Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

PTS Patch Notes v3.0.0

  • IcyDeadPeople
    Some of these changes might seem drastic but rather than rush to complain, I suggest everyone first take some time to play test and provide detailed feedback.

    Judging by previous balance updates, it's likely there will be further adjustments based on your feedback.
  • Anti_Virus
    Mojmir wrote: »
    Anti_Virus wrote: »
    Now Notice how mSorcs were un touched.

    hmm i wonder what class the devs play?

    This was their Agenda the mSorc lobby is the most vicious on the forms, it's clear that their agenda was to be the Meta class and other classes to be beneath them.

    Well agenda complete mSorcs hope you enjoy the spot light with Wardens
    Edited by Anti_Virus on 17 April 2017 21:42
    Power Wealth And Influence.
  • HoolDog
    No token system or changes to the painful RNG system?
  • SickDuck
    Very disappointed, these are horrible notes...

    Nerfs all around but not all nerfs are equal. All stamina toons seem to be the worst sufferers again.

    Implicit double block cost? Good luck for the remaining few tanks :(

    Lightning staff magsorcs may become more the meta for PvE...

    Replacing one of the most used CP stars with a PvP only star???

    And not tackling major ongoing issues like RNG? Where is the fix for the completely ruined Group Finder since Homestead?

    ... and the list could go on for hours :(

    I really hope there's more to come in the following weeks cause this is not motivating.
    Holdviola - Khira'de Regalo - Lélekvadász - Used To Be An Adventurer - Zetor - Does-Not-Give-A-Duck - Lord Sugar - Tenar Arha - Da'rinka - Violent Moon - Extreme Runner
  • EvilKiwi
    Too many nerfs and no added storage or armor and weapon stands to housing. Whats the point of housing if it's useless!
    No Lollygagging.
  • Ruinhorn
    skwherl wrote: »
    "This passive ability now restores an equal amount of Health, Magicka, and Stamina when you use an Ultimate ability, and the amounts are now based on your character level instead of your Max Resource(s)"

    Ah i see you are catering to the casual players and not caring about the hardcore players who put time into their builds to get the best possible. Amazing decision... truly just... amazing

    If you could literally just revert back to thieves guild and leave it there for eternity that would be better than you trying and failing to make the game better. I do have my opinion on what you guys are doing to your game and i think i would get banned from the forums if i gave my opinion.

    Also why introduce a new class when you can't even handle the 4 you already have? This will just create more bugs and problems.

    And when will you stop making ideas yourselves and actually listen to what the people who have been here for 3 years+ want in the game and know whats best for it?

    This perfectly describes everything I feel. Just as if I wrote it, because I agree with every word here as a player from Beta.
  • Ayonia
    Soul Shriven
    Zakor wrote: »
    Nice change to the orbs btw. Finally non templar heals are able to restore stam also!

    ummmm ... the dps loss having to chase orbs around to get the synergy... no thanks ... shards please
  • SanSan
    I hope there's more.
  • VinayExile
    No changes to the templar skill power of the light?

    So this skill continues to hit in pvp for 15k+ ?

    Guess a skill that hits higher then my 55k magicka nightblades meteor is pretty balanced yea....

    Revise the damage zos cmon....

    No changes to the massivly OP execute of sorcerers?

    Magblades are non existant in pvp unless theyre a bomber, so why the massive nerf to siphoning strikes?
    i can go on and on and on and on....
    didnt even start about DK...

    These patch notes are so wrong in so many ways.... it looks like you guys want to make low level characters more competitive wich is a good thing but what youre actually doing is looking away from the real problems in game and giving people that will probably spend more money on the new morrowind expansion a better time in game ( so that you can still make profit ) while endgame is totally broken .

    I tell you here and now, do not release battleground untill you have at least sorted out a little bit of balance class wise.
    Edited by VinayExile on 17 April 2017 21:55
  • BillNye_Eso
    Anyone know when Camelot unchained comes out?
    PC Na
    Animosity Founder
    Ep Orc Stam Dk
    Only believes in 10k+ Leaps
    Changed to Warden since Dk is dead class
    Changed back to dk since dead inside
  • MidknightWolf
    Just read the entire patch notes. Here are my feelings.

    Overall I absolutely love the fact that we are trying to bring resource management back into the game. I like a lot of changes to skills I am seeing here like Orb and Shards. I am happy with any change that is going to make the game more difficult by making spells cost more, resources regenerate less, and ect.

    One thing that I think would be really good for this game though, is to make all buffs last at least 10 minutes. Even if you have to increase the poo out of the cost of each buff, make them last 10 minutes. Also make shields last for 10 minutes or until they are beaten through. This will make the game feel much less maintenance which honestly is the one thing about this combat system I feel is a big negative. As a result, we can also increase the cost of our action skills because we no longer would have to keep re-applying our buffs every 6 seconds....which honestly eso, is ridiculous.

