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DSA has a couple "issues"

I want to start a thread with all the issues with Vet-DSA. This is currently one of the only things that is competitive in the game and having these issues fixed would be awesome. I understand I should send in game feedback for these, but since Vet-Dsa is timed I normally cant submit anything. If video proof is needed to help the developers see these issues in game I will be more than happy to record a run and point them all out.

Round 2 - The Ice Wrath's are immune to all damage and crowd control effects until it completes it's attack animations.

Round 3 - The Stranglers will chain you in that causes an animation desync were you are unable to move or attack. You are able to kill the stranglers and can still be chained after their death into the acid pool. There are times were there is a double animation effect causing you stay in the acid pool longer while unable to move/dodge roll out. (We've had many deaths due to this issue.)

Round 4 - After you have completed the 5th round of this stage, the shadow's spawned do not de-spawn and will lock your character in combat. If there is a death during the round they are unable to revive and must be manually revived by another player. The Shadow's also cause isssues with your character remaining in combat and on several occasions will not allow you to use the portal to move onto the next stage for several seconds. This can become a burden on runs where groups are competiting for speed.

Round 6 - The Wood Elves (Rangers) and the 5th round boss (Pishna) attack animation for the "green arrow/draining shot" also has desync issues when you try to roll dodge the attack. Your character is able to be hit during a roll dodge and after on many occasions. You can roll dodge multiple times and it will still hit you. (This is arandom issue, and very difficult to reproduce, but it happens too often to be a coincidence.) Pishna also does an acid spray attack that is telegraphed. You are still able to be hit by this attack even if you are outside of the telegraphed area or standing right behind her. (This has happened numerious times, and I know the devs will probably just blame the lag on this one.)

Please post any other issues you have encountered with Vet-DSA. Im looking to find out if there are any other broken animations/bugs. I would prefer to keep any L2P issues out of this thread.
Moezilla-Dunmer DK
Kittyzilla- Khajiit NB
  • Ffastyl
    Moezilla wrote: »
    Round 6 - The Wood Elves (Rangers) and the 5th round boss (Pishna) attack animation for the "green arrow/draining shot" also has desync issues when you try to roll dodge the attack. Your character is able to be hit during a roll dodge and after on many occasions. You can roll dodge multiple times and it will still hit you. (This is arandom issue, and very difficult to reproduce, but it happens too often to be a coincidence.)

    I have encountered this issue and figured out how to consistently roll dodge the draining arrows. The dodge window is at two distinct times:
    1. During the drawing animation. As the archer begins pulling the bowstring and before the bow is fully drawn and aimed.
    2. During the arrow's travel time. When the arrow has to travel a long distance, it can be seen mid-flight and dodge rolled.

    Dodging as the archer has aimed or is about to fire does not dodge the attack, and the arrow reliably hits the target when dodging during this timeframe.
    Dodging the draining shot is unintuitive but reliable. Roll dodge when you see the attack initiated.
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

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  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    any time a Ranged enemy is rooted they can still use their "get away" animation where they slowly walk backwards.. dragging the root with them.

    this happens any time you chain in or charge and use a root right after.

    note there is a cool down on the "get away" animation.
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
  • Moezilla
    Ffastyl wrote: »
    Moezilla wrote: »
    Round 6 - The Wood Elves (Rangers) and the 5th round boss (Pishna) attack animation for the "green arrow/draining shot" also has desync issues when you try to roll dodge the attack. Your character is able to be hit during a roll dodge and after on many occasions. You can roll dodge multiple times and it will still hit you. (This is arandom issue, and very difficult to reproduce, but it happens too often to be a coincidence.)

    I have encountered this issue and figured out how to consistently roll dodge the draining arrows. The dodge window is at two distinct times:
    1. During the drawing animation. As the archer begins pulling the bowstring and before the bow is fully drawn and aimed.
    2. During the arrow's travel time. When the arrow has to travel a long distance, it can be seen mid-flight and dodge rolled.

