To the anti-Youtube crowd - share those builds!

  • OneKhajiitCrimeWave
    Like i said in the other thread, it's not the YouTubers that i take issue with. There are many that pump out solid content to aid the community.

    The only thing i take issue with is people that take the word of the videos as pure gospel and shout it at anyone doing anything different.

    I jokingly referred to it as "Alcastism" because it feels very much that way. Bunches of people screaming the word of Alcast at whoever crosses paths with them while not fully understanding what is actually meant.

    Again, that's on the viewers, not the creators.
    Dark Flare is the Beginning, Radiant is the End. Hail the Light Bringers!
  • Elwendryll
    Khajiit stamsorc.

    5 Divine Briarheart.
    1 Bloodthirsty Veiled heritance necklace. WD enchant.
    2 Infused Veiled heritance rings. WD enchant.
    2 Divine Stormfist. Medium head, Heavy shoulder.
    Nirnhoned Veiled heritance axe with poison enchant.
    Infused Veiled heritance dagger with weapon and spell damage enchant.
    Infused vMA bow with absorb stamina enchant.
    Lover Mundus Stone. Because who don't like physical penetration?
    I call this the Thorn veil! Because I'm original.

    I play khajiit because I like them.
    I chose sorcerer because they have dark magic.
    I love Briarheart for the visual and sound effect since Orsinium PTS.
    Veiled heritance is cheap and really strong.

    I'm planning on swapping Briarheart for VO, I just miss a belt. And then I will replace my absorb stamina enchant on the bow by a disease enchant. Because I want to break 35k dps, and I'm stuck at 34k!

    (I hate relequen because it encourages me to let my allies dead on the ground to keep the stacks. And I have enough crits, I'm a khajiit, so I'd rather get WD than crits, so no AY).
    PC - EU - France - AD
    Main character: Qojikrin - Khajiit Sorcerer Tank/Stamina DD - since March 25, 2015.
    Guildmaster of Oriflamme: Focus on 4 player endgame content.
    Member of Brave Cat Trade, Panda Division and Toadhuggers.

    All 4-man trifectas - TTT, IR, GH
  • CompM4s
    Alcast has a good base for builds. Most people start with it and then begin changing parts of the build to fit their play style. People that “hate” on alcast are really not helping anyone in eso.
  • Thoragaal
    I think so far I've seen one person post his/her DPS.
    What's the point of posting your build if it performs like a potatoe?
    Share the results of your build!
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
    "I've always wanted to kick a duck up the arse" -Karl Pilkington, on the question what he'd do if it was the last day on earth.
    SirAndy wrote: »
    I wear a bucket on my head and have a broom for my front bar. Pulling about 900 dps on mudcrabs.

    I have a character that runs with just the bucket and broom, both of which i upgraded to legendary.

    I probably get double your dps ...

    PS: Now i wonder if you can transmute them?

    You can!

    5 Blight Throat
    5 Innate Axiom
    2 Grothdarr

    Its mostly solo but I use it in Vet Dungeons as well.

    5 Sprig
    5 Mech Accu
    2 Krag
    Edited by D0PAMINE on 21 December 2018 08:44
  • OneKhajiitCrimeWave
    My current main. My warden tank is:

    2 Lord Warden
    5 Plague Doctor
    5 Hanu's Compassion (the extra 5th piece bonus is only there for "OH SITH" moments)

    6 heavy and 1 light. Double sword and board.

    Imperial with Atronach Mundus.

    I was the tank and the healer in one for getting our scalecaller skins.

    Since i started running this setup i've helped guildies get more up to date on skins (spiderkith, mazz and dreadhorn) and get the hoarvor pet for WGT and ICP.

    Not meta, not conventional but damn effective.

    Going to start hitting vMHK soon to push for the skin there once each member of my group is more comfortable in there (mechs and such).
    Dark Flare is the Beginning, Radiant is the End. Hail the Light Bringers!
  • Protossyder
    Iskiab wrote: »
    Iskiab wrote: »
    My mag blade build is similar/based on the Alcast one.

    Merciless, crippling, impale, shock, inner light - ultimate building NB finisher (can’t recall the name)

    Back bar is pretty much the same as alcast except I slot damaging path there.

    5x mother’s sorrow, 5x Siroria, Asylum weapon front bar, no monster set.
    Iskiab wrote: »
    My mag blade build is similar/based on the Alcast one.

