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complain about some fake tanks

  • jle30303
    I would say: If a DD can't kill a single Shadow Tormentor in the Gamyne Bandu fight before the pinned player dies (just in case you have a real healer and tank who don't do much damage, and the pinned player is the other DD), then you shouldn't be doing veteran.

    That being said, on my real tank (Leeching Plate + Ebon, for pugging, before I had better gear), I've finished Fungal Grotto veteran hard mode in a group where I did literally 60% of the total group damage... at 8k dps. Both DDs were dying all the time and hardly doing any damage, the healer was a real one who basically kept me alive, both our original DDs quit midway through the run and were replaced by replacements that were if anything worse. After five resurrections between them in the final fight against Vila Theran, we left both of them dead and just finished the fight off as the two of us, me slowly whittling her down with my 8k/second plus whatever she was taking from my leeching plate, the healer keeping me alive... And we got the hard mode credit, both for us and completely undeservedly for the two dead DDs :-)

    Could have quit long before, carried on through out of sheer bloody-mindedness...
  • MidniteOwl1913
    I expect the tank to, lead, move into the room first grab aggro and turn the boss from the group so that the damage dealers can focus on doing damage. Tanking is the most demanding of the roles. I really admire people who do it well. A real tank (taunt, tank build etc) doing it badly is still a tank. A poser DPS queuing as a tank to avoid the longer queue is a fake.

    A DPS who queues as a DPS and is just bad at it, low damage, can't seem to focus, is still a DPS. So if a DPS who doesn't do enough damage to meet some players expectations is a fake doesn't that make them faking till they make it? ;-)

    Point is bad doesn't equal fake. It takes bad faith and a willing deception to accomplish that.

  • Braffin
    I expect the tank to, lead, move into the room first grab aggro and turn the boss from the group so that the damage dealers can focus on doing damage. Tanking is the most demanding of the roles. I really admire people who do it well. A real tank (taunt, tank build etc) doing it badly is still a tank. A poser DPS queuing as a tank to avoid the longer queue is a fake.

    A DPS who queues as a DPS and is just bad at it, low damage, can't seem to focus, is still a DPS. So if a DPS who doesn't do enough damage to meet some players expectations is a fake doesn't that make them faking till they make it? ;-)

    Point is bad doesn't equal fake. It takes bad faith and a willing deception to accomplish that.

    What category would be a solo player which is knowingly participating in group content without using a functional build for his role?

    Tank would be fake according to your statement, as he is lacking a proper build.

    For healers it's the same, I assume.

    But why the heck is a player queuing as dps while using an overland fun build not considered fake? He didn't prepare properly for the content and is as helpful as any fake tank. Well, maybe less, if the fake tank is doing dmg at least.

    In addition: How do you know if a tank is fake or just really bad? Do you ask? Assume it based on his actions?

    In the end you are saying, that tanks and healers should prepare for content while dps are free to do whatever they want. No wonder, that support roles are as common as potent nirncrux. 😆
    Edited by Braffin on 7 August 2023 04:37
    Never get between a cat and it's candy!
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. It's not that hard.
  • ixthUA
    I am thankful for fake tanks and fake healers for queuing, as they make queue times much shorter for everyone.
    Base game normal dungeons, real tank and healer are simply not needed.
    Base game veteran dungeons, having a real tank makes them much smoother, faster and easier. Real healer is needed only for very weak teams, i don't mind if healer is a 3rd DD.
  • blktauna
    I'm glad most of you are not pugging. This intolerance for low level players not knowing roles in a game with no instruction in any of this is ridiculous. The learning curve is steep and nowher in general game play is anything explained about sets or buffs or damage. Most of the icons are even turned off by default. How do you expect anyone to learn?

    This is what is so rage inducing about the fake tanks. They take a teaching spot away, they ruin the new player's quest opportunity, they run in and just train aggro and leave the others to die to it.

