So if I can't possibly reach vr16 before the change happens my character is always going to have less cp points than every other player that did reach vr16? Referring tyo the bonus cp points vr16's will be getting. What's the point in continuing to play if I'll always be gimped? If my friend eventually buys the game his characters will also be weaker than everyone elses because of those bonus cp points? Might as well tell him to not buy the game then.
myrrrorb14_ESO wrote: »So for the first 3 silver zones I would only be earning 30% xp? Can I slot fewer champion points g of get xp? For the most part I enjoy the quest story lines, but only getting 30% of already low xp sounds painful.
ShedsHisTail wrote: »I don't really have any problems with the conversion other than that "CP160" seems like a convoluted way to say "Level 66."
So if I can't possibly reach vr16 before the change happens my character is always going to have less cp points than every other player that did reach vr16? Referring tyo the bonus cp points vr16's will be getting. What's the point in continuing to play if I'll always be gimped? If my friend eventually buys the game his characters will also be weaker than everyone elses because of those bonus cp points? Might as well tell him to not buy the game then.
Pyr0xyrecuprotite wrote: »
1. are there any plans yet for how (and how much) the CP max level (current cp160 with DB) is going to be raised in a future DLC update? For example, the new DB cp ranks (vr1=cp10 etc) could just be scaled up, e.g. by a factor of 2, (i.e. vr1=cp20, vr16 = cp320). OR, more new CP ranks could be added (cp170, cp180...), kinda like when the level cap was raised from vr14 to vr16. Or some combination of this. My concern with just adding new ranks at 10cp each is that it will take a LONG, LONG time to reach even the current cp cap of 501, never mind when the cp cap is increased...
@prax07 There is a catch-up mechanic. The less CP you have, the faster you earn them. You do still have to earn them, but you'll be gaining CP way faster than people at or near level cap. Even at level cap, they accrue pretty fast.
That only applies to mobs you kill. Quests will always give the same amount of experience regardless of level or CP. Since most of your experience comes from quests, its not something to worry too much about.
Yep. Complete waste of 2 years on ZOS' part and it comes off as misleading. "We are removing VR" then the article "Converting your VR character to CP"FatKidHatchets wrote: »Said it before, say it again. They replaced VR with CP. Thats pretty much it. VR1 is CP 10 VR2 is CP 20. They added a zero and some how this confuses people.
FatKidHatchets wrote: »Said it before, say it again. They replaced VR with CP. Thats pretty much it. VR1 is CP 10 VR2 is CP 20. They added a zero and some how this confuses people.
Indeed. That's one of the reasons why a lot of people said that 50+ gear progression should be based on something other than power.SirJackTheValiant wrote: »One thing that concerns me with the removal of veteran rank is what will happen to all the previous VR materials such as Galatite and Shadowhide etc. VR 1-14 used to have its own progression of equipment that you would need to find crafting materials for. Now once an account reaches CP 150 no character you use will ever need those materials, rendering them even more useless than they already were.
Hmm, yeah, that's a bit odd. Is that bad wording, @ZOS_GinaBruno ? As it stands now on Live, any character on the account can spend the account's Champion Points, even those characters below Level 50. You need Level 50 plus x CPs to be able to wear the CP gear, but you don't need to be Level 50 to gain the attribute bonuses from CPs or to spend them in the passives.
That's not the way I've been understanding it. The more cp you have the more each additional one costs more and more in xp right? So to grind away at that extra additional 40 cp gift on top of grinding out the rest of the cp to be on equal footing with every other vr16 player seems to me that it could take quite a lot of time to grind out. That could be months of grinding for someone who doesn't or can't power level for hours. I read somewhere that the higher cp points cost something like 400k xp each to earn, having to grind out that or more xp 40 additional times seems like an insane amount of xp to grind just to be equal to everyone else.
ZOS_RichLambert wrote: »
Yeah just bad wording. You can still spend your CP below level 50. You just won't be able to equip the Champion restricted gear until you hit level 50. (the gear in the screen shot for the article requires level 50 and 160CP)
That's not the way I've been understanding it. The more cp you have the more each additional one costs more and more in xp right? So to grind away at that extra additional 40 cp gift on top of grinding out the rest of the cp to be on equal footing with every other vr16 player seems to me that it could take quite a lot of time to grind out. That could be months of grinding for someone who doesn't or can't power level for hours. I read somewhere that the higher cp points cost something like 400k xp each to earn, having to grind out that or more xp 40 additional times seems like an insane amount of xp to grind just to be equal to everyone else.
I am vr4, and after Weeks of playing I have 142cp. It's taken Weeks to get those, so not seeing these accumulate at a very fast pace. I'm very much sweating not having as many cp as every other vr16 when this converts over, and the gap is only getting bigger with those 40 bonus points I won't be getting. To me that's a huge deal. Having 160cp compared to 200 or 400 really is a big deal, can't. See how it wouldn't be. There's already threads about how players are going to kick lesser cp's out of groups.
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »@ZOS_GinaBruno and @Wrobel
The thing that's sad about this is that somehow ZOS believes that the VR system was understood and straight forward.