    Merciless, crippling, impale, shock, inner light - ultimate building NB finisher (can’t recall the name)

    Back bar is pretty much the same as alcast except I slot damaging path there.

    5x mother’s sorrow, 5x Siroria, Asylum weapon front bar, no monster set.
    Iskiab wrote: »
    My mag blade build is similar/based on the Alcast one.

    Merciless, crippling, impale, shock, inner light - ultimate building NB finisher (can’t recall the name)

    Back bar is pretty much the same as alcast except I slot damaging path there.

    5x mother’s sorrow, 5x Siroria, Asylum weapon front bar, no monster set.
    Iskiab wrote: »
    My mag blade build is similar/based on the Alcast one.

    Merciless, crippling, impale, shock, inner light - ultimate building NB finisher (can’t recall the name)

    Back bar is pretty much the same as alcast except I slot damaging path there.

    5x mother’s sorrow, 5x Siroria, Asylum weapon front bar, no monster set.
    Iskiab wrote: »
    My mag blade build is similar/based on the Alcast one.

    Merciless, crippling, impale, shock, inner light - ultimate building NB finisher (can’t recall the name)

    Back bar is pretty much the same as alcast except I slot damaging path there.

    5x mother’s sorrow, 5x Siroria, Asylum weapon front bar, no monster set.
    Iskiab wrote: »
    My mag blade build is similar/based on the Alcast one.

    Merciless, crippling, impale, shock, inner light - ultimate building NB finisher (can’t recall the name)

    Back bar is pretty much the same as alcast except I slot damaging path there.

    5x mother’s sorrow, 5x Siroria, Asylum weapon front bar, no monster set.
    Iskiab wrote: »

    5x mother’s sorrow, 5x Siroria, Asylum weapon front bar, no monster set.

    Oh another thing, alcast doesn’t mention the moon hunter, bright throat, or scathing mage sets. They’re all excellent sets. He seems to be all about spell power in his builds, but in my mind magicka recovery is more valuable now. Magicka recovery in a set means you can do a jewellery spell power glyph.

    Or you use Alcast's sets that are "all about spellpower" and use the spell power glyphs anyways...
    Characters worth mentioning:
    Daedrós - Magicka DK - Altmer - PvE & PvP - Emperor - IR - GH - TTT
    Dragybor - Stamblade - Redguard - PvE (first char)
    Yondaime Raikage - Stamsorc - Redguard - PvP
    Zerg Overmind - Magblade - Altmer - PvE - GH
    Yenari - Magsorc - Altmer - PvE - Flawless Conqueror
    Devoured-his-siblings - DK Tank - Argonian - PvE - Unchained
    Valkyrja Valhalla - StamDK - Redguard - PvE
    Hyperion der Obere - Magplar - Altmer - PvE
    Affa al'Dschinni - Stamplar - Orc - PvP
    Enjoys-the-slaughter - Templar Healer - Argonian - PvE
    Hades Adamastos - Stamcro - Orc - PvE
    Khaba the Cruel - Magsorc- Altmer - PvP
    Hekate Ourania - Magcro - Atlmer - PvE - TTT
    Arenas: vDSA (~46k) - vMA (~586k)
    Trials: vAA hm - vHRC hm - vSO hm - vMoL hm (~161k) - vHoF hm (~218k) - vAS+2 (~114k) - vCR+3 - vSS hm - vKA hm

    PC - EU
  • spartaxoxo
    Well I'm not currently using it but on my pet sorc last patch I was running

    2x Illambris
    5x Necropotence
    5x Mechanical Acuity

    And was pulling about 35k. I would also make sure I kept minor force up so that I would do insane damage everytime acuity proc'ed using that Psjijc skill. It was fun.

    It felt good to use, but I get bored so I'm not running that anymore.
  • SupremeRissole
    High elf warden healer for DLC dungeons:
    5 Olorimes
    5 Master Architect
    2 Earthgore
    Spam them trees, buff the bois
  • mague
    So situational...

    Cyrodiil PvE is like 5 Paria, 5 Night's Silence, crafted weapons with weapon power or Stamina.
    PvP Templer Paria and Seducer.

    On full moon it is rather 5 Champion of the Hist and 5 Salvation or 5 Briarheart.

