cozmon3c_ESO wrote: »Cc them, eat a mine while they don't have frag proc'ed. Would be nice to know what class you were. Slot defensive posture and reflect frags back at the sorc.
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »Three spells I would definitely have on my bar if were a Sorc-hunting Templar with a bow:
1) Binding Javelin
2) Venom Arrow
3) Eclipse
Sorcs hate being knocked down or CC'd, and they hate being interrupted in the middle of casting a spell.
Wrong, it costs aprox 3600 stam to CC break (w/o reduced break free cost). Even without blocking the sorc will not regen that much by the time CC immunity wears off unless they popped a potion.xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »The only way you're going to drain a sorc of Stamina is if they block...
Using CC on them will not work..Because they'll get whatever stamina they lost back in the time CC immunity is up.
Teargrants wrote: »Wrong, it costs aprox 3600 stam to CC break (w/o reduced break free cost). Even without blocking the sorc will not regen that much by the time CC immunity wears off unless they popped a potion.xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »The only way you're going to drain a sorc of Stamina is if they block...
Using CC on them will not work..Because they'll get whatever stamina they lost back in the time CC immunity is up.
Here is how I kill them with my NB:
use 2H to gap close them. dodge roll about once or twice to dodge any procced crystal frags. CC them and begin spamming the crap out of uppercut to get thru all the stacked damage shields. the sorc will likely bolt away to try to stack about 6 more shields(:D) so crit charge them and continue hitting them with uppercut while they do this(and again, be sure to dodge roll afterwards so you dont get hit by insta cast frags) eventually, the sorc will realize stacking shields is hopeless, and will bolt away and try something like overload. when this happens, CC them and start putting out all the damage you can. By now the sorc has likely done a few dodge rolls and CC breaks, and will likely have extended most(if not all) of their stamina and maybe even their magicka., to the point they cant dodge roll or CC break/block cast anymore. continue pummeling them until they go down.
and, of course, do not fall for baits via BE.
idk how a templar would do it, but I would make use of any interruptions such as javalin, and use stuff like eclipse, so the sorc is forced to either take damage or waste 1/3 of their bar CC breaking it.
Drain their stamina and they will die, as at that point you can play it WoW style and perma CC them and just nuke them.
be sure to have some heals ready, as you will be getting hit by cureses and mines.(oh and watch out for mines)
david.haypreub18_ESO wrote: »So, Sorcerors have recently replaced DKs as the class I die to most in PvP, so I thought I'd start a thread for advice on how to kill them.
Now, let me acknowledge that I have played a Sorc for nearly a year now, and I'm not complaining about them-- I have had fun learning the class. Right now I feel that they are very strong. But I'd also like to have a chance against them in Cyrodiil on my SB/Bow Templar.
I made some mistakes last night. There were the typical farming sorcs who come to the edge of a battle and try to tempt people to follow them. I mistakenly took the bait several times. They hit BoL until they felt safe, then dropped Daedric Mines, had shields stacked, and basically just played the resource game with Curses, procced Frags and Fury. I had some success with Defensive Stance, but found it hard to get past those shields. They always seemed to have more resources than me (I wasn't using the best potions, so that is definitely something I can change). I couldn't shield charge them down because of the Daedric Mines. So what should I be doing?
Any advice is welcome.
david.haypreub18_ESO wrote: »So, Sorcerors have recently replaced DKs as the class I die to most in PvP, so I thought I'd start a thread for advice on how to kill them.
Now, let me acknowledge that I have played a Sorc for nearly a year now, and I'm not complaining about them-- I have had fun learning the class. Right now I feel that they are very strong. But I'd also like to have a chance against them in Cyrodiil on my SB/Bow Templar.
I made some mistakes last night. There were the typical farming sorcs who come to the edge of a battle and try to tempt people to follow them. I mistakenly took the bait several times. They hit BoL until they felt safe, then dropped Daedric Mines, had shields stacked, and basically just played the resource game with Curses, procced Frags and Fury. I had some success with Defensive Stance, but found it hard to get past those shields. They always seemed to have more resources than me (I wasn't using the best potions, so that is definitely something I can change). I couldn't shield charge them down because of the Daedric Mines. So what should I be doing?
Any advice is welcome.
Im sorry man but if the sorc doesnt do a big mistake u will actually never be able to kill them, they surely have the better ressource management because the templar has the worst by far. I assume u are stamina based and the only thing i would recommend you to maybe live a bit longer is to use Evasion and reflect from s/B tree but try to dodgeroll often.
