on each item.

    As for improvements, searching is obviously on top of the list. The only other major thing I can think of is a type of bulletin board system. Allow players to place orders to their guilds market for specific items (or items that meet a specific set of critera), set along with a price, and then allow others in that guild to supply the item.

    This does two things, it allows players to act as a sort of middle man for transactions between players in their guilds, and more importantly it allows players looking for something specific an in game means of expanding their search. It also does all of this without damaging the micro-economy nature of the game, which I consider important.
  • Jirki88
    1) Cut the crap about "social". There is nothing social whatsoever about trading guilds. The heavy fees and charges in guild AHs mean there's a lot of WTS/WTB/WTT spam in the guild chats. Guild AHs dont mean it's more social - on the contrary, it means it's LESS social.

    2) Custom channels for trading? Yes, because people will of course use a custom channel rather than spamming the main channel where more people can see... Or will they? If you think that, you have a lot more faith in people than I do.

    3) As it stands, with heavy fees and charges both in guild AHs and for mail trading... The Zone chats are the main place for trading. Which means spam. Spam. Some more spam. Maybe yet some more spam? And then some spam. Does this encourage socializing in zone chats? Does this create positive convos? No, no, no.

    Frankly, this system have quite huge drawbacks and they all work to DISCOURAGE socializing. Add to this that Whispers have, on average, several hour delays. This isn't a system built for socializing - it's a system built for people to spam to get to sell their stuff without having to pay 25% in fees and charges.

    I'm not necessarily saying a global AH is the perfect solution... But it would sure beat what we got right here and now. At the very least, kill those *** fees and charges that outright DISCOURAGE people from using the guild AHs instead of spamming the zone chats. Repairing, horses, bags etc are enough money sinks for those damn fees and charges just to be a serious overkill.
    Veritas et aequitas, et usque ad mortem.
  • Jadeviper1974
    Two improvements to the system that I see need to be made.

    1: Better ability to search for specific items. (This really doesn't seem like it should be hard, but my programming experience ends with me programming the clock on my TV.)

    2: Possibly some why to search either each of your guilds from the same screen or maybe a way to search just part of your guilds, like check off list.
    What is written above are my honest opinions. If you agree then; "Great!" If you disagree; "Great!" I really couldn't care less either way.
  • knightblaster
    Mishoniko wrote: »

    A major design difference of the current ESO market system is that it sets a higher bar for entry for consumers than seen in other games, requiring them to join guilds in order to purchase items on the guild's market. We should not be having oversupply issues in week 2 of a new MMO. Yet, someone on /zone last night was whining that they couldn't list new items in their guild stores as all 5 guilds' stores were full. If this is becoming widespread then it indicates that there is an oversupply of suppliers and the joining requirement is too high a hurdle for consumers to access those suppliers.

    I think a factor is that people are leveling out of stuff, so that the members are not interested in purchasing the gear listed (yet). The lower market reactivates with alts leveling later on, but not clear how that works with the trade guilds, if they have a lot of members who do not have alts, and so on.
    Another possibility is that no market needs to exist at all -- consumers can source the items they need on their own and the marketplaces don't solve an extant issue, global AH or otherwise.

    I think they were going for a blended system -- a good amount of autarky, but limited trading as well, rather than a Wall Street simulation.

  • Telatansiv
    Simple solution make a /1 chat (general) and a /2 chat (trade) AND leave guild auction houses in game boom pow problem solved and enforce rules against spammers who try to vendor in general chat and you will have a working system also make a /3 chat for those pesky guild spammers
  • Evanis
    No they dont. Only a crying minority who are too anti-social to join a guild want them.

    A minority, you say?

  • Sharee
    Edited by Sharee on 9 April 2014 11:46
  • Rhakon
    Telatansiv wrote: »
    Simple solution make a /1 chat (general) and a /2 chat (trade) AND leave guild auction houses in game boom pow problem solved and enforce rules against spammers who try to vendor in general chat and you will have a working system also make a /3 chat for those pesky guild spammers

    All players worldwide are in 2 Megaservers. I think that is impossible.
    The spam in Zonechats is to much already.

    one big AH would be impossible too.

    It is difficult to handle so much players and items, seperate them in the zones and professions is a good thought.

    Each profession could have 2 auctionators, one for mats and one for items.

    my idea is that every account only can offer 5 or 10 auctions at the same time to prevent overload and powersellers, with the positive side effect Guildstores would not become unnecessary, and trading in the chat would work too.