    Overland is Brass and Briarheart but maybe as 5,4,3 to get more damage. Geysier where fun with Hawk's Eye. Sometimes i play with Hundings or Gryphon's Ferocity or Spriggan's. All good fun.

    Stamina Healer Warden with Naga Shaman and Night's Silence.
    Edited by mague on 21 December 2018 12:11
  • Ertosi
    Alcast himself don’t share his personal builds. Why would he? So ZOS can nerf them? I’d be surprised if he shares his best build. I respect the guy for sharing any at all; but beyond a certain point, don’t run that.

    The very best players in the game (PvE or PvP) aren’t running cookie cutter builds.

    And right here is why I love this game as much as I do: You can hide your secret sauce.

    There are effectively infinite combinations possible with a build: Class x Ability allocation x Gear Sets x Gear Traits x Glyphs x Skill Bar choices x CP allocation x Food/Drink choice x optional Vamp/Werewolf. There are just so many ways to dial into and explore your unique build.

    Some of those choices are visible, like when using a particular skill or when unique gear set visuals proc, but most of it lies unseen beneath the surface.
    PC NA @Ertosi
    ♠♦ My Team ♥♣
    GoanJabsplar [Grand Master Crafter, Master Angler, Tamriel Hero, Explorer]
    FigsStamblade Sneakthief [Master Thief]
    Sir PriceStamblade Bow Ganker [Daedric Lord Slayer]
    MayaStamblade Speedster
    AhmedMagblade Bomber
    BalzarStamSorc Blitzer
    WinniePetSorc Thunder Mage
    TanksStamDK Tank
    MonaMagDK Fire Mage
    BearlyStamden Tank
    IvanaMagden Ice Mage

    CP 950+
    ♌ DC Loyalist ♌
    ✄ Grand Master Crafter
    No new crafting or game systems for 2019? "Season of the Dragon" would be better named "The Year of no New Major Features" to see major features of the last few years compared. to see a detailed comparison of this year's Q1 to the last two Q1s. to see a detailed comparison of each years' first two quarters combined. to see a projected comparison of the full years and what 2019's Q4 will need to catch up.
    Unsubbed January 15th, 2019 due to the lack of any new substantial features shown to be coming in 2019.
  • RavenSworn
    i run Lich and Worms for my sorc healer. to me, as long as i have mana, i can heal pretty much anything. I also help CC the mobs and use Lightning staff. also i pump put balls and liquid lightning for those juicy synergies. hell sometimes i dont even use resto ult, i just use the atronach for group dps ( even if they dont want to click on the synergy, it deals a heck of some damage on its own.

    For *** and giggles i change to bone shield for more added protection for the group since i dont use my stamina at all during healing phases. /shrug. works for me.
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

    Of Wolf and Raven
    Solo / Casual guild for beginners and new players wanting to join the game. Pst me for invite!
  • Waseem
    Alcast's builds are useless for 90% of players since beginning raiders or whatever would mainly have survival/resources issues
    PC EU

  • WoppaBoem

    Bright-Throat’s Boast
    Molag Kena
    Julianos or Mantle of Siroria
    Xbox EU & NA - PVP Only
  • SirAndy
    Thoragaal wrote: »
    I think so far I've seen one person post his/her DPS.
    What's the point of posting your build if it performs like a potatoe?
    Share the results of your build!

    What DPS?

    - Target dummy? If so, which one? Self buffed (just you and nobody else but you)? Self buffed with hidden friends help? Group buffed?
    - Trials? Vet or normal? If so, with a organized group or with a pug?
    - Dungeon DPS? Vet or normal? If so, with a organized group or with a pug or solo?
    - MA/vMA?
    - Dancing naked in front of a drunk mammoth?


    Edited by SirAndy on 21 December 2018 19:49
  • Lab3360
    Like i said in the other thread, it's not the YouTubers that i take issue with. There are many that pump out solid content to aid the community.

    The only thing i take issue with is people that take the word of the videos as pure gospel and shout it at anyone doing anything different.

    I jokingly referred to it as "Alcastism" because it feels very much that way. Bunches of people screaming the word of Alcast at whoever crosses paths with them while not fully understanding what is actually meant.

    Again, that's on the viewers, not the creators.

    Yeah. Its absurd for sure. Alcast is a good guy. In another post he noted,

    "Their is more than one way"

    We are all lucky to have him in the community.