At some point they forget about the reflect that hopefully is still up and u start bursting in front of them with ur jabs while the reflect is still up and protects you and grants u additional burst.
A smart sorc will simply renew his shield or blink away and place some new mines^^
A stupid one panics and dies.
At the end of the day u might kill some noobs but there is no way to kill a good sorc as templar. Im sry.
U also might have better chances using wrecking blow since the 0.3 knockback is too bad to burst em down, they will renew their shields. Jabs in combination with javelin also helps alot, in case their stamina runs out, you can try to use the luminous shards and stunnlock them as often as possible (which is nearly impossible against a good sorc because that throw sucks and takes long and is stupid to place....) dont take the blazing shards since its a usual stunn and makes em immune!
U will die anyway because ur ressources suck, i mean dk has battle roar, nb has 30% more passive and u have that a... uhmmm... yes! u have that heal ult xD
david.haypreub18_ESO wrote: »So, Sorcerors have recently replaced DKs as the class I die to most in PvP, so I thought I'd start a thread for advice on how to kill them.
Now, let me acknowledge that I have played a Sorc for nearly a year now, and I'm not complaining about them-- I have had fun learning the class. Right now I feel that they are very strong. But I'd also like to have a chance against them in Cyrodiil on my SB/Bow Templar.
I made some mistakes last night. There were the typical farming sorcs who come to the edge of a battle and try to tempt people to follow them. I mistakenly took the bait several times. They hit BoL until they felt safe, then dropped Daedric Mines, had shields stacked, and basically just played the resource game with Curses, procced Frags and Fury. I had some success with Defensive Stance, but found it hard to get past those shields. They always seemed to have more resources than me (I wasn't using the best potions, so that is definitely something I can change). I couldn't shield charge them down because of the Daedric Mines. So what should I be doing?
Any advice is welcome.
Im sorry man but if the sorc doesnt do a big mistake u will actually never be able to kill them, they surely have the better ressource management because the templar has the worst by far. I assume u are stamina based and the only thing i would recommend you to maybe live a bit longer is to use Evasion and reflect from s/B tree but try to dodgeroll often.
At some point they forget about the reflect that hopefully is still up and u start bursting in front of them with ur jabs while the reflect is still up and protects you and grants u additional burst.
A smart sorc will simply renew his shield or blink away and place some new mines^^
A stupid one panics and dies.
At the end of the day u might kill some noobs but there is no way to kill a good sorc as templar. Im sry.
U also might have better chances using wrecking blow since the 0.3 knockback is too bad to burst em down, they will renew their shields. Jabs in combination with javelin also helps alot, in case their stamina runs out, you can try to use the luminous shards and stunnlock them as often as possible (which is nearly impossible against a good sorc because that throw sucks and takes long and is stupid to place....) dont take the blazing shards since its a usual stunn and makes em immune!
U will die anyway because ur ressources suck, i mean dk has battle roar, nb has 30% more passive and u have that a... uhmmm... yes! u have that heal ult xD
Correct pretty sure there is no way to kill a top sorc 1v1 as temp.
In fact - is there anyway for any class to kill the top sorcs 1v1 atm? Unless it is from stealth?
david.haypreub18_ESO wrote: »So, Sorcerors have recently replaced DKs as the class I die to most in PvP, so I thought I'd start a thread for advice on how to kill them.
Now, let me acknowledge that I have played a Sorc for nearly a year now, and I'm not complaining about them-- I have had fun learning the class. Right now I feel that they are very strong. But I'd also like to have a chance against them in Cyrodiil on my SB/Bow Templar.
I made some mistakes last night. There were the typical farming sorcs who come to the edge of a battle and try to tempt people to follow them. I mistakenly took the bait several times. They hit BoL until they felt safe, then dropped Daedric Mines, had shields stacked, and basically just played the resource game with Curses, procced Frags and Fury. I had some success with Defensive Stance, but found it hard to get past those shields. They always seemed to have more resources than me (I wasn't using the best potions, so that is definitely something I can change). I couldn't shield charge them down because of the Daedric Mines. So what should I be doing?
Any advice is welcome.
Im sorry man but if the sorc doesnt do a big mistake u will actually never be able to kill them, they surely have the better ressource management because the templar has the worst by far. I assume u are stamina based and the only thing i would recommend you to maybe live a bit longer is to use Evasion and reflect from s/B tree but try to dodgeroll often.
