eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »That's going too far.Aoe_Barbecue wrote: »They should just put ultimate abilities on cool downs and have all skills that contribute to ulti generation lower the cool down by a set amount of seconds. I don't think ZoS even knows wtf it's doing anymore.
I don't care how fast or slow the ult is.
I just want a fully DYNAMIC way to gain ult. NOT a STATIC base with some dynamic on top.
Aoe_Barbecue wrote: »eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »That's going too far.Aoe_Barbecue wrote: »They should just put ultimate abilities on cool downs and have all skills that contribute to ulti generation lower the cool down by a set amount of seconds. I don't think ZoS even knows wtf it's doing anymore.
It wouldn't be too much different than it currently is in 1.6, for the most part, unless one is getting a lot of killing blows. Normalizing ult gain is just a convoluted way to achieve what cool downs do quite simply. The whole point is that ZoS doesn't want ultis to come out so quickly, so they are finding ways to lengthen and normalize the amount of time between ulti drops. Just add cool downs lol. It achieves the same bloody thing.
Perphection wrote: »Aoe_Barbecue wrote: »eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »That's going too far.Aoe_Barbecue wrote: »They should just put ultimate abilities on cool downs and have all skills that contribute to ulti generation lower the cool down by a set amount of seconds. I don't think ZoS even knows wtf it's doing anymore.
It wouldn't be too much different than it currently is in 1.6, for the most part, unless one is getting a lot of killing blows. Normalizing ult gain is just a convoluted way to achieve what cool downs do quite simply. The whole point is that ZoS doesn't want ultis to come out so quickly, so they are finding ways to lengthen and normalize the amount of time between ulti drops. Just add cool downs lol. It achieves the same bloody thing.
Normalizing Ultimate gain though leads to the imbalance of ultimates even more so than it already is. Sorc negates are going to be extremely powerful now, even with the nerf. Previous, if a Nova, Bats, Standard was negated they could generate enough for another ultimate pretty quickly but that's no longer the case.
It's going to make for more strategic and interesting gameplay but makes me think the cost of negate needs to be increased.
(don't hate me bro!)
Aoe_Barbecue wrote: »You'd be able to generate Nova's as quick as Perph if you were as jacked and tan as he is. Sorry, pleb.
Aoe_Barbecue wrote: »Your body is not ready for the MBF tag team
Aoe_Barbecue wrote: »So are you being passive-aggressive for lack of testicular fortitude. Don't worry Huntler, we can't stuff you in the trashcan over the internet!
Humm i'm not entirely sure about that. I'm pretty sure i sometimes get 2 procs in a row, in a lapse of time less than 6 sec. To be confirmedBlood Spawn has always had this cooldown, its just on the tooltip now. You could never get a 2nd proc of ultimate while you had the armor/sr buff active.
Psh, innocence... I shall have none of that. This is no place for innocence. I took it literally partially as a joke.... partially as how absolutely ridiculously stupidly expensive that ability is for what it gives...Perphection wrote: »
Humm i'm not entirely sure about that. I'm pretty sure i sometimes get 2 procs in a row, in a lapse of time less than 6 sec. To be confirmedBlood Spawn has always had this cooldown, its just on the tooltip now. You could never get a 2nd proc of ultimate while you had the armor/sr buff active.
not having combat frenzy maxed, not killing people (coz i tank) and not having bloodspawn, i still felt like my ulti was genning way too quickly in live. On the PTS, we are only dueling but i felt like my ulti was there everytime i needed it. Will be different when its group play though. However i dont see the reason for no ulti when you kill someone in general. That more punishes you for killing someone.
If they reverted the change to negate and let one well placed negate cancel out any stacked negates, then i think that would help reduce zerging. Negates are PvP essentially and being out numbered is alot harder now that one negate is useless against multiple.
Psh, innocence... I shall have none of that. This is no place for innocence. I took it literally partially as a joke.... partially as how absolutely ridiculously stupidly expensive that ability is for what it gives...Perphection wrote: »
Perphection wrote: »Psh, innocence... I shall have none of that. This is no place for innocence. I took it literally partially as a joke.... partially as how absolutely ridiculously stupidly expensive that ability is for what it gives...Perphection wrote: »
Yeah, that's the point I was "ultimately", trying to get across. The cost of Ultimates is going to become an increasing concern with everyone generating a fixed amount.
RoamingRiverElk wrote: »As a small-group PvPer who often fights outnumbered, the change is disastrous. Also, melee DKs will be in a really bad position now. Boggles the mind why they are changing a responsive system that gave you ultimate when you needed it, based on what you actually did, to something awful like this.
ezareth_ESO wrote: »RoamingRiverElk wrote: »As a small-group PvPer who often fights outnumbered, the change is disastrous. Also, melee DKs will be in a really bad position now. Boggles the mind why they are changing a responsive system that gave you ultimate when you needed it, based on what you actually did, to something awful like this.
It was already mentioned that activities like blocking will start the counter as well.
Still, I agree the new system is boring as hell and after testing last night I find that not being able to chain together long streaks of ultimate on successive kills makes 1vX that much more difficult for me.
RoamingRiverElk wrote: »As a small-group PvPer who often fights outnumbered, the change is disastrous. Also, melee DKs will be in a really bad position now. Boggles the mind why they are changing a responsive system that gave you ultimate when you needed it, based on what you actually did, to something awful like this.