Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

PTS Patch Notes v2.1

  • CP5
    Dagoth_Rac wrote: »
    CP5 wrote: »
    Dagoth_Rac wrote: »
    WebBull wrote: »
    - Without the stam regen there is no reason for anyone to be a WW in PvP.

    No reason to be a werewolf in PvE, either. I cannot see anyone being a werewolf now other than roleplay.

    But remember, the combat team wants werewolf to 'feel more like an ultimate' so I wouldn't expect to make a return on my skill point investment often or to any great amount.

    I don't get Werewolf. At all. Other ultimates increase your DPS or your healing or your tankiness or something. But the most expensive ultimate is visually neat ("Oh cool! I just turned into a werewolf!"), but is not something any competitive player would use. I mean, when is the last time you saw *anyone* transform into a werewolf in VDSA or a Trial or VCoA? I don't PvP much, but even my 3 or 4 hours of PvP per week, I see no werewolves running around Cyrodiil. I am guessing most players will not slot the werewolf ultimate for the stam regen because of the risk of accidentally transforming into a Werewolf in the middle of a fight. Think about that. Using the most expensive ultimate in the game is the kind of thing that can lead to wipes. How does that make any sense?

    I know people do not like that werewolf has an upside with no downside. That is a legitimate complaint. But the free stam regen was the only upside. It is now all downside. I know a lot of the werewolf skills and passives sound neat in isolation, but it is about opportunity cost. No matter what you want to do, you can almost certainly do it better as a human than as a werewolf.

    Echo that to the devs, I hope that they'll realize that and try to give the werewolf the few changes it needs to become worthwhile on its own.
  • Lorkhan
    Takllin wrote: »
    Lorkhan wrote: »
    Takllin wrote: »
    Lorkhan wrote: » its the end of stamina nigthblade.....
    no problem, back to magika build.

    Erm, no. Stam NB will still be really good...

    yeah.... sure.....
    but magika will be better.

    There is a difference between magicka getting a buff and "the end of stamina nightblade"...



    oh, man. you are so right, i see this now.
  • Ipsius
    Werewolves are already very good, and are viable in pvp with organization ("packs"). They can't make werewolf powerful to the point that people use it in competitive trials, or it would be the trials meta and everyone would be "required" to be a werewolf to compete. Werewolves in pvp, on the other hand, have lots of skills that synergize with other werewolves (extra damage on feared targets, increased werewolf duration, self heals, etc). If you're going to try the lone-wolf thing, werewolf is always going to be a little underwhelming. A coordinated pack would be terrifying.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Just a heads up that we added the following missing notes to Cyrodiil Updates under the Base-Game Patch section:
    • You can no longer travel to another player character that's in a PvP zone.
    • Campaign buffs will now be applied only in PvP zones.

    edit: Re-worded the first bullet point for clarity.
    Edited by ZOS_GinaBruno on 28 July 2015 20:31
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ItsMeToo
    Racial Passives - Any changes to Dark Elf?
    FYI - There is no such thing as 'night capping' in a world wide MMO.
    FYI - There was no paid Beta. When they launched the game the Beta was over, even if you don't think it was.
    FYI - It's B2P not F2P. There is a difference.
    FYI - It doesn't take any player skill to mash keys or buttons in this game. The ones that stay alive longer have the better internet connection and speed.
    FYI - The game is not broken, it still works. It just has 'bugs' that need to be fixed.
    Balance is a "Bad" thing.

    Example: There were hundreds of Jedi and only two Sith in Star Wars. The Jedi wanted, "Balance in the Force" and they got it. Now there are only two Jedi and two Sith.

    Balance is a "Bad" thing.
    Is the glass half full or half empty?
    I say, "Get a smaller glass."
    1) Thank you Gina Bruno. You are a warrior goddess.
    2) Any word on any in game mail improvements? I'd really enjoy knowing what I sold, and where I sold it.
    3) Some of my guild mates still don't exist to me. I'm in a party with them, a guild, and sometimes the same room, but yet when I send them mail their characters "don't exist".
    4) Want my pledge of Mara? ;-)

    Keep up the good work!
  • Takllin
    Lorkhan wrote: »
    Takllin wrote: »
    Lorkhan wrote: »
    Takllin wrote: »
    Lorkhan wrote: » its the end of stamina nigthblade.....
    no problem, back to magika build.

