It's not at all that I think the speed is too slow, It's that the level of my quests(and monsters im killing) are far higher than myself, and getting worse the longer i play.
I certainly didn't rush through, as I've gone back and tried to figure out what I've missed countless times. I don't think I skipped any Islands.. but i guess i could be wrong? I only played beta through level 4, so I guess I could have skipped something . Also It was fine till around level 10ish, that's when I started fighting stuff much higher than myself.
Aye, but how many of those months were you LFG on LOLDRG until SE made DRG a viable job?i remember the first time i played FFXI and it took me 8 months to hit 75, the sense of achievement and accomplishment i felt was great
I feel the leveling is faster now than it was in beta, at least if you are questing. It took me like 14 or hours to get to level 10 to pvp in beta. I played about 8 hours yesterday and got to 13 and half.
As for your issue with zones, did you go to the first 2 beginner islands? if you skipped those, you skipped a lot. Like i said i am 13 and half, and have only done 1/2-2/3 of the quest in mainland first zone. If you did skip them there is no point in going back now, as you will be to high to gain exp off mobs or quests. Best thing i could recommend is questing in Cyrodiil until you get to the desired level for the next area.
So is the leveling too slow? Or am I seriously missing all kinds of stuff? I completed every quest minus 1 or 2 bugged ones through the 1-15 area at level 13(spent about 2 hours going back making sure i didnt miss any). Did a dungeon, then moved on to the next area… I am now level 14(almost 15) doing level 18-20 quests? It seems I just keep getting further and further behind. I guess I could just grind mobs.. but damn thats slow.
But I don't see how I can continue now, as it's progressively getting worse. I guess I'll try questing in Cyrodiil.. as I can barely see any progress if I try to grind mobs.
But I spent at least an hour in cyrodiil and gained practically nothing, guess ill look into the pve quests.
DanMan3395 wrote: »Is this a joke? The game has been available one day.