The Asaro: PvP EP, PvE, Trials, Major Trade, Social! - 490+ members!

  • Middzzeh
    Soul Shriven
    your guild sounds awesome to me, id like an invite and id be willing to do PvE and PvP (char not strong enough for trials ATM) Xbox GT is - Middzzeh
  • derpymcsquirtle
    Middzzeh wrote: »
    your guild sounds awesome to me, id like an invite and id be willing to do PvE and PvP (char not strong enough for trials ATM) Xbox GT is - Middzzeh
    I'll add you tonight along with @Divinefury21790 but won't be til after 8pm tonight,hope that's ok.
  • RabNebula
    I wont be able to get on as the engineer came to fix our net and somehow made it now drop to just 1mb so I cant do anything with the 19gb update. But I could use party chat so I gave Bexx @Divinefury21790's tag so that should be sorted at least :smile:
    Edited by RabNebula on 17 August 2016 09:33
  • Divinefury21790
    Soul Shriven
    @antonycatton1 no worries I'm happy to wait, thank you for keeping me informed
  • derpymcsquirtle
    @Divinefury21790 it appears your now in the guild,welcome.
    @Middzzeh invite sent
  • RabNebula
    @Divinefury21790 it appears your now in the guild,welcome.
    @Middzzeh invite sent

    Toldya Bex invited Divine ;D

    My net is capping out at 0.252mbps at the moment so until the engineer finally works out whats going on then Im stuck because the update is going to take months at this rate! So I won't be online til thats finally sorted (they've dragged it out 2 weeeks so far!)
  • derpymcsquirtle

    Ouch hope you get it sorted soon mate
    Edited by derpymcsquirtle on 18 August 2016 18:04
  • Markdechene1
    Hey guys,

    Just wondering if there's a way to allow us non-EP folk access to the guild text chat. Makes life way easier to make groups and stuff. I can still read all the guild text just can't write.

    Cheers! GT: markdechene
  • RabNebula
    Hey guys,

    Just wondering if there's a way to allow us non-EP folk access to the guild text chat. Makes life way easier to make groups and stuff. I can still read all the guild text just can't write.

    Cheers! GT: markdechene

    Yes. If you are cross alliance then you get access to Officers chat which everybody should be able to see and use as every rank has that chat permission.

    I may make changes depending on how it develops as time goes on in the next week or so but thanks for alerting me to x-alliance being able to see pvp chat messages. I may have to query that in the general discussion on the forum. It's going to be an obstacle to pvp for x-alliance guilds if there is no place for pvp limited guild chat. They really should have thought about that with chat permissions you'd think!

    But yeh, if you use officers chat either talking or messaging then your messages should reach everyone. Instead of /g1-5 on your message then put /o1-5 depending on the order that Asaro sits in your joined guilds or select the right chat on the bar. :smile:
    Edited by RabNebula on 19 August 2016 18:05
  • MadMattais
    Soul Shriven
    hi im interested in joining the guild i mostly play pve but am open to going into pvp and learning the pvp side of eso my GT: Mad Mattais
  • slavaken
    Love an invite
    Profile name is M00nM00n93
    Character is Moonshoo
  • derpymcsquirtle
    Hey,I'll be logging on later so I'll throw you an invite then
  • RabNebula
    @antonycatton1 Mad Mattais is invited. I haven't been on to invite Moon yet though.
  • Markdechene1
    RabNebula wrote: »
    Hey guys,

    Just wondering if there's a way to allow us non-EP folk access to the guild text chat. Makes life way easier to make groups and stuff. I can still read all the guild text just can't write.

    Cheers! GT: markdechene

    Yes. If you are cross alliance then you get access to Officers chat which everybody should be able to see and use as every rank has that chat permission.

    I may make changes depending on how it develops as time goes on in the next week or so but thanks for alerting me to x-alliance being able to see pvp chat messages. I may have to query that in the general discussion on the forum. It's going to be an obstacle to pvp for x-alliance guilds if there is no place for pvp limited guild chat. They really should have thought about that with chat permissions you'd think!

    But yeh, if you use officers chat either talking or messaging then your messages should reach everyone. Instead of /g1-5 on your message then put /o1-5 depending on the order that Asaro sits in your joined guilds or select the right chat on the bar. :smile:

    Ahhh right cheers!!
  • Fabulosity
    I would love an invite if you don't mind. GT: Fabulosity x
    Edited by Fabulosity on 21 August 2016 01:12
  • derpymcsquirtle
    Fabulosity wrote: »
    I would love an invite if you don't mind. GT: Fabulosity x

    Will add you later
    @slavaken added you last night
  • RabNebula
    Good job @antonycatton1! My nets stuffed it again so I wont be on until another engineer turns up, not sure when exactly that will be. It comes on for like 30 seconds at a time every 30 seconds now. Ugh!!
  • derpymcsquirtle
    @RabNebula guessing your gonna end up swapping ISPs when's this is done then, your having hell of a time at minute with it
  • RabNebula
    @RabNebula guessing your gonna end up swapping ISPs when's this is done then, your having hell of a time at minute with it

    Yeh its really bad. The speed is back up but its kinda pointless if the only way you can use it is wait every 30 seconds to load a page! So there is no logging in to the game at all at the moment. BT really have gotten terrible. Awful system in place. I wanna go in there and sort them out and show them exactly whats wrong with everything about them haha.
    Edited by RabNebula on 21 August 2016 16:54
  • derpymcsquirtle
    @Fabulosity invite sent
  • Venturh
    Hey i would like to have an invite, mainly interested for the Trial runs. GT iMaxiKing94
    Thanks :)
  • derpymcsquirtle
    Venturh wrote: »
    Hey i would like to have an invite, mainly interested for the Trial runs. GT iMaxiKing94
    Thanks :)

    I'll be on later tonight so I'll drop you an invite then
  • Dunning
    Soul Shriven
    You actively do trials?

    Can i get an invite
    GT - Dunninq
  • derpymcsquirtle
    @Dunning @Venturh invites sent
  • Adanedar
    Soul Shriven

    I am interested in joining, please send me an invite.

    GT: Adanedar

  • derpymcsquirtle
    @Adanedar Ive literally logged off for the night but I'll send u a invite first thing in morning as soon as I'm on.unless another guildie can do it instead.
  • derpymcsquirtle
    @Adanedar sorry it's late but invite sent
  • barnd0g
    Soul Shriven
    Hey, my GT is "Barnd0g" I'd like to join, cheers
  • RabNebula
    Dunning wrote: »
    You actively do trials?

    Can i get an invite
    GT - Dunninq

    Yes we do. On a normal week we will usually run them on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays but also with text chat and having hit 490+ members theres now even more opportunity than ever to get involved in them during other times without it effecting our pvp sessions too much which has always been a goal for the guild. We have Maw planned for this Sunday at 5pm.
  • IXxIronWolfxXI
    GT: Iv Lithium
    I'd like an invite I'm a active PvPer and also PvEr ^-^
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