At some point they forget about the reflect that hopefully is still up and u start bursting in front of them with ur jabs while the reflect is still up and protects you and grants u additional burst.
A smart sorc will simply renew his shield or blink away and place some new mines^^
A stupid one panics and dies.
At the end of the day u might kill some noobs but there is no way to kill a good sorc as templar. Im sry.
U also might have better chances using wrecking blow since the 0.3 knockback is too bad to burst em down, they will renew their shields. Jabs in combination with javelin also helps alot, in case their stamina runs out, you can try to use the luminous shards and stunnlock them as often as possible (which is nearly impossible against a good sorc because that throw sucks and takes long and is stupid to place....) dont take the blazing shards since its a usual stunn and makes em immune!
U will die anyway because ur ressources suck, i mean dk has battle roar, nb has 30% more passive and u have that a... uhmmm... yes! u have that heal ult xD
Correct pretty sure there is no way to kill a top sorc 1v1 as temp.
In fact - is there anyway for any class to kill the top sorcs 1v1 atm? Unless it is from stealth?
Stamina NBs can do so with the ambush fear ultimate combo - might have to make multiple attempts though (weaken shield first with flying blade or bow attacks - also dodgeroll). Stam DKs can win if the sorc only has base stam reg and the DK is not sloppy with petrify (Edit: Stam DKs might need a different approach than other classes in terms of sets for that matchup bc extra magica reg helps them the most for scales uptime + petrify + igneous shield).
For Templars i don´t see a way atm.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
david.haypreub18_ESO wrote: »So, Sorcerors have recently replaced DKs as the class I die to most in PvP, so I thought I'd start a thread for advice on how to kill them.
Now, let me acknowledge that I have played a Sorc for nearly a year now, and I'm not complaining about them-- I have had fun learning the class. Right now I feel that they are very strong. But I'd also like to have a chance against them in Cyrodiil on my SB/Bow Templar.
I made some mistakes last night. There were the typical farming sorcs who come to the edge of a battle and try to tempt people to follow them. I mistakenly took the bait several times. They hit BoL until they felt safe, then dropped Daedric Mines, had shields stacked, and basically just played the resource game with Curses, procced Frags and Fury. I had some success with Defensive Stance, but found it hard to get past those shields. They always seemed to have more resources than me (I wasn't using the best potions, so that is definitely something I can change). I couldn't shield charge them down because of the Daedric Mines. So what should I be doing?
Any advice is welcome.
Im sorry man but if the sorc doesnt do a big mistake u will actually never be able to kill them, they surely have the better ressource management because the templar has the worst by far. I assume u are stamina based and the only thing i would recommend you to maybe live a bit longer is to use Evasion and reflect from s/B tree but try to dodgeroll often.
At some point they forget about the reflect that hopefully is still up and u start bursting in front of them with ur jabs while the reflect is still up and protects you and grants u additional burst.
A smart sorc will simply renew his shield or blink away and place some new mines^^
A stupid one panics and dies.
At the end of the day u might kill some noobs but there is no way to kill a good sorc as templar. Im sry.
U also might have better chances using wrecking blow since the 0.3 knockback is too bad to burst em down, they will renew their shields. Jabs in combination with javelin also helps alot, in case their stamina runs out, you can try to use the luminous shards and stunnlock them as often as possible (which is nearly impossible against a good sorc because that throw sucks and takes long and is stupid to place....) dont take the blazing shards since its a usual stunn and makes em immune!
U will die anyway because ur ressources suck, i mean dk has battle roar, nb has 30% more passive and u have that a... uhmmm... yes! u have that heal ult xD
Correct pretty sure there is no way to kill a top sorc 1v1 as temp.
In fact - is there anyway for any class to kill the top sorcs 1v1 atm? Unless it is from stealth?
david.haypreub18_ESO wrote: »So, Sorcerors have recently replaced DKs as the class I die to most in PvP, so I thought I'd start a thread for advice on how to kill them.
Now, let me acknowledge that I have played a Sorc for nearly a year now, and I'm not complaining about them-- I have had fun learning the class. Right now I feel that they are very strong. But I'd also like to have a chance against them in Cyrodiil on my SB/Bow Templar.
I made some mistakes last night. There were the typical farming sorcs who come to the edge of a battle and try to tempt people to follow them. I mistakenly took the bait several times. They hit BoL until they felt safe, then dropped Daedric Mines, had shields stacked, and basically just played the resource game with Curses, procced Frags and Fury. I had some success with Defensive Stance, but found it hard to get past those shields. They always seemed to have more resources than me (I wasn't using the best potions, so that is definitely something I can change). I couldn't shield charge them down because of the Daedric Mines. So what should I be doing?
