Toorlokviing wrote: »i hope im not the only one who hopped for a title for having v16s before db know so later on down the road when there are more newbs playing this game you could show off your nice title. of course its per v16 char prior to vet rank drop.
was thinking a title like "old timer" if anyone thinks of a better title for a vet 16 char when db drops by all means list your title ideas. most ppl honestly dont care about the extra 40cp since alot of the ppl playing this game since launch already are capped.
I'm pretty confused can someone help clear this up for me? So a lot of people are saying they are over the cap... are they gaining extra CP just in preparation for the cap to be raised?
Scaling for DLC isn't going away. ZOS wants the content to be open to all so they can get their sells before that content becomes a lower level zone that no one goes to, like Silver, Gold zones, Craglorn, etc. How many people are farming DSA for master weapons? I would bet this is the main reason that Vet ranks are being relabeled rather then actually removed. Because the scaling is in place for DLC to be open to all.NewBlacksmurf wrote: »
But we don't even know if scaling is still a thing for CP.
What is being scaled and what does higher CP mean for NPCs?
Scaling for DLC isn't going away. ZOS wants the content to be open to all so they can get their sells before that content becomes a lower level zone that no one goes to, like Silver, Gold zones, Craglorn, etc. How many people are farming DSA for master weapons? I would bet this is the main reason that Vet ranks are being relabeled rather then actually removed. Because the scaling is in place for DLC to be open to all.
Well if players have higher CP (like has been happening for the past year+) content gets easier and easier. NPC get easier to kill and the challenge goes away. Remove all your CP and run a dungeon or take your PVP build to Non-CP campaign. It's a very different game.
Scaling should still be in the game. The difference between a new CP10 and a CP501 again is 20% this and 25% that ... plus the experience of the player, gear level, the quality of gear, etc. The gap between players is very large. This isn't a game you can just jump in PVP and run. It takes a lot of practice if you're not zerging.
Also for trials and dungeons ... You're not going to take a CP10 player along. They have no monster helm/shoulders, No gear worth improving to yellow, they probably don't have a real rotation and the population of Vet 1 Players is going to shrink when your level is based on your CP so it will be harder for those lower CP players to find content with out scaling, just like it is with lvl 45 players ... So the gap is still there and scaling is still needed. The worst thing is the world is running end game content with people who grind their characters to end game and have no idea how to play.
Trials provide worthless gear and less of a challenge because they haven't been scaled. If they set all mobs at CP 3600 or 6000 and Battle Leveled everyone up when they raise the cap they're isn't any more work to be done to the games content and the content never gets left behind like Craglorn, DSA, etc. You just change the loot tables.
If ZOS doesn't know the scaling to make that happen already then shame on them. They shouldn't have introduced the CP system if that's the case.
NordSwordnBoard wrote: »
*When things are converted to CP from VR, will VRs who are at >VR16 be given the unearned attribute and skill points bonus retroactively?
"With the removal of Veteran Ranks, we had an extra 16 attribute and 16 stat points that needed to be allocated. Our initial thought was to grant all 16 as soon as you hit Level 50. However, we wanted to make the journey from 1-50 more exciting and rewarding. This lead us to doling out an extra attribute and stat point every 5 levels, and two extra points every 10 levels. This fit the 16 points perfectly and created a nice reward cadence for everyone. "
*A VR16 has the 16 points already. If levels 1-50 are given the 16 points at intervals, what about the VR1 or VR10s? If a VR10 has 10/16 then they must be compensated for the six points they could have earned. Will these be given at conversion?
* Consequently will any non veteran/non CP ranks be given this bonus prorated to what they've earned up to conversion? Does a level 11 get three points added for the bonus at level 5 and two points at level 10 after conversion?
A few examples of what skill points and attribute points a VR5, VR10, & VR16 and any level below 50 will have after the Dark Brotherhood DLC happens would be great.