    Your time is no more valuable than the other folks in the group.
  • Daoin
    my work-arounds depending on time of day:
    1: leave group and queue again with an alt of different real role (so not pulled into same group)
    2: leave group quietly
    3: leave group ranting about the bane of eso dungeons and queue again with another dd ( hoping not to be pulled into same group)

    waiting time for dd's does not bother me
    Edited by Daoin on 7 August 2023 10:25
  • Aorys
    try tanking while watching a "dps" spamming bow light attacks
  • Tadmorta
    I main a tank, and honestly I am tired of fake dd's that just light attack and that, as a tank, I do more damage than they do.
    I am sorry for the new players, but I do NOT want to run spindle 1 for an hour.
  • Daoin
    a dd is a dd even if they only shout at the enemy all the way through, a fake tank and fake healer are a real thing, while fake dd's are not. there are no fake dd's in the game.
    Edited by Daoin on 7 August 2023 11:44
  • ixthUA
    Daoin wrote: »
    a dd is a dd even if they only shout at the enemy all the way through, a fake tank and fake healer are a real thing, while fake dd's are not. there are no fake dd's in the game.

    Some veteran dungeons have DPS checks, if 2 DDs in team cannot pass this check - they are not DDs by game dev definition.
    And in any dungeon, team progresses through as fast as DDs can kill mobs and bosses. Who wants the dungeon run to be slow and painful?
  • svendf
    ixthUA wrote: »
    Daoin wrote: »
    a dd is a dd even if they only shout at the enemy all the way through, a fake tank and fake healer are a real thing, while fake dd's are not. there are no fake dd's in the game.

    Some veteran dungeons have DPS checks, if 2 DDs in team cannot pass this check - they are not DDs by game dev definition.
    And in any dungeon, team progresses through as fast as DDs can kill mobs and bosses. Who wants the dungeon run to be slow and painful?

    It´s still a dd. Their dps is just not enough to pass those checks.

    Same goes for a healer, who doesn´t have enough out put to heal the team. They are still healer´s.

    Fake tanks and healer´s are player´s, who main a dd and que as a tank or healer to jump the que, because they can and ZOS allow them.

    Edited by svendf on 7 August 2023 12:08
  • Jierdanit
    svendf wrote: »
    ixthUA wrote: »
    Daoin wrote: »
    a dd is a dd even if they only shout at the enemy all the way through, a fake tank and fake healer are a real thing, while fake dd's are not. there are no fake dd's in the game.

    Some veteran dungeons have DPS checks, if 2 DDs in team cannot pass this check - they are not DDs by game dev definition.
    And in any dungeon, team progresses through as fast as DDs can kill mobs and bosses. Who wants the dungeon run to be slow and painful?

    It´s still a dd. Their dps is just not enough to pass those checks.

    Same goes for a healer, who doesn´t have enough out put to heal the team. They are still healer´s.

    Fake tanks and healer´s are player´s, who main a dd and que as a tank or healer to jump the que, because they can and ZOS allow them.

    If a dps can't pass a dps check he's a fake.
    If a healer can't keep his team alive he's a fake.
    If a tank can't keep the aggro and people die because of that he's a fake.

    A "fake" tank who can properly hold the boss due to high damage is more of a tank than a "real" tank that doesn't know how to hold aggro.
    PC/EU, StamSorc Main
  • Granamere
    I am sorry but by letting someone fake tank the problem is on us. When I used to que as a DPS or healer and I get a fake tank, I will ask for them to do the role. If they would not, I will vote to kick. If others in the group just accept, the tank is not going to do the job I just drop even if in is FG1 and I can solo it.

    If we reward the bad behavior, it will not stop.

    Because of all of this I just do not run randoms unless I am with a group of friends and we have already formed a group.

    I do wish that ZOS would put some check in the dungeon finder to validate roles on non-preformed groups, but I can see where that would be hard to do.

    IMO the best "fix" would be you get the crystals for the first dungeon you complete for the day. That way the people that want to play solo just go and solo FG1 or whatever dungeon they can.

    This would mean less people in the random dungeon que making getting a group harder but hopefully people would be queuing for the correct role more often.

    There is my 2 cents for what it is worth.
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    jtm1018 wrote: »
    If its random normal dungeon, its ok, rnd is easy. Now fake dps is a bit of a worry, just hope that the fake tank and healer are dps.

