like i have said to many other NBs, 1.3k bow attacks back before cap changes was the norm and it was ridiuclously easy to kill people still back then, so seriously its not that damn bad
demonlkojipub19_ESO wrote: »You can't get 2k snipes/lethals/focus aims anymore. Boo hoo. It was ultra unfair and you know it, to own someone completely unseen at long range. Now you have to deal with it or get in melee range for the real sneak damage, and actually fight your opponent rather than just watch them eat dirt from afar. As a stealth DW nightblade that should still work for you.
demonlkojipub19_ESO wrote: »You can't get 2k snipes/lethals/focus aims anymore. Boo hoo. It was ultra unfair and you know it, to own someone completely unseen at long range. Now you have to deal with it or get in melee range for the real sneak damage, and actually fight your opponent rather than just watch them eat dirt from afar. As a stealth DW nightblade that should still work for you.
then once you get in melee range, enjoy the enemy block and spamming with crushing shock and flame whip......
the "unfairness" works both ways:/
demonlkojipub19_ESO wrote: »You can't get 2k snipes/lethals/focus aims anymore. Boo hoo. It was ultra unfair and you know it, to own someone completely unseen at long range. Now you have to deal with it or get in melee range for the real sneak damage, and actually fight your opponent rather than just watch them eat dirt from afar. As a stealth DW nightblade that should still work for you.
then once you get in melee range, enjoy the enemy block and spamming with crushing shock and flame whip......
the "unfairness" works both ways:/
demonlkojipub19_ESO wrote: »You can't get 2k snipes/lethals/focus aims anymore. Boo hoo. It was ultra unfair and you know it, to own someone completely unseen at long range. Now you have to deal with it or get in melee range for the real sneak damage, and actually fight your opponent rather than just watch them eat dirt from afar. As a stealth DW nightblade that should still work for you.
then once you get in melee range, enjoy the enemy block and spamming with crushing shock and flame whip......
the "unfairness" works both ways:/
I thought you were a DW NB. Why aren't you using Sparks and Aspect of Fear?
So it's okay to do a 1.3k Banner of MIght in the middle of a fight, but not a 1.3k bow hit that's only good once from stealth.
Mojo - you talk sense alot of the time but please dont pretend that your dk is anywhere near as crappy as a bow nb lol. They may be able to gank you out in the wild but thats about it!
Personally i love it when I see an archer because they are an easy kill. Occasionally they are an inconvenience when they manage to catch me off guard whilst in the middle of a crowd bat spamming.
I find this nerf to sneak ridiculous it will destroy the much cooler ambush melee based nb gank build for no reason other than people whining that they got ganked whilst on their horse.
It cant kill people before they can react - unless they are on a horse durp
It cant kill people before they can react - unless they are on a horse durp
Agree with the last paragraph - however disagree with the first, if your geared strangely then of course a top bow user can kill you quick but if your geared to the same level as the attacker then they can't in my experience.
It cant kill people before they can react - unless they are on a horse durp
Yes it can, and it does all the time.. otherwise they wouldn't be nerfing stealth damage.
And this is from 28m range for Stendarr's sake.. if they were doing it from melee range then I could maybe understand these complaints. Imo bow attacks should not get a stealth bonus at all, just like staves don't get one.
Maybe a better solution would be to leave stealth as it is, but remove the bow stealth damage. That way melee sneakers can still kill people at great personal risk, but bow users can't hang back from kilometers away to one shot their targets anymore.