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Would you like to go back to the old DLC system?

  • Zodiarkslayer
    YES! I want it NOW!
    Edited by Zodiarkslayer on 1 September 2024 08:25
    read, think and write.In that order.
  • robwolf666
    Amottica wrote: »
    You might want to be more specific, as Zenimax has changed things more than once. As it is a yes or no lacks any worthwhile meaning.

    Edit: What does "Now" mean?

    Well, O is very close to W so it's probably a typo. 😉
  • Tandor
    Yes - but, as I've always said, I'd like the dungeon DLCs to include a couple of delves so that they cater for those who don't run dungeons and thereby broaden the market for DLCs as well as increasing the revenue from them.
  • Elsonso
    I would love to be a fly on the wall in the conference room at ZOS where they discuss the subject of this thread. :smile:

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • TDVM
    No, And will we get a free update for everything at the end of the year or will DLC replace that?
  • LaintalAy
    I mean 4 dungeons and 2 zones (chapter and small zone) every year.

    Why would they do that? Seriously.
    What benefit would be obtained with that strategy?

    The fact that they downsized the release schedule would suggest that they made a comparison, some time ago now, between the financial investment needed to produce high quality releases; and the financial return on sales of those releases.
    Join the dots.

    If you weren't happy with what is being delivered this year, then you need to complain about that. But wishful thinking for the 'good old days' won't be going anywhere. Those resources, human and financial are being invested elsewhere now.
  • Silaf
    I really miss the old times. Sadly what we were promised instead of the small zone is borderline irrelevant to me.

    A small dlc is actually a lot of content (clockwork, murkmire ecc...) and the only improvement i care about so far are the unified crafting stations.
    Edited by Silaf on 1 September 2024 19:12
  • AzuraFan
    While I'd love to go back to meaty chapters and a Q4 DLC (I don't care about the dungeons), I doubt very much it will ever happen. So what I'd like to see is QoL improvements that actually make a difference, not the stuff we've been getting. Fix the "still in combat" bug. Fix mounts not being able to swim. Improve inventory management (searching, sorting, stacking, etc.). Give us a furniture bag. Fix targeting ("not in range" to loot). There are more, but it's still early lol. And lower the price of the annual chapters.
  • LamiaCritter
    Sorry, but no, paying $20 for mere dungeons will never be worth it. Not even for the zones either, usually.

    I payed like, 1500+ crowns? For dungeons that people just zerg right through and I barely get even 10 minutes inside?

    And I paid 1600+ Crowns for zones that have /maybe/ 10-15 hours of content and then poof, it's all done, no reason to come back?

    Chapters only narrowly come close to value when they have a decent feature attached to them. Like Necrom and the new class, Arcanist. And Gold Road, with Scribing. While I adore a lot of the content they put out, it too has a longevity issue. So I check my map, aaand..

    All I get is essentially just '....Fill out the progress and quest bars and lorebook bars and never come back again'. With no chance or ability to recomplete these things.
  • N00BxV1
    I'd rather have what we used to get instead of what we're getting now.
  • Syldras
    Morrowind as a chapter had 75 quests.
    CWC, as a small story dlc, had 45.
    Necrom as a "chapter" had 51.
    Gold Road as a "chapter" had 51.
    Go figure.
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • alpha_synuclein
    I miss 4 dungeons per year.
  • robpr
    I prefer the current one. 1 free update with new system for everyone, paid chapter and 2 DLC dungeons.
    The chapter could be more expansive, but its good as it is for me.
  • ArchMikem
    I'd rather have the more focus on QoL updates than just more Dungeons that I can't even enjoy the stories to cause they get too difficult to solo and Pugs just want to rush thru.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Kappachi
    As much as it'd possibly be the same rehashed content over and over due to not having enough dev time, I do miss looking forward to new DLCs, buying them with gold and always having something new to do. I think many of the breaks I took recently is because I felt like I did everything there is to do... If not that then I hope they update the infinite archive more frequently to make it more interesting/variable. U43 was great, added tons of new things to keep the roguelite experience fresh... Need more of that. Maybe u44 will do the same for battlegrounds/cyrodiil/ic and make me want to play more of that.
    Edited by Kappachi on 2 September 2024 18:10
  • Syldras
    I have the impression that sometimes ZOS somehow doesn't quite get what people suggested. People have been saying they want "more to do" for years - which lead to ZOS announcing they want to "focus on repeatable content so people have more to do" (and then introduced Archive)... But many people don't want to run through the same thing for all eternity, they want to see new things. Even adding a few new bosses and some new backdrops once a year doesn't change much. That might keep one occupied for 2 or 3 weeks after the change, but then it's boring again.
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • alienmz
    No: i would prefere a system where i pay every 18 months once for a new chapter - including 1-2 new areas, 2-4 new dungeons and 2 trials. There‘s no need to publish it all at the same time, maybe every 4 months a part.
  • chessalavakia_ESO
    Syldras wrote: »
    I have the impression that sometimes ZOS somehow doesn't quite get what people suggested. People have been saying they want "more to do" for years - which lead to ZOS announcing they want to "focus on repeatable content so people have more to do" (and then introduced Archive)... But many people don't want to run through the same thing for all eternity, they want to see new things. Even adding a few new bosses and some new backdrops once a year doesn't change much. That might keep one occupied for 2 or 3 weeks after the change, but then it's boring again.