    Dodging as the archer has aimed or is about to fire does not dodge the attack, and the arrow reliably hits the target when dodging during this timeframe.
    Dodging the draining shot is unintuitive but reliable. Roll dodge when you see the attack initiated.

    Yes you are correct on the times of when to roll dodge, even even then there have been a number of times when a group member gets hit with an arrow. There is an issue with this.
    Moezilla-Dunmer DK
    Kittyzilla- Khajiit NB
  • Moezilla
    any time a Ranged enemy is rooted they can still use their "get away" animation where they slowly walk backwards.. dragging the root with them.

    this happens any time you chain in or charge and use a root right after.

    note there is a cool down on the "get away" animation.

    Yea Ive seen this many times. A lot of people have reported this. Im sure the devs are already working on this.
    Moezilla-Dunmer DK
    Kittyzilla- Khajiit NB
  • rokrdt05
    Ffastyl wrote: »
    Moezilla wrote: »
    Round 6 - The Wood Elves (Rangers) and the 5th round boss (Pishna) attack animation for the "green arrow/draining shot" also has desync issues when you try to roll dodge the attack. Your character is able to be hit during a roll dodge and after on many occasions. You can roll dodge multiple times and it will still hit you. (This is arandom issue, and very difficult to reproduce, but it happens too often to be a coincidence.)

    I have encountered this issue and figured out how to consistently roll dodge the draining arrows. The dodge window is at two distinct times:
    1. During the drawing animation. As the archer begins pulling the bowstring and before the bow is fully drawn and aimed.
    2. During the arrow's travel time. When the arrow has to travel a long distance, it can be seen mid-flight and dodge rolled.

    Dodging as the archer has aimed or is about to fire does not dodge the attack, and the arrow reliably hits the target when dodging during this timeframe.
    Dodging the draining shot is unintuitive but reliable. Roll dodge when you see the attack initiated.

    It also depends on each individual latency issue I think as well. Because each character will see the animation at varying times. Granted we are talking milliseconds usually but it will affect the person with most latency the hardest.

    Server: PC - North America - Daggerfall/Ebonheart

    Guilds: Order of the Bear | From The Dust

    Blaze | Sorcerer | DC | Former Empress
    Ulterior Motive | Templar | DC
    Detka's Tank | Dragon Knight | DC
    Tëmpëst | Sorceror | EP | Former Emperor
    Fíre | Nightblade | EP
    'Fire| Nightblade | DC
    Spëctrë | Templar | DC
    Ashléy Olsén| Dragon Knight | EP
  • Gilliamtherogue
    The issues mentioned above by OP are all a pretty big deal and all bring with them potential disaster in many runs. While some of them have simple adjustments such as round 6 where you must dodge roll sooner on archers, they still feel unnatural and require attention from ZoS. Why should I be dodge rolling an arrow that hasn't been fired yet? Why are ice wraith's AI so wonky and unpredictable? Half the time they charge forth and are culled like the rest of the mobs, and other times before they even reach a party member they will dip under the ground and prolong a round for another 5-6 seconds.

    Moving on past the bugs/issues posted, I'd like to add a few more.

    Akin to ice wraiths are dune rippers, which also burrow underground and become untargetable. Their animations are a bit more refined and have a clear distinction of when and when they cannot be hit, but they also can be interrupted from digging, unlike ice wraiths. Why not simply have ice wraiths operate like that? You retain a key characteristic of the enemy type while allowing good players to be rewarded for smart play.

    All "casters" in DSA that use a power attack like a fire line or ice line (Round 2,4,8,9 Ice mages, and Round 5,7,8 Fire mages as well as Bosses such as Mavus) are able to hit people behind their cast, and is a one shot in most circumstances (Even with my current 60 points in Elemental Defender). Enemy casted Wall of Elements operates the same way, their telegraph begins in front of them yet hits people behind. Is no place safe for melee?

