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State of Templars - 6 months in.

Back in late July the developers made an official discussion thread about the templar class where players could provide their feedback, concerns and issues with the templar class so that the devs could make adjustments to the class accordingly.

It was smart to create a single thread for this kind of feedback so that the devs could easily find the feedback the class received, but the problem is that about half a year after the game has launched very little has been done to address the overwhelming issues that have been presented by the player base.

If feedback in a dev created thread doesn't lead to any changes, then what do we have to do in order to get our points across?

I am running a templar alt and I am extremely dismayed to see that issues that were mentioned again and again even back in the closed beta on the PTS server still persist, and with all the recent combat changes, the templar needs an overhaul more than ever.

While I am touching the subject, I would like to re- re- re- re- restate some of what I perceive as the most critical issue at the moment.

Dawn's Wrath:

Generally speaking, the damage abilities in this skill line need to have their damage upped a little because they are no longer competitive in a VR 14 world with all the new VR 14 gear.

1. Sun fire - this ability's animation needs to be sped up considerably, and it's initial damage needs to be increased as well. Increase the magicka cost accordingly, but it needs to hit about 10-15% harder.

2. Solar flare - this ability's animation also needs to be sped up significantly, and the small internal cooldown / slow animation that both morphs suffer from needs to be changed. It should empower the caster's spell and weapon power for 6 seconds after casting instead of only empowering the next attack - which doesn't work anyway! Further, it must also empower itself instead of that nonsense where the caster won't benefit from the empowerment if it's another solar flare + morphs. Its debuff vfx is also played on the target prior to the projectile landing, which makes it trivial to see coming and dodge - needs to be changed, too. Lastly, it also needs to hit harder - it's no even close to being competitive with crystal shards and snipe.

3. Backlash - this ability needs to be made an instant cast like mark target, and it must be able to crit.

4. Eclipse - this ability is a debuff and should NOT be considered a hard CC and subject to CC immunity. It is so circumstantial that its morhps really need to be improved. Total dark should decrease the targets spell power by more than it does and unstable core's damage should increase over the time the longer the target is under its effect - just like it does when NPCs cast it on you.

5: Blinding light - searing light should have its AoE damage increased slightly.

Ult: Nova - this ability + morphs should only cost 200 ultimate. 300 is preposterous for what you get.

Aedric Spear:

Generally speaking, this skill line is almost as well-designed as some of the other classes'. It has some good synergy with itself and has a nice flow to it when using it. Almost perfect.

1. Puncturing strikes - quite fine, although it would be nice if the final hit dealt more damage just like flurry.

2. Piercing javelin - this ability plus its morphs must hit harder. Especially aurora javelin needs a damage boost based on how far the caster is from the target, just like critical charge has.

3. Focused charge - this ability needs to have its animations changed so that it does not suffer from the 0.5-1 sec cooldown it has before you can use other abilities. This is early beta stuff - get it fixed already, please!

4. Spear shards - this ability needs to be changed back so that you can cast it upwards and downwards like you used to be able to. Extend the range to 28 meters.

5. Sun shield - one of the few proper and well-designed templar abilities. Consider to have blazing shield deal fire damage when it explodes to give the game a better mechanism again zerg ball bat swarmers.

Ult: Radial sweep - this ultimate absolutely needs to have its radius increased to 7 meters!

Restoring light:

Generally speaking, this skill line is quite good, but its biggest problem is that "smart healing" is idiotic at best. Your own character must always have first priority when healing, and this really has to be addressed.

1. Rushed ceremony - this one plus its morphs pretty much hits the spot, but breath of life MUST target yourself at all times if you are in need of healing!

2. Healing ritual - one of the worste healing abilities in the game due to its cast time. Grand healing and rapid regeneration performs so much better in comparison, for instance. This ability should be reworked altogether. Design a whole new ability that puts a HoT on everybody or one that restores magicka and stamina. Or even better, make it heal friendlies and damage enemies at the same time.