    Fake dps are even worse in my opinion. In most normal dungeons you can survive a fake healer/tank by simply doing more damage. Either that or you find out quickly that the pug you're in can't handle the dungeon. But I've spent an hour going through Spindleclutch with "fake" dps. My healer Templar was doing most of the damage. :D
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • svendf
    Jierdanit wrote: »
    svendf wrote: »
    ixthUA wrote: »
    Daoin wrote: »
    a dd is a dd even if they only shout at the enemy all the way through, a fake tank and fake healer are a real thing, while fake dd's are not. there are no fake dd's in the game.

    Some veteran dungeons have DPS checks, if 2 DDs in team cannot pass this check - they are not DDs by game dev definition.
    And in any dungeon, team progresses through as fast as DDs can kill mobs and bosses. Who wants the dungeon run to be slow and painful?

    It´s still a dd. Their dps is just not enough to pass those checks.

    Same goes for a healer, who doesn´t have enough out put to heal the team. They are still healer´s.

    Fake tanks and healer´s are player´s, who main a dd and que as a tank or healer to jump the que, because they can and ZOS allow them.

    If a dps can't pass a dps check he's a fake.
    If a healer can't keep his team alive he's a fake.
    If a tank can't keep the aggro and people die because of that he's a fake.

    A "fake" tank who can properly hold the boss due to high damage is more of a tank than a "real" tank that doesn't know how to hold aggro.

    A fake tank holding aggro is still a fake tank as the fake tank is typical in dd gear. This same fake tank would not be able to hold aggro for a long time in harder content.

    A new tank will allway´s have problems in new content, as every other player would - like dd´s and healer´s.

    There isn´t any room in ESO for those two support groups to practise and getting better. Only way is joyning trial´s and dungeon groups. And we know how it´s all going in dungeons.

    In another MMO I have been playing for a long time. You get into dungeons, trials, raids as part of the main quest and doing worldbosses as part of the job quest´s. Add to that you can take npc´s into dungeons as a tank or healer to polish things.

    The gear you use is the role you play. FG1 can be tanked by a healer. It doesn´t make the healer a tank
    Edited by svendf on 7 August 2023 13:04
  • ixthUA
    Granamere wrote: »
    If we reward the bad behavior, it will not stop.
    Why is it bad and why is it needed to be stopped? I see only benefits of fake tanks and fake healers in normal base game dungeons.

  • Jierdanit
    svendf wrote: »
    Jierdanit wrote: »
    svendf wrote: »
    ixthUA wrote: »
    Daoin wrote: »
    a dd is a dd even if they only shout at the enemy all the way through, a fake tank and fake healer are a real thing, while fake dd's are not. there are no fake dd's in the game.

    Some veteran dungeons have DPS checks, if 2 DDs in team cannot pass this check - they are not DDs by game dev definition.
    And in any dungeon, team progresses through as fast as DDs can kill mobs and bosses. Who wants the dungeon run to be slow and painful?

    It´s still a dd. Their dps is just not enough to pass those checks.

    Same goes for a healer, who doesn´t have enough out put to heal the team. They are still healer´s.

    Fake tanks and healer´s are player´s, who main a dd and que as a tank or healer to jump the que, because they can and ZOS allow them.

    If a dps can't pass a dps check he's a fake.
    If a healer can't keep his team alive he's a fake.
    If a tank can't keep the aggro and people die because of that he's a fake.

    A "fake" tank who can properly hold the boss due to high damage is more of a tank than a "real" tank that doesn't know how to hold aggro.

    A fake tank holding aggro is still a fake tank as the fake tank is typical in dd gear. This same fake tank would not be able to hold aggro for a long time in harder content.

    A new tank will allway´s have problems in new content, as every other player would - like dd´s and healer´s.

    There isn´t any room in ESO for those two support groups to practise and getting better. Only way is joyning trial´s and dungeon groups. And we know how it´s all going in dungeons.

    In another MMO I have been playing for a long time. You get into dungeons, trials, raids as part of the main quest and doing worldbosses as part of the job quest´s. Add to that you can take npc´s into dungeons as a tank or healer to polish things.

