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I have so many questions about this broke game so here we go

I have so many questions about this broke game so here we go
Question number one this game has been out for quite a while but yet blue screen is still A problem I Blue screen six times a day and no one can figure out why.
Question number two animation cancel how can you guys keep this in the game and not teach people how to use it in the game the only way you can learn it is through other players or looking it up online anyone who just buys the game and trying to play it won't know how to do this let's face it this has a lot to do with the problems in the game the lag you guys just don't want to admit it and you can play the game properly without using it just too many whiners out there who don't know how to play your game without using it.
Question number three and this will be it for now I have tons more though why is there not a fail safe in place if you are in PVP and you kicked kicked off-line and log back in it kicks you completely out of PVP and if you are dead you have to wait for somebody to pick you up or you switch characters if you were in a wait to get into PVP you then have to wait again to get back in when you were like me and you blue screen six times a day sometimes more you get to the point where you don't want to play anymore .
I like your games but it seems that every game that I play from Bethesda has more glitches in them than any other these problems that I have mentioned to you have been happening since day one I should know I beta tested this game but it seems like you guys cannot figure out where the problem is coming from what are you guys going to do to fix this game.

Best Answers

  • NeillMcAttack
    You know you could just add a paragraph here and there. It's not that hard.

    But yeah, I understand the frustrations. My roommate upgraded his PS4 to pro and he has far more stability issues than me on my standard PS4. He disconnects more often. He blue screens. He gets kicked from dungeons. Etc. The game does look reeaaaal pretty though.

    There is no doubt in my mind that there is an optimization issue with regards the new hardware. It's BS considering ESO was even used in the advertising of the PS4 pro console, and I don't recall any blue screens in those shots.

    And it's not that no-one knows what the issue is. It's more the case that they can not afford to admit they slacked on the optimization front, which honestly has been an issue since the beginning of the games console life.
    PC EU - NoCP PvP, is real PvP
    Tiidehunter Nord StamDK EP PvP Main
    Legion Commander Tresdin Stamplar DC PvE Main
    Sephirith Altmer MagPlar EP Gondar the Bounty Hunter Khajiit StamBlade DC
    The Dirge Redguard StamNecro EP Disruptor Stormcrafter Nord StamSorc AD
    Lone Druid Bosmer Stam Warden EP Necro-Phos Argonian MagBlade AD
    @ McAttack in game
    Played since beta, and then on console at release, until the game became unplayable on console.
    Answer ✓
  • starkerealm
    Illurian wrote: »
    Jesus H. Christ. Not only do you triple post here, but you also felt the need to copy and paste this response on my wall?

    I only read half of your first post before my eyes started hurting so I'll respond to what I could make out of your post.

    Buddy, you are falling into a spiral of nonsense. You are trying to say that people who animation cancel don't know how to play the game? That doesn't make any remote logical sense. I didn't realize you were on the PS4, I didn't know they blue screened. I know nothing of consoles so I can't help you there. When you say blue screen, it's normal for people to assume that you are talking about PCs.

    ...That's as far as I got. I'm not going to bother because you have stopped making any sense whatsoever. You have had your questions answered multiple times now about animation canceling. Whether or not you accept these answers is not particularly of my interest.

    Good day.

    @Illurian, as you've probably guessed, the PS4 has a blue interface screen that pops up when the system hard crashes or when the application crashes. (The text on the screens is different), but it means something entirely different from, you know, a system blue screening. I honestly don't know which one ESO is doing, either.
    Answer ✓
  • DHale
    There are many ways to animation cancel block canceling, weaving, weapon swap, heavy attack cancel. There are literally a dozen videos to help you on you tube lefty Lucy, Alcast, deltia, Parfax, Liofa.
    Sorcerna, proud beta sorc. RIP April 2014 to May 31 2016 DArk Brotherhood. Out of retirement for negates and encases. Sorcerna will be going back into retirement to be my main crafter Fall 2018. Because an 8 k shield is f ing useless. Died because of baddies on the forum. Too much qq too little pew pew. 16 AD 2 DC. 0 EP cause they bad, CP 2300 plus 18 level 50 toons. NA, PC, Grey Host#SORCLIVESMATTER actually they don’t or they wouldn’t keep getting nerfed constantly.
  • IronCrystal
    I have so many questions about this broke game so here we go
    Question number one this game has been out for quite a while but yet blue screen is still A problem I Blue screen six times a day and no one can figure out why.
    Question number two animation cancel how can you guys keep this in the game and not teach people how to use it in the game the only way you can learn it is through other players or looking it up online anyone who just buys the game and trying to play it won't know how to do this let's face it this has a lot to do with the problems in the game the lag you guys just don't want to admit it and you can play the game properly without using it just too many whiners out there who don't know how to play your game without using it.
    Question number three and this will be it for now I have tons more though why is there not a fail safe in place if you are in PVP and you kicked kicked off-line and log back in it kicks you completely out of PVP and if you are dead you have to wait for somebody to pick you up or you switch characters if you were in a wait to get into PVP you then have to wait again to get back in when you were like me and you blue screen six times a day sometimes more you get to the point where you don't want to play anymore .
    I like your games but it seems that every game that I play from Bethesda has more glitches in them than any other these problems that I have mentioned to you have been happening since day one I should know I beta tested this game but it seems like you guys cannot figure out where the problem is coming from what are you guys going to do to fix this game.

