tinythinker wrote: »Yeah, that's kind of confusing what they said about continuing the story. Perhaps there's story related quests there that continue IN ADDITION to regular quests, and the story quests only apply if you've finished the main storyline (such as when the Prophet appears)."Each ESO Chapter will feature a self-contained story and zone that can be experienced by itself without needing to travel out to the main game."
Does it mean the main story won't continue? Is Darien lost forever?
Say it ain't so!
This would be great!
I have to admit, I was ever so excited when I saw the Prophet appear at the end of completing Wrothgar.
Speaking to Darien's friend and he had a juicy tid bit about Darien.
We have grown to love these characters and to follow on with the story is something alot of us want. I think we will get our wish too.
I always have to smile when I see @Abeille lobbying to rescue Darien. One of the throughlines of my main character's headcanon (and the entire reason I started writing a headcanon for her) is that she was in love with Darien by the end of her alliance storyline. So the events of Coldharbour hit her very hard and she still hasn't really gotten over what happened. I haven't played through Wrothgar yet, but I highly anticipate her reaction to finding that letter.I also have to figure out how to justify getting her into the Gold Coast to see Gabrielle when she's really not the innocent-murdering type.
At any rate it would be an awful big letdown to give us all of those teaser hints over multiple DLCs and then never do anything with him again.
While my main character who is doing the main quest in-character is not "in love" with Darien, she does love him very much, but more like a buddy cop sort of thing (same for Raz, for example). Darien is one of the few character she would go to Oblivion and back to save. Well, not "few", I'd say there are about a dozen characters that she would go to Oblivion and back for, now that I think of it.
Anyways, she isn't the murdering type either, so she just went to Anvil with Captain Jimila and happened to bump into Gabrielle when visiting the city. So how about that for your character too, maybe? My character didn't do the DB quest line, though, I have a DB character for that.
Either way, #SAVEDARIEN. Verandis would be good, too. My other sweethearts are safe for now.
Yeah I had some major feels when I had to make that choice about Raz, but for different reasons more akin to the buddy cop thing.It did make for another good headcanon writeup though.
I was hoping there was a way to get there without actually joining the Dark Brotherhood, so that sounds good to me. I'm biding my time on buying it, but I know there's a person you can talk to like I did with Quen to trigger the whole introductory Thieves Guild questline that got me to Hew's Bane the first time. So if I can circumvent that and get there without having to actually join the DB that'll be good.
And yeah I was highly disappointed that Verandis never came up when we got to Coldharbour. I mean I guess I understand that it wouldn't make sense for non-DC characters, but it seems like a no-brainer for that to be a followup to the Rivenspire questline.
sbanned_519897 wrote: »I'm very displeased that there's going to be a yearly DLC at $40, that cannot be bought with crowns. ESO+ members are just getting dragged along now... We better get some nice stuff for our $15/mo soon or people are going to stop paying it, or leave the game altogether because they feel scammed when they supported you for so long. I've been paying since launch, except for those 7 months where I couldn't play because of a bug causing me to crash on login load screen. You guys have already made plenty of questionable decisions, and I'm not entirely certain I'll be recommending this game to anybody for the next few months until you prove that you care about us players, and not just how much cash you can wipe your ass with every day.
tinythinker wrote: »Yeah, that's kind of confusing what they said about continuing the story. Perhaps there's story related quests there that continue IN ADDITION to regular quests, and the story quests only apply if you've finished the main storyline (such as when the Prophet appears)."Each ESO Chapter will feature a self-contained story and zone that can be experienced by itself without needing to travel out to the main game."
Does it mean the main story won't continue? Is Darien lost forever?
Say it ain't so!
This would be great!
I have to admit, I was ever so excited when I saw the Prophet appear at the end of completing Wrothgar.
Speaking to Darien's friend and he had a juicy tid bit about Darien.
We have grown to love these characters and to follow on with the story is something alot of us want. I think we will get our wish too.
I always have to smile when I see @Abeille lobbying to rescue Darien. One of the throughlines of my main character's headcanon (and the entire reason I started writing a headcanon for her) is that she was in love with Darien by the end of her alliance storyline. So the events of Coldharbour hit her very hard and she still hasn't really gotten over what happened. I haven't played through Wrothgar yet, but I highly anticipate her reaction to finding that letter.I also have to figure out how to justify getting her into the Gold Coast to see Gabrielle when she's really not the innocent-murdering type.
At any rate it would be an awful big letdown to give us all of those teaser hints over multiple DLCs and then never do anything with him again.
While my main character who is doing the main quest in-character is not "in love" with Darien, she does love him very much, but more like a buddy cop sort of thing (same for Raz, for example). Darien is one of the few character she would go to Oblivion and back to save. Well, not "few", I'd say there are about a dozen characters that she would go to Oblivion and back for, now that I think of it.
Anyways, she isn't the murdering type either, so she just went to Anvil with Captain Jimila and happened to bump into Gabrielle when visiting the city. So how about that for your character too, maybe? My character didn't do the DB quest line, though, I have a DB character for that.
Either way, #SAVEDARIEN. Verandis would be good, too. My other sweethearts are safe for now.