3. Restoring aura - quite good and unique ability + morphs. Consider having radiant aura regenrate magicka and stamina instead of health and stamina.

4. Cleansing ritual - great ability + morphs.

5. Rune focus - AoE must be larger and it should give a boost to spell and weapon power to anyone standing in it.


1. Balanced warrior - needs to give a bigger damage boost and a higher resistance.

2. Enduring rays - this one actually nerfs the dps of some templar abilities. Please fix!

3. Illuminate - doesn't work and needs a fix.

4. Restoring spirit - this was over-nerfed pre-launch and needs to be changed back to a weaker form of its old design or have its reduction values increased.

And that was just from the top of my head...
Edited by Baphomet on 5 December 2014 20:17
- The Psijic Order
- Dominant Dominion
- The Noore
  • david.haypreub18_ESO
    All good points. Sad to see that nothing has been done on them since June.

    Dawn's Wrath needs the most work, especially the slow cast times and animations. Those just don't cut it for PvP. Power of the Light is one of the worst offenders: the 1.5 second cast time just absolutely destroys the skill for anything other than trying to pick off noobs on the battlements.
    Templars are 'just slower... by design'
    Yes, Gina actually said that (at least regarding Rushed Ceremony) right here:
    VR 16 Templar (retired until Templars get fixed)
    VR 16 Sorcerer
    38 Nightblade
    24 DK
  • Pmarsico9
    The problem is this:

    You can ask for these changes or recognize that certain abilities are just bad.

    Solar Flare/Dark Flare both are awful damage-wise, magicka-wise, travel time wise, and cast time wise. Solar Barrage should do more damage per magicka and spell damage than Impulse will. It's class specific.

    Blinding Light Should be a reliable CC in some fashion to support tanking.

    Backlash and Eclipse can't work they way they are designed. They will be imbalanced. Backlash scales like crap and is a dps loss compared to not using it in PVE rotations. If it loses it's cap, it will one shot people in pvp. If it loses it's cast time it may be worth using. But the Purifying Light morph is terrible anyway you slice it. It's worthless. The area is too small and nobody needs support healing in a game where everybody can support heal. Power of the Light straight up doesn't work.

    The ability needs a full redesign. Straight up. A baseline DoT or something that supports PVE DPS without turning the incredibly powerful PVP templar into a self-healing killing machine more offensive than the current DragonKnights are. Morphs can they at least try to synergize with the tree. One morph could make a target take increased damage from all Templar abilities and the other could function as a drain or something to feed the Templar Magicka (which is another issue.)

    Eclipse is terrible and should be replaced by an actual DPS ability.

    Templars have utility sprinkled in both DPS trees and as such it hurts the viability of magicka-based Templar DPS, considering their third tree is essentially entirely for providing group healing.

    Eclipse is largely redundant and a lot less reliable than Absorb Magic.......and honestly, that should be kept to Sword and Shield anyway. Reflective Scale is a broken ability and to add another one like it to another class is stupid.

    Put a nuke there or a true execute.

    With that said, Aedric needs more melee support in it to help support the stamina-built Templars. More weapon damage passive bonuses......which will now not imbalance the game for staff users again since staves will go off spell damage and magicka, not weapon damage at all.

    The class needs stronger magicka management to allow for continuous DPS and no reliance on hardcasting to the point that exists now.
  • BugCollector
    Don't forget to mention an instant cast chance for Dark Flare.

    And devs, please don't make us wait until the next big update for Templar changes to happen! It's been way too long already.
    May knowledge guide you to enlightenment
  • Gyudan
    I play a VR14 sorcerer and I'm currently leveling a VR10 templar. In my opinion, the templar class is not the one in the most dire need of balancing changes. I'm really looking forward to the templar becoming my new main character for trials and vet dungeons, at least until Update 6 hits.
  • eliisra
    All I want for my templar is caster dps comparable to other classes. Doesn't have to be the very best, just somewhat frickin' proportional at least. Than I will never ever again QQ (at least not about PvE).