Any advice is welcome.
Im sorry man but if the sorc doesnt do a big mistake u will actually never be able to kill them, they surely have the better ressource management because the templar has the worst by far. I assume u are stamina based and the only thing i would recommend you to maybe live a bit longer is to use Evasion and reflect from s/B tree but try to dodgeroll often.
At some point they forget about the reflect that hopefully is still up and u start bursting in front of them with ur jabs while the reflect is still up and protects you and grants u additional burst.
A smart sorc will simply renew his shield or blink away and place some new mines^^
A stupid one panics and dies.
At the end of the day u might kill some noobs but there is no way to kill a good sorc as templar. Im sry.
U also might have better chances using wrecking blow since the 0.3 knockback is too bad to burst em down, they will renew their shields. Jabs in combination with javelin also helps alot, in case their stamina runs out, you can try to use the luminous shards and stunnlock them as often as possible (which is nearly impossible against a good sorc because that throw sucks and takes long and is stupid to place....) dont take the blazing shards since its a usual stunn and makes em immune!
U will die anyway because ur ressources suck, i mean dk has battle roar, nb has 30% more passive and u have that a... uhmmm... yes! u have that heal ult xD
Correct pretty sure there is no way to kill a top sorc 1v1 as temp.
In fact - is there anyway for any class to kill the top sorcs 1v1 atm? Unless it is from stealth?
equally skilled nightblades, other sorcs, and stamina build DKs with 2hander/bow mass weapon damage burst. I've had some magicka templars come very close to killing me (those shields freaking hurt!) but haven't been killed by one in 1.6 yet in a straight 1 v 1. Ebonheart templar may be able to manage it if I keep trying to fight him while he permarolls around a tree haha but he plays NB now.
A better question to ask is why are all the best players switching to NB!??
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
david.haypreub18_ESO wrote: »So, Sorcerors have recently replaced DKs as the class I die to most in PvP, so I thought I'd start a thread for advice on how to kill them.
Now, let me acknowledge that I have played a Sorc for nearly a year now, and I'm not complaining about them-- I have had fun learning the class. Right now I feel that they are very strong. But I'd also like to have a chance against them in Cyrodiil on my SB/Bow Templar.
I made some mistakes last night. There were the typical farming sorcs who come to the edge of a battle and try to tempt people to follow them. I mistakenly took the bait several times. They hit BoL until they felt safe, then dropped Daedric Mines, had shields stacked, and basically just played the resource game with Curses, procced Frags and Fury. I had some success with Defensive Stance, but found it hard to get past those shields. They always seemed to have more resources than me (I wasn't using the best potions, so that is definitely something I can change). I couldn't shield charge them down because of the Daedric Mines. So what should I be doing?
Any advice is welcome.
Im sorry man but if the sorc doesnt do a big mistake u will actually never be able to kill them, they surely have the better ressource management because the templar has the worst by far. I assume u are stamina based and the only thing i would recommend you to maybe live a bit longer is to use Evasion and reflect from s/B tree but try to dodgeroll often.
At some point they forget about the reflect that hopefully is still up and u start bursting in front of them with ur jabs while the reflect is still up and protects you and grants u additional burst.
A smart sorc will simply renew his shield or blink away and place some new mines^^
A stupid one panics and dies.
At the end of the day u might kill some noobs but there is no way to kill a good sorc as templar. Im sry.
U also might have better chances using wrecking blow since the 0.3 knockback is too bad to burst em down, they will renew their shields. Jabs in combination with javelin also helps alot, in case their stamina runs out, you can try to use the luminous shards and stunnlock them as often as possible (which is nearly impossible against a good sorc because that throw sucks and takes long and is stupid to place....) dont take the blazing shards since its a usual stunn and makes em immune!
U will die anyway because ur ressources suck, i mean dk has battle roar, nb has 30% more passive and u have that a... uhmmm... yes! u have that heal ult xD
Correct pretty sure there is no way to kill a top sorc 1v1 as temp.
In fact - is there anyway for any class to kill the top sorcs 1v1 atm? Unless it is from stealth?
equally skilled nightblades, other sorcs, and stamina build DKs with 2hander/bow mass weapon damage burst. I've had some magicka templars come very close to killing me (those shields freaking hurt!) but haven't been killed by one in 1.6 yet in a straight 1 v 1. Ebonheart templar may be able to manage it if I keep trying to fight him while he permarolls around a tree haha but he plays NB now.
