Maintenance for the week of December 16:
• [COMPLETE] NA megaservers for patch maintenance – December 17, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• [COMPLETE] EU megaservers for patch maintenance – December 17, 9:00 UTC (4:00AM EST) - 17:00 UTC (12:00PM EST)

ZOS, Massive Spike in Ping/LAG in Recent Days - What Gives?

  • dk_dunkirk
    Sluggy wrote: »
    dk_dunkirk wrote: »
    I've been programming for 45 years, and I've been a full-stack developer for 30. Can someone tell me what a "server frame" is? The context seems to be networking- or load-related. But even with my background, I can't tell what this is referring to. Maybe it means the number of servers (frame/box/chassis) that need to be running to handle the load?
    Yeah, it's the framerate of the actual gameplay simulation on the server side. Sometimes also called a tick or a heartbeat. Usually, singleplayer-only games that need to have very deterministic results are going to decouple their rendering from the actual game logic such that the game logic runs at a fixed rate of time per tick. This naturally extends to multiplayer games with a client and server, where there is no rendering on the server but there will be asynchronous housekeeping for processing incoming and outgoing batches of data. The gameplay simulation logic obviously isn't going to be tied to any of that but will run independently at it's own fixed rate of time.

    The server frame time is something that has been mentioned in the past as something ZoS was looking in to. There were times where they saw spikes which obviously corresponded with massive lag and dropped inputs from the players as the server ended up having to ignore things in order to keep up in real time and avoid "the spiral of death". Curiously, there have also been times where they said that there were no apparent spikes in server frame time which means that it wasn't the server failing to keep the logic of the game itself running in real time - which likely points to either a problem in the aforementioned housekeeping portion of the game or some other networking infrastructure issue.

    Aha! That makes sense. I've spent many hours looking for high-tick-rate CS and BF servers. Thank you!
  • KaironBlackbard
    Sakiri wrote: »
    sshogrin wrote: »

    Yes I can prove otherwise, go back thru this thread alone and look at the console players commenting on here. It's been said by ZOS the servers are different.
    As far as the blinders, I've looked at your posts, you keep saying Bandits and your internet connection, even when others have explained about addons, you keep telling everybody it's Bandits.
    There are multiple issues with what's going on, and the biggest problem was introduced earlier this year.
    As far as repeating yourself, I think I've repeated myself a number of times about console having issues (both platforms, and they should be more consistent than PC since their hardware is more "uniform" on each platform than PC is)
    I have messaged Hoft directly through ESOUI about this, and have made a comment on that addon page.
    Again, I have ran with groups that don't use Bandits, ran with a mix, and ran with a full group of Bandits users...there's times we've had issues in every combination, including NO Bandits, then we've had absolutely no issues running with a mix of full Bandits users.
    As an addon developer, I do know something about the addons, how they work, and what they can and can't do.
    I have also posted on the BanditsUI page about not using Bandits for dps sharing or for notifications.
    There are other addons that could potentially be causing issues, Bandits could be since it's not using LibMapPing, but my experience so far is it doesn't matter either way. I run trials in the "end game" community, doing vet HMs where you have a lot more going on, 12 players vs 4, etc. Trust me, there's a lot more visual things going on in HM trials, a lot more visuals from other players, a lot more data going on, if things are going to go wonky, that's where they will really show up. A lot of "end game" trial players reduce graphics settings, particles, distance, etc., to combat the issues of all the things going on in trials.

    Your experience does not match mine.

    I don't have any problems whatsoever unless someone is spam pinging my compass.
    Every time, they are a BanditsUI user.
    And I don't have any problems on Xbox at all.

    You keep trying to claim it's not bandits, when clearly it is.
    My problem lies with bandits.
    It is not the consensus, but it is one of many problems.
    It may not be your problem, but it definitely is mine.

    And I have no control over who is using bandits.

    Claim about console having issue have NO relevance to this specific issue of mine. They are different issues.

    Spam... pinging... compass? The heck you on? My bandits isn't showing anything special on the compass?

