To the anti-Youtube crowd - share those builds!

  • CaiWenji
    5 pc sword-singer
    5 pc hundings rage
    2 pc zaan

    2 heavy 5 medium Stam DK
    2h sword / bow backbar

    Thats my most fun character right now, mostly for pvp.
  • Iskiab
    Iskiab wrote: »
    My mag blade build is similar/based on the Alcast one.

    Merciless, crippling, impale, shock, inner light - ultimate building NB finisher (can’t recall the name)

    Back bar is pretty much the same as alcast except I slot damaging path there.

    5x mother’s sorrow, 5x Siroria, Asylum weapon front bar, no monster set.
    Iskiab wrote: »
    My mag blade build is similar/based on the Alcast one.

    Merciless, crippling, impale, shock, inner light - ultimate building NB finisher (can’t recall the name)

    Back bar is pretty much the same as alcast except I slot damaging path there.

    5x mother’s sorrow, 5x Siroria, Asylum weapon front bar, no monster set.
    Iskiab wrote: »
    My mag blade build is similar/based on the Alcast one.

    Merciless, crippling, impale, shock, inner light - ultimate building NB finisher (can’t recall the name)

    Back bar is pretty much the same as alcast except I slot damaging path there.

    5x mother’s sorrow, 5x Siroria, Asylum weapon front bar, no monster set.
    Iskiab wrote: »
    My mag blade build is similar/based on the Alcast one.

    Merciless, crippling, impale, shock, inner light - ultimate building NB finisher (can’t recall the name)

    Back bar is pretty much the same as alcast except I slot damaging path there.

    5x mother’s sorrow, 5x Siroria, Asylum weapon front bar, no monster set.
    Iskiab wrote: »
    My mag blade build is similar/based on the Alcast one.

    Merciless, crippling, impale, shock, inner light - ultimate building NB finisher (can’t recall the name)

    Back bar is pretty much the same as alcast except I slot damaging path there.

    5x mother’s sorrow, 5x Siroria, Asylum weapon front bar, no monster set.
    Iskiab wrote: »
    My mag blade build is similar/based on the Alcast one.

    Merciless, crippling, impale, shock, inner light - ultimate building NB finisher (can’t recall the name)

    Back bar is pretty much the same as alcast except I slot damaging path there.

    5x mother’s sorrow, 5x Siroria, Asylum weapon front bar, no monster set.
    Iskiab wrote: »

    5x mother’s sorrow, 5x Siroria, Asylum weapon front bar, no monster set.

    Oh another thing, alcast doesn’t mention the moon hunter, bright throat, or scathing mage sets. They’re all excellent sets. He seems to be all about spell power in his builds, but in my mind magicka recovery is more valuable now. Magicka recovery in a set means you can do a jewellery spell power glyph.
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • ArchMikem
    gepe87 wrote: »
    Well Alcast shares his ideas...And its an awesome player to ESO community... People just dont spend time learning by its own experience. Its not his fault...

    Awesome player to the community? Ive watched some of his dungeon runs and he, in the tongue of the Nords, seems like a bit of a Horker to me.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • p00tx
    I dunno...I may not adhere to Alcast's builds, but I can definitely appreciate all of the time and effort that he has put in to make this information available to the public (and sometimes I do check to see what he's done, just to compare and see if he gets better numbers with his set up. That's not selling out, it's covering your bases). I doubt he's raking in piles of money for doing it, which means he's just a decent dude doing something decent for the community. I don't think we need to be "anti" Alcast in order to be original. It's not a zero sum game.

    At the end of the day, you should always be seeking new ways to improve your builds and your gear load outs, and that includes perusing the builds of others to make sure you didn't miss something.
    PC/Xbox NA Mindmender|Swashbuckler Supreme|Planes Breaker|Dawnbringer|Godslayer|Immortal Redeemer|Gryphon Heart|Tick-tock Tormentor|Dro-m'Athra Destroyer|Stormproof|Grand Overlord|Grand Mastercrafter|Master Grappler|Tamriel Hero
  • Tasear
    SirAndy wrote: »
    I wear a bucket on my head and have a broom for my front bar. Pulling about 900 dps on mudcrabs.

    I have a character that runs with just the bucket and broom, both of which i upgraded to legendary.

    I probably get double your dps ...

    PS: Now i wonder if you can transmute them?

    I heard you can transmute them! Haven't tried myself though.
  • myskyrim26
    My whole knowledge of ESO combat comes from Alcast's website. I never managed to create exact builds proposed, so I just took his layouts and adjusted so that my real characters can handle them. Even simplified, Alcast's builds always work for me.
  • max_only
    Can’t I just put whatever I like on my character without having to be “anti Alcast”?