    I have never blue screened on my computer, so it may be a problem on your end.

    Animation cancelling does nothing to cause lag, and its not important to your dps unless you are trying to push past 25-30k. In PvP, the difference is not huge.

    Not sure about the issue of being dead when logging back in but it removes you from Cyrodiil so you don't log back in enemy territory or something like that. I don't play PvP much don't know sorry.
    Make PC NA raiding great again!

    Down with drama!

    What Mechanics Healer - Dro-m'Athra Destroyer

    Homestead Raid Scores
    vHRC 157,030
    vAA 138,287
    vSO 153,393
    vMoL 154,550

    Not raiding in Morrowind
  • Illurian

    1) I've never blue screened on either of my PCs (one is a laptop) either, so it's probably something on your end.

    2) Animation cancelling isn't necessary except for optimal top tier play. If you're just running normal dungeons and exploring (or PvPing) you won't notice much of a difference whether or not you animation cancel.

    3) You can respawn in keeps that your alliance owns when you die in PvP. Any game that has a PvP zone removes you from the instance when you disconnect, I don't see an issue with that. Yes, you'll have to re-queue, but that's just what happens when you disconnect. It's fair imo.

    [Edit to remove bait.]
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on 20 January 2017 02:38
    Kiss the chaos.
  • BigBragg
    After you get the blue screen, check your event log and research the error code that pops up. You could be having a piece of hardware going, or other software interfering.
  • Uriel_Nocturne
    Typically a blue screen is a sign that your hard drive/motherboard is about to go. You may want to have that looked at.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!

  • USarmydrew09
    First of all I know that my punctuation is not the best I am suffering from a TBI not gonna go into details. But I know there are some issues there second of all so far the responses that I've gotten are from people who don't know what the heck I'm talking about to begin with I have had different Internet services I traded in my PlayStation for PlayStation Pro and I have to check this out on every other video game then I have the only one that still blue screens is ESO therefore the conclusion would be that the ESO game is broken somehow and no matter what you do not need animation cancel one for the game I run trials on my sorcerer and do not need animation canceling The only people that use an omission cancel are the ones who don't know how to play the game to begin with that goes for any pro people that try to play the game they only use it to get a better score because they're on able to do it without it. I have been talking with tech-support for about two weeks and email and they cannot figure out what's going on. I have upgraded my Internet I upgrade my PlayStation I have checked in with other games I have checked in with PlayStation technical support and all comes back down to this game. Not everyone has this problem. There are a lot of problems with this game most people don't report the problem because they feel that it is insignificant but they add up my game tends to screw up more when there is a lot more going on around my character my download speed is 137 MB per second my upload speed is 32 MB per second. Are there any other solutions that anybody has besides commenting on my punctuation. Or do you have anything useful to say, Like I said before this game has had problems since day one last time I checked when World of Warcraft had this problem they actually fix the game not trying to distract us with new mounts and new DLC's first. The only reason I mention World of Warcraft is because this game is trying to be like it. But so far it falls flat the only reason I played this game is because I'm waiting for something better. But still I paid for this game I even pay for ESO plus because I play with my friends so I expect this game to actually work.
  • USarmydrew09
    And on another note when it comes to animation canceling I have tested it myself in PVP on a sorc and on a night Blade. If I'm on my sorcerer with my shields up from the shadows a night Blade using cancellation can instant kill me. In PVP Michelle string is at 13,000 by the way I have no time to react and the endcap usually goes like this heavy attack heavy attack surprise attack surprise attack surprise attack. It is a cheap trick, It's all so like using clapping hands I've done a lot of research on this. To me if you have to use this you don't know how to play the game, The game it's self does not teach you how to use animation canceling until it does it is a cheap trick that not everyone can learn they won't take it out of the game because it cost them too much money to do so. Animation canceling if they are going to keep it in the game needs to be fixed it only works if you do it a certain way and at a certain time if you're off by a second it does not work but the game will not teach you this the only people who use this, Are the ones who don't know how to actually play the game, Call me old-fashioned but I like to actually get to know the game and everything the game can teach me before resulting in cheap tricks like cheat codes or finding hidden features to the game that unless you look it up online you'll never know how to do on your own.
  • USarmydrew09
    I am only on here to try and find out a solution to this problem if you were not on here to help me with this I do not need your advice Sony cannot figure out what the problem is The ESO technical support people that I've talk to in email cannot figure out what the problem is so I do not want to hear anything from the peanut gallery only from people who have had this problem I know how to fix this anyone else will be ignored thank you.
  • Illurian
    Jesus H. Christ. Not only do you triple post here, but you also felt the need to copy and paste this response on my wall?

