timidobserver wrote: »@ZOS_RichLambert Take this opportunity to troll your employees by making them do it on veteran.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone!
This week, we will not be broadcasting a new episode of ESO Live on Twitch. Instead, we have a special treat for you.
Beginning at 12:00pm EDT (noon) on 7/29, ESO Dungeon Lead Mike Finnigan will be teaming up with Larry Everett from MassivelyOP.com to battle their way through Cradle of Shadows - one of the new dungeons featured in the upcoming Shadows of the Hist DLC game pack – live on Twitch! Joining them will be Designer Anthony Oliver, and QA Senior Tester Jay Hartman. In addition, we'll be doing some live giveaways in the chat room during the stream for those who are able to attend.
We’ll post a link to the stream by Friday morning, and we hope to see you there!
I think this would be really interesting to watch if the team used some of the classes that the community feels are underperforming. For example, the DPS could constitute a magicka DK and magicka Sorc. The group should run a tank (maybe Orc), rather than a 3rd dps, and for the healer, maybe a sorc pet build. That way, the team could try to dispel the communities doubts about imbalanced classes or at least see where the community is coming from.
I'm thinking though it'll probably be the "easy" PvE class/race combinations that we'll be seeing.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone!
This week, we will not be broadcasting a new episode of ESO Live on Twitch. Instead, we have a special treat for you.
Beginning at 12:00pm EDT (noon) on 7/29, ESO Dungeon Lead Mike Finnigan will be teaming up with Larry Everett from MassivelyOP.com to battle their way through Cradle of Shadows - one of the new dungeons featured in the upcoming Shadows of the Hist DLC game pack – live on Twitch! Joining them will be Designer Anthony Oliver, and QA Senior Tester Jay Hartman. In addition, we'll be doing some live giveaways in the chat room during the stream for those who are able to attend.
We’ll post a link to the stream by Friday morning, and we hope to see you there!
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys! In a surprising twist of events, we are going to be livestreaming with MMORPG.com in about 5 minutes! Be sure to tune in to see the ESO developers play through the Ruins of Mazzatun dungeon with Bill Murphy. We'll be doing a few giveaways throughout the stream as well.
lordrichter wrote: »Any plans to provide a replay (including chat) for those of us who have to work today?
lordrichter wrote: »Any plans to provide a replay (including chat) for those of us who have to work today?
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »I am going to be a little cranky here. I wish you would not stream group content before it is released. It feels like everyone in my guild knows the mechanics already. Figuring out White Gold Tower and Imperial City Prison with guildies was a lot of fun. I know there were YouTube videos and stuff out there, but they don't seem to have the following the official ZOS streams do. Trying to find 3 other good players who don't know the new dungeons already seems like it is going to be much harder than when vWGT and vICP came out.
Try this link @WillhelmBlack
I has the chat replay too.
OrphanHelgen wrote: »Not to be negative, but this is a bit worrying to watch.
The guy who play are the dungeon designer right?
Anyway. There is no medium weave. He dont notice bound aegis is off. His food buff goes off, he does'nt notice. He heavy attack with full magicka. He saves up 1000 ultimate and never use his meteor, when meteor are designed to be used, specially for a sorc with reduce cost. He spams liquid lightning up to 4-5 times. In other words, its like he never played the game before
If you only design dungeons with how they look and how mechanics are made etc, its ok.
But please tell me players like this are not doing the final test of the actual gameplay.
Again, so sorry for sounding negative here, but im actually worried when looking at this.
Btw, just realised why COA got nerfed.
Have to add, I never saw a weapon swap either.
No, the guy streaming isn't the dungeon designer. He's an outsider who's hosting this run. You'll be better off paying attention to what the "Finn" character does, as he's the lead dungeon guy.
OrphanHelgen wrote: »
Sry for not paying attention. I just saw he had no idea what he was doing and streaming for zos. No need to start a huge discussion. thanks for answer.