    Erm, no. Stam NB will still be really good...

    yeah.... sure.....
    but magika will be better.

    There is a difference between magicka getting a buff and "the end of stamina nightblade"...



    oh, man. you are so right, i see this now.

    I'm glad you agree that your knee jerk reaction saying that stamina nightblade have met their end was wrong.

    Have a nice day.
    Jadokis - AD Redguard DK v16 AR 18
    Jàsènn - AD Orc Templar 47 AR 10
    Jessèn - AD Dunmer DK v16 AR 9 - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade

    Tekllin - AD Altmer Sorcerer v16 AR 18 (Ret.)
    Tekklin - AD Bosmer Nightblade v16 AR 12 (Ret.)
    Jasenn - DC Imperial Templar v16 AR 18 (Ret.)
    Jasènn - DC Orc Sorcerer v16 AR 15 (Ret.)
  • Crabby654
    Hmm. It could be a knee jerk reaction, but is being a vampire now just detrimental to the player? With the Supernatural Recovery passive requiring a slotted vampire ability. I feel like no one will really play vampires now?
  • Furor
    Incapacitating Strike (Teleport Strike morph): The stun from Incapacitating Strike will now properly grant CC immunity.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno Incapacitating Strike is actually a morph of Death Stroke not Teleport Strike
    Furor Darkblade - VR16 Nightblade - Daggerfall Covenant
  • CP5
    Ipsius wrote: »
    Werewolves are already very good, and are viable in pvp with organization ("packs"). They can't make werewolf powerful to the point that people use it in competitive trials, or it would be the trials meta and everyone would be "required" to be a werewolf to compete. Werewolves in pvp, on the other hand, have lots of skills that synergize with other werewolves (extra damage on feared targets, increased werewolf duration, self heals, etc). If you're going to try the lone-wolf thing, werewolf is always going to be a little underwhelming. A coordinated pack would be terrifying.

    Werewolves aren't even an option in most of those cases. Yes an "Organized pack" can go a lot, but the same number of players could do so much more with so many more skills at their disposal if they don't transform. I put 21 skill points into the skill tree not to look fancy while punching people with the hope that enough people would join me, I did so because I wanted to use the transformation as part of my play style. As of now the werewolf, I feel, is way to restricted to do even that. It should be a viable option, not a meta changing buff like the stamina regen passive brought.
  • Preyfar
    Ipsius wrote: »
    How would you feel about passive potion cooldown reduction? I chose Argonian because A) I love argonians and B ) they had the most "unique" passives in beta. A cool potion thing (no one else had that!) increased swim speed, and increased healing received. Now the only unique things we have are utterly underpowered and/or purely convenience/lore based and impractical.
    I would feel that's not enough. Pretty much every has has health, stamina and magicka to set it apart. Argonians don't have that, and potions cost money to use. I've got four Khajiit and four Argonians, and while my Argonians can hold their own, they really need something to set them apart from other races. As it is, the racials don't add much to the game

    In previous games, Argonians have had health regeneration abilities (like Histskin as I mentioned). Argonians need a basic stat and/or regen increase (health would be fine). Perhaps Argonians lack basic health, but get 5/10% regen to all basic stats? It'd be unique, not hard to add.

    Add to that a potion cooldown (5 seconds) reduction and Argonians would be much, much better off.

    I dunno. I just keep looking at Argonian passives and go "Well, uh... huh." They've been lacking. Khajiit were lacking, too. Crit was okay, and the health regen was hard to notice, but... it was still miles better than what our poor neglected lizards had.

    EDIT: Argonians get a base health increase of 3% at Argonian Resistant 3/3. Why not up that to 9 or 12%? It'd be a simple change, but easy to implement and be a great start @ZOS_GinaBruno
    Edited by Preyfar on 28 July 2015 20:39
  • Ipsius
    Preyfar wrote: »
    Ipsius wrote: »
    How would you feel about passive potion cooldown reduction? I chose Argonian because A) I love argonians and B ) they had the most "unique" passives in beta. A cool potion thing (no one else had that!) increased swim speed, and increased healing received. Now the only unique things we have are utterly underpowered and/or purely convenience/lore based and impractical.
    I would feel that's not enough. Pretty much every has has health, stamina and magicka to set it apart. Argonians don't have that, and potions cost money to use. I've got four Khajiit and four Argonians, and while my Argonians can hold their own, they really need something to set them apart from other races. As it is, the racials don't add much to the game

    In previous games, Argonians have had health regeneration abilities (like Histskin as I mentioned). Argonians need a basic stat and/or regen increase (health would be fine). Perhaps Argonians lack basic health, but get 5/10% regen to all basic stats? It'd be unique, not hard to add.