    The gear you use is the role you play. FG1 can be tanked by a healer. It doesn´t make the healer a tank

    Glad you bring up gear.
    svendf wrote: »
    The gear you use is the role you play. FG1 can be tanked by a healer. It doesn´t make the healer a tank

    Doesn't that mean that a new player who is running no gear set is a fake no matter what role he plays?
    Or that a new tank who doesn't know what sets tanks are supposed to run is absolutely fake tank?

    If a player running DPS gear to tank is a fake tank, then a player running bad DD gear or no DD gear at all is a fake DD.
    PC/EU, StamSorc Main
  • Zastrix
    I mean I'm against doing your roles badly. I don't care if you're a DD, healer, tank if you do your roles poorly.

    And you just have to LOVE the hypocrisy of toxic casuals.

    I'm a DD and if I only spam light attacks and doing 10% of group damage and the tank does 60% of group damage. I'm still a DD, it doesn't matter what gear/skills/skills I'm using/doing, I'm a DD. But how DARE you be a tank who doesn't care about gear/skills/passives/mechanics that YOU are wearing/doing, you are a bad tank and you should be kicked/reported! When I do it it's okay because I'm a DD and it's okay if I make the dungeon super slow and unfun slow for everyone but if you're a tank who doesn't aggro you make the dungeon super slow and unfun you should quit the game and find something else to play.

    Super fun that the most 'casual' playerbase is the one which is telling the players who spent more time in the game to quit said game because they're entitled. Kekw

    Edit 2:

    They're also going to tell that the game devs are catering to the 1%! You mean catering (they are not but I digress) to the players which spent most time/money in the game? Like no **** dip****, of course they're going to see to make and adjust content to the playerbase who didn't play for 20-40 hours and then just decided to quit the game.
    Edited by Zastrix on 7 August 2023 13:47
    110-114k Stage 4 Vamprie Magblade u39
    Aldmeri Dominion did nothing wrong in Shadowfen.
  • Granamere
    ixthUA wrote: »
    Granamere wrote: »
    If we reward the bad behavior, it will not stop.
    Why is it bad and why is it needed to be stopped? I see only benefits of fake tanks and fake healers in normal base game dungeons.

    This is why I do not run random dungeons with random people anymore. Which means because of other players bad behavior other players are avoiding that part of the game. Since some of those players are tanks, this is just adding to the problem.

    Now if we could que for just non DLC dungeons and get the crystals, which would be what you are referring to. That might help with the problem for other people, since some of them can be soloed. Currently you also get DLC dungeons, and some do need real tanks so IMO it is not fair to the group for the fake tank to keep running it.

    Until there is a way to have a tank check in random dungeons it is just easier for me to view it as if this part of the game does not exist.
  • ixthUA
    Granamere wrote: »
    This is why I do not run random dungeons with random people anymore. Which means because of other players bad behavior other players are avoiding that part of the game. Since some of those players are tanks, this is just adding to the problem.

    Now if we could que for just non DLC dungeons and get the crystals, which would be what you are referring to. That might help with the problem for other people, since some of them can be soloed. Currently you also get DLC dungeons, and some do need real tanks so IMO it is not fair to the group for the fake tank to keep running it.

    Until there is a way to have a tank check in random dungeons it is just easier for me to view it as if this part of the game does not exist.
    You only get DLC dungeons if you bought them, or if you have subscription service, both are optional.
  • huntgod_ESO
    ZoS could make this issue go away by removing the requirement for having one of each roll. Have it give preference to one of each role, but if that isn't available, immediately, then just fill with what is available, though I would weight it towards 4 dPS, so you don't end up with multiple tanks or healers.

    I for one, find it irritating if I Q for a random normal and someone is actually a healer or tank because it is soooo much faster with 4DD's.

    That said I don't fake tank in the Vet Q, I also don't random in the vet Q, I grab 3 buddies and do it.

    I can solo any of the normals, except the handful that have mechanics precluding this. There are a few I will leave because they are long and if I had plenty of free time I wouldn't be fake tanking.

    I still find it goofy, they enforce these roles in a game that has such flexibility of design for characters.

    Also with the prevalence and effectiveness of single bar builds, just "slotting" a taunt isn't an option for a lot of folks.

    None of the regular dungeons require a tank or healer, some are easier with a tank, but they do not require it.