    Possibly the BIGGEST problem I've seen in DSA is all mages inside are operating on the old Negate Magic. Mages on round 4, 8, the Dark Mage from 7/10, and even Hiath himself. Old Negate Magic had this weird bug where if the caster was killed, the bubble would visually appear, but in actuality the spell would be REFRESHED. So many times on the Dark Mage have I seen her drop negate, die, the bubble vanish, and then see a friendly Nova/veil/caltrops/any dropped spell simply disappear after the negate was gone! This is extremely frustrating for newer groups and old, as that nova or veil could provide much needed mitigation or DPS to save or end a round before problems arise.

    The last bug is similar to the Negate Magic one, as the same enemies cast another spell which is an ice ring. The inside and outside are safe, but often times after the mob is killed the spell vanishes but continues to damage players, and often they die because they are unaware of whats killing them.

    So many telegraphs lie in DSA and has forced players to instead of play smartly, play overly safe. Pina's acid spray hits ANYONE in her cone of vision, regardless of them being in the actual telegraph. Lying telegraphs from wall of elements/ice+fire lines... I wouldn't be surprised if these existed outside in open Tamriel but are not known about simply because all those mobs die so quickly or don't do enough damage to kill a player and cause frustration.

    I'm sure I've missed a few lesser known or easier to avoid bugs in DSA so I'll make sure to return to this thread in the future if I recall any. Regardless, ALL of these bugs mentioned are extremely disheartening to see in content that has been out for so long. In a highly competitive environment the only struggles should be the content itself, not bugs. If possible, could someone from @ZoS pop in and take a look at everything mentioned in these posts? I'd very much like to know if any of you were even aware these existed, or if they're being worked on as we speak. Many thanks.

    Old member of The Order of Mundus, Mostly Harmless, Hostile, and Genesis Elite. Avid theorycrafter. Herald to competitive stamina DPS pre 1.5. How far we've come!

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  • Gilliamtherogue
    Moezilla wrote: »
    I would prefer to keep any L2P issues out of this thread.

    Seeing that people from the top 2 NA scores are posting these issues, if anyone calls out for L2P issues they are severely misguided.
    Old member of The Order of Mundus, Mostly Harmless, Hostile, and Genesis Elite. Avid theorycrafter. Herald to competitive stamina DPS pre 1.5. How far we've come!

    Have questions? Send me a message on the forums or my other social media. Seeing people learn is my dream and passion.

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  • Personofsecrets
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Monster Trophy Items don't drop in dsa or vdsa. can this please be a thing?
  • Gilliamtherogue
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Monster Trophy Items don't drop in dsa or vdsa. can this please be a thing?
    They actually do! I got a multifaceted eye from one of the Nix Hounds on round 4. :)
    Old member of The Order of Mundus, Mostly Harmless, Hostile, and Genesis Elite. Avid theorycrafter. Herald to competitive stamina DPS pre 1.5. How far we've come!

    Have questions? Send me a message on the forums or my other social media. Seeing people learn is my dream and passion.

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  • Moezilla

    All "casters" in DSA that use a power attack like a fire line or ice line (Round 2,4,8,9 Ice mages, and Round 5,7,8 Fire mages as well as Bosses such as Mavus) are able to hit people behind their cast, and is a one shot in most circumstances (Even with my current 60 points in Elemental Defender). Enemy casted Wall of Elements operates the same way, their telegraph begins in front of them yet hits people behind. Is no place safe for melee?

    Ahh yes, I forgot about this one. Its difficult to remember all the issues with the game because we have just made adjustments from day 1. Is this how the game is supposed to be played...having players find workarounds for the bugs?