    Add to that a potion cooldown (5 seconds) reduction and Argonians would be much, much better off.

    I dunno. I just keep looking at Argonian passives and go "Well, uh... huh." They've been lacking. Khajiit were lacking, too. Crit was okay, and the health regen was hard to notice, but... it was still miles better than what our poor neglected lizards had.

    I think every Argonian agrees :/ I'm guessing the increased heals received is supposed to reflect the regeneration, but there's pretty much nothing else worthwhile anymore. Hopefully they make some changes before live...
  • dday3six
    Ipsius wrote: »
    I now learned that Siphoning Strikes will be 10 second buff you have to recast over and over and over and over. Anyone giving input on the PTS, please join me in protesting this skill-ruining change. Ugh...

    Good news I guess is that means you only need it on one bar...of course for me on console that means another skill I have track without a timer because this game insists that timers would ruin immersion.
  • Preyfar
    Just noticed the "Indomitable Adventurer" achievement was changed. It was dropped from 1,500 quests to 1,000. It's now attainable!
  • SturgeHammer
    dday3six wrote: »
    Ipsius wrote: »
    I now learned that Siphoning Strikes will be 10 second buff you have to recast over and over and over and over. Anyone giving input on the PTS, please join me in protesting this skill-ruining change. Ugh...

    Good news I guess is that means you only need it on one bar...of course for me on console that means another skill I have track without a timer because this game insists that timers would ruin immersion.

    10 seconds of shipon strike still sounds way too short, even with the extra slot.
    First-in-Line - Swings-for-Lethal
    Green-Thumb - Scale-Factor
    Hist-Tree-Major - A-Late-One
    Needs-Some-Help - Dead-Last
  • Muadyb
    After reading all the patch notes, didint find any info on Eidetic Memory.

    This matter will be fixed some point in the future?

    Cant find any news on this matter (since Beta the Eidetic Memory is broken) and i want to complete my collection (have +2100).

    Any news?

    "Red Wind is always breezing upon you...waiting for the incoming sandstorm."
  • ShadowHvo
    ShadowHvo wrote: »
    ShadowHvo wrote: »
    • Vampire
    o Supernatural Recovery (passive): This passive now only works while any Vampire ability is slotted in your ability bar.

    Why... Why nerf Vampirism again..?

    The difference between a vampire and a werewolf is that the vampire is PERMANTELY! in their monster form, they carry both weaknesses and strengths at the same time! Give us back our Supernatural Recovery passive, without the need to slot an ability! Its -core- to the vampire experience in ESO, do not take it away please =/

    This makes no sense, both in terms of game mechanics AND lore. Even your own lore-writers state that vampires of noxiphilic sanguivoria gain increased health regeneration, yet in the actual game its an outright decrease.

    Please, make vampires into a more true elder scrolls experience.. instead of this stuff where you're watering it down to nothing but another skill-line. As a vampire-lorewhore, this is outright depressing to see.

    Also please leave our weakness alone, there is no need to decrease it further =/
    • WW now also only gains it's recovery bonus while having the WW ultimate on its bar.
    • Nerf? You now only take 25% bonus damage from fire as opposed to 40% (was 50%). If only the class I played got such "nerfs."
    • If you are going to cite Lore, be sure to mention what happened when your Vampire in Oblivion took a walk on a nice sunny day. *Poof*.

    Oh boy oh boy oh boy, I consider the 25% weakness a nerf oh' great replier.

    I want vampires to be elder scrolls vampires, that is with its benefits, and weaknesses.

    Let me burn in the sun like in Morrowind no matter the stage, and I will love this game forever - On the condition that the vampires get the equal strength too, naturally.

    As for Werewolves, they should've never had an increase in recovery in human form to begin with. The big difference between vampirism and lycanthropy is that vampirism is permanent, carrying both weaknesses and strengths at all times. Where on the other hand Lycanthropy is a beastform, that the cursed humanoid can transform into, in order to get BOTH weaknesses and strengths.