    What did he do, run over your dog?

    Besides, I used to watch Gilliamtherogue’s videos (now hired by Zos) and I still take a look at Liofa’s videos from time to time. There’s nothing wrong with getting a baseline from a nerdier nerd to branch out from.

    No sir, don’t like this “anti” stuff. And no I’m not a fanboy, I have constructive critique too.
    Edited by max_only on 20 December 2018 21:05
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • SirAndy
    Your build is what I use in vma


  • DaveMoeDee
    It is sad that people get worked up about this. Alcast is providing a resource for people who are trying to improve their builds. If people take issue with this, what is wrong with those people?
  • Cpt_Teemo
    My power level is over 9,000
  • Kuramas9tails
    Honestly, I am too lazy to calculate all the BS stuff like passives so I just ask my boyfriend who watches a lot of build videos and we try different builds that best fit my play style and what I like.

    But yes, my bf lost respect for Alcast when he started making builds like a DK healer and such. Only look for his DPS builds because my bf knows Alcasts puts time into testing and calculating. Somethings.......ehhhh....tweak the build a bit...or a lot.

    I do appreciate Alcasts time and effort into sharing his builds though....and Sypher before he got big on Fortnite. His Mageblade troll video will always be my favorite. Too bad ZOS changed it so you can't knock people off walls anymore with that destro skill.
    Edited by Kuramas9tails on 20 December 2018 21:17
      Your friendly neighborhood crazy cat lady of ESO
      New PSN name: SundariTheLast. Proud seller in RedEye Empire, PURPLE GANG and Backalley Trading.
      AD High Elf Mageblade DPS (General)(Former Empress) -- Stormproof/VMOL, VHOF, VDSA completion
      AD Khajiit Mageblade DPS -- Flawless Conquerer
    • Odovacar

      I actually switched my llambris to infernal guardian since I do a lot of vMA runs after reading a @SirAndy 's comment on how he drives his sorc from another thread the other week... also zero bastion because i could care less on rezing others anymore lol, thanks man! watch out your builds are now trending >:) .
      SirAndy wrote: »
      Pet Mag Sorc, solo PvE going for DPS:

      5 x light armor + 2 x heavy monster

      My (buffed) stats:
      Magicka: ~40k
      Health: ~18k
      Stamina: ~10k
      Spell damage: ~4k+ (with procs active)
      Crit: ~65%

      That gives me a hardened ward of around ~9k with base ~14k spell resistance and ~12k physical resistance.
      I have Boundless Storm in my rotation so add that to my base resistances.

      Sets are:
      5 x Netch's Touch
      5 x Spider Cultist
      2 x Infernal Guardian

      I use heavy attacks for sustain and the Clannfear for a 10k burst heal. I have to recast shields a *lot* which is why i'm running Infernal Guardian for the monster set, it procs on shield casts and does decent damage, i actually like the fact that the mortars target the furthest enemies, makes dealing with Adds a lot easier. (And all 3 mortars will go for the boss if there are no Adds)

      My CP is basically all into buffing my AOE, critical, regen and heavy attacks plus some into basic resistances.

      It's a niche build and as such probably not very useful to many since i came up with it to fit my preferred play-style and most people these days seem to want to adjust their play-style to fit some BiS setup instead.

      Pet Mag Sorc running Spider Cultist, Netch's Touch and Infernal Guarding for solo PvE


      I actually switched my llambris to infernal guardian since I do a lot of vMA runs after reading a @SirAndy 's comment on how he drives his sorc from another thread the other week... also zero bastion because i could care less on rezing others anymore lol, thanks man the switch has made my life a lot easier! Watch out your builds are now trending >:) .
    • SirAndy
      Odovacar wrote: »
      I actually switched my llambris to infernal guardian since I do a lot of vMA runs after reading a @SirAndy 's comment on how he drives his sorc from another thread the other week... also zero bastion because i could care less on rezing others anymore lol, thanks man the switch has made my life a lot easier! Watch out your builds are now trending >:) .


    • idk
      gepe87 wrote: »
      Well Alcast shares his ideas...And its an awesome player to ESO community... People just dont spend time learning by its own experience. Its not his fault...

      You are right. This is all he is doing. Sharing ideas. Considering he has been proven to be a solid player it would make sense he would be a good source for ideas.
    • thegreat_one
      I always thought that Alcast builds were like Target dummies, a starting point. From there u use what feels good.

      You will never pull DPS on a boss like you would a target dummy because they dont fight back, and changes must be made in a real situation.
    • Tasear
      After I got to know alcast he's a really nice guy. I know what's this from so I will speak.

