Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Stuck on loading screen after logging in

  • Caramoon
    Soul Shriven
    Well after being away for a week and returning last night i have been plagued with nonstop infinite loading screens, loading into a city/dungeon/zone etc all result in a neverending loading wheel spinning away into infinity.

    when i started this game 2 weeks ago i was receiving pretty horrible lag spikes about 2 to 3 times each hour no matter what the time, but now with the loading screens i am getting lag spikes that never end and then upon having to alt+f4 and come back in 'eventually get back in after the loading screen problems decide to stop' im normaly greeted by a dead character.

    The strange thing though even with the lag the chat is fine so im guessing the game and chat are on diffrent servers? im just guessing like i say but its strange that the whole game is unresponsive yet chat is fine.

    My specs are
    i7 2600k
    graphics 780ti
    ram 16GB
    asus gene iv mobo
    phobeus soundcard
    isp=BT with a 80MB fibre connection

    i have tried repairing/reinstalling and playing with and without mods , to begin with it was just the annoying lag spikes but now since returning last night i am hit with the loading screen problems and the increased lag spikes that result in my alt+f4.

    there are no crash reports and no errors and nothing in my system has changed, the usual bit of extra info that everyone says is that my pc can play any other game with no problem on max settings, im getting to the stage where i am just going to go back to another game as currently i am just paying for a game i cannot play but one i would like to as i enjoy it.

    just a quick update after getting lagged out for at least the 10th time today i waited long enough for it to crash by itself instead of alt+f4, the error 200 was displayed which means authentication apprantly and then upon trying to relog i was greeted with error 108. I'm giving up and canceling the sub and i might come back in a month or so but currently these issues have ruined a fun game.
    Edited by Caramoon on 18 August 2014 13:52
  • jb.clamourb16_ESO
    You may try running your game as administrator and turning on the windows XP SP3 compatibility. You can also try deleting ZO_Ingame.lua (in Document/Elder Scrolls Online/live(or liveeu)/SavedVariables).
    But this looks like a memory leak issue once again.
    Samwen, Sorcière Bosmer DC - Breynis, Templier Dunmer EP - Jo'Zin-Dar, Sorcier Khajiit AD
  • Caramoon
    Soul Shriven
    Should have included this in the first post but excuse me as i was slightly raging, before posting here i spent most of last night trawling the forums for soloutions.

    i am running as admin and i have also tried adding run as admin to all .exe via the compatability feature and also the ZO_ingame fix was attempted but it has brought no joy in the slightest. i can try the xp function but i am loathe to even try logging in currently as i am starting to feel i have wasted my money on buying the CE version of this game and will attempt it later.
  • Caramoon
    Soul Shriven
    Well i attempted the xp3 and after 3x 108 login errors in a row it allowed me to enter the game , then upon going back to my quest in the bonestrewn barrow i was greeted with the never ending load screen bug.

    i am now giving up till this game is patched and can be played by myself.
  • mdegarispreeb18_ESO
    I also get very long loading screens when I sometimes switch video settings. Was doing a Aetherian Archive trial last night, and the game froze and crashed during a fight. There was lots of aoe effect and healing, and the game just froze, then crashed.

    So I decided to change my graphics from Ultra High to just High. Apply settings, and after a 3 minute loading screen I finally managed to return to the trial.
  • maxetro
    Just received answer from support. And it was "hilarious"!

    We are sorry for the delay in getting back to you! Thank you very much for your patience and understanding while we found a resolution for this issue. We have a workaround for the problem where you can't log in after joining a specific guild! Please change the language of your game to German or French, which will allow you to login and leave the guild. To do this, click on the golden cog in the upper-right in the launcher. Keep your megaserver the same, but do select another language, and hit "apply." A short patch will occur, which will update the language. Once that has complete, login and leave the guild. After leaving the guild, you may change your language back to English. We do not advise re-joining the guild that caused this issue once you are able to login again until a solution is found.

    Again, thank you so much for waiting while we figured out a fix for this issue! It is much appreciated. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns, I would be happy to assist you however I can. If you have already resolved this issue yourself or with the help of another agent, I apologize for the extra email. Have a great day!