    I just wanted to put this thread out there. I have come to realize that this is fallen on deaf ears since console just released...and they have just as many bugs.
    Edited by Moezilla on 9 June 2015 23:47
    Moezilla-Dunmer DK
    Kittyzilla- Khajiit NB
  • Drasn
    • On the 5th round of stage 7 if you are channeling or using an ability with a cast time and are targeted with eclipse your skills are locked out for an extended period of time even if you break free.
    • The yellow centenarians are untauntable on stage 8. On stage 8 the yellow centaurians can be pseudo taunted by using chains on them as they spawn allowing the group to ignore their no taunt mechanic.
    • On stage 6 the archers will fire the green arrow from their dead bodies if killed during the skills charge time.
    • Enemies are able to be damaged and killed prior to even spawning if the group uses AoE abilities on the portals on all stages.
    • On stage 9 rounds 3 and 4, the mini-bosses can be killed prior to activating their shield allowing the mechanics of those rounds to be ignored.
    • On all stages the bosses can be forced to skip spawning adds if the group dps is high enough. This is most easily seen on stage 10 where Hyath can be brought from 50% to 25% during his pull in and resulting aoe, he will immediately pull the group again and the 2nd set of mini-bosses will never spawn.
    • One stage 2 round 1 the group receives no cold damage if standing away from the fires.

    Also, not at all VDSA related but most commonly used in VDSA above any other content: The skill absorb magick(sword and shield: defensive posture morph) used simultaneously with any damage shield will cause any ability that breaks the damage shield to be counted as a projectile(and subsequently heal the user.)

    I know not all of the listed bugs/exploits fall in line with spirit of the post(getting faster times), however if you are going to make a fuss about the problems you really shouldn't be biased. Of course if they fix some of the ones I listed the leaderboards should probably be reset to accommodate the changes otherwise the top scores would never be reached.
    Edited by Drasn on 10 June 2015 04:50
  • rokrdt05
    • The yellow centenarians are untauntable on stage 8.

      If I'm not mistaken. This is an actual round mechanic and those particular centurions are untauntable.
    Server: PC - North America - Daggerfall/Ebonheart

    Guilds: Order of the Bear | From The Dust

    Blaze | Sorcerer | DC | Former Empress
    Ulterior Motive | Templar | DC
    Detka's Tank | Dragon Knight | DC
    Tëmpëst | Sorceror | EP | Former Emperor
    Fíre | Nightblade | EP
    'Fire| Nightblade | DC
    Spëctrë | Templar | DC
    Ashléy Olsén| Dragon Knight | EP
  • Personofsecrets
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Monster Trophy Items don't drop in dsa or vdsa. can this please be a thing?
    They actually do! I got a multifaceted eye from one of the Nix Hounds on round 4. :)

    I honestly report that I nor any of my friends have gotten monster trophy item. some of us are top ten leaderboard and run vdsa all the time.
  • Gilliamtherogue
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Monster Trophy Items don't drop in dsa or vdsa. can this please be a thing?
    They actually do! I got a multifaceted eye from one of the Nix Hounds on round 4. :)

    I honestly report that I nor any of my friends have gotten monster trophy item. some of us are top ten leaderboard and run vdsa all the time.

    I've gotten ~ 3 since I've started doing DSA since its release date. They are extremely rare, but they exist. It also might be dependant on the mob, as the 3 items I've obtained are all beast related. Troll skull, multifaceted eye, and spriggan heart(taproot?).
    Old member of The Order of Mundus, Mostly Harmless, Hostile, and Genesis Elite. Avid theorycrafter. Herald to competitive stamina DPS pre 1.5. How far we've come!

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  • Gilliamtherogue
    • The yellow centenarians are untauntable on stage 8.
    • One stage 2 round 1 the group receives no cold damage if standing away from the fires.

    Yellow centurions are intended to be immune to taunts.

    Round 1 of stage 2 there is not supposed to be cold damage, as the mechanic doesn't start until it begins heavily snowing. Paying attention to the weather is the indicator.

