Official Discussion Thread for "The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind – Announcement and Details"

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  • FLambda
    The new War Bear ally Ultimate brings up a critical question: will Morrowind bring persistent summons? If you have the War Bear ultimate on one weapon bar and that swirly frost attack ultimate on the other weapon bar, will weapon swapping cause the bear to constantly spawn and despawn? Cause that would be stupid. The War Bear should be a persistent summon that lasts as long as it is on either weapon bar, and that behavior should be extended to the Sorcerer's daedric summons.
    Remember: there's no such thing as the Universal Standard of Descriptional Qualifications and Metrics.

    The Wisdom of M'aiq the Liar:
    • You wish to become a lich? It's very easy, my friend. Simply find the heart of a lich, combine it with the tongue of a dragon, and cook it with the flesh of a well-ridden horse. This combination is certain to make you undead.
    • M'aiq prefers to adventure alone. Others just get in the way. And they talk, talk, talk.
  • FLambda
    I have some questions also.
    Will there be new crafting line, or skill line. Will there be new skyshards. If i buy expansion and my friend does not, will we be able to still interract(chat etc) when i am on Vvardenfell and he is not. Can someone who doesn't own morrowind will still be able to get/buy specific items drops/crafted in morrowind.
    Will we be able to get inside the ghost fence and explore redmountain.
    The Ghost Fence hasn't been built yet. One of the battlegrounds is inside a quarry inside Red Mountain.
    Edited by FLambda on 1 February 2017 06:19
    Remember: there's no such thing as the Universal Standard of Descriptional Qualifications and Metrics.

    The Wisdom of M'aiq the Liar:
    • You wish to become a lich? It's very easy, my friend. Simply find the heart of a lich, combine it with the tongue of a dragon, and cook it with the flesh of a well-ridden horse. This combination is certain to make you undead.
    • M'aiq prefers to adventure alone. Others just get in the way. And they talk, talk, talk.
  • Pops_ND_Irish
    ckbud wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_RichLambert

    If I create a new character and start his or her journey off in Morrowind, will I be able to level him up all the way to Level 50 just by playing the Morrowind story content from beginning to end?

    Also, Will the warden class also be able to move between Morrowind and the rest of ESO ?
    Edited by Pops_ND_Irish on 1 February 2017 07:49
  • Stephanie_ABT
    Sorry but will be able to purchase this in the crown store or do we have to by it standalone on disk or from the PSN store? If it will be in the crown store how many crowns will it cost ?

    Thanks. As an Elder Scrolls fan since the first one, the thought of returning to Morrowind is wonderful to say the least. Cannot wait until June.
    Delphine Veteran Rank 16 AD Sorcerer.
    GM Guild Timeless Circle
    Ex PS4 EU Now PC EU
  • trav2609rwb17_ESO
    Sorry but will be able to purchase this in the crown store or do we have to by it standalone on disk or from the PSN store? If it will be in the crown store how many crowns will it cost ?

    @Stephanie_ABT Cash only sorry :<

    Edit for link to prices :
    Edited by trav2609rwb17_ESO on 1 February 2017 08:23
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • altemriel
    FLambda wrote: »
    The new War Bear ally Ultimate brings up a critical question: will Morrowind bring persistent summons? If you have the War Bear ultimate on one weapon bar and that swirly frost attack ultimate on the other weapon bar, will weapon swapping cause the bear to constantly spawn and despawn? Cause that would be stupid. The War Bear should be a persistent summon that lasts as long as it is on either weapon bar, and that behavior should be extended to the Sorcerer's daedric summons.

    yes, they said it on twitch, it is a persistent summon, you can heal and buff it, it stays summoned until it dies, you can even use wayshrine a port somewhere else and it ports with you
  • LaucianNailor
    So assuming I have 12 characters that I'm invested in and deletion of one of these is not acceptable:

    Will buying the upgrade allow me to roll a new character to experience the warden class (for sake of clarity - a 13th character?)
    Mac/PC EU Server

    Lots of alts....561+ CP
    Inside Trade Guild
  • Atarax
    This is the official discussion thread for the blog article The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind – Announcement and Details. This June, the next Chapter in The Elder Scrolls Online will begin. Return to the iconic island of Vvardenfell for over 30 hours of adventure in a brand new location, with a new class, a new PvP mode, a new Trial, and so much more!