A better question to ask is why are all the best players switching to NB!??
maybe 30% stamina reg bonus? might be just a blind guess...
making mine pvp ready currently aswell :P [but wouldn´t count myself to be among the best]
That sorcerer was terrible. I don't have any abilities that could one-shot me if have wards up, which means that he started fighting you without even casting a ward.How to kill a v14 sorc as a v6 DK (at least i think i was v6 at that time)
thats actually the quickest part, one weekend and youre done.david.haypreub18_ESO wrote: »So, Sorcerors have recently replaced DKs as the class I die to most in PvP, so I thought I'd start a thread for advice on how to kill them.
Now, let me acknowledge that I have played a Sorc for nearly a year now, and I'm not complaining about them-- I have had fun learning the class. Right now I feel that they are very strong. But I'd also like to have a chance against them in Cyrodiil on my SB/Bow Templar.
I made some mistakes last night. There were the typical farming sorcs who come to the edge of a battle and try to tempt people to follow them. I mistakenly took the bait several times. They hit BoL until they felt safe, then dropped Daedric Mines, had shields stacked, and basically just played the resource game with Curses, procced Frags and Fury. I had some success with Defensive Stance, but found it hard to get past those shields. They always seemed to have more resources than me (I wasn't using the best potions, so that is definitely something I can change). I couldn't shield charge them down because of the Daedric Mines. So what should I be doing?
Any advice is welcome.
Im sorry man but if the sorc doesnt do a big mistake u will actually never be able to kill them, they surely have the better ressource management because the templar has the worst by far. I assume u are stamina based and the only thing i would recommend you to maybe live a bit longer is to use Evasion and reflect from s/B tree but try to dodgeroll often.
At some point they forget about the reflect that hopefully is still up and u start bursting in front of them with ur jabs while the reflect is still up and protects you and grants u additional burst.
A smart sorc will simply renew his shield or blink away and place some new mines^^
A stupid one panics and dies.
At the end of the day u might kill some noobs but there is no way to kill a good sorc as templar. Im sry.
U also might have better chances using wrecking blow since the 0.3 knockback is too bad to burst em down, they will renew their shields. Jabs in combination with javelin also helps alot, in case their stamina runs out, you can try to use the luminous shards and stunnlock them as often as possible (which is nearly impossible against a good sorc because that throw sucks and takes long and is stupid to place....) dont take the blazing shards since its a usual stunn and makes em immune!
U will die anyway because ur ressources suck, i mean dk has battle roar, nb has 30% more passive and u have that a... uhmmm... yes! u have that heal ult xD
Correct pretty sure there is no way to kill a top sorc 1v1 as temp.
In fact - is there anyway for any class to kill the top sorcs 1v1 atm? Unless it is from stealth?
equally skilled nightblades, other sorcs, and stamina build DKs with 2hander/bow mass weapon damage burst. I've had some magicka templars come very close to killing me (those shields freaking hurt!) but haven't been killed by one in 1.6 yet in a straight 1 v 1. Ebonheart templar may be able to manage it if I keep trying to fight him while he permarolls around a tree haha but he plays NB now.
A better question to ask is why are all the best players switching to NB!??
maybe 30% stamina reg bonus? might be just a blind guess...
making mine pvp ready currently aswell :P [but wouldn´t count myself to be among the best]
If they ever make a "automatic level your char to VR1" option in the Crown store I'd be all over it. Playing from L3 to L50 would just be too unbearable for me.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »That sorcerer was terrible. I don't have any abilities that could one-shot me if have wards up, which means that he started fighting you without even casting a ward.How to kill a v14 sorc as a v6 DK (at least i think i was v6 at that time)
eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »That sorcerer was terrible. I don't have any abilities that could one-shot me if have wards up, which means that he started fighting you without even casting a ward.How to kill a v14 sorc as a v6 DK (at least i think i was v6 at that time)
He tried to pick him off a horse it looks like. So he did engage without ward up and got it reflected up close. Silly mistake, wouldnt say it makes the 'sorc terrible'...
eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »That sorcerer was terrible. I don't have any abilities that could one-shot me if have wards up, which means that he started fighting you without even casting a ward.How to kill a v14 sorc as a v6 DK (at least i think i was v6 at that time)