    But don't take his work and make it the only way.
    Edited by Lab3360 on 21 December 2018 19:41
  • Diminish
    SirAndy wrote: »
    Pet Mag Sorc, solo PvE going for DPS:

    5 x light armor + 2 x heavy monster

    My (buffed) stats:
    Magicka: ~40k
    Health: ~18k
    Stamina: ~10k
    Spell damage: ~4k+ (with procs active)
    Crit: ~65%

    That gives me a hardened ward of around ~9k with base ~14k spell resistance and ~12k physical resistance.
    I have Boundless Storm in my rotation so add that to my base resistances.

    Sets are:
    5 x Netch's Touch
    5 x Spider Cultist
    2 x Infernal Guardian

    I use heavy attacks for sustain and the Clannfear for a 10k burst heal. I have to recast shields a *lot* which is why i'm running Infernal Guardian for the monster set, it procs on shield casts and does decent damage, i actually like the fact that the mortars target the furthest enemies, makes dealing with Adds a lot easier. (And all 3 mortars will go for the boss if there are no Adds)

    My CP is basically all into buffing my AOE, critical, regen and heavy attacks plus some into basic resistances.

    It's a niche build and as such probably not very useful to many since i came up with it to fit my preferred play-style and most people these days seem to want to adjust their play-style to fit some BiS setup instead.

    Pet Mag Sorc running Spider Cultist, Netch's Touch and Infernal Guarding for solo PvE


    With this being a pet build, you would be better off switching either netch or spider cultist for necro. I use to run a dual pet necro/netch, x2 illambries, 5-1-1 build. Survibeability is insane (still really good after nerfmire since you have a magicka pool that allows for shield spam, and an awesome burst heal with the twilight). You can swap illambries for zaan for more single target dps, or for skoria for a little more health. It can be upgraded from netch to sororia to gain more dps. It is about a 34-35k dps build with a rotation you could do using your feet on an upside down keyboard/controller.
    Edited by Diminish on 21 December 2018 19:53
  • SirAndy
    Diminish wrote: »
    With this being a pet build, you would be better off switching either netch or spider cultist for necro. I use to run a dual pet necro/netch, x2 illambries, 5-1-1 build. Survibeability is insane (still really good after nerfmire since you have a magicka pool that allows for shield spam, and an awesome burst heal with the twilight). You can swap illambries for zaan for more single target dps, or for skoria for a little more health. It can be upgraded from netch to sororia to gain more dps. It is about a 34-35k dps build with a rotation you could do using your feet on an upside down keyboard/controller.

    I used to run Necropotence but switched to Netch's Touch + Spider Cultist because the way i have setup my rotation, it gives me a nice dps boost.

    My Clannfear is not setup for damage but instead supplies a "soft" taunt and burst heal, and the extra max magicka from Necropotence just didn't give me the same boost as combining NT with SC.

    I also tried both Zaan and Ilambris but i found that Infernal Guardian gives me much better crowd control. The single target nature of Ilambris and Zaan is too restrictive if you play solo.
    Infernal Guardian has only slightly less dps for single target situations but it really shines when you are fighting groups or bosses that spawn Adds.

    Again, in solo PvE where you have to do all the work yourself, single target dps is usually not the best choice.
  • Jarndyce
    I appreciate all of Alcast and other builds because I am a casual with a full time job, three Sons and grandkids. I don't have time. Many days I might only get to play 30 minutes or so. Since starting in beta, after five years my main just recently reached 580 champion points. Sometimes I need to quickly get from point A to point B. Their builds give me a great starting point for my toons, then I tweak as needed for my playstyle.
  • jaws343
    Thought I would share another PVP build that I have found interesting to run. Decided to do it after a thread a few weeks back was complaining about Incap spam.

    Stamblade: Bosmer

    5x Werewolf Hide
    5x Witchman
    2x Bloodspawn
    All tri-stat, including the jewelry traits.
    2 hand, bow build with Decisive on the 2 hand.

    You gain so much ult, you can nearly use Incap as a spammable. And running tri-stat gives you a solid health and mag pool for survival and cloaking. And the Witchman set, paired with incap, is 2100 Stam and Health every time you active it, which is a lot. So your sustain is pretty solid, and you get healing constantly.

