Cyrodiil Updates for Update 18

  • Brotherchaotic
    In regards to locking the campaigns, just have it like this. If you have a DC character in Shor then only your DC characters can go into shor and other alliance characters have to go into a different campaign. Lock them for the duration of the 30 days since vivec is 30 days or at least if a 1 week campaign ended you can swap to another 1 week one but have to wait for vivec to end to get into that one. Maybe even add a huge AP cost like changing campaigns to change which alliance character you want to use in your home campaign.
  • Beardimus
    Any news on the timing for the possible changes to alliance switching problems @ZOS_BrianWheeler?
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • turlisley
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler Is there any news, discussions, future plans, or do you have any comment(s) at all regarding adding an MMR-system to Battlegrounds? (MatchMaking Rating/Ratio.) And/or Battlegrounds seasons (each season lasting X amount of weeks/months) and MMR tiers (Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum/Diamond) brackets, or whatever.

    Any comment, insight, or any communication at all on this topic would be very cool and much appreciated.
    (E.g. "Yes, this is something that we are interested in implementing and are actively working on fine-tuning. Expect more information and specific details soon.") <--- anything like this would be wonderful. :smiley:

    Edited by turlisley on 13 May 2018 23:23
    ESO Platform/Region: PC/NA. ESO ID: @Turlisley
  • Darkmage1337
    ^ @ZOS_BrianWheeler any acknowledgement or comment at all? <3
    ESO Platform/Region: PC/NA. ESO ID: @Darkmage1337
    GM of Absolute Virtue. Co-GM of Absolute Vice. 8-time Former Emperor, out of 13 characters. 3 Templars, 3 Sorcerers, 2 Nightblades, 2 Dragonknights, 1 Warden. 1 Necromancer, and 1 Arcanist. The Ebonheart Pact: The Dark-Mage (Former Emperor), The Undying Nightshade, The Moonlit-Knight, The Killionaire (Former Emperor), Swims-Among-Slaughterfish (Former Emperor), The Undead Mage, and The Dark-Warlock. The Aldmeri Dominion: The Dawn-Bringer (Former Empress), The Ironwood Kid (Former Emperor), and The Storm-Sword. The Daggerfall Covenant: The Storm-Shield (Former Empress), The Savage-Beast, and The Burning-Crusader CP: 1,900.
  • LarsS
    Can we get some specific in the time needed for underpopulation bonus to kick in? How soon will underdog bonus kick in? Will the time between campaign tick be reduced?
    GM for The Daggerfall Authority EU PC
  • zyk
    I get the feeling Brian's reemergence was just the annual toss AvA a bone event.
  • Agrippa_Invisus
    Well, you'll note that the stuff they're mentioning is just fiddling with the numbers type stuff.

    There's no content involved, just a little balancing, which means that they're just slipping in some value changes into a larger patch. Something relatively easy / cheap.
    Agrippa Invisus / Indominus / Inprimis / Inviolatus
    DragonKnight / Templar / Warden / Sorcerer - Vagabond
    Once a General, now a Citizen
    Former Emperor of Bloodthorn and Vivec
    For Sweetrolls! FOR FIMIAN!
  • Iskras
    Dear ZOS, your idea about 'queue' are ruining the main server NA. This need change! Its queue is totally, completely unbalanced. People are leaving Vivec because they no longer have the experience they had when we had another kind of queue situation. What has changed? People have changed. ZOS decided or opted for some steps in the game's combat, favoring what the players call 'zerg balls' (powerful groups and AOE). This caused many, those who did not have groups, to leave the server for having bad experiences as solo players. This will not change as we face problems with LAG, memory spike, glitches, etc. People are leaving, ZOS.

    It is time to rethink the combat, the idea of the campaign, the queue 'lock' per faction, to better balance the combat also to favor players who opt for the solo game.

    No new players will feel more comfortable on Cyrodiil, come in and out on the same day, if not, at the same time. They do not like to face 'groups' where the 'mass kill' predominates.
    Edited by Iskras on 19 May 2018 12:25
  • xxthir13enxx
    Hmm... i’ve Said before that Scrolls should be a AP buff not a Score buff...

    Each scroll could be worth a 5% AP Buff to a Maximum of 20% for All Scrolls

    Having your own Scrolls adds nothing...but count as a -5% for losing one or -10% for both.

    Unfortunately, not everyone cares about the campaign score...they just don’t play enough or other factors. This change would bring great value to the Scrolls for Everyone and not tip the Scale on Campaign score.
  • patents

    The nerf to ballista was uncalled for

    Please revert player damage

    Nobody cares abt siege damage
    Edited by patents on 27 May 2018 06:41
  • LumbermillOverlord
    so can you tell me pls if you fighting at a keep and 3 it's resources you will have ap for all of them
    but what if you ride to outpost?
    outpost activity will override keep +resources ticks?
  • Beardimus
    so can you tell me pls if you fighting at a keep and 3 it's resources you will have ap for all of them
    but what if you ride to outpost?
    outpost activity will override keep +resources ticks?