    I will not accept decent dps only obtainable by using a complicated stamina/hybrid build and rotation. I will not spends thousands of gold everyday on attributes re-spec into stamina and back to magicka, when I switch between heal and dps roles.

    Dawn's Wrath needs the most work really, almost as bad as the sorcerers Daedric Summoning :tired_face:

    Yet our ultimate building passive "Prims" is tied to it. Real shame. Also the ninja GCD in half of our skills, making a lot of them unusable.

    Playing all classes at VR14 I definitely feel that sorcerer, than templar, needs to most work right now when it comes to endgame PvE.
  • Khivas_Carrick
    Gyudan wrote: »
    I play a VR14 sorcerer and I'm currently leveling a VR10 templar. In my opinion, the templar class is not the one in the most dire need of balancing changes. I'm really looking forward to the templar becoming my new main character for trials and vet dungeons, at least until Update 6 hits.

    You wouldn't happen to be a healer would you?

    Also, quick list of what's needed:

    1. Make Aedric Spear more melee and tank friendly.
    2. Increase Dawn's Wrath skills damage wise. They mostly work as supplementary attacks and wet noodles.
    3. Fix the dawn's wrath passives to give a flat boost to time and damage.
    4. Remove breath of life from restoring light and trade it for Resto staff's combat prayer.
    5. Reduce greatly the cast time on healing ritual
    6. Change our casting animations on EVERYTHING.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • Khivas_Carrick
    Gyudan wrote: »
    I play a VR14 sorcerer and I'm currently leveling a VR10 templar. In my opinion, the templar class is not the one in the most dire need of balancing changes. I'm really looking forward to the templar becoming my new main character for trials and vet dungeons, at least until Update 6 hits.

    You wouldn't happen to be a healer would you?

    Also, quick list of what's needed:

    1. Make Aedric Spear more melee and tank friendly.
    2. Increase Dawn's Wrath skills damage wise. They mostly work as supplementary attacks and wet noodles.
    3. Fix the dawn's wrath passives to give a flat boost to time and damage.
    4. Remove breath of life from restoring light and trade it for Resto staff's combat prayer.
    5. Reduce greatly the cast time on healing ritual
    6. Change our casting animations on EVERYTHING.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • Pmarsico9
    Gyudan wrote: »
    I play a VR14 sorcerer and I'm currently leveling a VR10 templar. In my opinion, the templar class is not the one in the most dire need of balancing changes. I'm really looking forward to the templar becoming my new main character for trials and vet dungeons, at least until Update 6 hits.

    You wouldn't happen to be a healer would you?

    Also, quick list of what's needed:

    1. Make Aedric Spear more melee and tank friendly.
    2. Increase Dawn's Wrath skills damage wise. They mostly work as supplementary attacks and wet noodles.
    3. Fix the dawn's wrath passives to give a flat boost to time and damage.
    4. Remove breath of life from restoring light and trade it for Resto staff's combat prayer.
    5. Reduce greatly the cast time on healing ritual
    6. Change our casting animations on EVERYTHING.

    I don't know what you do for a living, but they'd be wise to hire you for the Templar Class Lead designer.
  • Satiar
    I'm really wary of Templar buffs. As it stands, a good Templar is by far the most survivable class in the game, as well as by far the best healing class. I get they don't have crazy DPS options, but you have to be careful adding more DPS to a class that is currently as good as it is at healing and staying alive.

    Vehemence -- Commander and Raid Lead -- Tri-faction PvP
    Knights Paravant -- Co-GM and Raid Lead -- AD Greyhost

  • Gyudan
    You wouldn't happen to be a healer would you?
    Mostly tank but sometimes healer too.