    If you are running random normals, you should have some sort of self heal. When I fake tank I do frequently keep aggro because of the damage, but frequently lose it because someone is using something with a taunt component.
    --- HuntGod ---
    Officer of the Unrepentant
  • Granamere
    You only get DLC dungeons if you bought them, or if you have subscription service, both are optional.[/quote]

    Good point.

    I had not looked at it that way. I buy ESO+ so I have all the DLC.
  • svendf
    Jierdanit wrote: »
    svendf wrote: »
    Jierdanit wrote: »
    svendf wrote: »
    ixthUA wrote: »
    Daoin wrote: »
    a dd is a dd even if they only shout at the enemy all the way through, a fake tank and fake healer are a real thing, while fake dd's are not. there are no fake dd's in the game.

    Some veteran dungeons have DPS checks, if 2 DDs in team cannot pass this check - they are not DDs by game dev definition.
    And in any dungeon, team progresses through as fast as DDs can kill mobs and bosses. Who wants the dungeon run to be slow and painful?

    It´s still a dd. Their dps is just not enough to pass those checks.

    Same goes for a healer, who doesn´t have enough out put to heal the team. They are still healer´s.

    Fake tanks and healer´s are player´s, who main a dd and que as a tank or healer to jump the que, because they can and ZOS allow them.

    If a dps can't pass a dps check he's a fake.
    If a healer can't keep his team alive he's a fake.
    If a tank can't keep the aggro and people die because of that he's a fake.

    A "fake" tank who can properly hold the boss due to high damage is more of a tank than a "real" tank that doesn't know how to hold aggro.

    A fake tank holding aggro is still a fake tank as the fake tank is typical in dd gear. This same fake tank would not be able to hold aggro for a long time in harder content.

    A new tank will allway´s have problems in new content, as every other player would - like dd´s and healer´s.

    There isn´t any room in ESO for those two support groups to practise and getting better. Only way is joyning trial´s and dungeon groups. And we know how it´s all going in dungeons.

    In another MMO I have been playing for a long time. You get into dungeons, trials, raids as part of the main quest and doing worldbosses as part of the job quest´s. Add to that you can take npc´s into dungeons as a tank or healer to polish things.

    The gear you use is the role you play. FG1 can be tanked by a healer. It doesn´t make the healer a tank

    Glad you bring up gear.
    svendf wrote: »
    The gear you use is the role you play. FG1 can be tanked by a healer. It doesn´t make the healer a tank

    Doesn't that mean that a new player who is running no gear set is a fake no matter what role he plays?
    Or that a new tank who doesn't know what sets tanks are supposed to run is absolutely fake tank?

    If a player running DPS gear to tank is a fake tank, then a player running bad DD gear or no DD gear at all is a fake DD.

    A new player will allway´s collect gear from chets and npc´s they kill. The gear they use is nothing else than dd gear. I haven´t seen any tank or healer gear in the opn world. You get that stuff in dungeons.

    Who would run around nacked. Na haha peace out
  • Necrotech_Master
    jle30303 wrote: »
    I would say: If a DD can't kill a single Shadow Tormentor in the Gamyne Bandu fight before the pinned player dies (just in case you have a real healer and tank who don't do much damage, and the pinned player is the other DD), then you shouldn't be doing veteran.

    That being said, on my real tank (Leeching Plate + Ebon, for pugging, before I had better gear), I've finished Fungal Grotto veteran hard mode in a group where I did literally 60% of the total group damage... at 8k dps. Both DDs were dying all the time and hardly doing any damage, the healer was a real one who basically kept me alive, both our original DDs quit midway through the run and were replaced by replacements that were if anything worse. After five resurrections between them in the final fight against Vila Theran, we left both of them dead and just finished the fight off as the two of us, me slowly whittling her down with my 8k/second plus whatever she was taking from my leeching plate, the healer keeping me alive... And we got the hard mode credit, both for us and completely undeservedly for the two dead DDs :-)

    Could have quit long before, carried on through out of sheer bloody-mindedness...

    ive been in a similar situation where i was a tank doing vet darkshade 1 and was doing 50-60% of the group dps

    but the people i got in that random were legitimately new people (they were all sub cp 300) so i didnt mind helping them out

    i really like leeching plate on my tank as it does add about 1000 dps passively without you even doing anything (my tanks can also hit around 8k dps, it used to be 10-12k dps before the proc scaling changes)
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • Braffin
    svendf wrote: »
    Jierdanit wrote: »
    svendf wrote: »
    Jierdanit wrote: »
    svendf wrote: »
    ixthUA wrote: »
    Daoin wrote: »
    a dd is a dd even if they only shout at the enemy all the way through, a fake tank and fake healer are a real thing, while fake dd's are not. there are no fake dd's in the game.