    There is nothing quite as satisfying as being able to fire off Incaps almost at will. You could even make this more effective by using Champions of the Hist or Tavas instead of Witchman. But I personally like the sustain that Withman adds.
  • Joker99
    Claudman wrote: »
    Alcast is primarily a DPS, his entering in the realm of support has bothered me since his Healer (and Tank) builds are awful for my group/guild set-up, however his DPS builds are perfect for new players, returning players and even old players (But, they should always try to improve upon the build, like any build they see in an MMO). Do remember that Alcast's builds are designed for the group he usually runs with. Don't ridicule him for setting up his build for the way he does.

    I am a Healer, I run an Argonian Magicka Nightblade currently as Templar doesn't have things in its kit which I want and Warden is a healer I still need to flesh out (I've had this Nightblade for a long time).

    I currently run 5/5 Spellpower Cure and 5/5 Bright-Throat's Boast. I've avoided Worm's Raiment since the Damage Dealers I usually run with are a blend between Stamina and Magicka, Worm's Raiment doesn't offer any support to stamina classes. For my head and shoulder I usually either run The Troll Kings....I know you're laughing, but Earthgore is very situational and due to my HoTs, my Damage Dealers which I run with rarely fall below 70% to even proc it.

    On my Restoration Staff Bar I run...
    Rapid Regeneration - Mutagen rarely ever procs due to that comment above.
    Harness Magicka - This can be easily swapped out for anything, but this is primarily for self-survivability.
    Healing Springs - A must have.
    Shrewd Offering - Which seems to operate as a better Breath of Life at the cost of a DoT applied on you which can be easily ignored or can be purged (if I recall correctly).
    Energy Orb - Better than shards if you ask me.
    ULT: Reviving Barrier/Aggressive Warhorn - This all depends on what is needed most or what the tank is running. My friend who tanks usually runs Aggressive Warhorn, so I tend to run Reviving Barrier myself...Unless, we need to rotate Barriers or Warhorns.

    On my Lightning Staff Bar (Which is use to proc Off-Balance to increase damage) I run...
    Funnel Health - Does a fair yet laughable bit of damage while applying yet another HoT.
    Refreshing Path - Gives Major Expedition and serves as almost an additional healing springs.
    Blockade of Storms - For Off-Balance.
    Sap Essence (Good for trash or close boss counters) or Entropy [I personally prefer Structured].
    Elemental Drain or Effecient Purge - This all depends on the group since the Minor Magicksteal is more important. The Major Breach for Spell Resistance is useless since the Tank will most likely be using Pierce Armor.
    ULT: Soul Harvest - I don't actually use this skill, but I have it slotted so that I may gain ultimate when helping with annoying add from mechanics or trash. (Yields 10 Ult per kill) This can be easily replaced for something else.

    I disagree with Alcast's support builds solely because like other "Healer" builds, they seem very "locked in place" when being a healer or tank is all about adjusting to your team's needs unless their needs are unrealistic (Healers shouldn't sacrifice all their healing or support for damage). You're welcome to disagree with my build as well, as my build has been set up to cater to specifically my group's needs and this is an important thing to note for any build out there. You must learn how that build will coincide with the builds of your groupmates and adjust accordingly (And yes, I do have a 5/5 Worm's Raiment chilling in my inventory just in case).

    How does your troll king *** proc then if your DDs don't fall below 70%? Last time I checked it only procced below 50%. These are the kinda builds people that stray from the meta run.
    DPS Slave:
    StamNB, MagNB, MagPlar, MagDK, StamDK, StamWarden
    Mostly just a scrub. Not even max CP.Actually max CP.
  • Claudman

    You don't know the effects of Earthgore, do you?
    It drops a giant AoE heal at ONE MINUTE INTERVALS WHEN BELOW 50% HEALTH AT ONE DPS. ONE MINUTE. I'd take a Troll King over that any day since another effect of the set is 2% healing done.

    Plus I am pretty fluent when it comes to switching my Monster Sets, I don't only have one in my inventory. lmao

    I literally just said that Support is all about being flexible to your teams needs and I don't avoid the meta, don't be daft.
    I said nothing about avoiding the meta, avoiding the meta is a daft decision.

    I said it once before, this is why most posts need a TL;DR.