      I actually think what the community needs is exposure. Some things really don't work while there is some builds without being a real burden do work well and player does have fun.

      For me I have 5 healers who I use differently in pvp and pve dungeons because things are less important about the team and more how individual works with team.

      I have transmuted set of shalks that is my favorite because it allows higher adaptiblity.

      I have 40% cost reduction on tank because I want to build hybrid dps/tank.

      I have ice staff wielding healer cause for maim and freezing stuff is fun.
    • jaws343
      I always thought that Alcast builds were like Target dummies, a starting point. From there u use what feels good.

      You will never pull DPS on a boss like you would a target dummy because they dont fight back, and changes must be made in a real situation.

      I personally like to look up builds that others are doing. Not to copy them, because most builds fit a specific play-style that the creator is comfortable with that may not translate to what I am looking to do, but as a reference point. It's always nice to see what ideas other people have because it is a way to fully flesh out a build idea if there is something already indicated as working. And then from there, you adjust as necessary to come up with something unique. Sometimes that adjustment is skills, sometimes it is a set, and sometimes it is most of the build, with only a few elements remaining. Either way, people posting and talking about builds, whether through Youtube or here on the forums is an extremely valuable resource for new and veteran players. Especially in a game that does little to really explain any of the skill mechanics or set operations.
    • Rake
      green impenetrable pants
    • Tommy_The_Gun
      A highly advanced multi-utilitarian build:
      1x Engine Guardian.
      1x Any monster shoulder that gives health.
      5x Beekeeper (OP Invigorating trait).
      5x Willow's Path.
      Double bar frost staves.
      All jewelry infused with health regen glyphs.
      Heal? Check. Tank? Check. DPS? Ehh. CHECK.

      I call it... the I-Don't-Give-A-*** build v5.3
      I would swap monster set for 2 pcs Troll King... :D
      "(2 items) When you heal a friendly target, if they are still below 50% Health, their Health Recovery is increased by 1548 for 10 seconds."
    • karekiz
      Pet Sorc:

      Base DPS - literally run Alcasts build -
      X5 Necro
      X5 Destro
      X2 Illambris

      Blue food

      If I need high end sustain for whichever reason I run
      X5 Bright + Vamp HP/Mana drink
      X5 Necro
      X2 Illambris

      Swap gear:
      X2 Zaans for MDPS friendly fights
      X2 Chudan for heavy dmg encounters

      There ya go. Nothing stopping anyone from using Alcast and your own build and just swapping depending on the encounter. Both sets clear all 4 Man DLC HM content, but sometimes when were running X3 DPS I just don't need that extra bump, but if I am healing with flappy bird a tad, more sustain is better etc.

      I am unsure why people get "mad" at alcast.


      I will say I don't favor the site redesign for me. Too much flashy animated stuff.
      Edited by karekiz on 20 December 2018 22:29
    • Dawnblade
      DaveMoeDee wrote: »
      It is sad that people get worked up about this. Alcast is providing a resource for people who are trying to improve their builds. If people take issue with this, what is wrong with those people?

      I haven't seen a lot of people getting worked up or being negative about Alcast or other ESO streamers and online guides, more just people taking issue with those who believe some meta build they saw online is the only way to play.

      I mean it is one thing to get annoyed when queued for a vet dungeon, getting a DLC, and finding one of your DPS members is a double bow LA spammer with an 'I'm playing like Legolas because I can' type, and another thing to get players using builds and sets that are not cookie cutters of current online builds, yet totally knowledgeable and capable of performing in the content.

    • Alinhbo_Tyaka
      I play a pet sorc and am currently running with Necropotence, Bright-Throat and Vanu as they all increase magika and magika recovery. I play open world for the most part and recently running the daily random normal dungeon. They work ok for me.

      One thing I haven't been successful in finding for ESO that I could readily find for other MMOs is things like stat soft and hard caps and the interaction between the stats. I'm not talking about the hardcore math as that is too much like work but just things like stat A has a soft cap of x% or stat B has a hard cap of nnnnn. This to me would make it easier to create different builds that allow a player to tweak things for their style.
    • stojekarcub18_ESO
      some of his builds, I look at and wonder....does he even play the game??? Just play what you enjoy, with the excessive CP pool, you can OP anything you want to do.
    • Colecovision
      No Alcast hate, but here's my non meta solo PVE Khajiit Stamblade

      Bone Pirates + hundings (or spriggans) - Necklace gold infused WD - Everything else is situational

      Rings to mix and match: Infused WD, Infused Fire resistance (vCoA solo easy mode), Protective
      Monster sets: Veli, Stormfist
      Monster 1 piece mix and match: Chudan, Lord Warden, Pirate Skeleton, Kra'ghs

      DW: Nirn dagger / Inused axe
      Bow: usually vMA infused - Sometimes Hund nirn

      In full "oh crap, this boss hits hard" resistance mode:

      heavy reinforced chest + 2 protective rings + mixed resistance monster sets = 25k resistance and 30K with the majors active
      That comes with 3200 weapon damage and 50% crit unbuffed

      In situations where I can go without the heavy chest piece, I use spriggans over hundings and do more damage. To solo vet Drotha, I needed that because she heals really really fast no matter how quick I am to hit break free. And she doesn't hit hard enough to warrant that much resistance.