    Personally, I think the appeal of new depends fairly heavily on the quality of the content experience.

    If the content isn't very good getting new stuff is nice because at least it's something new.

    If you really like the existing content, new stuff isn't necessarily going to be appealing for long unless the quality of the experience for you is pretty close to the old or you've totally played the old to death.

    For example, when I was playing Overwatch I got to the point where I was getting annoyed with them adding new maps because I preferred the older maps to the new releases and each map addition meant I got to play the old maps I liked less.

    Part of the reason I quit Warframe was that the game's expanded offerings weren't as enjoyable for me as the base content. I just liked turning my brain off and shooting/slicing/blowing stuff up and that approach ran into issues with many of the newer additions where much of the new loot was put.

    The Archive in my view isn't bad because it's repeatable. It's bad because the combat which makes up most of the content in isn't fun.
  • Syldras
    If you really like the existing content, new stuff isn't necessarily going to be appealing for long unless the quality of the experience for you is pretty close to the old or you've totally played the old to death.
    For example, when I was playing Overwatch I got to the point where I was getting annoyed with them adding new maps because I preferred the older maps to the new releases and each map addition meant I got to play the old maps I liked less.
    Part of the reason I quit Warframe was that the game's expanded offerings weren't as enjoyable for me as the base content. I just liked turning my brain off and shooting/slicing/blowing stuff up and that approach ran into issues with many of the newer additions where much of the new loot was put.
    The Archive in my view isn't bad because it's repeatable. It's bad because the combat which makes up most of the content in isn't fun.

    It always depends what kind of game content someone is interested in, I guess. I play TES games mainly for lore, exploration and questing, and while I also do a few other things in ESO, these are still my main interests. And for these, running through the Archives 1000 times won't add anything new.
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • Soarora
    I'll take whatever we get, but I have to admit that the reduction in dungeons was a bit of a blow. I love dungeons, and I love collecting the motifs from them. With half the number of dungeons and zones, that also led to fewer style motifs as well.

    I'm interested to see what's coming up, but I'd love more encounters. The Infinite Archive was great (at least until they locked the class fashions...), but I do miss new and interesting dungeons every 6 months.

    Exactly why I want the old way back. A quarter for bug fixes was a nice idea, until major bugs weren't fixed, and this update didn't have bug fixes. The two dungeons this year were also incredibly easy (see my poll here where the majority of HM voters said that it was too easy, and also my personal experience in everyone I ran the dungeon with saying that on HM and on vet they are surprisingly easy). I'm a part of one of the largest (to my understanding) dungeon guilds on PC NA and it is dead, only coming to life again when dungeons drop. There's simply nothing more for me to do as a dungeon main right now. I'm bored of all the dungeons because I've done them too many times and there's not enough people interested in running any of the hardmodes I like. Almost no dungeon content is challenging anymore.

    I understand that people don't care about dungeons or don't want new ones at all, but the encounter team is its own team. Could even cut down on needing to make art assets by adding a new level of difficulty for already existing dungeons.

    The year-long story also kept me more engaged in the story content, but my real disappointment when it comes to Chapters and Story DLCs is the writing. I feel I have to keep headcanoning complete re-writes of the story to make things more compelling. If ZOS fixes their writing, then I would engage more with the Chapter for longer. I have only done side quests in West Weald for the achievement to get the large house, not because I think that any of the side quests are entertaining.

    Edit: or even ZOS could go back and add more side achievements to dungeons instead of adding 72 random pointless new achievements every update. I haven't completed all the side achievements, but I do like doing them and I feel a lot of dungeons have room for added side achievements.
    Edited by Soarora on 3 September 2024 03:38
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
    • CP 2000+
    • Warden Healer - Arcanist Healer - Warden Brittleden - Stamarc - Sorc Tank - Necro Tank - Templar Tank - Arcanist Tank
    • Trials: 9/12 HMs - 3/8 Tris
    • Dungeons: 30/30 HMs - 24/24 Tris
    • All Veterans completed!