    As for everything else in your post, you're referring to internal bugs with the game, not with the instance. This thread is not aimed at global bugs, but rather a few distinct bugs in the instance. It's not about being biased or not, its about remaining on topic or not. Many of the listed bugs have a work around to them so they don't effect time, so your idea that this thread is aimed at faster DSA's you are incorrect. These problems are toxic to normal or speed runs alike and do not discriminate to who they act upon. No one wants to experience bugged combat that has detrimental effects on combat or game play, and that's why this thread exists. Getting these issues fixed would simply make DSA more enjoyable for all as a healthier operating instance. Regardless of that, it was designed as a competitive instance, and any bugs that can hinder or increase performance should not exist. With that being said, it is up to Zenimax as to what they consider to be intended or not, so we will just have to wait till the conslow hype dies down so that a Green may bless this post with their attention.
    Edited by Gilliamtherogue on 10 June 2015 04:08
    Old member of The Order of Mundus, Mostly Harmless, Hostile, and Genesis Elite. Avid theorycrafter. Herald to competitive stamina DPS pre 1.5. How far we've come!

    Have questions? Send me a message on the forums or my other social media. Seeing people learn is my dream and passion.

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  • Drasn
    rokrdt05 wrote: »
    • The yellow centenarians are untauntable on stage 8.

    If I'm not mistaken. This is an actual round mechanic and those particular centurions are untauntable.

    Possibly, and if that is the case then it should be noted that:
    • On stage 8 the yellow centaurians can be pseudo taunted by using chains on them as they spawn allowing the group to ignore their no taunt mechanic.
    Edited by Drasn on 10 June 2015 04:07
  • Drasn
    • The yellow centenarians are untauntable on stage 8.
    • One stage 2 round 1 the group receives no cold damage if standing away from the fires.

    Yellow centurions are intended to be immune to taunts.

    Round 1 of stage 2 there is not supposed to be cold damage, as the mechanic doesn't start until it begins heavily snowing. Paying attention to the weather is the indicator.

    As for everything else in your post, you're referring to internal bugs with the game, not with the instance. This thread is not aimed at global bugs, but rather a few distinct bugs in the instance. It's not about being biased or not, its about remaining on topic or not. Many of the listed bugs have a work around to them so they don't effect time, so your idea that this thread is aimed at faster DSA's you are incorrect. These problems are toxic to normal or speed runs alike and do not discriminate to who they act upon. No one wants to experience bugged combat that has detrimental effects on combat or game play, and that's why this thread exists. Getting these issues fixed would simply make DSA more enjoyable for all as a healthier operating instance. Regardless of that, it was designed as a competitive instance, and any bugs that can hinder or increase performance should not exist. With that being said, it is up to Zenimax as to what they consider to be intended or not, so we will just have to wait till the conslow hype dies down so that a Green may bless this post with their attention.

    It could be argued that every single bug listed in this entire thread are internal bugs within the game as none are DSA specific.
    1. Ice wraiths, dunerippers, and stranglers have the same mechanics throughout the entire game, the listed issues are not a DSA only thing.
    2. Enemy abilities like ice line, fire line, ice ring and negate behave the same whether in DSA or random world mobs.
    3. The visual queues for telegraphed abilities are screwed on any map or in any instance.
    4. Lag and desync are, once again, not DSA specific.

    The only thing different in my list than the others is that I listed bugs that are benefiting the speed runs rather than hindering them. The items I listed are as valid as any you or anyone else listed.

    Biased is biased no matter how you try to spin it.
  • Gilliamtherogue
    It could be argued that every single bug listed in this entire thread are internal bugs within the game as none are DSA specific.
    1. Ice wraiths, dunerippers, and stranglers have the same mechanics throughout the entire game, the listed issues are not a DSA only thing.
    2. Enemy abilities like ice line, fire line, ice ring and negate behave the same whether in DSA or random world mobs.
    3. The visual queues for telegraphed abilities are screwed on any map or in any instance.
    4. Lag and desync are, once again, not DSA specific.

