[SUGGESTION] How to make pvp events accessible to non pvp players

PvP Events are a strain to the nervs of people who like to collect vouchers and collectibles but who are no dedicated pvp players.

I therefore suggest following:
* BEFORE entering a campaign/imperial city OR alternatively once every 24h a player can activate invulnerability versus player damage.
* This invulnerability comes at a cost: you no longer can interact with items such as sieges or hammer, you cannot repair walls and gates or sieges. You cannot turn flags and you cannot deal damage to other players either. You cannot kill npc guards at castles or ressources or hammer spawn areas.
* You cannot pick or complete quests that are related to alliance war like spying quests etc.
* you only can pick and complete pure npc quests like delve quests.
* You cannot switch back to the vulnerability status inside a campaign or maybe twice every 24h whatever is more reasonable to prevent abuse.
  • jaws343
    That would basically break Cyrodil. As opposing alliance players will log into the other alliance on throw away accounts and flag as invulnerable and decrease the population on the opposing alliances actually able to fight.

    And, a player's dislike for PVP shouldn't entitle them to PVP related event rewards without doing the requisite PVP risk related activities. Same with any other event that includes areas in the game that some players do not care for.

    This is a PVP event.
  • Ankael07
    Nobody is entitled to free tickets in any event. If your nerves get strained by a video game event you need to reevaluate how you see video games
    If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.
  • Braffin
    Absolutely not!

    Although I can understand it can be frustrating to feel forced to do PvP for the sake of rewards (nobody really isn't tho), this suggestion would lead to PvP instances stuffed with hardcore non-PvPers, while people which want actually partake at the event couldn't enter said instances.

    And I won't even elaborate the possibilities of trolling by implementing invulnerability to PvP zones.

    I'd be fine with alternative ways to collect the vouchers outside of cyro, IC and BGs, as it's already possible to bypass events by buying vouchers with crowns anyways.

    There are several ways to implement this:
    • hand out enough vouchers during PvE events to guarantee nobody misses a collectible
    • add vouchers to the endeavour system during ongoing events
    • add PvE quests outside PvP instances which grant vouchers

    But let PvPers enjoy their event in peace and don't try to take the already very limited spots per campaign if you don't intend to actually PvP.
    Never get between a cat and it's candy!
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. It's not that hard.
  • AnduinTryggva
    jaws343 wrote: »
    That would basically break Cyrodil. As opposing alliance players will log into the other alliance on throw away accounts and flag as invulnerable and decrease the population on the opposing alliances actually able to fight.

    And, a player's dislike for PVP shouldn't entitle them to PVP related event rewards without doing the requisite PVP risk related activities. Same with any other event that includes areas in the game that some players do not care for.

    This is a PVP event.

    Yeah, and all the PvPler enjoy the cannon fodder. I understand that. it is basically tel'var stones for free.

    with respect to your concerns: invulnerable players would of course not count on the stack. As they are of no use for pvp activities they would not impact performance a lot because they will just do the delve quests etc.
  • jaws343
    jaws343 wrote: »
    That would basically break Cyrodil. As opposing alliance players will log into the other alliance on throw away accounts and flag as invulnerable and decrease the population on the opposing alliances actually able to fight.

    And, a player's dislike for PVP shouldn't entitle them to PVP related event rewards without doing the requisite PVP risk related activities. Same with any other event that includes areas in the game that some players do not care for.

    This is a PVP event.

    Yeah, and all the PvPler enjoy the cannon fodder. I understand that. it is basically tel'var stones for free.

    with respect to your concerns: invulnerable players would of course not count on the stack. As they are of no use for pvp activities they would not impact performance a lot because they will just do the delve quests etc.

    As a non pvpers player, your concerns around pvp zones are largely irrelevant.

    Not to mention, there are like 12 events each year and only 2 are pvp related. You are perfectly capable of ignoring this event and playing in the other 10.

    You are also ignoring the part where those "PvE" quests are all intentionally implemented with the risk of pvp being involved. The rewards are set that way. With that risk.
    Edited by jaws343 on 29 June 2023 17:19
  • AnduinTryggva
    jaws343 wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    That would basically break Cyrodil. As opposing alliance players will log into the other alliance on throw away accounts and flag as invulnerable and decrease the population on the opposing alliances actually able to fight.

    And, a player's dislike for PVP shouldn't entitle them to PVP related event rewards without doing the requisite PVP risk related activities. Same with any other event that includes areas in the game that some players do not care for.

    This is a PVP event.