    Having 2 good roles for a class is not that bad. DKs don't complain that they can't heal because they can tank and DPS properly.
    Templars are great tanks and healers but poor DPS. If ZOS buffs DPS, they should nerf Templar heals.
  • Khivas_Carrick
    Pmarsico9 wrote: »
    Gyudan wrote: »
    I play a VR14 sorcerer and I'm currently leveling a VR10 templar. In my opinion, the templar class is not the one in the most dire need of balancing changes. I'm really looking forward to the templar becoming my new main character for trials and vet dungeons, at least until Update 6 hits.

    You wouldn't happen to be a healer would you?

    Also, quick list of what's needed:

    1. Make Aedric Spear more melee and tank friendly.
    2. Increase Dawn's Wrath skills damage wise. They mostly work as supplementary attacks and wet noodles.
    3. Fix the dawn's wrath passives to give a flat boost to time and damage.
    4. Remove breath of life from restoring light and trade it for Resto staff's combat prayer.
    5. Reduce greatly the cast time on healing ritual
    6. Change our casting animations on EVERYTHING.

    I don't know what you do for a living, but they'd be wise to hire you for the Templar Class Lead designer.

    Human Services Assistant Technician for the garden state of New Jersey, bit I'm being laid off in January, so I might apply XD.
    Satiar wrote: »
    I'm really wary of Templar buffs. As it stands, a good Templar is by far the most survivable class in the game, as well as by far the best healing class. I get they don't have crazy DPS options, but you have to be careful adding more DPS to a class that is currently as good as it is at healing and staying alive.

    It's actually no better at staying alive than a Dragonknight or a Nightblade or even a Sorcerer. What a templar specializes in is keeping other people alive, not so much ourselves, and more or less we excel at that. By your logic however, if a Templar's dps is to be increased, then the tanking prowess of a Dragonknight would have to be diminished. Obviously this is not an option, but carefully tweaking and rewriting Templars are.
    Gyudan wrote: »
    You wouldn't happen to be a healer would you?
    Mostly tank but sometimes healer too.

    Having 2 good roles for a class is not that bad. DKs don't complain that they can't heal because they can tank and DPS properly.
    Templars are great tanks and healers but poor DPS. If ZOS buffs DPS, they should nerf Templar heals.
    I have a set for all three roles actually, and a bow for my ranged alternative.

    I will say that my answer to the previous quote stands to answer yours as well. Gaffes can never be fully balanced, that's a physical and even philosophical impossibility, but you can make it really close, and a hella lot closer than what it is right now.

    Also those that only heal or even tank tend to say that Templars are fine, if not op. Gotta explore everything to figure out how to fix it, which makes me wonder what the Combat Team does when they work on class skills, abilities, and themes, because I don't always get the feeling that they communicate properly with each other.

    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • tplink3r1
    Don't forget to mention an instant cast chance for Dark Flare.

    And devs, please don't make us wait until the next big update for Templar changes to happen! It's been way too long already.
    Gyudan wrote: »
    You wouldn't happen to be a healer would you?
    If ZOS buffs DPS, they should nerf Templar heals.
    i support that!
    BoL should be a resto ataff ability.
    VR16 Templar
    VR3 Sorcerer
  • dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO
    Gyudan wrote: »
    I play a VR14 sorcerer and I'm currently leveling a VR10 templar. In my opinion, the templar class is not the one in the most dire need of balancing changes. I'm really looking forward to the templar becoming my new main character for trials and vet dungeons, at least until Update 6 hits.

    You wouldn't happen to be a healer would you?

    Also, quick list of what's needed:

    1. Make Aedric Spear more melee and tank friendly.
    2. Increase Dawn's Wrath skills damage wise. They mostly work as supplementary attacks and wet noodles.
    3. Fix the dawn's wrath passives to give a flat boost to time and damage.
    4. Remove breath of life from restoring light and trade it for Resto staff's combat prayer.
    5. Reduce greatly the cast time on healing ritual
    6. Change our casting animations on EVERYTHING.