    1. Very excited about the expansion overall, and will likely purchase.
    2. Very unhappy you decided to add another class instead of just making these skill lines available to everyone. While Elder Scrolls has had classes in previous games, they didn't prevent any class from learning any ability. That is a better model and more "play as you want." Before people say it, no, there are MMOs without classes and ones that allow any character to learn anything they want. Contrary to the baseless assertions otherwise, opening all abilities to every character doesn't lead to one single build dominating, they work fine, and if anything PVP balance is better for it and you see more diversity in builds, not less. This is based on what actually happens in these games, not conjecture.

    Please consider making warden abilities available to everyone, then we can learn them on our existing characters rather than having to delete and create new characters.
    50 Bosmer Nightblade
    50 Breton Sorcerer
    50 Dunmer Dragonknight
    50 Imperial Templar
    50 Khajit Nightblade
    50 Imperial Dragonknight
    50 Altmer Sorcerer
    50 Argonian Templar

    Discussions of Interest:
    Class Balance in 1.6
    Quest Choices
    Request to Reinstate Night's Silence and Dark Stalker stacking
  • Abeille
    I suppose that if class change or more slots were being introduced with the expansion pack we would have been told already, with how many people have been asking.

    But it is a long way until release, so I hope this feedback is heard: Class change tokens, even if only to Warden, and the addition of more character slots is something a lot of people want very much.
    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • ExcaliburESO
    You should let us change class (maybe only to warden as it new class added) or atleast make some achivment and skillines work accountwide like Alliance War, Motifs learned and Traits researched and obviously Mount lvl. Just getting that rank 30+ pvp and making mounts max lvl again is a pain. Pls reconsider this and make some changes for people that like to play on one character and get all the acivment in the game on 1 character! @ZOS_GinaBruno
  • Catnight
    I have to say, that I am not amused (friendly said) that there is a new class coming.
    I am a person who has to decide which one class to be picked, because rerolling does nothing good for me, resulting in being torn which chara to play, which content to play etc, thats why I hate classes to being added afterwards. (What is difficult enough)
    One character doing all content is my way, because redoing it will be repetitive and not doing it will cause a chara to feel incomplete. That is what it should mean, to play an RPG of any kind, you know? The archievements not being player-based but character-based is another thing which increases the feeling of being torn.
    Would it be world-skilltrees every chara could use , that would be great, but in this case I rather not buy the Expansion and also avoid all traces of wardens - which I think will be problematic because I see the class going OP (whether it will be part of a hidden P2W- /hype-strategy or because ZOS is terrible at balancing) and everyone will use it, at last the first half year.
    Just experience from other MMOs, guys.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • OMA
    Do we have to buy the expansion to play the warden or will that new class unlock for everyone to play at anytime after June 6th?
  • Enodoc
    Do we have to buy the expansion to play the warden or will that new class unlock for everyone to play at anytime after June 6th?
    You need the expansion to play a Warden.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Ilsabet
    Yuls wrote: »

    I don't see anything in (my Google translation of) that post about class changes.
  • Abeille
    Ilsabet wrote: »

    I don't see anything in (my Google translation of) that post about class changes.

    They linked the wrong post, I believe.

    Ja, nein, beides- bzw. das werden die Test und die ersten Spieler-FotMs genauer zeigen.

    It's this one, I think (I'm not very good at German). The player's second question is if it will be possible to convert an existing character to warden, to which Kai answers "no". If someone here is fluent in German feel free to correct me.
    Edited by Abeille on 1 February 2017 14:58
    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • Ilsabet
    Abeille wrote: »

    They linked the wrong post, I believe.

    It's this one, I think (I'm not very good at German). The player's second question is if it will be possible to convert an existing character to warden, to which Kai answers "no". If someone here is fluent in German feel free to correct me.

    Google Translate to the rescue!

    Player post:
    If I have ESO as well as some DLC's it is enough that I only buy the "Morrowind Upgrade" version to play with all characters there?

    And can I use a character that I no longer so before I the delete simply in the "guardian" to convert, thus by value mark?

    Will the Guardian be a magician of endurance?

    Kai post:
    Yes, no, both will show the test and the first player FotMs more accurately.

    So um I guess the "no" part is about the converting to warden thing. Sadface.
  • VelociousLegend
    I also noticed all versions of the Morrowind release will be available on the same date 6/6/17. Normally, consoles must wait a few additional weeks for patches, DLCs, and updates after PC. Will this be a new trend where console players don't lag behind PC updates!? @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Xbox - NA
    GT: VelociousLegend
    PC - NA

    "All gave some. Some gave all."
  • Ilsabet
    Here's an interesting tidbit from the Steam page:

    "SAVE MORROWIND - Stop a meteor from crashing into Vivec City by helping a demi-god regain his lost powers."

    So it looks like Vivec has a tummyache and that whole "hanging a giant rock above the city cuz I can" thing might become problematic.