    Thank you for your continued interest and support!

    Warm Regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online Team

    Seriously, have you even tried, Zenimax? Thats is your "solution"?
  • mkkltnneb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Any news on this? I'll try with french and see what happens
  • mkkltnneb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Ok it was the "Twilight Market" guild.. i switched to french and managed to log in, left the guild and was able to log in normally again.
  • owewu
    @jb.clamourb16_ESO nothing wrong with my PC actually. I used my phone to create a hotspot instead of using my home wifi. I can load my char smoothly. so it must be some thing related to ip/connection. One thing i still dont understand is that i have played 3 months without problem with same connection and same machine. never changed any connection settings. why it suddenly occurred to me?
  • Blo0dstorm
    I got hit by the "twilight market' guild bug too.
    Infinite loading screens and game hanging.
    Is there a specific problem with that one guild?
    Could Zenimax give a look into that as I'm not the first one affected?

    Right now I'm downloading the french language patch.
    Hopefully the workaround will work.

    That works :smiley:
    Edited by Blo0dstorm on 25 August 2014 16:25
  • Astriya
    I am having problems logging in with characters. At first I couldn't even get to the character select screen. Now when I get to the character select screen it sticks on "requesting character load" for over an hour before giving me an unknown error. What is driving me crazy about all of this is I was having this problem back before the moved the servers to Europe. After the move, the problem was fixed. Then they patched and the problem came back. I have not been able to play for weeks. I have tried following all the troubleshooting steps and I continue to have problems.

    I am not in any guilds and I do not have any addons installed on my game.
    Is anyone else experiencing this same issue? I don't want to install 3rd party software to fix my game.
  • cuz_mike200
    This happens to me every time after a short or large maintanence but it ends after around 5-10 minutes
  • SavageHenry
    Still getting this endless load screen 50% of the time and the Data load error, even after contacting support and sending all relevant information. This is getting tedious
  • Linkanton
    any news on this? I also regularly get the endless loading screen :/
  • Wenr
    Soul Shriven
  • NobleNerd
    After todays little patch I am stuck in this endless load screen loading into character window! I have tried repair to no effect
    ~a mature gaming community~
  • The_Vinja
    Soul Shriven
    Haven't logged in a few days. Now I get the unending loading screen BEFORE the choose character screen.

    What I have tried:
    Removing all AddOns and SavedVariables
    The French version
    All graphics turned to Ultra High
    Graphics turned all the way down
    Repairing the game
    Reinstalling the game entirely
    Copy pasting a manifest file from another ticket
    Uninstalling both adobe flash players then reinstalling from adobe's website on internet explorer
    Restarting my computer, alot.
    Changing launcher to run as administrator in compatibility mode.
    Disabling anti virus and firewall.
    Flushing the dns from cmd as administrator.

    What I haven't tried:
    The European server (I'm not downloading another 30GB, which will probably fail anyway)
    Uninstalling the game for good.
  • Sickotik
    Soul Shriven
    I'm unsubbing until they fix this. Seems thousands of people have the same problem. Witcher 3 comes out tonight so good job Zenimax, you probably just lost thousands of customers.
  • Marliac
    Changing the language did solve my problem after 2 months waiting for login and 20 emails to te costumer support.

    In my opinion there is something wrong at ESO server database.
  • Epic Bread Woman
    Epic Bread Woman
    Soul Shriven
    Ok thats bloody ridiculous whats going on right now, no help whatsoever from the side of zenimax studio... Great some ppl like me spend tons of money on this bloody game, I pre ordered this game, bought imperial edition, payed subscription every month and how am I rewarded for my loyalty to the developers and the game? An endless loading screen about which nobody seems care of! I swear, as a huge fun of elder scrolls series, I'm not gonna even spend a single penny any more on any games from this publisher, till this issue will be resolved. I'm not a cash cow you can milk out off omney and then leaved it aside !!! There are post from few months and nobody didn't even answer ! That is unforgivable.
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