Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »Yep, it deal less damage as you can only have up to 20% damage boost on PTS (Terrified & Off balance de-buffs) vs 25% on live server just for positioning yourself face-to-face to the enemy or having them feared.
I would imagine that it is gonna get even worse in PvE once we factor in rotation & the need to constantly re-fresh de-buffs (Terrified & Off balance).
In PvP, on live server you can either "face" the enemy for the 25% damage bonus or having them feared. And since fear is a CC that everyone has access to, even non-WW can cast it on the enemy in a group play so that WW can still have a synergy and have 25% damage bonus that way.
On PTS, Terrified is a WW-only de-buff, meaning that in a group play you can not simply use some one else (non-WW) to cast fear on the enemy, nor you can "face" the enemy for the damage bonus. All you can have now is only 10% damage bonus with off-balance and maybe another 10% if you get hyper lucky.
Also as mentioned before - in PvP Terrified can be purged and this means that you can not reliably hit players with 20% damage bonus... that is assuming if they did not dodged it in a 1st place lol (which happens like 70% of times).
Also, I am not sure about Off balance and whenever that can be purged / removed. It also should be cleansable as it is a "negative effect". So It looks like in theory, the nerfed damage bonus (25% > 20%) will be effectively removed in a PvP fight.
Anyway, for PvP it means that WW is basically losing 25% damage bonus. Not that it matters much as WW is already a bottom of the barrel spec.
Yamenstein wrote: »Anyone able to give feed back on the necro siphon/coil buffs? Does it make much of a difference?
ssewallb14_ESO wrote: »There may need to be a cap on the Tremorscale debuff due to it's unique interaction with Templar's class mastery.
Currently it will give ~5280 group pen on a Templar tank with capped base resistances and the class mastery effect active, which afaik is well beyond the power budget typically allocated to monster sets. This will likely create a Templar tank "meta" in some group content, entirely due to that interaction.
I say this as a Templar tank enjoyer, but it's not healthy to have an entire role carried by a single set. It's like the Nightblade healers that are used entirely because of Pillager's and Nazaray. It's difficult to tell if a class is in a good spot when it's actively being used, but only due to one set or interaction.
Have you actually tried it?
When you would use Sea Serpent’s Coil in PvE it would root you to the ground whenever an enemy applied a snare on you, completely preventing any movement whatsoever, not even allowing roll dodge and you can’t cleanse most NPC snares.
Assuming that 50% snare works the same way as the 40% one, you are STILL not going to see Templar tanks, because to be rooted in place in content is a death sentence for you or your group.
ssewallb14_ESO wrote: »
It's not universally applicable, but there are many fights where the tank can literally sit still, especially when burn strats are involved, which would be the main use case here.
I just don't want to see "oh Templar tank is fine because Sweatfighters just set a WR in XYZ with a Templar."
From the sound of it, you’re aware that Templar tank doesn’t really bring anything else to the table, so how impactful would that synergy be in trash packs with Tremorscale’s cooldown and small radius?
How would you get interrupts if you can’t move? Waste a skill slot when Templar skills already do the least for tanking out of every class in the game?
ssewallb14_ESO wrote: »
Look, I'm just saying that if this is viable for speed strats then it will make any attempt to otherwise balance Templar as a tank difficult without pushing them over the top. It's never good to rely on a single overtuned interaction to balance an otherwise underperforming kit.
Remember years ago the one patch where Templar was god mode in PvP because of Black Rose? Then it got nerfed and they were garbage for a couple years?
I don't think that kind of thing is healthy for the game.
huskandhunger wrote: »Since we are nerfing Piercing Howl from 25% on live to 10% on the PTS, to help this ability become more reliable have it become undodgeable. We have a travel time and with damage going down this should help compensate for the loss.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Kevin
Erickson9610 wrote: »
The tradeoff of increased bonus damage done with skill rank up for reduced cost with skill rank up doesn't feel worthwhile. Piercing Howl isn't as impactful as it needs to be in PvP, and PvE damage dealer werewolves are already losing a ton of damage due to needing to cast Ferocious Roar every 10 seconds. The theoretical maximum dropping from 25% to 20% is bad enough, but now there are two separate timers (Off Balance and Terrified) that have to be kept track of, and enemies in PvP can simply cleanse/purge the Terrified effect from themselves.
The changes to Piercing Howl and Roar this update just feel like nerfs on top of nerfs. I genuinely thought the Terrified "tracking" effect would make it worthwhile, but there is no tracking to speak of. It would've been thematically appropriate to let them visibly track their quarry, too.
So, from my perspective, Werewolf just got a few "roleplay" elements (bleed damage on light/heavy attack, the "Terrified" debuff, the necessitation to use Roar and its morphs as a damage dealer or as a tank) but ultimately lost damage for it.
I haven't seen any acknowledgement from ZOS regarding their take on players' opinions of the Werewolf changes. Maybe they have responded, but forgot to put their responses on the dev tracker.
Here’s how to make werewolves happy.
Make each morph of the fear TERRORIZE.
Make TERRORIZED enemies take up to 50% more damage. Make the howl damage execute damage.
MashmalloMan wrote: »
If it's not clear, I believe you're eluding to the fact that using GLS forces Necro to use Skulls to generate corpses.
Unfortunate because the intention of the skill was to reduce the complexity of casting BB every 3s while providing the user a universal 15% dot buff to access power elsewhere. Coupled with Rapid Rot's 10%, Necromancer had the highest opportunity of any class to make scribing shine with all of the extra dots they now have access to. Skills like Soul Burst and Contingency are effectively universal DK Talons without the synergy. Decent semi Spammable damage.
We've screamed ad nauseam about GLS being mechanically broken by requiring the 3s delay from skeleton or the in combat requirement. But at the very least that corpse generation should be universally applicable instead of requiring Flame Skull.
Templar for example, they specifically redesigned Burning Light to proc on any damage so that Templar's weren't shoehorned into jabs. Jabs is still great, but if you wanted to use something else you're not severely punished for it. This should be a design consideration for GLS.
TimeDazzler wrote: »A couple of changes I would like to see regarding quality of life for multiple classes...
Sorcerer: Bound Armor -> Bound Armaments Morph -> Increases Max Stamina by 8% on both bars while slotted rather than the current bar.
master_vanargand wrote: »Why is the duration of Nightblade's passive skill "Shadow Barrier" tied to "Heavy Armor"?
This has been around for a long time, but binding a class passive skill to Heavy Armor is silly.
Need fix the duration of "Shadow Barrier" to 15-20 seconds.
Alternatively, slotting the Shadow skill will permanently grant Major Resolve.
Making the duration permanent will eliminate duration update spam and reduce server calculations and traffic.
master_vanargand wrote: »Why is the duration of Nightblade's passive skill "Shadow Barrier" tied to "Heavy Armor"?
This has been around for a long time, but binding a class passive skill to Heavy Armor is silly.
Need fix the duration of "Shadow Barrier" to 15-20 seconds.
Alternatively, slotting the Shadow skill will permanently grant Major Resolve.
Making the duration permanent will eliminate duration update spam and reduce server calculations and traffic.
CameraBeardThePirate wrote: »
Nightblade has 4 abilities that give you buffs/effects for being slotted on either bar. The fact NBs even get Major Resolve without having to slot an ability for it is strong itself. It doesn't need to be buffed further.