    Remove breath of life, that is the worst idea I have ever heard. 1 million percent no.
  • Lukeh Shadyvale
    Lukeh Shadyvale
    Really? Guys this has been addressed.. ALL classes are getting an overhaul in 1.6. That's common knowledge now. So anything put in this post is being looked over and redone.
    Lukeh Shadyvale | V14 Bosmer Templar | Ebonheart Pact | EU Nowhere
    Cyrodiil is only good for fishing.
  • Khivas_Carrick
    To elaborate, and bear with me as I'm at work and on my phone, the proposal for the two skills in Resto staff and Resto light be switched does two very substantial things that would grossly change the way things work for all classes and healing.

    1) It makes it so all classes are on even ground with flat burst healing. Only Templars will excel at healing more than other classes, but only by a small margin and only through sustained healing rather than burst.

    2) All classes with have an equal amount of support abilities but each class will have different ways and forms of support. Templars will have additional heals or debuffs for the enemy, DKs with cc, Sorcs with cc of a different variety, and NBs with aoe heals and maybe even a little dps.

    This way all classes heal equally, all classes have unique but equally vital utility, and each class can then go on to tank and dps equally but uniquely via continued tweaks and monitoring.

    Additionally, I've also given thought to changing healing ritual to keep it's cast time but also give a barrier equal to the amount healed at the end of it to those who get hit by it. Actually 25% sounds more reasonable for a healing, aoe barrier. The morphs would change too, with lingering ritual having the barrier strength doubled and healing you for half of of the barrier when it expires and the other one being the reduced cast time (but WAY more reduced).

    I...I think that's it because now I'm just rambling.

    If anything, another thread could be made to address the following:

    Dragonknights have no ranged DoTs. Reflective Scale is way too strong.

    Nightblades and Sorcerers magicka builds are way too powerful when using crushing shock, so much so that some bosses can actually be soloed. Also, this isn't really a class issue as it's a weapon issue.

    Sorcerer dps without a staff and Sorc utility is rather lacking severely, and overall the class is relatively boring.

    Templars inter-class synergy is bad. Every class in the game synergies really well with all the common themes within itself, but Templars only follow the healing one. All of our skills are jumbled somewhat, providing nigh useless buffs and some passives which actually hinder and lower our dps (since dots get weaker the longer they go on). This is why flat time bonuses work only for actual debuffs and not dots. If anything, things like illuminate and prism should be flat increases to damage and resistances, but I digress.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • Francescolg
    I'd like to add that templar healing skill's Ultimate Regeneration is NOT IN LINE with Resto Staff skill's Ultimate Regeneration. Some templar skills do regenerate less/no ultimate points whereas Resto Staff heals do.

    1. Puryfying ritual (all morphs) should regenerate Ultimate as fast as Healing Springs. That means: per crit-tick. It is not understandable why some weapon skills regenerate Ultimate that much faster. I want every Puryfying Ritual "tick" to give back the same amount of Ultimate-Points.
    1.b) Using Purge should restore Ultimate Points for every "debuff" (etc...) removed!
    1.c) "BIG HEALS" (lets say 1500+ Breath of Life) should also give back more Ultimate Points because of their "greatness" compared to minimal heal like HoTs.

    2. Over-healing players with full HP by using templar class skills should regenerate Ultimate Points in exactly the same way as it does work with a Restoration Staff (healing springs and morphs/rapid regen/etc..) used for pre-battle UP regen. Or please completely remove pre-battle Ultimate regen!

    Questions to the DEVs:
    Why can I spam Resto staff heals out of battle on 100% HP mates to get my Ultimate up, whereas I can't do the same by using Templar class heals (Purifying Ritual)?

    Why does Purifying Ritual not regenerate the same amount of Ultimate Points as the comparable gtae-heal of the Resto staff?
    Edited by Francescolg on 10 December 2014 15:32
  • Pmarsico9
    Swapping Combat Prayer with Breath of Life will still have Templars as a slightly favored healer, but it would better equip the other classes to deal with the reality of healing in ESO where the playerbase is straight up saying that the stack and burn mechanics that are so dominant right now are pretty lame. Granted, the newer content has addressed some of it, but you do need an oh-*** button as a healer.

