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Why did your character join the alliance they did?

Soul Shriven
This is probably an obvious answer for most people, but I'm more interested in scenarios where a Nord joins the Aldmeri Dominion or a High Elf joins the Daggerfall Covenant. Are they outcasts of their home alliance? Are they double agents? Was it the result of chance, or are they not truly aligned with any alliance at all?

I can't personally provide any examples since I don't have the Any Race, Any Alliance upgrade; I was mainly just curious about how people justify their characters' complete and utter betrayal of their flag unusual choices.
"You can't just set a stick on fire and call it a flame staff!"
  • Azurephoenix999
    Well, my Argonian joined the Daggerfall Covenant because it happened to be where she landed after falling out of Coldharbour, so even though she can go anywhere and do anything, the only Alliance she's even allowed to fight for is the one she happened to land in after being thrown out of an Oblivion gate. she's friends with several people who live in the territory and wants to defend them.
    Guildmaster of Spectral Liberty - Xbox One - European Megaserver
  • Hippie4927
    My Redguard, my Breton, and my Khajiit are all EP because the only 'God' that matters told them to join EP or cease to exist! It's just that simple!
    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • White wabbit
    White wabbit
    I like blue don't need to say any more
  • Cadbury
    My Orc joined the Pact, because he didn't feel like allying with those who destroyed his homeland
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • lirmie
    Soul Shriven
    I've got an Altmer that sided with the Pact because he was born and raised near Kynsesgrove, and participated in the battle against the Akaviri invasion of Windhelm. So he's pretty loyal to his homeland at 40 some-odd years old. His parents likely didn't speak well of Summerset.

    Then I have a Dunmer in the Aldmeri dominion. He's an ashlander, so no love for the house dunmer. He was exiled from his clan and travelling when he was nabbed by worm cultists and taken as a sacrifice to Mannimarco. Then after he escaped he woke up in Khenarthi's Roost. He was endeared to the slick khajiit dude and bosmer chick that pulled him out of the water, so he just went with the flow, but wouldn't be dedicated enough to enter the three banners war.

    Finally there's my Imperial that sided with the Covenant. Part of that was where he ended up after coldharbour. But his homeland needs help, and the Imperial army isn't going to save itself. The covenant would simply be familiar and comfortable.
    Edited by lirmie on 14 June 2018 02:14
  • Vuldovahkriid
    Valtyr Stormblade(main) joined EP, since his father was Guard Captain in Windhelm right before it was sacked by Akaviri. Went to Riften with the rest of the refugees, and regrouped with the remaining forces led by Jorunn. Eventually we cornered Ada'Soom Dir-Kamal, and his Akaviri invaders leading to the Battle of Stonefalls. With the combined forces of Jorunn, Almalexia, and Heita-Meen we drove the invaders back into the sea, drowning themselves as they retreated. A few weeks later the Ebonheart Pact was formed, and I helped rebuild Pact lands in the years before the Planemeld.

    **more characters to come**
    Valtyr Stormblade- Nord DK CP810

    Vulsahvith- Argonian NB CP810

    Illidan Highborn- High Elf Sorc CP810

    Thrall Durotar- Orc WD CP810

    Mythos Varedis- Wood Elf TP CP810

    Ra'zaq- Khajit NB CP810

    Aelya Proudmoore- Breton Sorc CP810

    Broxigar Saurfang- Orc DK CP810

    Lady Sylvannas Windrunner- Dark Elf NB CP810

    Lord Anduin Wyrnn- Breton TP CP810
  • Nightfall12
    Most of my Toons are DC because when i first got the game my box came with that nifty any race any alliance per and.back before Tamriel One you had to play through your alliance zones. Annnnnnd I really did not enjoy Stonefalls map, and while Auridon was great Grahtwoods navigation drove me it really came down to DCs zones where easier to get around in.....and most of my toons are pre-Tam One....
    Ummm stuff… about stuff…or something.
  • SydneyGrey
    I have a Dark Elf who is Daggerfall Covenant because race change tokens don't change their alliance. *grumble-grumble* She used to be a Breton.

    This is the main reason I want the ability to change alliance.
  • EvilCroc
    I have only one renegade character of my 15.
    Argonian shadowscale in Aldmeri Dominion. She shares the same history with GrayMire argonians, but not connected with them. She hates Dark Elves and rejected to join Pact. She was forced to flee from Shadowfen and found her new home in Greenshade.

    And I have 2 Imperials in DC and EP, but I do not think it is unusual. They were forced to flee Cyrodiil when Planemeld began.
    Edited by EvilCroc on 19 June 2018 15:48
  • NeighborhoodKhajiit
    Soul Shriven
    I made a Khajiit Templar, I accidentally made him EP.
    I made him a fellow who really wants to help people, and ends up a rather non partisan - I never play pvp anyway. I’m going to end up doing all three alliance storylines for the fun of it.
    The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.
  • LifenLemons
    When I first started tge game, I deleted my toon so I could swop to DC. It was the only blue one. Lol. I had no idea what the game was about like I do now
    Occasional Online Opinionated Flyby Conversationalist // Part Time Coffee Addict // Hobosapien // Casual Gamer // SAST
  • ArthurMatheson
    My main Artora Modes is a good ally, although reluctant, of the Ebonheart Pact.
    He was adopted and raised for a while by a dunmer couple as a free argonian and, while both his own kin alienates him for his lack of a connection with the hist and he still got the boot from his adoptive parents because of some in-house tension, he still considers all of them as his big, somewhat disfunctional family even though he more often than not doesn't associate with most of the conflict going on with it.
    If he would have considered a faction outside of this sense of family he would've most likely have chosen to be with the Dominion as that's the second place he feels most at home in with many of his friends coming from there and even having worked closely to the queen's guard in some occasions as a mercenary.
    His being split as well as a very lax guy makes it hard to raise arms against anyone because of alliance conflict even in defense, the only reason why he got pushed into the alliance wars that couple of times was because a friend of his wanted in and he didn't want to lose him although his behaviour and the fact he worked for the Dominion makes his interactions with superiors very troublesome.
    Edited by ArthurMatheson on 18 August 2018 23:09
  • huschdeguddzje
    My breton, joined the pact because I wanted to see vvardenfell again, whoopsi
  • Nayawin14
    @Trabunt, cool topic, having myself 15 characters dispatched on the 3 alliances I'll seize the occasion to let the ones that have made the strangest choices express themselves:

    Eiza Lluvia D'Arrasar, Imperial EP Empress: Well, basically I got killed before the story even started and lost my soul (...) so, you see I did what I was able to do to recover and finally - due to my wisdom and my recklessness, and the restless work of @Nayawin14 and of my allies I made it up to the ruby throne and tried myself at re-uniting everyone. Well, I also burnt my own City into ashes during this war so no chance the Lore keep any traces of Arrasar... nor me

    Lulamae River, Regard EP: I choose the Pact because I felt Red, and also I never cared so much about politics...
    Anyway, 1 day I was a Nord 1 day i'd be Imperial and when I say Fus I throw up fire so I am kind of above all of this...

    Ariana Dragondor, Breton AD: I DIDN'T chose anything!! I am so bored of everyone telling me what to do...

    hope this was insightful :p

    Sooner or later I am going to make some post on the different approaches to Role-play

  • NolaArch
    I asked my daughter, “Blue, red, or yellow?” And she said, “Uhhhh...RED!” And so I’m EP.
    Ardat-Yakshii EP Stam NB
    36k anchovy club
    Mash the buttons, hope for the best!
    I have some achievements
  • Nayawin14
    NolaArch wrote: »
    I asked my daughter, “Blue, red, or yellow?” And she said, “Uhhhh...RED!” And so I’m EP.

    And now I am sure you feel home, altogether with us drunken Nord Pact :p
  • ictopbasli
    My thief Khajiit joined Dominion army for gain his honor back. But he still stealing shiny daggers from Dominion's armory.
    Thalmor rules!
  • Nayawin14
    ictopbasli wrote: »
    My thief Khajiit joined Dominion army for gain his honor back. But he still stealing shiny daggers from Dominion's armory.

    Thought Khajiit where basically AD ;)

    still, nice to hear you participate weakening the Dominion's arsenal :p

  • Dont_do_drugs
    dunmer ftw. id always fight for morrowind.

    Get Stuff like this (but not this stuff)


    "I have too admit. People leading trade guilds in this game are quite stupid. Not stupid like fools, but stupid like leaders.
    They can only bla-bla and waste gold on feeding their ego. I am disappointed."

    Egal, wie gut du Schach spielst, die Taube wird alle Figuren umwerfen, auf das Brett kacken und herumstolzieren, als hätte sie gewonnen.

    Arkadius Trade Tools
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    Port to Friend's House Addon
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  • bloodthirstyvampire
    EP because Red Dragons, plus during cadwells gold I realized the crimes of AD and DC against ordinary civilians, non combatants, DC slaughtered an entire village of innocent farmers and merchants who did nothing wrong, yet they did just because they felt like it. Like common pathetic banditry

    And don't even get me started on AD in blackmarsh.
  • Enkil
    Morrowind best RPG ever.. so nostalgia. :)
  • Kelces
    Enkil wrote: »
    Morrowind best RPG ever.. so nostalgia. :)

    Same here.

    However, I have one character that's not in the original faction: My Bosmer went into exile, she joined the Pact after having killed and devoured her whole family in an animalistic rage (she is a werewolf). Since then she is wanted by the Aldmeri dominion for mass murder.
    Edited by Kelces on 30 August 2018 17:46
    You reveal yourself best in how you play.

    Kelces - Argonian Templar
    Farel Donvu - Dark Elf Sorcerer
    Navam Llervu - Dark Elf Dragonknight
    Aniseth - Wood Elf Warden
    Therediel - Wood Elf Templar
    Nilonwy - Wood Elf Nightblade
    Jurupari - Argonian Warden
    Kú-Chulainn - Argonian Sorcerer
    PC - EU
    For the Pact!
  • Giraffon
    My Imperial joined the Pact so when they win the war he can assume control.
    Giraffon - Beta Lizard - For the Pact!
  • BigBragg
    Bill Nighy as King Emric calling people out for not being honest, or respecting the bluntness in conversations is the kind of leader I like.
  • Kierro
    Spells-In-Shadows, or Spells for short, chose to join the Ebonheart Pact, not because he cared for their cause. Like many Argonians, he has a hatred for Dark Elves, especially after held captive by a Telvanni Magister, who "used" him in many ways. Spells only fights for his homeland of Black Marsh. At first he couldn't care less if the Dominion was rules, so long as they would leave the Argonians in peace. This temperament, however, changed when a certain incident happened at the Hatching Pools. From that point, Spells hated the Dominion, or anyone who would harm his home. That's not to say he didn't make a few Nordic friends while in the military.
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