    Yeah, and all the PvPler enjoy the cannon fodder. I understand that. it is basically tel'var stones for free.

    with respect to your concerns: invulnerable players would of course not count on the stack. As they are of no use for pvp activities they would not impact performance a lot because they will just do the delve quests etc.

    As a non pvpers player, your concerns around pvp zones are largely irrelevant.

    Not to mention, there are like 12 events each year and only 2 are pvp related. You are perfectly capable of ignoring this event and playing in the other 10.

    You are also ignoring the part where those "PvE" quests are all intentionally implemented with the risk of pvp being involved. The rewards are set that way. With that risk.

    I disagree here. Of course one can ignore it. But only as long as one does not care for the collectibles. And while any pvpler can do well in pve events they can decide to ignore it or not. Vice versa the choice is not the same.

    If they implement another way to make this accessible to pve players I am ready to accept. I made a suggestion of how I think it could implemented. There are maybe other smarter ways. Just implement it.
  • Soarora
    This conversation happens every Midyear Mayhem. Just do your quests early or off prime time, find a group of players, make a pvp build, go into instances where your alliance is winning, be a nightblade, or just skip the event.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
  • SaffronCitrusflower
    There are several alternative campaigns that are created during these events that are specifically for the PvE community to take advantage of. The casual PvE players can go to those campaigns, go to one of the towns and do a quest that takes 2 minutes to complete and get their tickets that way.

    It's not a hardship put upon the PvE community that ZOS would dare to have a PvP event.
  • Lazarus_Rising
    You could also play a healer and just heal your group and do not do any pvp.
    also known as Overlich.
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    Another midyear, another PvE Cyrodiil proposal.

    If you don't want to PvP for Event Tickets, then don't. No one is forcing you, just like no one forced any of the PvPers to do the PvE events for tickets.
  • Brrrofski
    Can mods just start closing these threads, please?

    Same threads get spammed twice a year. They offer nothing constructive and nothing will ever change with the event, so they're pointless.
  • AuraNebula
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Can mods just start closing these threads, please?

    Same threads get spammed twice a year. They offer nothing constructive and nothing will ever change with the event, so they're pointless.

    Seriously. There's three PvP events a year. There are so many PvE events. If you don't like PvP then don't. It's just event tickets. If people really want tickets just join a group take the farm resource dailies and get out. It's not that big of a deal.
  • Marcus684
    Let's do a thought exercise.

    "I hate trials but I want the rewards that come from trials, so I want ZOS to give me invulnerability for a 1-time-per-day solo trial run where I can't die to the trial mobs so I can get the drops".

    Ridiculous sounding, right?
  • Dojohoda
    It's fine the way it is. 🙂
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • noblecron
    They could also implement a pve only server for Cyro and IC. I know a few folk that want that
  • kargen27
    jaws343 wrote: »
    That would basically break Cyrodil. As opposing alliance players will log into the other alliance on throw away accounts and flag as invulnerable and decrease the population on the opposing alliances actually able to fight.

    And, a player's dislike for PVP shouldn't entitle them to PVP related event rewards without doing the requisite PVP risk related activities. Same with any other event that includes areas in the game that some players do not care for.

    This is a PVP event.

    Yeah, and all the PvPler enjoy the cannon fodder. I understand that. it is basically tel'var stones for free.

    with respect to your concerns: invulnerable players would of course not count on the stack. As they are of no use for pvp activities they would not impact performance a lot because they will just do the delve quests etc.

    Players who mainly PvP will leave you alone most the time. In Cyrodiil they are not going to be around delves and daily quest givers unless it is to flip flags. They can't get your Telvar in Cyrodiil and in Imperial City you aren't targeted by PvPrs for your Telvar. You don't carry enough to make that a consideration.
    The players that sit at turn in sites are frustrated PvErs that take advantage of the event to get a few kills. In Imperial City if you let your faction know there is a camper they will usually get popped fairly quick unless the instance is really low on population.
    There are quests in Imperial City you can do without leaving your home base. You just need a ranged attack. As others have pointed out this is a PvP event. If you want the tickets you have to chance you might encounter enemy players. That is just part of the event.
    Doesn't help you now but if you have several characters you can pre-load quests before the event so all you need to do is turn in when the event starts.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • HidesInPlainSight
    noblecron wrote: »
    They could also implement a pve only server for Cyro and IC. I know a few folk that want that

    Sure they would, because that would be the easiest Telvar gain in the game.

    Not, happening. You want the pvp rewards, pvp.