      The main point here is that it's what fits best when I have the controller. Someone else weaving up a storm would do better with a stacking set.

    • JaZ2091
      Some forum posts looking as toxic as the Youtube comments
    • ZeroXFF
      Honestly, after a guildie of mine showed what kind of "awesome" build guides there are on youtube, I can't blame anyone for not taking them seriously.
    • M_Volsung
      Let's see... Part of what I have makes them glow blue, the other part makes me glow blue and the third bit gives me a second pet once in a while...

      I'm terrible at remembering names.
      Edited by M_Volsung on 20 December 2018 23:14
      "In the Deep Halls, Far from Men;
      Forsaken Red Mountain, Twisted Kin;
      Hail the Mind, Hail the Stone;
      Dwarven Pride, Stronger than Bone"

      —Dwemer Inquiries I-III, Thelwe Ghelein
    • JumpmanLane
      I re
      malicia wrote: »
      There's been a few anti-Alcast threads lately, or people complaining about other people blindly following Alcast. I get that you don't like being a sheep, and that's good for you. But pretty please, won't you share your builds? Discuss them, tell us what their strengths are, what their weaknesses are, why you like them, and how you got to them. Some of us are terrible at putting together builds, and reading through those builds is really interesting and gives us a glimpse into the confusing realm of TheoryCrafting.

      Sure, this is a forum. You'll get admirers, detractors, flamers and praisers. But giving us alternatives might just be a better way of achieving your goal, which ultimately seems to be to encourage more build and playstyle diversity.

      [edited title]

      Gilliam once told a commenter on one of his videos that he wasn’t going to spoon feed anyone. I really respect him for that.

      As for Alcast’s builds, they are a good starting point, for PvE I guess. Don’t run the PvP builds. The best players I know laugh at most of the stuff you’d find online.

      Alcast himself don’t share his personal builds. Why would he? So ZOS can nerf them? I’d be surprised if he shares his best build. I respect the guy for sharing any at all; but beyond a certain point, don’t run that.

      The very best players in the game (PvE or PvP) aren’t running cookie cutter builds.
    • VvardeFellow
      First, a disclaimer. I'm not anti-YouTbe content creator, but I am anti-censor what SJW screeching harpies don't like, and YouTube corporately in general.

      That said, I have used Alcast, and Deltia and to some lesser extent other content builds. I've have played four years, but sadly, I'm a knucklehead. I can barely bar swap or animation cancel, let alone build a "meta" or "BIS build. I think I'm not alone, and I'm not shy to say so. Just because I have 880 toons doesn't mean I know poo about proper mechanics.

      That being added, my 9 toons have been the result of play, read, watch, and learn. Some are flat out niche builds, like an orc with Fiords and something else I can't remember to run chests and surveys, until I read a Redguard had better Stamina properties, so I built another. I love NB, had several, wanted to try Mag, so I did, DE. Then I wanted to solo Dungeons, so I rolled a tank. Disaster. So I rolled a niche build with health, sustain, but had low damage, but she survived. I learned. Still working on her.

      My point is, not all of us are smart or the sharpest sword in the scabard. We learn from all angles, and appreciate pointers where we can get them.

      I regard with suspicion anyone who's position is "it must be xyz build". I welcome those who would stop me and say "hey try x, or don't use y".
    • malicia
      On my DDs I run mostly Alcast, as his builds work for DPS and are better than I can come up with myself. I'd always opt for the War Machine or Master Architect option, simply because most of my friends have more DPS than me, so it make sense that I buff them.

      On my tanks I actually know enough to know what works for me. There I'll use Ebon, Akaviri, PA, Alkosh, Jailers, Beekeeper's, Eternal Yokeda - whatever suits the occasion.

      The meta is meta for a reason. They are good builds, and kudos to Alcast - the fear of pug dungeons would have been worse if not for him. But I really do like the niche or off-meta builds as some have posted in this thread too. They're instructive and gives a fresh perspective.
      PC, EU
      Not elite, not the best. Just enjoying ESO.
      Not the worst either. "Casual" != "totally ignorant"
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