    Some veteran dungeons have DPS checks, if 2 DDs in team cannot pass this check - they are not DDs by game dev definition.
    And in any dungeon, team progresses through as fast as DDs can kill mobs and bosses. Who wants the dungeon run to be slow and painful?

    It´s still a dd. Their dps is just not enough to pass those checks.

    Same goes for a healer, who doesn´t have enough out put to heal the team. They are still healer´s.

    Fake tanks and healer´s are player´s, who main a dd and que as a tank or healer to jump the que, because they can and ZOS allow them.

    If a dps can't pass a dps check he's a fake.
    If a healer can't keep his team alive he's a fake.
    If a tank can't keep the aggro and people die because of that he's a fake.

    A "fake" tank who can properly hold the boss due to high damage is more of a tank than a "real" tank that doesn't know how to hold aggro.

    A fake tank holding aggro is still a fake tank as the fake tank is typical in dd gear. This same fake tank would not be able to hold aggro for a long time in harder content.

    A new tank will allway´s have problems in new content, as every other player would - like dd´s and healer´s.

    There isn´t any room in ESO for those two support groups to practise and getting better. Only way is joyning trial´s and dungeon groups. And we know how it´s all going in dungeons.

    In another MMO I have been playing for a long time. You get into dungeons, trials, raids as part of the main quest and doing worldbosses as part of the job quest´s. Add to that you can take npc´s into dungeons as a tank or healer to polish things.

    The gear you use is the role you play. FG1 can be tanked by a healer. It doesn´t make the healer a tank

    Glad you bring up gear.
    svendf wrote: »
    The gear you use is the role you play. FG1 can be tanked by a healer. It doesn´t make the healer a tank

    Doesn't that mean that a new player who is running no gear set is a fake no matter what role he plays?
    Or that a new tank who doesn't know what sets tanks are supposed to run is absolutely fake tank?

    If a player running DPS gear to tank is a fake tank, then a player running bad DD gear or no DD gear at all is a fake DD.

    A new player will allway´s collect gear from chets and npc´s they kill. The gear they use is nothing else than dd gear. I haven´t seen any tank or healer gear in the opn world. You get that stuff in dungeons.

    Who would run around nacked. Na haha peace out

    Do you think heavy armor is meant for dds then? Because there is at least one set of heavy armor in every single overland zone to collect.

    Fact is, that especially fake dds get angry if their abysmal low dps isn't buffed by full-scaled support roles. Skilled dds simply do the job themselves while damaging.

    I don't think fake tanking is a good move tho, but the core of the problem are players which don't respect the time of others by joining group content completely unprepared with their funbuilds while pretending to be damage dealer. Most tanks (and healers) outright refuse to run content with those people, because it's not fun.

    Most people, including myself, indeed are helpful towards newer players, but nobody can force us to carry veteran solists through content they despise anyways.

    Let's be honest here: Most people complaining here on forums about fake tanks aren't new players, but around since years. So, if you want to enforce your playstyle onto others, form your own group.
    Edited by Braffin on 7 August 2023 15:15
    Never get between a cat and it's candy!
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. It's not that hard.
  • blktauna
    Well we can see here who the selfish players are.

    You complain about low damage but please show me where in the game a noob is supposed to know what their damage is, what buffs are , what buffs/ debuffs are on them, how to interrupt etc. At least the new combat tutorial actually shows some of this unlike the old days.

    If you are complaining about 'fake' damage on a player who's toon is under lvl 30 you need to check yourself. Its players like you who put people off content. Beginners need to learn.
  • Braffin
    blktauna wrote: »
    Well we can see here who the selfish players are.

