Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Anyone else booted from server?

  • Cuwen
    Are we going to get an extra day of the event since yesterday had all the crashes and glitches? We always have before when this has happened. Of course... it's kind of sad that most of the events bug out on the first day and, thus, we have a history where ESO brings out an event, event crashes, ESO gives us an extra day because of it.

    But yeah, are we going to get an extra day of the event?
  • stonycorral
    rtx2030ti does not work with this game, why
  • MreeBiPolar
    Getting crashes / server unavailability / booted from server right upon entering the UN/password for at least an hour third time already this event.

    It is 100% not user-side network, add-ons or anything as Support tends to suggest ([snip] is more correct), because well:
    * I have tested the network;
    * It happens on 3 different PCs and 3 different accounts and 3 different ISPs;
    * I have tried with add-ons not just disabled, but removed;
    * It happens BEFORE the point add-ons can even get relevant.

    [Edit for profanity.]
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on 23 October 2021 04:38
  • PoisonedPastries
    Husband and I keep getting Error 307 booted from server. Xbox North America
  • SammyKhajit
    PC EU.

    Trying to accept the fact that the game won’t work during an event is a fact….
  • MjolnirVilkas
    Can't log in. Account already logged in error.

    Sick liaisons raised this monumental mark
    The sun sets forever over Blackwater Park
  • Azphel
    PC EU

    "Account already logged in" followed by error 307 - for the third time in the past hour. I was trying to do something about my stacks of surveys, but it's pointless if half of them are going to be wasted by disconnects.

    Got a fourth "already logged in" disconnect while I was typing. This time from character selection.
  • Hamfast
    Well, this must be the official "Booted from Server" thread...

    Please add me to the list, PC-NA, crafting potions in my house...

    Another thread from a few months back said wait 10 to 15 minutes then try again, so I am using that time productively by reporting it here...
    Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most...
  • nightstrike
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    One last update here. We see your feedback regarding loss of time for the event and will pass this along to the dev team for compensation consideration. We'll follow up sometime tomorrow after the team is back online for the work day. It's pretty late and most of the team is gone except for a few who helped to get the PC NA server back online. Thanks, all.

    "Tomorrow" came and went. Did I miss an update somewhere? Any chance you could link to it from this thread? Thanks!
    Warning: This signature is tiny!
  • ghost_bg_ESO
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    One last update here. We see your feedback regarding loss of time for the event and will pass this along to the dev team for compensation consideration. We'll follow up sometime tomorrow after the team is back online for the work day. It's pretty late and most of the team is gone except for a few who helped to get the PC NA server back online. Thanks, all.

  • Soulshine
    Back to the fun....

    Booted and unable to get back in PC NA or PC EU.
  • twev
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    One last update here. We see your feedback regarding loss of time for the event and will pass this along to the dev team for compensation consideration. We'll follow up sometime tomorrow after the team is back online for the work day. It's pretty late and most of the team is gone except for a few who helped to get the PC NA server back online. Thanks, all.


    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • Ryath_Waylander
    Aaand.. there it goes again. PC-EU belly up. I need a "Some Player" membership badge. Hah! Oh well, there's always youtube I guess :tongue:
  • Aechma
    Soul Shriven
    how can this happen eso
  • twev
    Aaand.. there it goes again. PC-EU belly up. I need a "Some Player" membership badge. Hah! Oh well, there's always youtube I guess :tongue:

    A badge that increments once for every time a player gets booted from the game when the server goes down would be a 'fun' badge to have added to our collection.
    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • EmEm_Oh
    Works for me now, thank-you. :)
  • Kantuuka
    Cuwen wrote: »
    Are we going to get an extra day of the event since yesterday had all the crashes and glitches? We always have before when this has happened. Of course... it's kind of sad that most of the events bug out on the first day and, thus, we have a history where ESO brings out an event, event crashes, ESO gives us an extra day because of it.

    But yeah, are we going to get an extra day of the event?