    This not only balances the playing field quite a bit between classes, it also opens up more potential mechanics in PVE encounter design.

    And no matter how much people will disagree with me:

    Having actual threat modifiers for classes using a sword and board would do the same thing. If you have a means to do more than use taunts, if say, your threat is increased by 300% when wielding a sword and shield, the game actually opens up to having more potential mechanics.

    You can also say that heavy armor should have a higher overall cap when used in conjunction with sword and shield for damage reductions to make the games tanks more tanky.
    Edited by Pmarsico9 on 7 December 2014 17:16
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    4. Remove breath of life from restoring light and trade it for Resto staff's combat prayer.

    U wot m8?

    Templars have a whole skill line based on healing. 1/3 less offensive capability than any other class.

    They should have at least one powerful healing spell that other classes cant access.

    If you make all classes able to use all abilities, then entire class distinction becomes just a difference of particle effects.


    There are plenty of other improvements to make both for resto staff abilities and templar offensive capabilities. Leave this one alone.
    Edited by Yolokin_Swagonborn on 11 December 2014 11:41
  • Khivas_Carrick
    You do realize that in buffing any single Resto staff skill to be on par with BoL you do the exact same thing you're afraid of having happened, right?

    Literally any way you go about this will end with the same result, I just chose one that would give all classes a super heal for emergencies but leave the templar still the best at healing and support.

    Tell me what exactly you had in mind for templar changes please.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • kungmoo
    if we lost Breath of Life it would literally be the death of the Templar.

    why would you bring the healer that has no magicka regen skills and is using the same spells as another class with much more magicka regen?

    we are forced into a full stamina build with 0 Templar skills as is to compete for a dps role.
    without breath of life we have almost 0 reason to use any Templar healing skills.

    so 2 out of 3 specs it would be near useless to use a CLASS skill... why have a Templar class at all then?
    Some men are alive simply because it is against the law to kill them. -Edward W. Howe
  • Khivas_Carrick
    1) Because you're wrong about dps. Or at least partially wrong. I use two class skills on a stamina build to dps, and the 800 to 1k sustained says I'm doing pretty ok. Mind you I'm an average player, not the bees knees hardcore nerd.
    2) You people Sikhs learn to read and evaluate properly before commenting. I didn't just say "Hey, let's switch and leave everything else as is!". I went "hey, if this is changing, then this and these should too". I don't take BoL lightly, nor do I take my only toon lightly either on this issue because my only toon, literally my only one, is a templar.
    3) Which brings me to here. Buffing resto staff just means that non templar healers get to be just as powerful as a templar healer, which if you didn't notice, would be the same exact nightmare scenario you came up with. So think about it here, think and
    4) Realize that a full class redo is in order, and Resto staff currently looks kinda meh all because of one class skill, and it's only an oh *** button at that. You all act like Templars have nothing to offer outside of healing, and frankly that just isn't true. It's a shame that everybody seems to think that we're crippled little lambs that can't fight for ***. Could we be more balanced? Definitely. Are we worthless? No, so stop acting like it.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • kungmoo

    1) Because you're wrong about dps. Or at least partially wrong. I use two class skills on a stamina build to dps, and the 800 to 1k sustained says I'm doing pretty ok. Mind you I'm an average player, not the bees knees hardcore nerd.
    2) You people Sikhs learn to read and evaluate properly before commenting. I didn't just say "Hey, let's switch and leave everything else as is!". I went "hey, if this is changing, then this and these should too". I don't take BoL lightly, nor do I take my only toon lightly either on this issue because my only toon, literally my only one, is a templar.
    3) Which brings me to here. Buffing resto staff just means that non templar healers get to be just as powerful as a templar healer, which if you didn't notice, would be the same exact nightmare scenario you came up with. So think about it here, think and
    4) Realize that a full class redo is in order, and Resto staff currently looks kinda meh all because of one class skill, and it's only an oh *** button at that. You all act like Templars have nothing to offer outside of healing, and frankly that just isn't true. It's a shame that everybody seems to think that we're crippled little lambs that can't fight for ***. Could we be more balanced? Definitely. Are we worthless? No, so stop acting like it.