+1NewBlacksmurf wrote: »
@ShedsHisTail I believe once you look at it, it's not anything like being level 66
It's like having VR shared account wide is all
I've been wonder the same thing. I have four alts "holding" at level 9, one at level 14 and one at level 49 because I'm unsure if they will miss out on the extra skill and attribute points if I hit level 10, 15 and 50 before DB. Some clarification here would be really nice since I'd like to continue the quests these characters are on as soon as possible, without loosing potential skill and attribute points.
You will not miss out on any of the points the current VR level characters have.
Currently you get 1 point for every level. The points for each VR level will be moved to 0-50. These will be distributed a every 5 & 10 levels. I cant locate the post but I believe it will be 1 extra point every 5 levels (ie: 5/15/25, etc) and 2 extra points every 10 levels (ie: 10/20/20, etc). When you hit level 50, you will have the same points as the current VR16 have earned per level.
Any character missing points will be awarded them at first login after the update. So if you have a level 15 character, you should receive the additional 4 points. 1 point for level 5, 2 points for level 10 and 1 point for level 15. If you have a level 50/VR1 character you will get all 16 points.
I have a slight concern with how this is being implemented, as I am a returning player as of a couple days ago.
I did most of my VR leveling before Champion Points even existed. I am currently VR9, and do not have many CP because of this. I am also a little over halfway through Cadwell's Gold.
If I do no further playing until this launches, I will be no where need the 160 CP that Cadwell's Gold zones will be moved to. I don't believe I will even have the 90 I will need to keep wearing my current VR9 gear.
Is it intended for old players who might want to return now to be gimped to where they can't pick up where they left off in the main quest? Or is something else going to be done so I can still quest in those zones after the update?
@jj45 You will be given (at least) 90 CP to ensure you are still able to use/wear the same gear you could before, at 90 CP you will still be gaining CP pretty quickly. Although yes you will be in a 160CP zone, you also have the option of running dungeons, or heading to a DLC area or Cyrodiil (which scales) if you feel you do need the full 160CP to complete Caldwell's Gold. Since you have been gone so long, I'm going to guess that when you were playing previously - the Caldwell zones were considerably more difficult than they are now - so at 90CP you will likely still be fine to complete the content.
I am vr4, and after Weeks of playing I have 142cp. It's taken Weeks to get those, so not seeing these accumulate at a very fast pace. I'm very much sweating not having as many cp as every other vr16 when this converts over, and the gap is only getting bigger with those 40 bonus points I won't be getting. To me that's a huge deal. Having 160cp compared to 200 or 400 really is a big deal, can't. See how it wouldn't be. There's already threads about how players are going to kick lesser cp's out of groups.
Um, no, that Vet 16 will get 160 CPs. And you've already got all the CPs you have earned, as you got them while you were getting VRs. I don't understand why ZOS are giving any extra CPs from VR levels. That's getting extra reward for something you've already been rewarded for.comey3ub17_ESO wrote: »My problem with all this is I worked my but off getting to Vet level 16 and now that you are changing this lvl system you dont even give me but 2.5 points per level?
That is so messed up, why don't I get 10 for each lvl I worked so hard to get, on top of that you are making it easier to earn Vet points.
First you discount everything I have done in the past by not giving my what I earned in champ points and now you are making it easier for others to get those same points that you cheated me out of.
So lets say someone managed to get to Vet 16 and they only have 60 CP you are going to give them only 40 which makes them lvl cp100, great you will let them still ware the gear they already had but you just deleveled them, al future earnings are based on that level 100.
How can you justify what you just did? you just took 120 cp points simply from a vet 16 . you are punishing us for being max leveled.
Toorlokviing wrote: »i hope im not the only one who hopped for a title for having v16s before db know so later on down the road when there are more newbs playing this game you could show off your nice title. of course its per v16 char prior to vet rank drop.
was thinking a title like "old timer" if anyone thinks of a better title for a vet 16 char when db drops by all means list your title ideas. most ppl honestly dont care about the extra 40cp since alot of the ppl playing this game since launch already are capped.