    They will change the "unexpected error" to "expected error" soon
    More then 1 is a Zerg..
  • Freyja
    So they did not extend the event even though some of us lost a day, shame on them :(
  • Drammanoth

    constantly ERROR 334 - and yes, I have done as it is advised on the Support website...
    My wishlist for ESO
    >>weapons: Polearms, Unarmed, Crossbow

    >>Sorc's Twilight - perched animation

    >>a skill line - a guild having this - to enable us to increase % gold gain for donating Ornate gear (another gold sink in order to gain more pennies - but over time it would pay off)

    II.Overland Mechanics
    >>new skill lines - Adventure (enable climbing, increase flora and fauna harvesting chances)

    >>tree climing in Grahtwood / Malabal Tor / Greenshade, etc. (with tall trees)

    >>rock climbing in Glenumbra / Rivenspire / Stonefalls, etc. (with tall peaks)

    >>restoration of destroyed cities, eg. Satakalaam, Aswala, Gil-Var-Delle, etc. Making them permanently restored, maybe with some traders OR minor quest hubs.

    >>a way to make Overland more challenging - for those who want

    III.CP 2.0
    >>Craft Tree development -->

    >>a mount OF CHOICE (eg. horse, senche, quasigryph) for every 1200 CP in respective colours
    >>a permanent 10% bonus to gold gain from every source for 900 CP collected on Craft
    >> a permanent 5% attack / defence bonus for 900 CP collected on Warfare
    >>a permanent 10% bonus to health/stam/mag regen and 5% health/stam/mag increase for 900 CP on Fitness

    III.Replayable content in overland
    >>dynamic pocket rifts to Oblivion - eg. to Vaermina's in Stormhaven, Boethiah's in Deshaan, Hircine's in the Rift OR in Bankgorai, etc. to get Daedric Sets relevant to the Prince, something like Oblivion rifts in Blackwood / the Deadlands

    >>Pyandonea - we had some quests WITH Maormer (Summerset, High Isle) - maybe we could meet them there? Poke poke, nudge nudge, wink wink, eh ZOS?

    >>Norg-Tzel - for Mara's sake, ZOS, REMOVE it from the list please!


    >>story mode for dungeons - sometimes I don't want to do a dungeon quest with sprinters. They will rush from boss to boss and leave without saying a thing. I'd love to enjoy the time, even though I've done a dungeon many times

    (the ideas are also inspired by other Forum Users' posts)
    >>possibility to research traits on Companions' equipment so that we could change the traits

    >>pet battles! We collect SO MANY pets, and yet they are just a cosmetic. What a HUGE potential lies within those tiny beats!

    >>ASOC - a new server in Asia and Oceania. If people have a bad ping there, it would be great if they had a server reaching their places more easily. And hey, it would make THREE servers, not two.

    >>highlighting WBs that are being engaged

    >>possibility to dye barding

    >>possibility to switch UI between guild bank<-->bank<-->guild trader

    >>display the dialogue options so that we can see which answer the NPC is reacting to
  • strongaxe6
    Soul Shriven
    I will keep playing this game because i have spent literally $ thousands on it...but i will not spend another dime buy crown crates or houses or anything else from the crown guy should get ready for a pay cut in your salaries......FIX THINGS FIRST !!! ....THEN WORRY ABOUT COMING OUT WITH NEW CONTENT
    Expect the Worst. Hope for the Best and you will never be Disappointed
  • carlos424
    So, the dreaded “Booted from server” error is back on console (xbox). Can’t parse for more than 20-30 minutes without getting booted. Just started this week for me. Funny how the same bugs seem to get recycled about every year or so. Just logging in can also be a chore as of late. Usually takes a couple of attempts. Get a “cannot connect to server” or infinite load screen. But the “booted from server” is the biggest pain. Requires hard reset or wait about 10 minutes before you can get back in.
    Edited by carlos424 on 27 November 2021 14:39
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