    That's because I DONT have Bandits, and others who do are gathering intel via the map ping backdoor as ZOS put it.
    Another person said backchannel.
    Doesn't matter. It's annoying and I have no power to stop it.
  • Quackery
    Utterly, utterly, utterly, utterly, UTTERLY unplayable. 999+ ping spikes every 10-15 seconds on PC. Xbox is almost just as bad.
  • blktauna
    Last night at highly off peak times for EU and NA on PC I had a lot of overland and delve stalls and load screens.
  • Quackery
    Seems like I figured out what my problem as: bad ethernet cable. Playing via WiFi, and the game works perfectly. I recommend you guys to try it, or get a high speed ethernet cable.
    Edited by Quackery on 18 December 2024 01:29
  • LadyGP
    Oof. It's really bad right now.
    Quackery wrote: »
    Seems like I figured out what my problem as: bad ethernet cable. Playing via WiFi, and the game works perfectly. I recommend you guys to try it, or get a high speed ethernet cable.

    I'm wired. I make my own cables and my network is all WiFi6 rated gear. Wish it was as simple as swapping a cable.

    Glad your issues are fixed for you though!!! Congrats.

    Will the real LadyGP please stand up.
  • Sakiri
    Sakiri wrote: »
    sshogrin wrote: »

    Yes I can prove otherwise, go back thru this thread alone and look at the console players commenting on here. It's been said by ZOS the servers are different.
    As far as the blinders, I've looked at your posts, you keep saying Bandits and your internet connection, even when others have explained about addons, you keep telling everybody it's Bandits.
    There are multiple issues with what's going on, and the biggest problem was introduced earlier this year.
    As far as repeating yourself, I think I've repeated myself a number of times about console having issues (both platforms, and they should be more consistent than PC since their hardware is more "uniform" on each platform than PC is)
    I have messaged Hoft directly through ESOUI about this, and have made a comment on that addon page.
    Again, I have ran with groups that don't use Bandits, ran with a mix, and ran with a full group of Bandits users...there's times we've had issues in every combination, including NO Bandits, then we've had absolutely no issues running with a mix of full Bandits users.
    As an addon developer, I do know something about the addons, how they work, and what they can and can't do.
    I have also posted on the BanditsUI page about not using Bandits for dps sharing or for notifications.
    There are other addons that could potentially be causing issues, Bandits could be since it's not using LibMapPing, but my experience so far is it doesn't matter either way. I run trials in the "end game" community, doing vet HMs where you have a lot more going on, 12 players vs 4, etc. Trust me, there's a lot more visual things going on in HM trials, a lot more visuals from other players, a lot more data going on, if things are going to go wonky, that's where they will really show up. A lot of "end game" trial players reduce graphics settings, particles, distance, etc., to combat the issues of all the things going on in trials.

    Your experience does not match mine.

    I don't have any problems whatsoever unless someone is spam pinging my compass.
    Every time, they are a BanditsUI user.
    And I don't have any problems on Xbox at all.

    You keep trying to claim it's not bandits, when clearly it is.
    My problem lies with bandits.
    It is not the consensus, but it is one of many problems.
    It may not be your problem, but it definitely is mine.

    And I have no control over who is using bandits.

    Claim about console having issue have NO relevance to this specific issue of mine. They are different issues.

    Spam... pinging... compass? The heck you on? My bandits isn't showing anything special on the compass?

    That's because I DONT have Bandits, and others who do are gathering intel via the map ping backdoor as ZOS put it.
    Another person said backchannel.
    Doesn't matter. It's annoying and I have no power to stop it.

    I still have no idea what you're talking about.
  • Quackery
    LadyGP wrote: »
    Oof. It's really bad right now.
    Quackery wrote: »
    Seems like I figured out what my problem as: bad ethernet cable. Playing via WiFi, and the game works perfectly. I recommend you guys to try it, or get a high speed ethernet cable.

    I'm wired. I make my own cables and my network is all WiFi6 rated gear. Wish it was as simple as swapping a cable.

    Glad your issues are fixed for you though!!! Congrats.

    Thanks, I'm really happy right now to have solved the horrific problem. :D
  • LadyGP
    Will the real LadyGP please stand up.
  • Quackery
    LadyGP wrote: »

    Oh, great, crashed at Roe, and not able to log back in. Error 201 all the time... What is wrong with this game?!?
  • NotNi.ya
    i finally dropped my last core and uninstalled today, ngl, it felt good
  • LadyGP
    NotNi.ya wrote: »
    i finally dropped my last core and uninstalled today, ngl, it felt good

    I know the feeling.
    Will the real LadyGP please stand up.
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