    The only thing I do not agree with so far is the mindset of "closing the gap" between lowbies and veterans. In PVE, low level characters are already much much more powerful than 0cp level 50s. CP is supposed to make you much more powerful than those without any or less than you. Re-balancing the champ trees for greater diversity is awesome, just dont do it just to close gaps.

    PVP is a huge headache for balancing. I think it is finally time we accept that in MMO's PVP honestly needs to be balanced separately from PVE. We need a system that is more like, yes I hate to say it, World of Warcraft. There is a reason that game is still number 1 and has amazing PVP. They did it right. We should "borrow" some of their ideas such as PVP Gear you get when participating in PVP. When you enter PVP zones, all of your skills automatically RE-BALANCE to PVP so us PvE'ers can finally have buffs that are worth a darn and not feel so god awful maintenancy.

    As for my conclusion, good work team. I am super excited to see what comes of this and how we evolve over time. I would realllllly like to see buffs last longer and PVP to be balanced separately.
    Edited by MidknightWolf on 17 April 2017 21:48
  • OrphanHelgen
    Atleast caltrops are heading in the right direction.
    PC, EU server, Ebonheart Pact

    Finally a reason not to play League of Legends
  • skvll
    Juhasow wrote: »

    skvll, co-Guild Master
    The Epic Fail PvP Guild EP (PC/EU)

    Zerg Squad - PvP Guild AD (PC/EU)
    Laufey llvks, DK lvl 50 AD (PvE)
    Nikolà Tesla, Sorcerer lvl 50 AD (PvP/PvE)
    Yefual, Stamplar lvl 50 AD (PvP/PvE)
    Signifer lux dei, mageplar lvl 50 AD (PvP/PvE)

    Tesla Drakonis, Sorcerer lvl 50 EP (PvP)
    The Epic Ker, mageblade lvl 50 EP (PvP)
    Van Healsing, mageplar lvl 50 EP (PvP)
  • TheForseti
    The balance changes were much needed and are much appreciated. I really like the change to Caltrops, except it sucks that they are STILL obligating PvE players to grind a lot of PvP to hit rank 6 for Caltrops, a more influential change to bow DPS would have been much better, I think.

    No mention of changing two-handed weapons to count as two pieces towards set bonuses. No mention of replacing the RNG loot system with a token-based system. Those are the only two changes I really wanted, which had been directly discussed by devs in the past. Pretty disappointing.
    PC-NA | CP 1,400+ @The_Forseti
  • Kadoozy
    MLRPZ wrote: »

    *except sorcs*

    If all of the rest of us cry like the sorcs did last patch can you remove the nerf to Repentance? @ZOS_GinaBruno

    Maybe even give it a buff because why not?
  • Juhasow
    Ok we get lot of nerfs but I have 1 question.

    Seriously where ?....
    Edited by Juhasow on 17 April 2017 21:53
  • LeifErickson
    I am actually very impressed. There are only a couple more things they need to do and this game will be fantastic.
  • Azramel
    Wow, i was expecting some nerfs but jeezus, it looks like you guys basically removed heavy armor dps from the game. Might as well make it official and take wrath out and give something permatanks can use, because they might be the only ones running heavy after this. R.I.P. my beserker build
  • Machete
    Rest in peace Stam DK. I'm gonna miss the sustain you had. 3k igneous shields is like light attack from an opponent, so remove major mending at least.


    Monarch Wintervine, Stamina DK, AD
    Eiress Wintervine, Stamina Warden, AD
    Aelireed Auntumnvine, Stamina Necromancer, AD
    Sierena Hlaalu, Stamina Templar, AD
    Blou Springwillow, Stamina Sorc, AD
    Taliana Silverthorn, Stamina NB, AD
    Monarch Wíntervine, Stamina DK, EP
    Lily Hlaalu, Stamina NB, EP
    Tankito Fondlini, DK Tank, EP
    Evaii Spellborn, Magicka DK, AD
    Thellion Evaire, Magicka Warden, AD
    Weylenn Aenwee, Magicka Templar, AD
    Valianna Syn, Magicka Sorc, AD
    Aranyus Highren, Magicka NB, AD
  • Twohothardware
    You guys at ZOS seem to be completely clueless as to what actually needs to be rebalanced right now. I don't see a single change that's going to take away the advantage Magsorc's have right now in PvP nor do I see a single change that's going to do anything to make Stamina classes actually competitive against Magicka classes for end game PvE like Trials, vMA, ect. The survivability alone for a MagSorc with the huge shield stacking and pets is beyond imbalanced compared to the survivability of a Stamina Templar or Dragonknight. And yet I see multiple nerfs to the stamina based skills and none to MagSorc? O-K-A-Y.
  • olsborg
    Magicka classes is on strongest on live atm, for pvp and for pve, most specificly becasue of inferno staff passive increaseing all singletarget dmg done by a whopping 8% and being able to stack and spam shields like theres no tomorrow.