  • Feaky
    PvP Events are a strain to the nervs of people who like to collect vouchers and collectibles but who are no dedicated pvp players.

    I therefore suggest following:
    * BEFORE entering a campaign/imperial city OR alternatively once every 24h a player can activate invulnerability versus player damage.
    * This invulnerability comes at a cost: you no longer can interact with items such as sieges or hammer, you cannot repair walls and gates or sieges. You cannot turn flags and you cannot deal damage to other players either. You cannot kill npc guards at castles or ressources or hammer spawn areas.
    * You cannot pick or complete quests that are related to alliance war like spying quests etc.
    * you only can pick and complete pure npc quests like delve quests.
    * You cannot switch back to the vulnerability status inside a campaign or maybe twice every 24h whatever is more reasonable to prevent abuse.

    PVP events are for PVP. Is that really that hard to comprehend?
  • colossalvoids
    To be eligible for PvP rewards you have to PvP, to be eligible for PvE rewards you have to PvE, it's that simple.
  • AnduinTryggva
    Marcus684 wrote: »
    Let's do a thought exercise.

    "I hate trials but I want the rewards that come from trials, so I want ZOS to give me invulnerability for a 1-time-per-day solo trial run where I can't die to the trial mobs so I can get the drops".

    Ridiculous sounding, right?

    That's comparing apples to pears.

    There is not one single trial event where you get tickets for completing a trial.
  • AnduinTryggva
    noblecron wrote: »
    They could also implement a pve only server for Cyro and IC. I know a few folk that want that

    Sure they would, because that would be the easiest Telvar gain in the game.

    Not, happening. You want the pvp rewards, pvp.

    Of course with invulnerability one should get zero Telvars.

    But again: I am happy with ANY OTHER implementation that makes event-relevant quests more accessible to pve players like pve event quests are already accessible to pvp players. I am asking to level fields. There is not ONE single pve event that is difficult for pvp players. They are actually very easy. You don't even need a pve build. There is NOT ONE SINGLE trial event.
    The threshold is very high for pvp events. Capture 9 ressources? Can be done with a pvp build but takes long and involves a lot of dieing with some bad luck of enemy player encounter. Farms need to be in your alliance's hand to do the quests so it happens often that you have to flip the flags. And of course there you get very often killed when an enemy alliance wants that farm.
    Don't forget that a lot of pve players don't have groups to join because their bubble is different. Spying quests take a very long ride and beware if one pvp player spots you. You are guaranteed dead and have to do it all over. IC is even worse. It is already difficult for a pvp player when your alliance is outnumbered which happens very often.
    The difficulty to complete the quests is simply so much higher that even with a pvp build you will have a hard time to complete them if you are not pvp-trained. This is definitely not the case vice-versa. Any pve-untrained pvp player can complete the pve quests required for vouchers with their pvp build.
  • RevJJ
    I hate Tales of Tribute and only play it because there’s a houseguest locked behind playing it. I should be able to have an invulnerable mode where I don’t have to play but just get rewards.
  • Katheriah
    Every Midyear people ask this question. Just stop. Nobody is entitled to the easy way out.

    If you don't want to be cannon fodder, do the quests earlier or just go tanky and group up.
  • Arthtur
    U dont have to take part in Midyear Mayhem in order to get all collectibles. New Life Festival (event at the end of the year) gives like 60 voucher total and impresario has all fragments to sell from the entire year. So even if u skip PvP events u will be still able to get all those things. There is no point in changing how PvP events work. In the end its Player versus Player event, not Pick up Tickets event.
    PC/EU @Arthtur

    Toxic Tank for the win :x
  • M0ntie
    "Players who mainly PvP will leave you alone most the time. In Cyrodiil they are not going to be around delves and daily quest givers unless it is to flip flags. "

    You're joking, right? I got ganked twice by 2 PVPers in the middle of nowhere (Lindai) in the first hour of the event. Apparently DC ass hats didn't get the memo about not attacking questers.
  • RevJJ
    M0ntie wrote: »
    "Players who mainly PvP will leave you alone most the time. In Cyrodiil they are not going to be around delves and daily quest givers unless it is to flip flags. "

    You're joking, right? I got ganked twice by 2 PVPers in the middle of nowhere (Lindai) in the first hour of the event. Apparently DC ass hats didn't get the memo about not attacking questers.