    Hi. Brian said output doesn't overide the list. Only a like for like building. So i think you can be on keep, lumber, farm, stone resource posts and a output. But you can't double up.

    I'm console so not tested but that's what i understood
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • ruikkarikun
    I'm new at cyro, can someone tell me isn't it out of rules when blues and reds don't fight between, but they near and they both fight with yellow?
  • ruikkarikun
    I mean they near like one group.
  • Steel-256
    How about considering getting rid of Battle Spirit. Let us play without restrictions.
  • VaranisArano
    I'm new at cyro, can someone tell me isn't it out of rules when blues and reds don't fight between, but they near and they both fight with yellow?

    No, its not against the rules unless they are feeding each other AP or trading an objective.

    Everyone screams about team Green/Orange/Purple and sees times where it looks like the other two teams are standing near each other and not fighting. I saw AD and DC do that on BRK a few days ago. Thing is, it was EP's last emp keep, so rather than indulge in conspiracy theories, I accept that it makes sense for those groups to "cooperate" or at,least not fight while they have a common goal of dethroning an emperor.

    It happens, everyone does it by accident or because it makes strategic sense. If they aren't feeding AP or trading objectives, its not against the rules for two enemy groups to focus AD before they focus each other.
  • Morgul667
    I seriously disapprove of 2 factions teaming up against another one on general basis , but truth being told, on occasions it can be pretty useful. if I see a team making an emp run I will leave the other faction and focus them.

    Same happens if I find myself in an outnumbered tri-factions. Ill focus the team with more people to increase my survival chances

    of course if the guy happens to be close to me, I will give him a few hits just because ^^
  • RMerlin
    So far, Update 18 has been pretty bad for PvP. Yes, the AP related changes are really great. But there are so many new bugs that PvP is highly frustrating right now (and still no fixes after over two weeks live). Namely:

    - A bunch of random micro load screens in some areas of Cyrodiil (for instance, riding from Dragon to Bruma will cause two or three of these mini load screens - happens almost every time here)
    - Quickslotted items not always working reliably. Trying to use a potion in the middle of a fight will often end up with the potion not working. On one occasion, I was no longer able to use a potion at all until I relogged my game.
    - Keep walls and doors occasionally rendering as being broken, yet they are at 100% health
    - Keep walls and doors occasionally NOT being rendered at all, allowing ennemies to get in without having to destroy the wall/door
    - A couple of times, the ENTIRE town of Bruma would stop rendering, showing you in the middle of an empty plain, until you move your camera around, and the whole city magically reappears (happened to me on two occasions, but had two other players confirm experiencing the same thing as well)
    - On both of my characters, weapon-swapping while riding would randomly dismount you (since I keep Rapids on my secondary bar, it means I frequently get hit by this one). Maybe somewhat related to the recently fixed issues where poisons were triggered by things that shouldn't trigger them? That fix didn't resolve the weapon swap issue however.

    Most of these issues have been confirmed by multiple players, and at this point I wonder if I should bother continuing /bug reporting them, seeing that nothing is happening... (quite frankly, I often have serious doubts about how QA processes those /bug reports, as most of the time they don't get resolved until someone starts loudly complaining about those same issues on the forums. QA's prioritizing/sorting process of /bug report needs to be reviewed IMHO).

    Every single update PvP gets hit by game-affecting bugs. Who can forget the audio-related issues that took close to two months to fix?

    In the future, could PvP get some proper QA done before going live? In the mean time, please look into those new issues...

  • Sharee
    RMerlin wrote: »
    So far, Update 18 has been pretty bad for PvP. Yes, the AP related changes are really great. But there are so many new bugs that PvP is highly frustrating right now (and still no fixes after over two weeks live). Namely:

    - A bunch of random micro load screens in some areas of Cyrodiil (for instance, riding from Dragon to Bruma will cause two or three of these mini load screens - happens almost every time here)

    As a workaround, i managed to significantly reduce these micro-loadscreens by reducing my graphics detail down to medium.
  • ruikkarikun
    Tell me what is the point of this mode? When you can pick smurfs to help push?

    DC and EP most of the time push AD, and rarely fight between, using smurfs, so I don't get it?
  • VaranisArano
    Tell me what is the point of this mode? When you can pick smurfs to help push?

    DC and EP most of the time push AD, and rarely fight between, using smurfs, so I don't get it?

    Uh, IDK what campaign you PVP in, but on PC/NA Vivec, the Chalman to Bleakers to Aleswell corridor is in full swing most of the time.
  • xxthir13enxx
    So odds we’ll ever get an apology from @ZOS_BrianWheeler for misrepresenting these Cyrodiil Performance Improvements... Day 1 Summerset PS4 n gotta say not feel’n the Improvements
  • Agrippa_Invisus
    So odds we’ll ever get an apology from @ZOS_BrianWheeler for misrepresenting these Cyrodiil Performance Improvements... Day 1 Summerset PS4 n gotta say not feel’n the Improvements

    About the same that @ZOS_Wrobel ever gets let back out of his cage in the basement.