Yeah I had some major feels when I had to make that choice about Raz, but for different reasons more akin to the buddy cop thing.It did make for another good headcanon writeup though.
I was hoping there was a way to get there without actually joining the Dark Brotherhood, so that sounds good to me. I'm biding my time on buying it, but I know there's a person you can talk to like I did with Quen to trigger the whole introductory Thieves Guild questline that got me to Hew's Bane the first time. So if I can circumvent that and get there without having to actually join the DB that'll be good.
And yeah I was highly disappointed that Verandis never came up when we got to Coldharbour. I mean I guess I understand that it wouldn't make sense for non-DC characters, but it seems like a no-brainer for that to be a followup to the Rivenspire questline.
You can circumvent that, you can take a wayshrine straight to Anvil if you wish. There isn't a lot to do if you are not doing the Dark Brotherhood quests, though. The last quest of the DLC, which is the hook to Vvardenfell, is only available after you finish the DB quest line
You can do as I did, take your non-murderous character there and do only the few quests that are available without touching the Dark Brotherhood's quest line, but I recommend doing the quest line with another character on that case. Especially because you are missing out on Elam Drals (now THAT'S someone one of my characters has a crush on), who is one of the best NPCs in the game, if not the absolute best. If you have no character that can do this kind of quest line but has a spare character slot, make a throw-away character just for the DB quest line, it is well worth it.
Is there any way to justify the DB activities for someone who wouldn't normally justify murdering innocents? Like can you only kill people who kinda deserve it?
So if I am understanding this correctly.
ESO+ will still gain access to DLC's released 3x per year.
Additional chapters will have to be purchased (at minimum) for £30 extra a year.
Although I'm not super enraged it does seem like with the additional £30 a year on chapters ESO+ is being devalued a lot.
£83.88/year for ESO+ (free DLC)
£29.99/year for new chapters.
Total Cost: £113.87
£29.99/year for new chapters.
£32.98/year for 7,000 Crowns (Based on rough estimate from current pricing 1st DLC [Large 3,000 Crowns], 2nd DLC [Small 2,000 Crowns], Dungeon DLC [1,500 Crowns])
Total Cost: £62.97
That's almost double the cost with ESO+ for 10% bonuses, materials bag & extra furniture spaces and 18,000 crowns to spend in the store.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »@ZOS_GinaBruno Any word/insight on a potential gear cap increase? It is a huge deal for many players...
Actually just posted in another thread, but we do not plan on raising the gear cap with Morrowind.
Is there any way to justify the DB activities for someone who wouldn't normally justify murdering innocents? Like can you only kill people who kinda deserve it?
probablyafk wrote: »The addition of Chapters, along with the recent crown crates and player housing, are all extremely similar to the development path that SWTOR took over the last four years. This is dissappointing. It feels like the world of the Elder Scrolls has been appropriated.
No...a crafting bag is not worth E+. I can do the same with alts and a guild bank.Jeremiah87 wrote: »@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert
I'm sorry but the DLC delivery cadence as you guys call it is a sad attempt at covering up a new money making scheme.
Nobody is forcing you to be an E+ subscriber. The game won't kick you out. If you are a subscriber because of the DLC content - you're totally wrong. It's easier and more cost effective to just buy the crowns (esp. on the sales day) and buy the DLCs yourself. Further, you are subscribing every month for a DLC that comes every 3+ or so months. You are wasting your own money if you think like that.
What E+ does offer are all other things. First and foremost - the crafting bag. That feature is worth every single $. Then, you get 1,5k of crowns per month to spend willingly on anything you want. You don't have to spend it on DLCs, you have a piece of mind. All DLCs unlocked. Then you have all other cosmetic colouring stuff, 10% xp boost and so on. Last but not least, you know that with E+ you are supporting the game you love and care about.
THAT is what makes E+ worth, not DLCs.
thegreybetween wrote: »
From a value perspective, I think the system is more fair than the knee-jerk outrage seems to warrant. Let's break it down:
One Year of Full ESO Access
- ESO Plus: 6-month subscription = USD$77.94
- ESO Plus: 6-month subscription = $77.94
- Q2 Chapter Release, Collector Upgrade Edition: $60
Total Annual Cost: $215.88
Average Monthly Cost: (215.88/12) = $17.99
And what do you get for your $18/month?
- Full access to an already vast and robust game world featuring hundreds of hours of content
- A massive new "chapter" update featuring new systems, regions, and play modes each year
- Two new content patches per year (the scope of which is uncertain in light of chapters, but precedent has been good)
- A dungeon-based content patch, which has limited appeal but likely adds new loot/motifs as well
- Full ESO+ privileges: Increased housing item caps, crafting XP/gold/research buffs, costume dyes, etc.
- The Crafting Bag. Seriously, this is almost worth the cost of a subscription alone (IMO)
- 18000 Crowns to use as you see fit - Cosmetic goodies, locking down a DLC you love if you intend to un-sub at some point, gambling for goodies in RNG boxes, etc. That's equivalent to an 83% rebate in in-game currency (if you're inclined to purchase Crowns anyway)
- Periodic fix, QoL, balance, maintenance, and other updates
TheGreatBlackBear wrote: »