    I only read half of your first post before my eyes started hurting so I'll respond to what I could make out of your post.

    Buddy, you are falling into a spiral of nonsense. You are trying to say that people who animation cancel don't know how to play the game? That doesn't make any remote logical sense. I didn't realize you were on the PS4, I didn't know they blue screened. I know nothing of consoles so I can't help you there. When you say blue screen, it's normal for people to assume that you are talking about PCs.

    ...That's as far as I got. I'm not going to bother because you have stopped making any sense whatsoever. You have had your questions answered multiple times now about animation canceling. Whether or not you accept these answers is not particularly of my interest.

    Good day.
    Kiss the chaos.
  • USarmydrew09
    This is my first time on this form I do not know how it works yet I am learning as I go any useful help would be appreciated anything else is not welcome [snip]

    [Edit to remove bait.]
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on 20 January 2017 02:40
  • Cadbury
    Animation canceling is fairly common across many games, and I've seen many posts over the years decrying its use and making claims how it's ''ruining'' game XYZ. I highly doubt devs are suddenly gonna have a change of heart and remove it.

    Ps4? Yeah blue screens mean either the app crashed or the system did.
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • ColoursYouHave
    As far as why they don't teach animation canceling, that's just the nature of MMOs. They couldn't possibly teach you every little detail about the game, especially things which are emergent gameplay, such as animation canceling. Should ZOS be expected to teach you how to shield stack too? How about block-casting? Maybe there should be a tutorial teaching people how to properly construct a rotation to maximize DPS? I mean, the list of things you can learn in the game that isn't taught by ZOS could fill a book. Again, that's just the nature of MMOs, and quite honestly, nearly all modern games. When you're playing an MMO, if you're not willing to research things online, you will always be missing information that others have discovered. Plus, it isn't like Google is difficult to use; anybody who has gotten far enough to establish an internet connection and start playing a strictly online game should have no difficulties looking things up on the internet.
  • starkerealm
    This is my first time on this form I do not know how it works yet...

    Okay, well, free piece of advice: You might want to refrain from insulting people you're asking to help you. It's not that there aren't people on these boards who would lose a battle of wits against an eggplant, but there's nothing to be gained from calling people names.
  • USarmydrew09
    Any good MMO will teach you how to play the game contents I have been playing MMO's for years now one of the best games out there and people can disagree with this or not is World of Warcraft for MMO. They don't use animation cancel and there is a reason for that . They knew that the game was not running properly so they put time on certain abilities which, made the game have less lag.every other game I've ever played in the past will at least hint to something like that so you can look it up the game does not suggest it at all. In fact, If you did not learn it from another player or look it up online you would not even know of its existence.
  • USarmydrew09
    Cadbury wrote: »
    Animation canceling is fairly common across many games, and I've seen many posts over the years decrying its use and making claims how it's ''ruining'' game XYZ. I highly doubt devs are suddenly gonna have a change of heart and remove it.