    The werewolf recovery nerf was long called for, lycanthropy nor vampirism should never be something you just take because its a buff. There should be equal strengths, and equal weaknesses. The current problem with vampirism is especially that Noxiphilic Sanguivoria is so watered down, that Lamae should be ashamed of being the first ever created vampire, and the progenitor to the first vampiric bloodline in the entirety of Nirn.

    I'm not a great replier. Just one that can see beyond my own self-interest who happens to have a modicum of objectivity. A vampire who slot the very good batswarm ultimate or the highly useful mistform will not have their regeneration effected in the slightest and only be buffed by this patch because she will take less damage from their alleged weakness in this patch (something that can now almost be completely and passively eliminated via the champion system).

    You claim that vampirism should never be something you just take because it is a buff, but that is practically what the "watered down" version is. Free sneak speed, free damage reduction, access to a very good form of mobility/escape, and a powerful (and cheap) AoE ultimate, free regen just for slotting good skills, all for what price? The pale skin that butchers your work in the character creation process is more of a concern than the alleged fire vulnerability.

    I have played a vamp for over a year, back in the days when you took 50% fire damage and no champion system passive to mitigate it. Whatever complaints people made about vamps being unable to complete content were either hearsay, overstated, or self-interested agendas to buff their own playstyle. I did City of Ash with all its fire, DSA with its fighter's guild bosses, Hel Ra with its Fire Spinners, etc. The forums weren't full of posts to nerf human NBs in Cyrodiil, but Vamps. In 95% of the time I am playing as a vamp, it is an unqualified buff and even then that may be an understatement.

    For one who claims to see beyond their self-interest, you seem incredible ignorant to the fact that -I- do not enjoy these notes at all, and infact claim them as an outright nerf, BOTH for the passives, AND for the decrease in the fire weakness.

    ShadowHvo wrote: »
    I want vampires to be elder scrolls vampires, that is with its benefits, and weaknesses.

    Aka why I speak up against this watered down version of vampirism in TESO.
    Nighren - The Shadow Striker
    Leader of Bloodlines
    -- EU --

    Want to roleplay in elder scrolls online? Check out
  • Dagoth_Rac
    Ipsius wrote: »
    They can't make werewolf powerful to the point that people use it in competitive trials, or it would be the trials meta and everyone would be "required" to be a werewolf to compete.

    I see all kinds of builds in Trials and VDSA. Vampire Sorcerors with desto staffs, Stam Templars with 2H, Magicka NB with Dual Wield, melee Vampire DK Fire Mages, Magicka Templar with resto staff and Jesus Beam, etc., etc. There are many, many viable builds for VDSA and Sanctum. None of them involve turning into a werewolf. I am not talking werewolf becoming the min/max Top 0.001% build. I am talking about turning into a werewolf not being an immediate nerf that you regret in PvE. It is one thing for the guys with the world record speed run score to not be turning into werewolves. It is another thing for no one to be turning into a werewolf. Which is what you have now.
  • Ezareth
    MrBeatDown wrote: »
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    MrBeatDown wrote: »
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    Meh... let the tickle war begin!!!

    Don't worry ZOS we will find ways to ONESHOT noobs even if you have nerfed damage by 35%
    by one shot i think you mean a combination of skills hitting within 1 second?

    No, I think hes talking about exploits, Like doing 5k damage with Camoflauge Hunter and killing you with no other damage listed in the death recap, but its the only skill listed, and you were at full health.
    It's just an abuse of game mechanics which have been fixed inside thy patch notes

    I didnt read anything about the Sharpened mace exploit either.

    That's because the "exploit" never existed in the first case.
    Going to start answering as many gameplay-related questions as we can, and will continue a little later -
    This was our mistake; the change wasn’t included in the notes. The 50% cost increase for Bolt Escape now stacks for each cast within 4 seconds (and we'll make sure this gets added to the original post).

    Is the cost increase on dodge roll stacking as well? Could you clarify this please?
    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • dday3six
    dday3six wrote: »
    Ipsius wrote: »
    I now learned that Siphoning Strikes will be 10 second buff you have to recast over and over and over and over. Anyone giving input on the PTS, please join me in protesting this skill-ruining change. Ugh...

    Good news I guess is that means you only need it on one bar...of course for me on console that means another skill I have track without a timer because this game insists that timers would ruin immersion.