    The only thing different in my list than the others is that I listed bugs that are benefiting the speed runs rather than hindering them. The items I listed are as valid as any you or anyone else listed.

    Biased is biased no matter how you try to spin it.

    Actually this is where you're wrong. Ice wraiths outside of DSA act much more like the duneripper example I gave, in which they have clear cut times in which you can interrupt them from burrowing. In DSA a wraith may be mid CHARGE and it will suddenly decide to burrow. Outside of here they do not do this.

    I will agree that most fire/ice lines and rings are probably blatantly broken across game, but if you read my upper posts I noted that I wouldn't be surprised if they were, but they lack the damage to one shot, unlike DSA, therefor they are not as pesky.

    The archer shots are not due to lag, it is a problem unique to this mechanic, which only exists inside DSA. Prior to 1.6 they acted normally and had normal frames in which they were dodgable. It wasn't until the "ESO 2.0" hit when it became an issue.

    Acid spray telegraphs on EVERY other archer are correct EXCEPT Pina Longshot's. Again, a mob exclusive to DSA.

    This is not a matter of being biased, but rather being precise. Many of your listed "bugs" are not inherently broken, and are a matter of opinion rather than a clear unintended happening in the game. All portals and spawning systems akin to those of DSA operate the same way; you may begin damaging the entity before they appear before you. Ever done a Dolmen before? You can kill the adds as the daedric symbols appear, before any sight of the mob. Every done a quest with a portal? Same thing. That seems rather intended to me, instead of a bug. Whether it be sloppy/lazy coding or not is another story.
    Old member of The Order of Mundus, Mostly Harmless, Hostile, and Genesis Elite. Avid theorycrafter. Herald to competitive stamina DPS pre 1.5. How far we've come!

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  • Gilliamtherogue
    Don't be mistaken by my posts, I personally think its ridiculous that with enough damage you can completely bypass boss mechanics as well as spawned mobs in the intermediary levels. If killed fast enough you can skip entire waves of mobs on the 1-4 rounds in certain situations. This is poor design and is very toxic when paired with the champion system, which already shatters much of skill oriented competition. But these are not bugs. Zenimax did not create DSA thinking players would ever be able to kill things before they spawned because as always, they severely underestimate the "top 1%" of ESO players. This thread is not directed at poor choice making or demanding for balancing of DSA, simply for fixing bugs that ruin the experience for any group. You are more than welcome to start a new thread with what you clearly want to discuss, and I would be glad to bump and post there, but not here.
    Old member of The Order of Mundus, Mostly Harmless, Hostile, and Genesis Elite. Avid theorycrafter. Herald to competitive stamina DPS pre 1.5. How far we've come!

    Have questions? Send me a message on the forums or my other social media. Seeing people learn is my dream and passion.

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  • Merlin13KAGL
    We've had Round 1 boss fire off attacks from behind without ever changing direction.

    We've had round 2 bonfires not register as interactable after the torch(es) have been grabbed.

    We've been hit by acid spray (Pishna, specifically) when well outside the cone telegraph.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Saturn
    any time a Ranged enemy is rooted they can still use their "get away" animation where they slowly walk backwards.. dragging the root with them.

    this happens any time you chain in or charge and use a root right after.

    note there is a cool down on the "get away" animation.

    Not a bug, that is CC immunity. A chain or charge causes the enemy to become immune to Crowd Control for 4 seconds, which is why they can move with the root on them.

    A work around is dropping something that slows enemies (Caltrops/Cinderstorm/etc.) where you are grouping enemies and then chaining them to you. A snare is not technically a Crowd Control and therefore isn't negated by CC immunity.
    Edited by Saturn on 10 June 2015 16:21
    "Madness is a bitter mercy, perhaps, but a mercy nonetheless."