    Mind you, that 50% AoE on Earthgore can literally drop on ANYONE on the party. ANYONE.
    If you can name a reliable SUPPORT Monster Mask set. Name one. One which isn't Rkugamz, Chokethorn, the awful Elden Hollow Mask or Earthgore.
    Edited by Claudman on 21 December 2018 22:44
    Welcome, Moon-and-Star, to this place where destiny is made.

    I play healers or DPS often for vet dungeons and trials (NA, CP810+). I play mostly elves or Argonians.
    I primarily play Damage-Based stuff in PvP, but occasionally I'll play something tanky or got the heals.
    I also love gaining more knowledge both metaphysical and mundane regarding TES lore.

    I also occasionally role-play, but I prefer playing the game.
  • vesselwiththepestle

    Earthgore CD is 35 seconds.

    Remember also Troll king is weak on vampires, so have a good look at your group composition!

    I have come to find Nightflame very reliable as a constant source of additional heal. I find it way better than Chokethorn, I can imagine Chokethorn is strong in duels, though. However, I have come to find Earthgore way better for those "oh ***" moments.

    That said, I haven't tried Troll King yet, but I think it will. I can imagine it can be pretty strong, too, probably at least better than even nightflame, especially with no vampires in the group.
    1000+ CP
    PC/EU Ravenwatch Daggerfall Covenant

    Give me my wings back!
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    i run Lich and Worms for my sorc healer. to me, as long as i have mana, i can heal pretty much anything. I also help CC the mobs and use Lightning staff. also i pump put balls and liquid lightning for those juicy synergies. hell sometimes i dont even use resto ult, i just use the atronach for group dps ( even if they dont want to click on the synergy, it deals a heck of some damage on its own.

    For *** and giggles i change to bone shield for more added protection for the group since i dont use my stamina at all during healing phases. /shrug. works for me.

    For fun, I tried to get the highest regen on my Dark Elf Warden healer. Lich and Blight with spores, netch, and Vampire I hit 6.1k recovery.
  • TheDarkoil
    Mag Sorc Light Attack Build

    Illambris x 2
    Queen's Elegance x 5
    Spell Strategist x 5
    Maelstrom Inferno Backbar

    Unbuffed pulls about 25k with the easiest rotation going. Simply drop woa elements on backbar, switch, lightning form, haunting curse, crystal frags if it procs then just light attack until you have to drop woe again.

    Has movability and survivability and can solo a lot of stuff including a few vet dungeons.
  • Slack
    I run 12x procblade
    PC EU
    Betty Breeze - Magwarden
    Hunts S'hitblades - Stamplar
    Aschavi - Magplar
  • Thoragaal
    SirAndy wrote: »
    Thoragaal wrote: »
    I think so far I've seen one person post his/her DPS.
    What's the point of posting your build if it performs like a potatoe?
    Share the results of your build!

    What DPS?

    - Target dummy? If so, which one? Self buffed (just you and nobody else but you)? Self buffed with hidden friends help? Group buffed?
    - Trials? Vet or normal? If so, with a organized group or with a pug?
    - Dungeon DPS? Vet or normal? If so, with a organized group or with a pug or solo?
    - MA/vMA?
    - Dancing naked in front of a drunk mammoth?


    Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
    What ever, just add the context in which it was taken. Dummy is easy and it limits everything down to how your spec perform.
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
    "I've always wanted to kick a duck up the arse" -Karl Pilkington, on the question what he'd do if it was the last day on earth.
  • GraphicArtistYT
    Berenhir wrote: »
    I wear 5pc Robes of Not Giving and 5pc back bar resto Armor of a Single Fog. Inferno of No kidding front bar.

  • Sheezabeast
    I’m running a really fun build on my Stam DK. It’s Bloodspawn 2 piece, with 5 medium Fortified Brass, and 3 Agility, with 2 Masters DW and Asylum 2 hander. Alternatively you can switch out the Agility and weapons for 5 Hulking Draugr, to stack more max Stamina. This build is tanky, dishes out damage, keeps me alive with Shuffle/Rally/Vigor, and with Bloodspawn proc’d and Volatile Armor, I sit at 35k resistances. I keep mobility with Race Against Time on my dw bar, and my 2 hander back bar I use Temporal Guard ult for getting out of tight spots, and reducing damage taken, stacking it with my Nord racial passive. I don’t miss heavy armor meta at all!
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
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