michael.tyrrb14_ESO wrote: »I find it almost impossible to find anything in the guild store. Some kind of search must be added.
michael.tyrrb14_ESO wrote: »I have joined 3 guilds just for trade and one of them has the limit of members. I think that to have a successful store you would want at lease 2000 different people in each guild. Or maybe whenever you list something it shows up for all guilds not just 1. If these guilds could be larger the way ZOS is doing the economy may work but as it is, it's killing one of the things I enjoy about MMO's. 500 people is no where near enough people for selling or buying what you want or need.
My character went broke from armor repairs after the Mage Guild quest to Cheesemonger's. Never could finish it. Lvl 6 geared Nightblade.
Better to just craft it again to replace the gear than to do repairs. Might as well considering you have to craft a ton to raise the crafting level anyways.My character went broke from armor repairs after the Mage Guild quest to Cheesemonger's. Never could finish it. Lvl 6 geared Nightblade.
I hear you. I am more than shocked that the lack of this most basic functionality made it past beta.
How many of us have belonged to a guild with a roster that was hundreds strong, but only a small fraction these "members" were actually active? I belong to four trade guilds with hundreds of members each, but yet I find *one* bottle of dwarven oil to purchase at 500g. Sorry, but I only look stupid... No thanks... There is something *very* wrong with that and this example only underscores the problem. I think that 2000 *active* members is a bare minimum for this economy to have any hope of success, and even then that figure may not be high enough. In its present form, the economy is not working for me. I am an avid crafter and unless ZOS rethinks this entire economic experiment, I may have to move on.
Why are you doing this quest on lvl 6? Why are you repairing items instead of crafting new ones?My character went broke from armor repairs after the Mage Guild quest to Cheesemonger's. Never could finish it. Lvl 6 geared Nightblade.
Ragnar_Lodbrok wrote: »Then craft boom easy as that