    Also this:

    "PARTNER WITH AN ASSASSIN – Aid a legendary elite member of the Morag Tong who will guide you through deadly political intrigue."

    Isn't Naryu kind of a newb within the Tong? When you see her in Eastmarch she's on her first solo assignment. (Unless the legendary part refers to her reputation among fans who thought she was super cool during the EP storyline.)
  • Sashlyr
    Soul Shriven
    Umm can someone please tell me if the phisical collectors edition also come with the DLC's? Or just base game?

    Thanks n.n
  • OMA
    I will add my voice to those who want to see a class change service token with this expansion. My BETA character is still with me and she was my concept of a wood elf ranger using templar skills and dragging around noncombat forest creatures. Magplar with a bow...stamplar with light heals. The hybrid concept just hasn't panned out and she is dusty bit she has completed all zones and made it to veteran 160 when that was a thing. THE HARD WAY. I would love to be able to see her as she was meant to be, a warden.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Sashlyr wrote: »
    Umm can someone please tell me if the phisical collectors edition also come with the DLC's? Or just base game?

    Thanks n.n

    The Collector's Edition of Morrowind does not include previous DLC game packs, just the base game.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Artis
    TES has always has preset classes. The only exception was Skyrim.

    And once again I'll repeat - those preset classes didn't mean anything but initial distribution of attributes. I could still try everything on one character and I could (and DID) have a character with all magic schools leveled to 100 and all skills. Don't think you're the smartest here, if you can't see deeper than etymology. I played Morrowind, too. Classes in TES are nothing like classes in ESO.

    p.s. wow, so many questions ignored, and the only one answered is the one the answer to which can be easily checked on the web-site/store.
  • Natas013
    Let me see if I understand this correctly, and feel free to tell me where I'm wrong. TG and DB, the two most iconic and beloved guilds in TES, did not have skill lines that were relevant to combat in order to avoid a pay to win situation and outcry. If this is the case, how is adding an entirely new class and locking it away in an expansion pack not the same exact thing? I call shenanigans and feel that either the TG and DB need proper skill lines, like MG and FG, or the warden shouldn't be locked behind a pay wall.
    RIP Ellania Delome
    June 9, 2015-June 14, 2016
    A skilled crafter, competent sorcerer, and denizen of the night
    Along came the Dark Brotherhood and summarily ended it all
  • Natas013
    TES has always has preset classes. The only exception was Skyrim.

    I'm sorry, please explain to me how oblivion had classes. Because I don't see it, especially on my efficient leveled toon.
    RIP Ellania Delome
    June 9, 2015-June 14, 2016
    A skilled crafter, competent sorcerer, and denizen of the night
    Along came the Dark Brotherhood and summarily ended it all
  • Ator786
    Hello Elder Scrolls,

    Will the Morrowind Expansion have boats and sea travel like in the original pc game?

    Thank you,
  • Elsonso
    @ZOS_GinaBruno (or suitable minions :smile: )... are there any plans to post a good high resolution version of the lava image in the wallpaper section?

    Also, I would not mind seeing larger versions of the artwork in the various articles, like the Balmora picture, the view of the island from Stonefalls.

    I know we have 5 months to roll stuff like this out, but, I want it now! :smiley:
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • QueenGraprovia
    Soul Shriven
    FLambda wrote: »
    The new War Bear ally Ultimate brings up a critical question: will Morrowind bring persistent summons? If you have the War Bear ultimate on one weapon bar and that swirly frost attack ultimate on the other weapon bar, will weapon swapping cause the bear to constantly spawn and despawn? Cause that would be stupid. The War Bear should be a persistent summon that lasts as long as it is on either weapon bar, and that behavior should be extended to the Sorcerer's daedric summons.

    It will most likely be the disappearing bear move when weapons are swapped lol
  • Extremeties
    For Morrowind, it keeps being mention that it'll be a zone as in singular... Are we really only getting 1 single zone for an expansion? Please, for the love of god, do not follow Daybreaks/SoE's 1-2 zone expansions. Those were horrid and were an atrocity for calling them expansions.

    Excited to see how the new class pans out but I am more worried about how much space the Chapter will cover in the world, as in 1 zone? Might that zone be broken into sub zones? Anymore details on the zone would be great
  • menedhyn
    @ZOS_GinaBruno (or suitable minions :smile: )... are there any plans to post a good high resolution version of the lava image in the wallpaper section?
    Seconded. They kindly agreed to do this for that wonderful image used to promote Homestead ;)

    Suvis Bek - DC Colovian Templar
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