    Ps4? Yeah blue screens mean either the app crashed or the system did.
    I know what a blue screen is the fact that it is happening 6 to 8 times in a four hour timeframe is ridiculous. I am not asking what a blue screen is I am asking how to fix it and nobody has come up With an answer yet, that works. The fact that this game has been doing this since day one would suggest that there is a deeper problem.
  • starkerealm
    That's because animation canceling is not an intended feature of ESO. It's an unintended system interaction.
  • ZOS_GregoryV
    Greetings all,

    We have recently had to remove a handful of posts for baiting, flaming, and insulting remarks. All of these actions are in fact violations of the Community Rules. Further continued action beyond this point can result in accounts being actioned, and can also lead to this thread being closed. Let us please try to keep the thread civil. Thank you for your understanding!
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on 20 January 2017 02:45
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • ColoursYouHave
    Any good MMO will teach you how to play the game contents I have been playing MMO's for years now one of the best games out there and people can disagree with this or not is World of Warcraft for MMO. They don't use animation cancel and there is a reason for that . They knew that the game was not running properly so they put time on certain abilities which, made the game have less lag.every other game I've ever played in the past will at least hint to something like that so you can look it up the game does not suggest it at all. In fact, If you did not learn it from another player or look it up online you would not even know of its existence.

    Really, so in all your time playing WoW, you've learned every single thing you know directly from the developers? Never learned anything searching online, or from other players? I find that incredibly hard to believe. Either that or you don't know a whole lot about WoW. I mean, you can find countless guides online for WoW, why would people make those if all that information is already easily accessible in-game?
  • old_mufasa
    Illurian wrote: »

    2) Animation cancelling isn't necessary except for optimal top tier play. If you're just running normal dungeons and exploring (or PvPing) you won't notice much of a difference whether or not you animation cancel.

    [Edit to remove bait.]

    What a load of BS....
  • USarmydrew09
    What I said about world of war craft is true call me old fashion but if the game wasn't tended to teach me anything else it would tell me and every time I did a raid in World of Warcraft I was top three DPS with my death night. Right now in the game I don't need to use cancellation and I do trials just fine I do dungeons just fine I even do PVP just fine when the game is not crashing
  • leothedino
    I'm more concerned, personally, at people constantly using the general forums to flame the game. For better word of the one I want, 'stuff' happens, get over it!

    Just use the other forums sections for actual constructive feedback on how you want things improved and stop making posts look like you're personally wounded and solely effected by change.
    Edited by leothedino on 20 January 2017 04:24
  • CapnPhoton
    If you are getting the Windows blue screen of death it has nothing to do with the game.

    BSOD is caused by hardware issues, conflicts, or system software failures. Check your event viewer. There is a serious problem with your computer if it keeps happening. Aftermarket software will not cause this.

    The BSOD often has error codes shown and may even mention the system program, or hardware device causing it.

    As for asking ZOS to help you fix this issue, they cannot. This is an operating system/hardware issue.

    Edited by CapnPhoton on 20 January 2017 04:29
    Xbox One NA Aldmeri Dominion
  • USarmydrew09
    leothedino wrote: »
    I'm more concerned, personally, at people constantly using the general forums to flame the game. For better word of the one I want, 'stuff' happens, get over it!

    Just use the other forums sections for actual constructive feedback on how you want things improved and stop making posts look like you're personally wounded and solely effected by change.
    How about we take your game and have you blue screen up to eight times a day, and nobody give you a way to fix it. That money that you spent on the game plus whatever you have spent on ESO plus just gone. Maybe then you might understand why am so frustrated. I have spent a lot of money on this game I would like it to work.
  • USarmydrew09
    CapnPhoton wrote: »
    If you are getting the Windows blue screen of death it has nothing to do with the game.

    BSOD is caused by hardware issues, conflicts, or system software failures. Check your event viewer. There is a serious problem with your computer if it keeps happening. Aftermarket software will not cause this.

    The BSOD often has error codes shown and may even mention the system program, or hardware device causing it.
    when I first started looking into this problem I would've said you were right but since then I have change my PS4 to a PS4 Pro, none of my other games blue screen, I have followed all of technical support advice, and I am still having so many issues with this game.