    Agrippa Invisus / Indominus / Inprimis / Inviolatus
    DragonKnight / Templar / Warden / Sorcerer - Vagabond
    Once a General, now a Citizen
    Former Emperor of Bloodthorn and Vivec
    For Sweetrolls! FOR FIMIAN!
  • LumbermillOverlord
    new system not working ??
    i kiled all guards at warden farm and ride away half way to other keem farm was ours
    but no tick
  • RMerlin
    new system not working ??
    i kiled all guards at warden farm and ride away half way to other keem farm was ours
    but no tick

    I also had something similar happen to me with a resource. I wasn't sure if it's because it works different with resources than with keeps, so I didn't report it.

    For keeps, the new system has been working great.
  • VaranisArano
    new system not working ??
    i kiled all guards at warden farm and ride away half way to other keem farm was ours
    but no tick

    Offensive ticks for capturing resources and keeps still require you to remain on the grounds to receive them. Only defensive ticks let you move off the grounds and get them as long as you haven't overwritten your credit by attacking/defending another similar objective.
  • LumbermillOverlord
    new system not working ??
    i kiled all guards at warden farm and ride away half way to other keem farm was ours
    but no tick

    Offensive ticks for capturing resources and keeps still require you to remain on the grounds to receive them. Only defensive ticks let you move off the grounds and get them as long as you haven't overwritten your credit by attacking/defending another similar objective.

    i see, its documented somewhere?
  • frozywozy
    new system not working ??
    i kiled all guards at warden farm and ride away half way to other keem farm was ours
    but no tick

    Offensive ticks for capturing resources and keeps still require you to remain on the grounds to receive them. Only defensive ticks let you move off the grounds and get them as long as you haven't overwritten your credit by attacking/defending another similar objective.

    i see, its documented somewhere?

    natch potes
    Edited by frozywozy on 8 June 2018 09:32
    Frozn - Stamdk - AR50
    Frosted - Magplar - AR50
    Frodn - Magden - AR50
    Warmed - Magblade - AR50
    Mmfrozy - Magsorc - AR44
    Necrozn - Magcro - AR32
    PvP Group Builds

    “Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
    • Fix Volendrung (spawn location - weapon white on the map causing the wielder to keep it forever - usable with emperorship)
    • Remove / Change CPs System, remove current CP/noCP campaigns and introduce one 30days with lock, one with no locks
    • Fix crashes when approaching a keep under attack because of bad / wrong rendering prioritization system
    • Change emperorship to value faction score points and not alliance points - see this and this
    • Fix long loading screens (mostly caused by players joining group out of rendering range)
    • Add 2 more quickslots to the wheel or add a different wheel for sieges weaponry only
    • Fix Balista Bolts not dealing damage on walls or doors if deployed at a certain place
    • Release bigger battlegrounds with 8 to 16 players per team and only two teams
    • Fix the permanent block animation - see examples : link1 link2 link3 link4 link5
    • Gives players 10 minutes to get back into Cyrodiil after relogging / crashing
    • Add a function to ignore the Claiming system of useless rewards
    • Improve the Mailing System / Rewards of the Worthy stacking
    • Assign specific group sizes to specific campaigns (24-16-8)
    • Make forward camps impossible to place near objectives
    • Make snares only available from ground effects abilities
    • Change emperorship to last minimum 24hours
    • Fix body sliding after cc breaking too quickly
    • Remove Block Casting through Battle Spirit
    • Fix the speed drop while jumping - see video
    • Fix loading screens when keeps upgrade
    • Fix Rams going crazy (spinning around)
    • Bring back dynamic ulti regeneration
    • Fix speed bug (abilities locked)
    • Introduce dynamic population
    • Lower population cap by 20%
    • Add Snare Immunity potions
    • Bring resurrection sickness
    • Fix character desync
    • Fix cc breaking bug
    • Fix gap closer bug
    • Fix health desync
    • Fix combat bug
    • Fix streak bug
    • Fix server lag
  • Twohothardware
    The new Scoring system is terrible from what I can see. AD was already winning in Vivec PS4 NA by 1-2K before Summerset and now they're up 5000 points because you can just camp 2-3 Keeps with the Scrolls and get the same eval as the other Alliance that has 10+ Keeps and 30+ Resources. It makes no sense at all.

    The Scoring changes needed to benefit the less populated Alliances that didn't have the numbers to compete with AD in off peak hours like early in the morning. Instead it works entirely in their favor because even when DC or EP take the whole map there's not enough scoring advantage to catch up when behind.

    PvP has literally become Elder Scrolls Online because Scrolls are all the matter.
  • xxthir13enxx
    Hmm... i’ve Said before that Scrolls should be a AP buff not a Score buff...

    Each scroll could be worth a 5% AP Buff to a Maximum of 20% for All Scrolls

    Having your own Scrolls adds nothing...but count as a -5% for losing one or -10% for both.

    Unfortunately, not everyone cares about the campaign score...they just don’t play enough or other factors. This change would bring great value to the Scrolls for Everyone and not tip the Scale on Campaign score.

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