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What is your favorite BG mode? And why?

Edited by Sanct16 on 23 May 2017 07:33
- EU - Raid Leader of Banana Zerg Squad
AD | AR 50 | Sanct Fir'eheal | ex Mana DK @31.10.2015
EP | AR 50 | Sanctosaurus | Mana NB
AD | AR 44 | rekt ya | Mana NB
AD | AR 41 | Sanct Thunderstorm | Mana Sorc
EP | AR 36 | S'na'ct | Mana NB {NA}
AD | AR 29 | Captain Full Fist| Stam DK
AD | AR 29 | Sanct The Dark Phoenix| Stam Sorc
EP | AR 16 | Horny Sanct | Stam Warden
EP | AR 16 | Sánct Bánáná Sláyér | Mana DK
DC | AR 13 | ad worst faction eu | Stam Sorc
DC | AR 13 | Lagendary Sanct | Mana NB

>320.000.000 AP

What is your favorite BG mode? And why? 111 votes

IcyDeadPeopleCavalryPKSolarikenLegacyDMarkansas_ESOssewallb14_ESOKasEtanielbronskiJitterbugMagnusRexMajeureDurhamsolllonewolf26RajajshkaVagabond_OutcastdantatorBashevValencer 78 votes
Capture the Flag
ShareeNiaverdsalterMoffkaasneakybananabrtomkintutahn 7 votes
DeadlyReclusekadarKilandrosSigtricKoensolAvaglaorSPE825Allu07neb18_ESOAnroseGhost-ShotBlobskyBroanBeast1215ArtemiisiaAtAfternoonAhzekAshamrayRagnaroek93timidobserverpaulsimonpsDerra 26 votes
  • LegacyDM
    Kill kill kill. Other modes require too much thinking.seriosuly, my character is built to dps not tank some flag carrying.
    Edited by LegacyDM on 23 May 2017 07:35
    Legacy of Kain
    Vicious Carnage
    ¥ampire Lord of the South
  • Dracindo
    This poll discriminates non-morrowind players, and I don't like it.
  • NightbladeMechanics
    I just want to fight people.
    Legion XIII
    Excellence without elitism
    Premier small scale PvP

    NA/PC's original dueling and PvP community guild
    Now NA/PC's dueling, BGs, small scale, GvG, and general PvP community. We float just under 500 members. Mail me in game for an invite.

    Apex Predator.

    Here's a great thread collecting community ideas for PvP updates.

    [MEGATHREAD] Feedback Threads for Class Reps

    Class Representative Feedback Discords:
    Nightblade Discussion:

    Dragonknight Discussion:

    Sorcerer Discussion:

    Templar Discussion:

    Warden Discussion:

    General Healing Discussion:


    Werewolf Discussion:

    Vampire Discussion:
  • Xiphyla
    Obviously fighting people , rather than just running around trying to pvflags etc.
    AD : DiE (Inactive)
    DC : K-hole (Inactive)
    EP : ZDM (Inactive)


  • Ahzek
    The others are also allright, but domination has more tactics to it than TDM in particular.
  • Lieblingsjunge
    Deathmatch hype ♥

    Capture The Flags is just silly. Should make a not-be-attacked for x seconds a req. for picking up flags. Now you can just take an enemy's flag and camp your own base, leading to a stalemate :^

    Domination is okay - and I can imagine it being quite interesting once you are able to queue as a group.
    Ignorance is the greatest weapon of tyranny.
    PC - EU.
    Lieblingsjunge(AD) - Racechanged Argonian :< | AR 50 - No double AP or Bleakers involved |
    Sits-On-Cacti(DC) - Problem?
    Fail-With-Tail(AD) - Healing Springs-spammer :<
    Tiny Liebs(EP) - Very Tiny. Also heals.
    Lieblingsmädchen(DC) - Magplar is love.
    The Dominàtrix(AD) - Chains, whip, whip, whip.
    Fluffy Furball Kitten(DC) - Kittycat, meow.
    Your Face(EP) - People make bad jokes about my name =(
    Liebs-With-Trees(AD) - Male argo with a big tail :>

    Officer/Sandwitch of Zerg Squad
    My title: The Maneater, Destroyer of Maneuvers, Bane of Potatoes, she who devours them, The Black Hole, the humorless, first of her name.
  • Avaglaor
    I found better fights in Domination coz the players had to spread out a bit for the objectives.

    Unfortunately the group queue was not working yesterday (I dont know if they fixed it yet) so Deathmatch was very random with 2v4v3 etc.

    I think Deathmatch will be much better with premades.
  • Docmandu
    Cyrodiil > BGs.

    Don't like fun to be interrupted because some timer is up.
  • MipMip
    Deathmatch is my favorite :)

    As others have said:
    I just want to fight people.
    Deathmatch hype ♥

    Capture The Flags is just silly. Should make a not-be-attacked for x seconds a req. for picking up flags. Now you can just take an enemy's flag and camp your own base, leading to a stalemate :^

    Domination is okay - and I can imagine it being quite interesting once you are able to queue as a group.

