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Trial Content Letdown

  • wrlifeboil
    I love ESO dearly. For me it’s still the best MMO on the market. However it lacked some serious raiding content and true end game. I was holding out hope that Trials would fix this issue and ESO would become a brand name for the MMO genre. Simply because the game got so many thing right. This being said, Trials fell completely short for my friends and myself. We killed both Trials last night within 35-40 minutes roughly. I didn't feel a challenge with this content at all. It felt rushed and frankly underwhelming.

    After running the content 3 more times in the same night and clearing it….it became painfully obvious this is not the style of “raids” I was looking for. For me this was the one feature they needed to get right, and completely fell short. My biggest issue is the simply fact that ZoS made content designed to be speed ran. If you are able to speed run bosses, what is the fun? Whats the point? These bosses are not hard at all. It’s simply 2 maybe 3 mechanics and done. The bosses themselves are tuned to be speed ran, which speak volumes to me. Needless to say, if Trials are the “raids” for ESO…..I have lost a lot of hope for the game in the long run. They are fun at first, then just become a huge boring grind feast. As seems to be the trend.

    I am more than a bit disappointed. I wanted and expected a lot more. I wanted some really badass bosses to come up against, and it take a long while (5-15 minutes) to kill each one. No timers and no soul pools….(which are just annoying and in no way hard)

    I am just so stunned, how ZoS got it so so so wrong. The old raiding system wasn't broke, why try to fix it?

    It might be hard to believe with ZOS changing positions on all sorts of issues but they did say early on that they were not going to have raids like the 25-mans in WoW. From the videos, it looks like trials aren't raid instances like you would expect in 'traditional' mmos so ZOS didn't bs anyone about that.
  • wrlifeboil
    tawok wrote: »
    This is a game ending thread, if this is true.

    The old school raiders are looking for a reason to jump to Wildstar. 40-man is as old school as it gets. Not sure how well that will work out though with the current generation of gamers.
  • Zepheric

    Yeah I don't think craglorn is the end game because it is VR 12, I wan't to see what they release at VR 20 then I will stay/quit.

    But that is likely 4-6 months from now.
    Sanguine's Tester
  • BaddLarry
    Mablung wrote: »
    Dimar wrote: »
    The biggest problem with MMO's today are you end Gamers, ESO included. Your all about the end game. You blast through content to get there and are always, always, disappointed. It's this or that, it's short, it's long, or it's does this, or doesn't do that. Biggest of all is you want the whole game to be as quick and painless for you as possible so you can get there. Well guess what? I doesn't matter if the end game were perfect, you blew through the content to get there and then you did the end game a few times, now your bored. More often, you Monday morning quarterback it and say, " I would be so much better if...). Well it won't and it never will be. In the mean time, dev's make changes to keep you interested in the "End Game" and in the process ruin the rest of the game.
    Look at Wow, The whole process if getting to the end game used to be challenging and fun, yeah some work involved, but it meant something when you finally got there. Now it's just going through the motions, no challenge, not even much commitment in time, and then your doing "End Game! Whoopie!! Well, Grats! Looks like you have ESO doing the same thing. Forget those of us that love the story and the content, let's make this an, "End Game" game. Just log in play a few hours and then go beat the same boss or bosses, over and over and over.
    You people forget the most important part of the end game, it's the END. Look it up in Webster's, it means it's over, nothing else to do after! THE END!
    The end is not the game, it's getting there, that's the game. That's what MMO's are all about getting there.

    Wall of text in this case is truth.

    I remember when gearing up for Molten Core meant getting as much fire resist gear as you could, runs in the lesser instances for the drops and then on to the raid dungeon where you wiped to Molten Giants. Those were challenging simply because there was a process in place. You had to start a point A to get to point B and then point C.

    Now its just like the poster describes; rush through content to end the game. What do you 'hardcore' players expect to be waiting for you at end game? The challenge obviously isn't about getting there its about getting to be the first one to complain on forums about how disappointed you are in the end game.

    I agree with Dimar and Mablung in this case. I don't think there will be any content strong enough to satisfy anyone that's currently considered to be "end game" seven weeks after game release. I've been playing for a little over a month and I'm level 27. I play about 2-4 hours a day, I have no add-ons, I use no sites to help me find stuff, and I don't know the best build for my character. I've been saving crafting for something to do after I've made some money and some levels and I've been looking forward to Craglorn as a "can't wait to see what it's about" type of thing. I've yet to step foot into Cyrodil as of this post. The game has much to offer me and I don't think I'll be breezing through the content as easily as you guys. Maybe I don't know how to play or maybe you guys play to well. But I do know that I'm happy with the vast majority of the game and based on the way you've described Craglorn, it'll fit me just fine.

  • Halrloprillalar
    I think trials was just their idea of 'tiding us over' for those who rushed (or just have a lot of time) to VR10, same with Craglorn. I'm hoping there are other cool things that are not at all like Trials coming up in future content patches. I am curious about Trials myself, but I have never enjoyed rushing, exploiting or 'farming', so I probably won't get on any Trial leaderboards ever and I'm not terribly sad about it.

    If you really have completed everything ('beat the game') including all the trials, Craglorn, emperor, etc.... then maybe it's time to see some daylight? No offense or anything but I mean this is the kind of thing devs cannot really control for ("MMO locusts") as no amount of content released will satisfy them.

    I do legitimately hope that they add a small scale hard PVE option in the future since I'm not a fan of clusterfucks of 10 people or more
  • kieso
    I think trials was just their idea of 'tiding us over' for those who rushed (or just have a lot of time) to VR10, same with Craglorn.

    get jobs you hippies! ;p

  • Halrloprillalar
    kieso wrote: »
    I think trials was just their idea of 'tiding us over' for those who rushed (or just have a lot of time) to VR10, same with Craglorn.

    get jobs you hippies! ;p

    I have a job... otherwise I'd be VR12 facerolling craglorn like everyone else

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