    So you nerf healing cp, but do nothing to bastion cp? Yea that makes perfect sense.....

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Witar
    So... No action for the pet sorc insane dps?
    It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
    Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt,
    It lies behind stars and under hills,
    And empty holes it fills,
    It comes first and follows after,
    Ends life, kills laughter.
  • Galvanize
    Honestly looking forward to these changes, thank you
    PSN - Galvanise
    Galvanize - V16 High Elf Magicka Sorcerer AD (Main)
    Shoonoo - V16 Wood Elf Stamina Nightblade AD
    Twaddle - V16 High Elf Magicka Templar AD
    Need name pls - V16 Dark Elf Magicka Dragonknight AD
    SplarrIsagayla - V16 Redguard Stamina Dragonknight AD
    Galvanise Deus - V16 High Elf Magicka Nightblade DC
    Gee Two Kay - V16 High Elf Templar DC
    Jormasauros Jr - V16 Dark Elf Magicka Dragonknight DC
    Lynog the Jedi - V16 Stamina Sorcerer DC
    Asemplee - V16 Redguard Stamina Nightblade DC

  • RedGirl41
    Honestly you need to make two different instances for battlegrounds. A nonCP version and a CP version. A lot of competitive end game players want to use CP and certain builds. We want both so don't ruin such a good idea. Make a CP version :/ why give 30 more CP if you can't use it in the new battle grounds?

    I am an avid pvper and I enjoyed the no CP event you had recently but I want the option to do both. Please do that one thing for us :/
  • Beruge
    With all these nerfs i really think zos should host 2 live streams. 1 with completing vet maw of lorkhaj within 40 minutes and 1 with doing it with no deaths.
    My youtube channel: Beruge Casualgaming
  • Shad0wfire99
    RedGirl41 wrote: »
    Honestly you need to make two different instances for battlegrounds. A nonCP version and a CP version. A lot of competitive end game players want to use CP and certain builds. We want both so don't ruin such a good idea. Make a CP version :/ why give 30 more CP if you can't use it in the new battle grounds?

    I am an avid pvper and I enjoyed the no CP event you had recently but I want the option to do both. Please do that one thing for us :/

    Because they just gave a 5000 word essay worth of nerfs because of PvP QQ'ing.

    XBox NA
  • Guni
    Soul Shriven
    Any idea on when we can do this? still waiting for the PTS to open..
  • SneaK
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Bosmer Nightblade AR 32 - Altmer Templar AR 26 - Dunmer Dragonknight AR 18 - Altmer Sorcerer AR 20 - Khajiit Dragonknight AR 18
    (+3 not worth mentioning, yet)
  • jediprime74
    I just cancelled my Morrowind preorder. I am going to wait for news from the PTS to figure out whether I want to continue playing this game after Morrowind drops.

    I am not trying to be dramatic or hyperbolic, I am *very* unhappy with the changes indicated in these Patch Notes. I haven't played this game for nearly two years to be forced to focus almost exclusively on resource management, nor do I like the Care Bear approach of decreasing the gap between newer players and established endgame players.

    I noted a lack of information on adjusting the endgame content to the new, post-nerf meta. These changes make it harder for tanks to tank, for healers to heal and maintain resources, and for DPS to deal damage. In other words, the crucial mechanics of vet trials. Sure, there are guilds out there that will handle these changes in stride, but they are inarguably the best players in the game. What about the rest of us? I mean, on XB1 we can't even run some of the trials (like vMoL) due to them being broken. Assuming they don't get fixed until after these changes are implemented, well...the difficulty of the content will be significantly higher relative to the characters.

    I am only one person, perhaps my opinion doesn't matter. Perhaps my one preorder doesn't matter. Never fear, I am going to reach out to lots of other players with these concerns and let them make their own determination as to whether this game will be fun for them after you have reduced their coveted builds into smoking ruins.

    Good flippin' job, Zeni.
    Guildmaster of Fool's Errand, PvX/social, beginner to endgame Guild.

    Guildmaster of Fools for the Pact an Ebonheart Pact PvP Guild.

  • Firerock2
    Firerock2 wrote: »
    So nerfs for DK, nerfs for Templar and no nerfs for Sorc. Good thing I didn't pre order Morrowind yet.

    Those are for the base game...

    The point is I won't be giving them anymore money. I won't play this crappy patch if it goes live in June
This discussion has been closed.