  • kaylun
    Something needs to change I started earliest start and have yet to trade or buy anything with another player. The current system sucks. I think the idea of having an AH with each account being able to sell or auction 5 or 10 items at a time would stop the market minipulation
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    Evanis wrote: »
    No they dont. Only a crying minority who are too anti-social to join a guild want them.

    A minority, you say?

    Yes a minority.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Please ZOS no auction house. People want something different not the same old same old. The game is awesome as is. Develop content not an auction house.
  • Subana
    The guild AH system seems backwards to me. Sure, you can join up to a few guilds and trade stuff to the other members, but this is exclusive to the guild. To set up an analogy, lets have the guilds Reebok and *** in ESO. They'd be in a guild together, but they would be selling each other their shoes, not to the populace and at a loss because of the built in fees. Players Converse and Adidas, on the other hand, opt out of the guild AH structure and are able to reach whichever shard instance they're in and sell shoes to the masses, without fees.

    A global AH system, however, would break the shard barrier. Meaning the whole of either megaserver would dump its goods into the AH and prices would normalize just above merchant fodder for gathered materials. Crafting would become easy for anyone not wanting to take the time to actually gather their materials and everyone would be able to make everything over time, leaving those who spend their game time focused on crafting with no real purpose.

    What is needed is a way for guilds to sell/trade with non guildies. An opt-in directory for the guild AHs where people can browse the various stores and purchase what they'd like. This would allow for competitive marketing and collaboration among trade guild members. It could also afford reputation for fairly priced guilds as you could give them the ability to track the number of successful transactions and profits (yes, profits could be fed into the guild's bank if also a system to set the fee themselves was in place instead of letting Oblivion take it).
  • Nox_Aeterna
    No they dont. Only a crying minority who are too anti-social to join a guild want them.

    Yeah , i have a big problem dealing with my 4 MUTED 300/400 players trading guilds.

    I dont even need to speak :P , they are like wallmart , i go in , only grab what i want before going out.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Brennan
    Look at the Eve Online economy. Buyers put up orders for items they want and sellers put up orders for stuff they want to offload. It is also regional so you can have one for every zone or one each for the three Alliances.

    Those people that are against a trade channel because of spammers: do you really think the problem can not be solved by a trade channel or is it more likely that there is a problem with spammers and that should be addressed? Discounting a possible solution because some people are stupid and inconsiderate with their spam is a real failure of problem solving.

    tl;dr - no to Auction Houses.
  • knightblaster
    Brennan wrote: »
    Look at the Eve Online economy. Buyers put up orders for items they want and sellers put up orders for stuff they want to offload. It is also regional so you can have one for every zone or one each for the three Alliances.

    Those people that are against a trade channel because of spammers: do you really think the problem can not be solved by a trade channel or is it more likely that there is a problem with spammers and that should be addressed? Discounting a possible solution because some people are stupid and inconsiderate with their spam is a real failure of problem solving.

    tl;dr - no to Auction Houses.

    I agree that EVE's system would work pretty well for this one, provided it were divided like that. The only issue I have is what to do at cap -- because where everyone is at cap would then become, de facto, super-regional, and in effect a global AH with all of the problems that ensue from that.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    This isnt EVE its ESO. We dont need no AH here. Use trade, guild or better yet go out and earn your stuff.
  • knightblaster
    This isnt EVE its ESO. We dont need no AH here. Use trade, guild or better yet go out and earn your stuff.

    It wasn't an argument in favor of a global AH ....
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    This isnt EVE its ESO. We dont need no AH here. Use trade, guild or better yet go out and earn your stuff.
    Absolutely. The fact that 999 other wow clones have an AH and they are still here proves that AH's don't make or break a game.
  • Chalybos
    It's working for me, so I don't really have any horse in this game.
    Smaller, individualized market system like the guild system here would seem to make it a little tougher on farmers. And I don't mean active player farmers, I mean the ones ... well, you know. Just what I seem to have observed, maybe it's just anecdotal evidence.

    One thing I do recall fondly from my EverQuest days was the Bazaar. Everybody not actively out playing was parked there. Holy crap, what a zoo. But an entertaining zoo. I can't imagine what the lag would be like in this game if you tried to implement that, though.
  • andrantos
    Guild Store needs HUGE improvements when it comes to search and filtering.

    Trade chat channels are a must and hope the devs add these soon.

    The other problem is that everyone is mostly self sufficient up to lvl 20 or so. I imagine as more players get to the 30-50 range, well see a better market for selling a variety of crafted goods.
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