Team Sauce Trading: 5000+ Members! Trading, PvE, PvP, Trials, Raffles, Events! - NOW RECRUITING!

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • Farscape76
    My wife and I would love to join if you are still recruiting


    CP 1200+ Xbox - NA - Ebonheart Pact
    Dargo Crichton - VR16/lvl 50 StamDK - Stormproof
    Talon Crichton - lvl 50 Stamsorc
    Kara Crichton - lvl 50 StamDK
    Erza Crichton - lvl 50 MagDK
  • darktrevon
    Soul Shriven
    Any of these Rawl'kha, Belkarth, Daggerfall, Ebonheart, Windhelm
  • Necromionicon
    All sent! All traders have stores, see OP for weekly fees, lifetime memberships vary by guild so check the motd!
    Sydea AD CP780 dps magblade
    Sydbuddy A EP CP780 stamdk tank
    Sprinkly Tinkler AD CP780 dps magplar
    Witterbug AD CP780 dps stam sorc
    Scinter EP CP780 dps magdk
    Sydbuddy B CP780 dps magsorc
    Storage Sam EP CP780 magplar healer
    Astr'ea DC CP780 dps stam sorc
    Ray'nara AD CP780 sap tank magblade
    J'nara DC CP690 780 stamblade
    J'Maru AD CP780 dps stamplar
    M'taabo AD CP780 dk tank
    Ar'Jynta DC CP780 warden tank
    Ulur'Aba DC CP780 dps magward
    Tor/nea DC CP780 dps stamward
  • ThrillinSTX
    Soul Shriven
    Inc plz GT ThrillinSTX
    GAME ON!,

  • Bonkzilla85
    Soul Shriven
    GT: Neo11555777
  • Daron720
    Invites sent!
  • shootboot
    Soul Shriven
    Inv please! Devil tears006
  • madchuska83
    Magnus Drow

  • Tygerfire

  • madchuska83
    Still nothing. Tried Xbox message too.
  • William_AIA
    Gamertag: William AIA (That's A-eye-A)
    Preference: Apple Sauce
  • madchuska83
    Thanks for the invite
  • Jammer666
    Soul Shriven
    Jammer666 looking for an invite.
  • Vager1994
    GT: Wealthy Hobo 69

    Extremely interested if you are still recruiting
  • PsYKoBUNNYxox
    Soul Shriven
    Very interested in any of your 5k/week guilds. I'm dropping 2 of my current guilds due to having 30/30 slots full but havent sold anything in well over a week possibly 2. I'm broke so I'm looking for guild with alot more members. Is it possible to join more than one of the Sauce franchise guilds?
    I just spent most of my money on motifs for my main maxed crafter but if i can put items in a trader then between selling and just playing i can have money for dues in no time. I have 3 guild spots available but would love an invite to at least one...cant be greedy...I've seen Sauces everywhere tho so possibly joining more than one would be a good investment but for now I'd be more than happy with any one opportunity. No pref. Thank you.

    GT - PsYKoBUNNY xox

    Xbox NA
    *space btwn bunny and xox*
  • XF4LL3NASL33Px
    Soul Shriven
    Can I get an invite pls

    Gt xF4LL3N ASL33Px
  • anonymousnobodyb14_ESO
    I would like an invite to Secret Sauce if possible

    gt: Rheiver

    Thank you
  • Kev8675309
    Soul Shriven
    Invite please. Kev8675309
  • nexxus_ESO
    Invites Sent! If you requested Apple or Secret you have been put on the waitlist. If you did not specify which Sauce guild, you were sent an invite to a 5k/week guild and May transfer from there to one of your choosing by messaging an officer and asking for an invite to the Sauce guild of your choosing. Thanks for your patience!
  • devinkennedy415b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Invite please. Gamertag:

  • Daniel7714
    Soul Shriven
    GT is D dirty A. Would love to join any of the guilds. Got lots to sell
  • greelox
    Would love to join. I am interested in filling my ranks with three of your guilds if you have spots open. Does not matter which ones. Gamer tag is David John1011. Thanks in advance.
  • jeffm47
    Hi, would like an invite to a 5k guild. Thanks
    Gt: metalHEAD385
  • thelonious204
    Soul Shriven
    Thelonious204 new player active looking to learn
  • RandomOne81
    Soul Shriven
    invite please, new player, looking to play. gt - florthil
  • Hamiltonmath
    Secret sauce pleasee. Hamiltonmath
  • Danvaren08
    Soul Shriven
    DookSux08 Au Jus please
  • ChuckMcDiesel
    Soul Shriven
    Hey I'm a new player and haven't even joined one guild yet, this sounds perfect for me to start progressing more. If the guild isn't full my GT is:
    I have a couple other friends who just started playing too and need guilds to join.
    NA server and DC
  • hellothere
    My name is: yummy crispy bacon
  • Daron720
    Invites have been sent out to everyone above this line. If you didn't specify you were sent an invite to Apple Sauce in Belkarth. If you'd like to go somewhere else please let me know via xbox live. Some of you have full guild slots and I messaged you to get you to open up a spot. Thank you!
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