    Players who camp delves and quest objectives during the Mayhem events are almost always PVE-ers who don’t normally pvp.
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    RevJJ wrote: »
    M0ntie wrote: »
    "Players who mainly PvP will leave you alone most the time. In Cyrodiil they are not going to be around delves and daily quest givers unless it is to flip flags. "

    You're joking, right? I got ganked twice by 2 PVPers in the middle of nowhere (Lindai) in the first hour of the event. Apparently DC ass hats didn't get the memo about not attacking questers.

    Players who camp delves and quest objectives during the Mayhem events are almost always PVE-ers who don’t normally pvp.

    This. Most actual PvPers want the big fights that show up during MyM.
  • jaws343
    RevJJ wrote: »
    M0ntie wrote: »
    "Players who mainly PvP will leave you alone most the time. In Cyrodiil they are not going to be around delves and daily quest givers unless it is to flip flags. "

    You're joking, right? I got ganked twice by 2 PVPers in the middle of nowhere (Lindai) in the first hour of the event. Apparently DC ass hats didn't get the memo about not attacking questers.

    Players who camp delves and quest objectives during the Mayhem events are almost always PVE-ers who don’t normally pvp.

    This. Most actual PvPers want the big fights that show up during MyM.

    Seriously, I am at the keeps banking AP on the way to GO. No time to sit around killing questers. Unless of course they are in one of the capturable towns. There everyone is kill on sight. And if I come across you in Imperial City. Also kill on sight. Never suffer an enemy to live in a PVP zone when you encounter them or they will likely turn around and kill you. Always the best approach.
    Edited by jaws343 on 30 June 2023 13:13
  • VaranisArano
    Here's the Event Guide I wrote, aimed at new and inexperienced players, with as much of the advice, tips, and tricks I've learned going from PVE-Only to Legate:

    Whitestrake's Mayhem 101 - June/July 2023

    You don't have to be a dedicated PVPer to have fun. However, some basic preparation helps. If you go in expecting it to be just like PVE, its not going to work out.

    Obviously, you'll get more out of the experience if you prepare effectively, but if you're like "Look, I don't wanna invest anything at all, just get my tickets and get out," here's some quick tips:
    • Do you have a stealthy Thief build? Use that to avoid conflict.
    • Do you have a PVE tank build? Use that to look like a hard target for gankers.
    • Pick up your scouting quest in a Cyrodiil campaign where your faction owns very little to get a nearby target, then swap to a campaign where your faction owns most of the map, then ride to your hopefully fairly safe target.
    • The Imperial City Arena District's daily can be completed from the spawn point. Just be careful about getting knocked down or attacked, because that's not actually a safe zone.
    • You are going to die. Everyone dies in PVP. Especially the PVPers. We die literally all the time. Just rez up at the nearest spawn point, dust yourself off, relax, and try again.

    My favorite thing to do for the Imperial City daily tickets is to bring my PVE Mat Farmer with her speed build. At 16k health and medium armor, I am absolute glass. If an enemy player looks at me, I'm dead. But I can outrun just about any mob, so I just die, speedrun to my next objective, die, speedrun to my nest objective, and so on.
  • AnduinTryggva
    Here's the Event Guide I wrote, aimed at new and inexperienced players, with as much of the advice, tips, and tricks I've learned going from PVE-Only to Legate:

    Whitestrake's Mayhem 101 - June/July 2023

    You don't have to be a dedicated PVPer to have fun. However, some basic preparation helps. If you go in expecting it to be just like PVE, its not going to work out.

    Obviously, you'll get more out of the experience if you prepare effectively, but if you're like "Look, I don't wanna invest anything at all, just get my tickets and get out," here's some quick tips:
    • Do you have a stealthy Thief build? Use that to avoid conflict.
    • Do you have a PVE tank build? Use that to look like a hard target for gankers.
    • Pick up your scouting quest in a Cyrodiil campaign where your faction owns very little to get a nearby target, then swap to a campaign where your faction owns most of the map, then ride to your hopefully fairly safe target.
    • The Imperial City Arena District's daily can be completed from the spawn point. Just be careful about getting knocked down or attacked, because that's not actually a safe zone.
    • You are going to die. Everyone dies in PVP. Especially the PVPers. We die literally all the time. Just rez up at the nearest spawn point, dust yourself off, relax, and try again.

    My favorite thing to do for the Imperial City daily tickets is to bring my PVE Mat Farmer with her speed build. At 16k health and medium armor, I am absolute glass. If an enemy player looks at me, I'm dead. But I can outrun just about any mob, so I just die, speedrun to my next objective, die, speedrun to my nest objective, and so on.

    Thanks. At least sb with some constructive thread. I will take a look how this works out.
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