  • LegacyDM
    Any good MMO will teach you how to play the game contents I have been playing MMO's for years now one of the best games out there and people can disagree with this or not is World of Warcraft for MMO. They don't use animation cancel and there is a reason for that . They knew that the game was not running properly so they put time on certain abilities which, made the game have less lag.every other game I've ever played in the past will at least hint to something like that so you can look it up the game does not suggest it at all. In fact, If you did not learn it from another player or look it up online you would not even know of its existence.

    Not entirely true WoW uses something called clipping which is a form of animaton canceling. The different between "WoW clipping" and ESO is in WoW the animation canceling is done for you rather than something you need to do yourself. All games have a form of clipping. The problem with ESO is that some skills are easier to cancel than others and it gives an advantage to those who use said skills. There also is a learning curve which can be a turnoff to many people. Animation canceling in ESO is a double edged sword. It certainly speeds up combat and makes it more responsive but its a pain to learn and can be glitchy with certain skills.
    Edited by LegacyDM on 20 January 2017 04:44
    Legacy of Kain
    Vicious Carnage
    ¥ampire Lord of the South
  • USarmydrew09
    LegacyDM wrote: »
    Any good MMO will teach you how to play the game contents I have been playing MMO's for years now one of the best games out there and people can disagree with this or not is World of Warcraft for MMO. They don't use animation cancel and there is a reason for that . They knew that the game was not running properly so they put time on certain abilities which, made the game have less lag.every other game I've ever played in the past will at least hint to something like that so you can look it up the game does not suggest it at all. In fact, If you did not learn it from another player or look it up online you would not even know of its existence.

    Not entirely true WoW uses something called clipping which is a form of animaton canceling. The different between "WoW clipping" and ESO is in WoW the animation canceling is done for you rather than something you need to do yourself. All games have a form of clipping. The problem with ESO is that some skills are easier to cancel than others and it gives an advantage to those who use said skills. There also is a learning curve which can be a turnoff to many people. Animation canceling in ESO is a double edged sword. It certainly speeds up combat and makes it more responsive but its a pain to learn and can be glitchy with certain skills.
    you hit it right on the head when you said that it can be glitchy. Unless you have expert timing and know exactly how to do it it doesn't work World of Warcraft at least put a timer on it so you can't cast certain abilities using animation canceling the reason why World of Warcraft it's not so glitchy when it comes to weight is what you're talking about was always in the system was intended to be used the way it was not in this game in this game it is a broke contact the admin's of this game will never admit that but you can clearly see it plain as day when you record your videos. I have put a lot of time and money into this game it's not like I can do a whole lot of anything else. What you're talking about and what a war craft is not animation canceling it is called something else and I cannot think of what the actual name is at the moment but the main differences in that game it was already built into the game and it works the way it supposed to this one does not. If you're off by a second the animation cancel will not work. Most people are focused on the animation canceling I am more focused on actually trying to play this game I can't do that if I get cut from the game as many as times that I do.

  • Dr.NRG
    People who animation cancell do not know how to play the game?!? If you think that way you should probably switch to a pay to win game cause those tend to require no skills.

    A very strong group of gamers will not make will not be able to beat vet trials without cancelling ( especilly,

    With cancelling comes skill cause at some point everyone runs about the same setups in end game.

    In pvp or duells cancelling shows who is the better gamer not who runs more proc sets.

    Perfectly cancelling aint easy man but it is a verticall progression for you to get always better, so if you'r to lazy or unwilling to learn how to do then do not complain about others and tell us we dont know how to play this game. If you really wanna get good in pvp or run vet trials on a regular basis I suggest you change your way of thiking about it and start embracing it yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Edited by Dr.NRG on 20 January 2017 08:04
  • USarmydrew09
    Again try reading my posts I have beat vet trials without using cancellation I am also beaten PVP players without using cancellation. I know how to use cancellation but I don't need to use it. And the only people that actually benefit from cancellation or stamina users because they don't have any cash time abilities on a sorcerer for example there are certain abilities that cancellation just doesn't work. And Prock set gears are only good to use after you've learned how to use your skills to make your character the best you can. I also have a night Blade who doesn't have to use cancellation. I don't know about you but when I'm in PVP I like a fair fight there is a difference between a night Blade who can gank you from stealth using abilities combine together that will take you down fast then a night Blade who has to conceal his attacks to kill you without you even knowing what is going on. When someone can hit me five times without me detecting them ones with the same attack that's not skill. You might as well be using clapping hands or shuffled if you are red or blue.
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