    You complain about low damage but please show me where in the game a noob is supposed to know what their damage is, what buffs are , what buffs/ debuffs are on them, how to interrupt etc. At least the new combat tutorial actually shows some of this unlike the old days.

    If you are complaining about 'fake' damage on a player who's toon is under lvl 30 you need to check yourself. Its players like you who put people off content. Beginners need to learn.

    Yes, beginners need to learn, nobody is doubting that. And there are plenty of possibilities to do so.

    For testing your damage you can use a dummy, although I admit a newer player don't necessarily know that.
    For a basic understanding of buffs/debuffs it's sufficient to actually READ the skill description.
    How to block, dodge and interrupt is teached by the tutorial. Players which started to play before this "new" combat tutorial was introduced, aren't new players anymore, even if they insist to play noobish.

    And nobody is talking about lvl 30 toons, or even cp 300 toons. We are talking about seasoned skyrimists, which refuse to learn how to play this game for years and are entitled enough to believe we others are only here to serve their expectations by carrying them through content while submitting to their personal rules.

    There is no "right" or "wrong" way to play group content, the only rule is, that at least the majority of the group is willing to cooperate in a specific way. Which way this is, is for the group to decide.
    Edited by Braffin on 7 August 2023 18:07
    Never get between a cat and it's candy!
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. It's not that hard.
  • blktauna
    you might be talking about 'skyrimists' but I run into those infrequently. Mainly I get new people left standing while the guy who has been hopping for crit suddenly takes off and tries to speed run the dungeon without seeing what the group is expecting.

    This is my alt account with no ESO+ so I'm in basegame normal and these inconsiderate people simply try to blow through everything.

    I look at my group and see what the composition is, then adjust accordingly.

    When I drop in on my 50+ I ask upfront what the plan is. When I drop in on my lowbies who are levelling, I say I'm on a slow lowbie and want to quest. The amount of times there's that one jerk who just runs ahead, training the trash and letting everyone else die is disgusting. I report them for training the trash and running ahead against the will of the other three people in the 4 man.
    Edited by blktauna on 7 August 2023 18:18
  • Braffin
    blktauna wrote: »
    you might be talking about 'skyrimists' but I run into thos infrequently. Mainly I get new people left standing while the guy who has been hopping for crit suddenly takes off and tries to speed run the dungeon ithout seeing what the group is expecting.

    This is my alt account with no ESO+ so I'm in basegame normal and these inconsiderate people simple try to blow through everything.

    I look at my group and see what the composition is, then adjust accordingly.

    When I drop in on my 50+ I ash upfront what the plan is. When I drop in on my lowbies who are levelling, I say I'm on a slow lowbie and want to quest. The amount of times there's that one jerk who just runs ahead, training the trash and letting everyone else die is disgusting. I report them for training the trash and running ahead against the will of the other three people in the 4 man.

    That's an unfortunate scenario, I agree. A player should always play group-oriented, although you will always find some "specialists" which treat other people like somewhat more evolved npc.

    But why not make use of the possibility to kick-vote then?
    Never get between a cat and it's candy!
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. It's not that hard.
  • blktauna
    Braffin wrote: »
    blktauna wrote: »
    you might be talking about 'skyrimists' but I run into thos infrequently. Mainly I get new people left standing while the guy who has been hopping for crit suddenly takes off and tries to speed run the dungeon ithout seeing what the group is expecting.

    This is my alt account with no ESO+ so I'm in basegame normal and these inconsiderate people simple try to blow through everything.

    I look at my group and see what the composition is, then adjust accordingly.

    When I drop in on my 50+ I ash upfront what the plan is. When I drop in on my lowbies who are levelling, I say I'm on a slow lowbie and want to quest. The amount of times there's that one jerk who just runs ahead, training the trash and letting everyone else die is disgusting. I report them for training the trash and running ahead against the will of the other three people in the 4 man.

    That's an unfortunate scenario, I agree. A player should always play group-oriented, although you will always find some "specialists" which treat other people like somewhat more evolved npc.

    But why not make use of the possibility to kick-vote then?

    I certainly do but a lot of new folks don't know what that is or how it works
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