      View my builds!
  • Northwold
    Realistically, I want quality content. And if content is having to be churned out every three to six months, it is not, with limited manpower available, going to be the highest quality content. So no.
  • XxCaLxX
    I think more content is always better. I’ve defended ESO every year from ppl that claim it’s dead or dying. Until this year. IDC what anyone says this game is dying now. Whether it’s from the dlc change or what but I think it’s more to do with other changes and maybe just burn outs. I haven’t played since a little while after recent chapter other than to do trader bids and check in on some guild things. I have no reason to. Guilds are shutting down, player base is fallen tremendously, guilds are not as concerned with getting guild traders and so on. I play Xbox NA. I don’t see any change in the future other than all of this to keep declining. I’m sure I’ll get excited for the announcement of the next chapter and the promises of the new year just to be let down again by the same old lies and concepts. A change is needed or the end is nigh.
  • N00BxV1
    Northwold wrote: »
    Realistically, I want quality content. And if content is having to be churned out every three to six months, it is not, with limited manpower available, going to be the highest quality content. So no.

    We've been getting less content than what we used to get, and it hasn't been any better quality than what it used to be. Even with them releasing less content there's still plenty of bugs, performance issues, and server problems. So them releasing less content does not mean that the content will be better, it just means that we're getting less content.
    Edited by N00BxV1 on 3 September 2024 12:38
  • Northwold
    N00BxV1 wrote: »
    Northwold wrote: »
    Realistically, I want quality content. And if content is having to be churned out every three to six months, it is not, with limited manpower available, going to be the highest quality content. So no.

    We've been getting less content than what we used to get, and it hasn't been any better quality than what it used to be. Even with them releasing less content there's still plenty of bugs, performance issues, and server problems. So them releasing less content does not mean that the content will be better, it just means that we're getting less content.

    Honestly, at this point of the map being nearly filled my own view would be that they should take half a year to a year to decide what can replace the new zone / new daedric threat strategy going forward because the whole formula of the writing will need to change now the world is almost full. We know they can do tight, character stories (see eg Thieves Guild, Wrothgar) but the current direction seems to be endless daedric princes and shadow realms. I don't know about anyone else but daedric princes are the thing I like *least* about Elder Scrolls and the most enjoyable stories, to my mind, with the strongest writing, have been the ones that barely involve them.
    Edited by Northwold on 3 September 2024 12:45
  • Stafford197
    The way it used to be prior to a focus on Chapters was best, but the Chapter-focused system is more manageable for them in the long run.

    It’s clear that the 10-year anniversary has marked a shift into a “less content but still charge for Chapters” kind of system, and as a result my interest has finally been lost.

    Personally I won’t put a penny into this game until 2025’s new Chapter, and only on the assumption that it turns out far better than Gold Road and that there is a promise for a Q4 zone.
    Edited by Stafford197 on 3 September 2024 12:53
  • StarOfElyon
    I mean 4 dungeons and 2 zones (chapter and small zone) every year.

    If you mean one story spread out in a year, then I lean towards no. I would rather have Northern Elswery and southern drop at once. But I'm not opposed to having multi-year story lines. I was hoping the Ithelia story would go on for longer.
  • Syldras
    Northwold wrote: »
    Honestly, at this point of the map being nearly filled my own view would be that they should take half a year to a year to decide what can replace the new zone / new daedric threat strategy going forward because the whole formula of the writing will need to change now the world is almost full.

    There's still space for about 12 zones on Tamriel. Even more if zones get smaller. That's already 12 years then if they keep publishing one zone per year. Then they can still add Daedric realms. They can add islands. And when these things were done, they could let us explore different continents. I don't think them running out of space is a real risk - not within the next decade, if ESO continues to exist for so long.
    Northwold wrote: »
    Realistically, I want quality content. And if content is having to be churned out every three to six months, it is not, with limited manpower available, going to be the highest quality content. So no.

    The solution to that would be to employ more developers, not to reduce both quality and quantity while still charging she same prizes like they did 8 years ago.
    If you mean one story spread out in a year, then I lean towards no. I would rather have Northern Elswery and southern drop at once. But I'm not opposed to having multi-year story lines. I was hoping the Ithelia story would go on for longer.

    In my opinion, the Morrowind - CWC - Summerset arc did it right. No cliffhanger, every story was concluded in itself, but they were nonetheless clearly connected as a whole.
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • wolfie1.0.
    It's probably not going to happen. Mostly because, imo, it feels like zos is running out of space to put things. Both on the map and in the code.
  • BenTSG
    Now I voted yes, but I am more in line with how DLCs was *before* year long stories when the DLC was the 'Second part'. As it is now, I do like we get whole new systems (their potential quality being a whole different thing), but if it meant we'd go to having a entirely different story DLC, such as how we have Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Orsinum, stuff like that to spice some stuff up, I'd be all for it. Hell, even if they just expanded on TG and DB or another exsisitng story thing in a zone or two or something like that would be neat
  • Necrotech_Master
    i like the new form where we get more free content updates instead of having to shell out more money for more dlc every year

    having the 3rd and 4th quarters being focused on more QoL and bug fixes for long term issues is something that was desperately needed
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
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