    1.let me guess, blazing spear and vampires bane for your dps rotation with 2h? if you drop both of those for single target and just use uppercut/heavy attack you actually do more dps... so no point using those 2 Templar skills in the rotation

    2. ive been fighting for Templar fixes/improvements for months, bug after bug report, trying to get some attention on forums etc. I have evaluated since beta about what we need to improve.

    3. I never said anything about resto staff, I said if you took BoL away we were done, but yes buffing resto staff would do pretty much the same thing at this point. Also as a note, ZoS already mentioned a 'burst heal' for other healers, its coming in the spellcrafting update. Anyone will be able to pick up a large heal, it may not be 3 targets like BoL.. but there it is all the same.

    4. update 6 supposedly has a full class skill overhaul for every class, so we can hope and pray that maybe, just maybe some of these suggestions would get heard and something will be done to improve the Templar.
    Edited by kungmoo on 12 December 2014 22:43
    Some men are alive simply because it is against the law to kill them. -Edward W. Howe
  • Khivas_Carrick
    Actually you wouldn't, I tried. You can get away with that in a burn/execute phase, but for the majority of the fight, it's best to play to your strengths and stick to the supportive damage skill and the ranged dot that's pretty easy to maintain.

    As for everything else, you did actually imply what I mentioned, that you seem to think we're tied down to a single skill. Us losing BoL isn't the end, and as we all seem to agree, Templars need buffs, so let's put the theories and plans down and wait until update 6.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    Templars are weak as DPS...

    but for sure they are the best healers and are almost tied with DK for being best tanks..

    Sorc is actually the weakest class overall atm.
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
  • tinythinker
    I generally like the OP's comments.

    I disagree with the idea expressed further down the thread that Eclipse is terrible. It could be improved but I like it for PvE. Not everything is about PvP.

    In general I think that ranges, cast times, costs, size/duration of effects etc are the biggest issue for many Templar skills. I like the healing & stamina regen/tanking focus of the class and I don't mind not having really massive DPS, but it does still seem a bit low. DPS isn't my biggest concern, but the tradeoffs to a lower DPS need to be made worth it.

    Honestly I like the basic concept behind Templar as it is and most of the skills, so tweaks and adjustments, yes, but major overhaul, no.

    I am sure Templar alterations are being considered and tested internally for the Update 6 changes, but after waiting so long to hear back on the matter maybe this could be teased in an upcoming "ESO Live!", right @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ @ZOS_JasonLeavey‌ ?
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  • Pmarsico9
    I generally like the OP's comments.

    I disagree with the idea expressed further down the thread that Eclipse is terrible. It could be improved but I like it for PvE. Not everything is about PvP.

    In general I think that ranges, cast times, costs, size/duration of effects etc are the biggest issue for many Templar skills. I like the healing & stamina regen/tanking focus of the class and I don't mind not having really massive DPS, but it does still seem a bit low. DPS isn't my biggest concern, but the tradeoffs to a lower DPS need to be made worth it.

    Honestly I like the basic concept behind Templar as it is and most of the skills, so tweaks and adjustments, yes, but major overhaul, no.

    I am sure Templar alterations are being considered and tested internally for the Update 6 changes, but after waiting so long to hear back on the matter maybe this could be teased in an upcoming "ESO Live!", right @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ @ZOS_JasonLeavey‌ ?

    Honestly, class uniqueness can be maintained while not having a single class-based direct ranged heal available for resto staff users and also not having Templars pay some stupid penalty for being able to heal.
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