Sure ppl all understand1,2,3,4....16
Ppl also understood zone 1-->vr1, zone 2--->vr2.
What needed to be removed that was left behind was:
-1. silver and gold zones being in front of Craglorn but neither being scaled like DLC.
This was the time to go back, and remove VR so that Craglorn, Silver and gold zones all scale just like the DLC which seemingly the scale method is drastically preferred over the static post game tiering that VR caused. Now we are left with the same barren zones and what will become a farm feat in each gold zone in certain spots.
-2. Crafting material progression started out in a greater than 10 level range for use but in order to add more skill Passives it was a 10 level tier. This still is awkward. Mat 1 should range levels 1-10. Mat 2 should range level 11-20, etc for all crafting.
Any excess mats would need to end up in whatever post 50 system they will use. So for now 50 should stop it all.
I have differing ideas on all existing mats if they all are to stay in the game but to me it makes better logic to remove anything above what would be considered as level 66 (or 70 in an every10 level tier
And re-introduce them later in the seasonal ideas yet to be detailed by ZOS)
-3. Gear restrictions and gear drops. Plain and simple, these should align in the same 10 level tiering as mentioned above based on NPC levels for drops and the skill line to equip. Yes this means that if we are going to actually use CP (which again I think is a bad idea) you have to add on to the post 50 skill line and start representing the cp range for future gear equip requirements and that would also apply to NPC level drops. But using CP like this isn't removing VR.
-4. Player seperation. I think this was the big idea of it all. The success of the scaling idea that brought many of us together in scaled content was a good start. It definately needed a lot of balancing but it was the right direction. Now, we have no detail on if scaling will continue in a CP consideration because it seems as tho ZOS is leaving the skill and stat points from the VR to fall within the 1-50 but we can't test if this makes sense on PTS cause it hasn't been rolled out yet.
Also....unless you're giving temporary CP constellation boosts and adding 10 points to certain CP Passives already selected by each character, as well as boasting gear and weapons, you're not scaling ppl so ......again, CP is best not used.
-.5 PvP and non-CP campaigns. So now we have a unknown in all types of campaigns. Technically there are a few types still instead of breaking things down. It should have been a non-CP where any pre 50 with or without CP could go but inside the CP benefits were turned off. A 50 campaign with and without CP.
Then you'd have the regular everything goes.
But because you are using CP as VR, there is now another question which shouldn't exist. Is there going to be in all non CP campaigns for 50 a new non CP gear? Again why Cp shouldn't be used as a VR conversion.
Just let VR die. All the above is to outline, there are more questions generated
@lasersharks10 None of the CPs you have already are being removed, so anyone who has been playing with a VR recently will probably have more than the zone's CP number anyway. Someone who is currently VR1 with less than 10 CPs will be given 10 CPs immediately. CPs really don't affect power all that much compared to VRs, so someone with 10 CPs should be able to handle 40 CP mobs.lasersharks10 wrote: »A bit confused about about the silver and gold zones, and how the difficulty of the mobs in those zones is going to change with the DB update.
So, let's say that silver zone 1 has mobs that are at 40cp.
Is our current experience going to convert into cp, or is it going to be that previously vr16 characters, who get the 40cp from reaching vr16, are going to be the only ones who can kill the mobs set at the 40cp difficulty? If those "bonus cp's" are the only ones we're receiving, then someone who is at vr1 and can fight mobs in the silver 1 zone, would stand no chance after the update? Since they'd only be at 2.5 CP?
I've probably missed something somewhere, but that's what i've taken ZOS's posts to mean about the transformation from vr's to cp's.
Any clarification would be greatly appreciated!
So if you have a v16 or CP 160 and you start an alt then Silver will be only worth 30% ... Why would anyone bother? Just do Gold or do what everyone seems to be doing already and grind scaled content such as IC.
It would make more sense to make all content CP 3600 and just battle scale players like you do in DLCs and Cyro. Then content is never lost and no zone will need re-scaled in the cap increase.
This is the problem with the champion system. The gaps you created between v1 to v16 and the fear of closing the gap. CP benefits are simply to great. 501 gives you the ability to increase your character so much. 25% damage + ... 20% regen + ... it's crazy amounts. Then consider class passives. NB rule the world.
BTW ZOS didn't remove Vet Ranks. They simply changed the name ... and it took 2 friggin years. We still have so many crafting materials that are now less valuable because my alts will never need CP 10-150 gear again and neither will the large majority of the population of the game. So much stuff in game has lost it's value ... trash.
@NewBlacksmurf I would assume it's the percentage increase to base attributes. More CPs = more health, magicka, and stamina. That's the easiest thing to scale, and the most likely thing that is relevant for NPCs.NewBlacksmurf wrote: »But we don't even know if scaling is still a thing for CP.
What is being scaled and what does higher CP mean for NPCs?
@NewBlacksmurf I would assume it's the percentage increase to base attributes. More CPs = more health, magicka, and stamina. That's the easiest thing to scale, and the most likely thing that is relevant for NPCs.