    10 seconds of shipon strike still sounds way too short, even with the extra slot.

    It is. I was more attacking the notion of ZOS introducing more skills to manage without timers to tracks them all.
  • Lorkhan
    hey guys, do you remember the number of stamina nightblade before 1.6?
    wait for the number of stamina nb after 1.7.
    Edited by Lorkhan on 28 July 2015 20:50
  • Lorkhan
    Crabby654 wrote: »
    Hmm. It could be a knee jerk reaction, but is being a vampire now just detrimental to the player? With the Supernatural Recovery passive requiring a slotted vampire ability. I feel like no one will really play vampires now?

    "there is a difference between noone playing vampire and vampire sucking balls"

    noob's logic
    Edited by Lorkhan on 28 July 2015 20:53
  • Lorkhan
    Edited by Lorkhan on 28 July 2015 20:53
  • technohic
    Crabby654 wrote: »
    Hmm. It could be a knee jerk reaction, but is being a vampire now just detrimental to the player? With the Supernatural Recovery passive requiring a slotted vampire ability. I feel like no one will really play vampires now?

    Has a great escape ability for those classes who do not have one. Also now a decent heal that can be spammed where it couldn't before. Vamp is buffed if you can find use for their abilities. Nerfed if you just wanted a free passive.
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Asia_Skyly wrote: »
    That was impressive! So many amazing changes!

    Completely agree, @Asia_Skyly . I hope we see answers regarding the large number of questions here, and lots of them as @Zos_GinaBruno mentioned the aim is. I'm especially concerned in regards to some of the bigger bugs that didn't have any patch notes, and light vs medium armor disparity, but on the whole I am very excited to see these and am hoping it brings back the combat that made me fall in love with ESO back in beta with longer fights allowing for tactics and more strategy instead of nearly action only rapid fire gameplay, and if luck holds, lag fixes! Ambivalence aside from needing to see how some of this plays out in game, I am extremely optimistic overall. If some of it stinks, it's hardly as if it can't be revised even once it goes live: MMOs evolve.

    Regarding werewolves, they have needed to be worked on for ages, now. Neither the slotting nothing but being one for free stamina regeneration or the slot a skill for huge ultimate generation mechanics are good. Complaining about the change here is missing for forest for the trees.
    Edited by Attorneyatlawl on 28 July 2015 21:12
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • rophez_ESO
    I don't understand this note:
    Flame Lash (Lava Whip morph): Instead of a direct heal, this ability will now reduce the amount health by 25% and apply a heal over 3 ticks. We also increased the damage versus off-balance by 25%.

    Does it do any damage, or does it reduce target max HP by 25%? or?
  • Joy_Division
    ShadowHvo wrote: »
    ShadowHvo wrote: »
    ShadowHvo wrote: »
    • Vampire
    o Supernatural Recovery (passive): This passive now only works while any Vampire ability is slotted in your ability bar.

    Why... Why nerf Vampirism again..?

    The difference between a vampire and a werewolf is that the vampire is PERMANTELY! in their monster form, they carry both weaknesses and strengths at the same time! Give us back our Supernatural Recovery passive, without the need to slot an ability! Its -core- to the vampire experience in ESO, do not take it away please =/

    This makes no sense, both in terms of game mechanics AND lore. Even your own lore-writers state that vampires of noxiphilic sanguivoria gain increased health regeneration, yet in the actual game its an outright decrease.

    Please, make vampires into a more true elder scrolls experience.. instead of this stuff where you're watering it down to nothing but another skill-line. As a vampire-lorewhore, this is outright depressing to see.

    Also please leave our weakness alone, there is no need to decrease it further =/
    • WW now also only gains it's recovery bonus while having the WW ultimate on its bar.
    • Nerf? You now only take 25% bonus damage from fire as opposed to 40% (was 50%). If only the class I played got such "nerfs."
    • If you are going to cite Lore, be sure to mention what happened when your Vampire in Oblivion took a walk on a nice sunny day. *Poof*.

    Oh boy oh boy oh boy, I consider the 25% weakness a nerf oh' great replier.

    I want vampires to be elder scrolls vampires, that is with its benefits, and weaknesses.

    Let me burn in the sun like in Morrowind no matter the stage, and I will love this game forever - On the condition that the vampires get the equal strength too, naturally.