    Fire and Ice
  • Saturn

    Let's be honest, this is a thread to call out bugs that hinder a speed run in any way, not one that mentions how stupid the whole thing is. Have you seen the most recent vDSA run of Hodor? The whole reason why their team works so well is because they exploit the fact that enemies are killable in their portals (which I doubt is an intended "feature") and they, like many other teams, are able to kill the enemies before they even materialise, which as you mentioned is a way to bypass most stage mechanics (for example stage 5 shadowcasters).

    If they were to "fix" Dragonstar Arena they should do a proper job of it.
    - Remove the ability to damage portals with AoE.
    - Revampt the scoring system so it doesn't only reward speed, but so that is also punishes deaths.
    - Make it so mechanics cannot be skipped especially stages like 5, 9 and 10.

    Most of the issues mentioned by the OP is stuff that just makes a stage last a few seconds longer sometimes, which at the moment is devastating because of how the scoring works.

    From Patch notes of 1.6.5:
    We have reduced the penalty for losing lives within the Trial or Arena. It still matters, but not nearly as much as it did previously.
    Maybe this in itself is a bug, because according to my own calculations a death matters not a single point whatsoever..

    Before 1.6 a top run was 50 minutes, but you knew that the team had to be good because they did not have a single death. That is not the case anymore, now a top run is whoever runs the fastest.
    Edited by Saturn on 10 June 2015 16:23
    "Madness is a bitter mercy, perhaps, but a mercy nonetheless."

    Fire and Ice
  • Sausage
    Its meant to be hard, just what devs said, VDSA is 15 timer harder than NDSA. If everything is easy then players whine well, everything is too easy.
    Edited by Sausage on 10 June 2015 16:20
  • Personofsecrets
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Monster Trophy Items don't drop in dsa or vdsa. can this please be a thing?
    They actually do! I got a multifaceted eye from one of the Nix Hounds on round 4. :)

    I honestly report that I nor any of my friends have gotten monster trophy item. some of us are top ten leaderboard and run vdsa all the time.

    I've gotten ~ 3 since I've started doing DSA since its release date. They are extremely rare, but they exist. It also might be dependant on the mob, as the 3 items I've obtained are all beast related. Troll skull, multifaceted eye, and spriggan heart(taproot?).

    can you recall, is this in dsa or vdsa?
  • Nifty2g
    The fact you can "no phase" hiath and skip the second set of mini bosses or sometimes the first is poor game design by zenimax.

    Wipe the leaderboards, fix the issues and fix the score system. Correct the broken system that trials has became, can you just imagine when we get 500 champion points, theres already people getting under 40 minute clears now, it's cool and fun but it's just a broken game design.

    FIX IT

  • Daveheart
    Saturn wrote: »
    any time a Ranged enemy is rooted they can still use their "get away" animation where they slowly walk backwards.. dragging the root with them.

    this happens any time you chain in or charge and use a root right after.

    note there is a cool down on the "get away" animation.

    Not a bug, that is CC immunity. A chain or charge causes the enemy to become immune to Crowd Control for 4 seconds, which is why they can move with the root on them.

    A work around is dropping something that slows enemies (Caltrops/Cinderstorm/etc.) where you are grouping enemies and then chaining them to you. A snare is not technically a Crowd Control and therefore isn't negated by CC immunity.

    A root, like Talons, does not count as a hard CC and does not count CC immunity. It works this way in PvP and for the melee mobs, it just seems to be NPC archers and casters who can't be rooted after being pulled in. It's definitely not a DSA specific bug though as it's been happening everywhere.
    Daggerfall Covenant (PC-NA)

    The Order of Mundus | Nightfighters
  • rokrdt05
    Saturn wrote: »

    Let's be honest, this is a thread to call out bugs that hinder a speed run in any way, not one that mentions how stupid the whole thing is. Have you seen the most recent vDSA run of Hodor? The whole reason why their team works so well is because they exploit the fact that enemies are killable in their portals (which I doubt is an intended "feature") and they, like many other teams, are able to kill the enemies before they even materialise, which as you mentioned is a way to bypass most stage mechanics (for example stage 5 shadowcasters).

