Dragonredux wrote: »Healers are the only thing they are decent at.
Tanks suffers from the same AoE problems all companions share. The bad cooldown system mixed with lack of ability space means it's hard to fix taunts + survivability + Tank toolkits (cc + pulls). Ultimate usage also tend to be a death sentence.
Damage Dealers are just bad. Maybe around 10k damage for hard to get purple gear.
They need a rework with some actual thought put into the combat system and not be pets 2.0 and watered down player classes.
Darkstorne wrote: »It's the main reason why I think a Bard class would end up being ludicrously popular if it's ever added.
Hello all!
I am a fairly experienced player, so I do mot necessarily NEED companions. But if thing is there, why not use it, right?
I have tried Mirri and Isobel in melee and ranged. Melee they are pretty much tanking the floor at all times. Ranged I was not sure if they did anything at all.
Have any of you guys made co.panions at all useful? If so, I'd love to know.