    As for Werewolves, they should've never had an increase in recovery in human form to begin with. The big difference between vampirism and lycanthropy is that vampirism is permanent, carrying both weaknesses and strengths at all times. Where on the other hand Lycanthropy is a beastform, that the cursed humanoid can transform into, in order to get BOTH weaknesses and strengths.

    The werewolf recovery nerf was long called for, lycanthropy nor vampirism should never be something you just take because its a buff. There should be equal strengths, and equal weaknesses. The current problem with vampirism is especially that Noxiphilic Sanguivoria is so watered down, that Lamae should be ashamed of being the first ever created vampire, and the progenitor to the first vampiric bloodline in the entirety of Nirn.

    I'm not a great replier. Just one that can see beyond my own self-interest who happens to have a modicum of objectivity. A vampire who slot the very good batswarm ultimate or the highly useful mistform will not have their regeneration effected in the slightest and only be buffed by this patch because she will take less damage from their alleged weakness in this patch (something that can now almost be completely and passively eliminated via the champion system).

    You claim that vampirism should never be something you just take because it is a buff, but that is practically what the "watered down" version is. Free sneak speed, free damage reduction, access to a very good form of mobility/escape, and a powerful (and cheap) AoE ultimate, free regen just for slotting good skills, all for what price? The pale skin that butchers your work in the character creation process is more of a concern than the alleged fire vulnerability.

    I have played a vamp for over a year, back in the days when you took 50% fire damage and no champion system passive to mitigate it. Whatever complaints people made about vamps being unable to complete content were either hearsay, overstated, or self-interested agendas to buff their own playstyle. I did City of Ash with all its fire, DSA with its fighter's guild bosses, Hel Ra with its Fire Spinners, etc. The forums weren't full of posts to nerf human NBs in Cyrodiil, but Vamps. In 95% of the time I am playing as a vamp, it is an unqualified buff and even then that may be an understatement.

    For one who claims to see beyond their self-interest, you seem incredible ignorant to the fact that -I- do not enjoy these notes at all, and infact claim them as an outright nerf, BOTH for the passives, AND for the decrease in the fire weakness.

    ShadowHvo wrote: »
    I want vampires to be elder scrolls vampires, that is with its benefits, and weaknesses.

    Aka why I speak up against this watered down version of vampirism in TESO.

    Just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't mean they are ignorant. I know you prefer Vamps to always retain their passives, lament they do not get all the powers from previous ESO games, and would prefer that these advantages be counterbalanced by a high fire vulnerability (that ZoS should leave alone). Look at that! Someone who disagrees can still read and understand!

    I do not agree that they are being "nerfed" - a loaded term you used when you meant mechanically moved away from you ideal vision - I do not agree balance is achieved by having great power countered by great weakness because it is too easy to isolate/mitigate the weakness, and I do not agree that being a vamp is somehow not an outright buff to being a human.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Just edited the note for Bolt Escape, which previously made no sense. It now reads as follows:
    • Bolt Escape: This ability no longer reduces out-of-combat Magicka recovery after casting. We have also increased the cost for Bolt Escape by 50%, which stacks with each cast within four seconds.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Draehl
    technohic wrote: »
    Crabby654 wrote: »
    Hmm. It could be a knee jerk reaction, but is being a vampire now just detrimental to the player? With the Supernatural Recovery passive requiring a slotted vampire ability. I feel like no one will really play vampires now?

    Has a great escape ability for those classes who do not have one. Also now a decent heal that can be spammed where it couldn't before. Vamp is buffed if you can find use for their abilities. Nerfed if you just wanted a free passive.

    Yes, it's a good change. I think I will probably end up dropping vampire as I'm already a healer and having that on my bar would be redundant, but it's an actual choice now.
    Main: Breton Nightblade "Shadow Cleric" (Sustained Damage/offhealer) 5L/2H - Resto + S&B
    Alt: Argonian Dragonknight (Stam DoTs/Tank) 5H/2M - S&B + Bow
    Alt: Nord Templar Berserker (Rawr) 5M/2H - Dual Wield + Two Hander
    Alt: Altmer Sorceror (Pewpew) 7L - Destro + Resto
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Ezareth wrote: »
    Is the cost increase on dodge roll stacking as well? Could you clarify this please?
    There's a note in general gameplay that states the following:
    • The cost of each roll dodge will increase by 33% after your first roll dodge.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
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