    And yes - can't wait for queuing as a group to work...

    PC EU ∙ PC NA

    'My only complaint about ball groups is that there aren't enough of them. Moar Balls.'
    - Vilestride
  • Sylphie
    Domination for me. Fights are more spread out resulting in 1v1v1s and 2v2v2s instead of just a mess of 12 players in the middle of the map.
    Edited by Sylphie on 23 May 2017 10:32
    Làin - MagDK
    1vX and outnumbered pvp compliations -
  • BraidasNM
    i like objective types in other games such as halo but its just so poorly done here.

    "I like to think of myself as the good cop and braidas as the bad cop. Hes the little devil on DC's shoulder, im the angel" -Subtomik
  • Rickter
    Ive only been put in Deathmatch. . . and Ive always been Fire Drakes. . .

    played about 5 matches. cant group queue. something is broken - went back to normal cyro and got 80k ap in the time it would take BGs 40 matches to obtain.
    PC | NA | DC
    Requiem GM | Dark Sisterhood Blood Knight | Legend Mod | Legend GvG Mod
    Bloodletter | StamDK | Alliance Rank 46 | Former Emperor of Shor (2018) | Former Emperor of Thornblade #4terms (2015)
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMA | vDSA | vMoL | ALL Vet 4 Man Dungeons

  • IcyDeadPeople
    Domination feels like the goal is just a race. It's fun when you get into a big fight on the center flag, but while you are doing that some other team is just running around to flag after flag to win the match. You are incentivized to avoid fighting, which is kind of the point of battlegrounds. During beta I had one teammate complain that I was fighting with enemies too much and should just avoid all enemies to get as many flags as possible =P

    Capture the flag is more interesting than domination, but I feel like it needs some maps that are more suited to this kind of mode. CTF maps in other games tend to be a bit larger, with some alternate paths to the flag and then back to your base. Might be tough to implement this with three different factions.

    If they ever update queue system for specific modes I will probably stick with only Deathmatch.

    Edited by IcyDeadPeople on 23 May 2017 12:32
  • DeadlyRecluse
    Deathmatch and Domination are okay.

    Deathmatch seems to overly reward killstealing via ranged executes rather than dicing it up in the melee. Domination overly rewards avoiding the fight and just focusing flags--but all this will likely shake up in the next few days if they get the queues fixed--currently way too many BGs have one or more short-sided teams.

    CTF just feels...bad. And I hate how much of the screen the flag/relic takes up when you are in 3rd person.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • ssewallb14_ESO

    No but DM feels like the only mode that encourages PvP. The others it seems better to just avoid other players and take unguarded objectives.

    ESO has never had a thing where you can just jump in and do small-scale PvP as much as you want. Usually it's getting zerged in Cyrodiil for 2 hours to get 10 min of decent PvP if you're lucky. I think people are just enjoying it entirely on that merit at the moment. It would be like if an Arena shooter only had something like Cyrodiil for 3 years, then suddenly someone opened a team deathmatch server.
    Edited by ssewallb14_ESO on 23 May 2017 12:59
  • Anrose
    Avaglaor wrote: »
    I found better fights in Domination coz the players had to spread out a bit for the objectives.

    Unfortunately the group queue was not working yesterday (I dont know if they fixed it yet) so Deathmatch was very random with 2v4v3 etc.

    I think Deathmatch will be much better with premades.

    Agree here. Domination seemed to have more fast/small fights. Things could swing either way. Those were the most fun fights I had.

    TDM just seemed like 12 people bunched up in one place until someone hit their destro ult. If I wanted that, I'd just play open world in Cyrodiil.

    CTF was an ok mix. It had smaller skirmishes and larger fights between all 12 players.

    I like the objective based matches much better than just old fashioned killing people.
  • Takllin
    TDM is a lot of fun especially on the lava map. I just wish the sigils weren't a thing at all.
    Jadokis - AD Redguard DK v16 AR 18
    Jàsènn - AD Orc Templar 47 AR 10
    Jessèn - AD Dunmer DK v16 AR 9 - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade

    Tekllin - AD Altmer Sorcerer v16 AR 18 (Ret.)
    Tekklin - AD Bosmer Nightblade v16 AR 12 (Ret.)
    Jasenn - DC Imperial Templar v16 AR 18 (Ret.)
    Jasènn - DC Orc Sorcerer v16 AR 15 (Ret.)
  • ThyIronFist
    My favourite battleground is "I can't queue with my friends" mode
    The Elder Zergs Online
    Sainur Ironfist - DK - EU - Ebonheart Pact
  • asneakybanana
    Capture the Flag
    Because I wanted my own category :P
    Asneakybanana AD DK Former emperor of Chrysamere and Chillrend. World first hardmode Hel'ra and Quake con winner (Alliance rank 25)
    Asneakyhabenero EP DK Former emperor of Thornblade, Haderus. World first vMA Dk clear (Alliance rank 39)
    Asneakycucumber EP Sorc Former empress of Blackwater Bay and Trueflame (Alliance rank 32)
    Asneakypineapple EP Temp Former empress of Azuras Star and Haderus (Alliance rank 22)
    Asneakypickle EP NB Former empress of Trueflame (Alliance rank 47)
    Sweat Squad
    Crowned 27x on 12 different campaign cycles | 200M+ AP earned
    Fastest AA clear ever: 5:42 | Fastest HRC clear ever: 5:27 | NA first HM MoL
    609k Mag Sorc vMA
    NA first Tick Tock Tormentor
    NA first trinity (All No Death/HM/Speed run trials titles)
    2x Tick Tock Tormentor
  • Ghost-Shot
    I like death match too but it seems like domination is the only one that really takes much strategy while death match is more fun for pure pvp. Capture the flag blows. I wish we could queue for specific game modes, domination will be a ton of fun once premades work but premade vs pug in domination not so much. Death match seems like a better fit for solo queues.
    Edited by Ghost-Shot on 23 May 2017 18:27
  • CoachPower
    Death match!!!!

    Coach-Power - Magicka Sorcerer with mediocre DPS - PvP/PvE
    Eternal-Envy - Magicka Templar - DD
    -Sookie Northman - Magicka Nightblade - DD
    Eva the Whipmistress - Magicka Dragonknight - DD
    Having-A-Bad-Time - Magicka Templar - Healer
    Lady Mormont - Stamina Dragonknight - Tank
  • Ghost-Shot
    Not super related to this thread I guess but BG's need better AP rewards, both for match rewards and quest rewards. 2k AP for turning in a quest to play 5 games seems pretty low to me.
  • asneakybanana
    Capture the Flag
    Ghost-Shot wrote: »
    I like death match too but it seems like domination is the only one that really takes much strategy while death match is more fun for pure pvp. Capture the flag blows. I wish we could queue for specific game modes, domination will be a ton of fun once premades work but premade vs pug in domination not so much. Death match seems like a better fit for solo queues.

    I actually had a really enjoyable game of CTF that was 2v2v2. Was basically the only game of it I enjoyed because there werent people just perma dodging fights to try and get behind for scrolls. Domination is great except Ive seen some similar builds of people just trying to perma dodge fights and only PvFlag.
    Asneakybanana AD DK Former emperor of Chrysamere and Chillrend. World first hardmode Hel'ra and Quake con winner (Alliance rank 25)
    Asneakyhabenero EP DK Former emperor of Thornblade, Haderus. World first vMA Dk clear (Alliance rank 39)
    Asneakycucumber EP Sorc Former empress of Blackwater Bay and Trueflame (Alliance rank 32)
    Asneakypineapple EP Temp Former empress of Azuras Star and Haderus (Alliance rank 22)
    Asneakypickle EP NB Former empress of Trueflame (Alliance rank 47)
    Sweat Squad
    Crowned 27x on 12 different campaign cycles | 200M+ AP earned
    Fastest AA clear ever: 5:42 | Fastest HRC clear ever: 5:27 | NA first HM MoL
    609k Mag Sorc vMA
    NA first Tick Tock Tormentor
    NA first trinity (All No Death/HM/Speed run trials titles)
    2x Tick Tock Tormentor
  • Niaver
    Capture the Flag
    The queue.
    PC EU - Daggerfall Covenant - @Niaver
    Erazar (main) - Khajit DK tank

    Proud owner of Maelstrom Sharpened Bow
  • timidobserver
    Ghost-Shot wrote: »
    Not super related to this thread I guess but BG's need better AP rewards, both for match rewards and quest rewards. 2k AP for turning in a quest to play 5 games seems pretty low to me.

    Agreed. The AP is significantly too low.

    There needs to be a huge AP cache reward for every X battleground matches completed and then another bigger one for every X battlegrounds matches won.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • IcyDeadPeople
    I hope someday they add Classic Deathmatch (free for all)
  • Magıc
  • Ghost-Shot
    Ghost-Shot wrote: »
    I like death match too but it seems like domination is the only one that really takes much strategy while death match is more fun for pure pvp. Capture the flag blows. I wish we could queue for specific game modes, domination will be a ton of fun once premades work but premade vs pug in domination not so much. Death match seems like a better fit for solo queues.

    I actually had a really enjoyable game of CTF that was 2v2v2. Was basically the only game of it I enjoyed because there werent people just perma dodging fights to try and get behind for scrolls. Domination is great except Ive seen some similar builds of people just trying to perma dodge fights and only PvFlag.

    Yeah that is annoying, these are just early impressions from solo queues though, I'm sure everything will change when we can can queue pre mades.
  • Morbash
    I wouldn't know. Tried to enter my first match ....aaannnnnd infinite loading screen. GG ZOS
    "War doesn't build character; it reveals it."
  • Majeure
    The other modes are too hard. :'(
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