    If they were to "fix" Dragonstar Arena they should do a proper job of it.
    - Remove the ability to damage portals with AoE.
    - Revampt the scoring system so it doesn't only reward speed, but so that is also punishes deaths.
    - Make it so mechanics cannot be skipped especially stages like 5, 9 and 10.

    Most of the issues mentioned by the OP is stuff that just makes a stage last a few seconds longer sometimes, which at the moment is devastating because of how the scoring works.

    From Patch notes of 1.6.5:
    We have reduced the penalty for losing lives within the Trial or Arena. It still matters, but not nearly as much as it did previously.
    Maybe this in itself is a bug, because according to my own calculations a death matters not a single point whatsoever..

    Before 1.6 a top run was 50 minutes, but you knew that the team had to be good because they did not have a single death. That is not the case anymore, now a top run is whoever runs the fastest.

    I'm not against any of the fixes you are recommending, however they would have to reset the leaderboards in this case as well since the top times would be unattainable with the bugs that are currently being used.

    As far as any death penalties... there are none. So far from what our group has seen, it is ALL based on time. We've had runs with 10 deaths and gotten a better score than a run with no deaths but slightly slower time.

    The items listed by OP are design flaws that affect any group attempting to run the instance and can cause more then "a few seconds" to each round. Each group comp is different and dps per group would be different as well. @Gilliamtherogue had already mentioned that the topic is about the bugs that affect all groups running the instance and not just a few top leaderboard runners.
    Server: PC - North America - Daggerfall/Ebonheart

    Guilds: Order of the Bear | From The Dust

    Blaze | Sorcerer | DC | Former Empress
    Ulterior Motive | Templar | DC
    Detka's Tank | Dragon Knight | DC
    Tëmpëst | Sorceror | EP | Former Emperor
    Fíre | Nightblade | EP
    'Fire| Nightblade | DC
    Spëctrë | Templar | DC
    Ashléy Olsén| Dragon Knight | EP
  • Moezilla
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    The fact you can "no phase" hiath and skip the second set of mini bosses or sometimes the first is poor game design by zenimax.

    Wipe the leaderboards, fix the issues and fix the score system. Correct the broken system that trials has became, can you just imagine when we get 500 champion points, theres already people getting under 40 minute clears now, it's cool and fun but it's just a broken game design.

    FIX IT


    Let's not start bashing every little thing that has happened with the update(scoring, deaths, times). I want to make sure this thread stays on point. This thread is about bugs in vetDSA. Let's keep the discussion civilized.
    Moezilla-Dunmer DK
    Kittyzilla- Khajiit NB
  • Moezilla
    Sausage wrote: »
    Its meant to be hard, just what devs said, VDSA is 15 timer harder than NDSA. If everything is easy then players whine well, everything is too easy.

    I'm not looking for anything to be nerfed. I would be happy if they made the content harder. What I'm looking for with this thread is to identify all the bugs inside of Vet-DSA and let the devs know about them....and hopefully get them fixed.
    Moezilla-Dunmer DK
    Kittyzilla- Khajiit NB
  • Nifty2g
    Moezilla wrote: »
    Sausage wrote: »
    Its meant to be hard, just what devs said, VDSA is 15 timer harder than NDSA. If everything is easy then players whine well, everything is too easy.

    I'm not looking for anything to be nerfed. I would be happy if they made the content harder. What I'm looking for with this thread is to identify all the bugs inside of Vet-DSA and let the devs know about them....and hopefully get them fixed.
    To be fair VDSA has been nerfed 3 times, as for bugs I think the whole arena needs to be revamped completely and worked on, instead of fixing single bugs, that's just me though.

    I'd really like to have the portal killing fixed
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