Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Would you still play if this game went free to play?

  • kaosodin

    I am against free to play.

    I would go back to Dark age of Camelot in a heart beat
  • Requiemslove
    Daethz wrote: »
    If it became f2p, it will be filled with more bots and kids who think they're old enough to play the game.
    Actually it would probably reduce the amount of bots. And I have met alot of "Kids" who are more mature than adults. I was more mature than many adults 6 years ago when i was 14.

    You still are a kid. You are 20, you are still technically, a young adult/teen. You don't become an adult until 21, and even then, many tend not to really mature until 25. I understand well what you mean, having to be adult at 13 was fun for me too [seriously, long story short, most my life story is one of hardship as a kid due to many reasons I wont go into] that said, I'm 30 now and trying to be as childish as I can get away with.
  • JKorr
    phairdon wrote: »
    JKorr wrote: »
    phairdon wrote: »
    This game would be buy to play if the subs disappeared. My guess is they would need to introduce something a long the line of the gem store you see in gw2. The gem store works well and does not give players an advantage.

    Do not see it happening anytime soon.

    If this goes f2p I'm gone immediately.

    As for no advantages? The "pile up experience" boosts don't give someone an advantage? Buying a pass for air travel doesn't give someone an advantage? Having a private merchant instantly accessible doesn't give someone an advantage?

    I guess I don't understand the idea of "advantage".

    1 Box o' Fun
    5 Dye Packs
    5 Black Lion Chest Keys
    1 Recovery Package
    1 Tradesman's Package
    5 Experience Boosters
    5 Speed Boosters
    1 Minis 3-Pack (Series 2)
    1 Black Lion Trading Satchel (18-Slot Bag)
    1 500-Point Essence of Luck

    Gain entry to the Havoc's Heir Airship.

    • Quick Travel to All Cities
    • Crafting Stations
    • Bank and Guild Bank Access
    • Mystic Forge
    • Merchants
    • And more! All within easy reach, for those who enjoy the ultimate convenience.

    Allows you to summon a Black Lion Merchant anywhere. This merchant has some basic items for sale and will buy any items you have. The merchant is usable by anyone and remains in the world for five minutes.

    Gathering Boost (1h): Gain 10 seconds of swiftness when gathering.
    33%% chance at extra resources when gathering.

    Contains boosts to increase karma gain by 50%, experience gained by killing enemies by 50%, and chance to find magic items by 50%. All boosts last one hour. Use them all at once or each one individually!

    Improves your chance to earn bonus experience from crafting items by 50% for one hour.

    Gain an additional 50% experience from kills for one hour.

    There's more, but I'm not going to post about it.

    Karma is super easy to obtain without any boost whatsoever
    50% experience from kills for one hour. Whats the problem being able to level chars a bit faster? This is obtainable by any player choosing to gain the boost. boosts can be randomly obtained through achievements.
    Black lion merchants help you & everyone else in the vicinity (especially world vs world) only advantage is not needing to travel to a location containing a merchant.
    A gathering boost. How much does this impact on the game? Unlike eso the nodes are available to all players and do not disappear once one player harvests the node.
    Black lion chest keys are obtained through certain quests too and seem to contain a lot of junk these days (just look at the selling price).
    Mini's give no in game advantage.
    You can travel to crafting stations for free without using the air ship.
    Mystic forge is available to everyone without using the airship.
    Anyone can purchase gold/gems or convert gold into gems & visa versa.
    All mats in game can be harvested or bought by any player.

    Dye packs. You can change the color of your armor which does not aid in combat or any other aspect of the game

    Boxes of fun are just that. No one gains an advantage from them.

    The game is b2p.Not f2p.
    There is an advantage gained from boxes of fun. Money to the game. Not a sub. Wonder if there are any records about how much people spend in a buy to play or free to play game as opposed to how much a sub costs for a month.

    Why not level characters faster? Just buy the experience. Want more materials? Just buy the ability to harvest more. Chests that you have to buy a key, one way or another to open? Sure, don't bother exploring and playing, just buy the keys.

    You are buying the advantage. Yes, you can grind and earn the gems. Yes, they sell a lot of cosmetic stuff. But you can buy just about anything without having to work for it in-game. The game may not have a sub, but they count on people buying what they see as an advantage or short cut in the shop. You aren't paying a sub for the upkeep of the game. Since the only cost is the cost of the game, how exactly are they paying for the "content" they keep releasing? Or are the devs working for free? They have to have someone working on the the next shiny to keep people interested in buying stuff at the shop to keep working on the next shiny to keep people interested in buying stuff at the shop to keep working on...well, it repeats. It might as well be free to play.

  • Requiemslove
    I would still play, but only if the f2p method in ESO was very limited. If ESO got a store, any game content they put on it must be VERY expensive [as in it would be more desirable for them to just get a subscription] and anyone with a sub must get a substantial amount of store currency, monthly. [like 500, say] Honestly, I hope it don't. The MMOs I play that have, to some degree gone f2p, I only stick with the one because I am a lifer subscriber, and the other, I don't really play but still pay a sub...for some reason.
  • SharranAes
    Not a chance - As soon as it goes "Free", I'm outta here (Hopefully, that won't happen, despite all the doomsayers out there)
    Hate the Pay to Win aspect of those games (I know not ALL of them have it in extremes, but enough do)
  • Breg_Magol
    I voted Yes .. however that's because I love the game. Having voted this way, I'll hasten to add that I'm much happier that it's P2P rather than F2P, I share the sentiment that F2P is the beginning of a slippery slope to game oblivion.
    Edited by Breg_Magol on 25 May 2014 05:07
  • Kurn
    No. That is the quickest way to ruin a game.
  • Singular
    davidpop wrote: »
    No, i hate micro transactions, so annoying to be constantly asked for money, they are even in my single player games these days.

    Totally. There is nothing less immersive than seeing "buy an upgrade tome!" next to your character stat.

    f2p eventually ruined DDO. f2p drives management to look for p2w transactions.


    I barely make an income and I'd rather pay a sub.
    Edited by Singular on 25 May 2014 05:16
    War, give me war, give me war.
  • TheGrandAlliance
    "Free to Play" is a myth. ZeniMax (last time I checked) isn't a non-profit company...
    Indeed it is so...
  • Reymas
    If I could keep my sub and get everything included in that, then yes.
    Honor, Duty and Piety for Morrowind
  • Alazarz
    No. Micro transactions have been ruining otherwise great games for over a decade. I'm personally beyond sick of "I can't play the game that much, so I'm entitled to pay to win".

    It's been awhile since we've have an good MMO with a subscription model.
  • PhoenixWing
    Probably won't happen soon, anyway.
    Phoenixwing (NA): High Elf Aldmeri Dominion Sorcerer who love PvP!
  • TheGrandAlliance
    Alazarz wrote: »
    It's been awhile since we've have an good MMO with a subscription model.

    ...well there is still WoW technically...
    Indeed it is so...
  • Alazarz
    Alazarz wrote: »
    It's been awhile since we've have an good MMO with a subscription model.

    ...well there is still WoW technically...

    Yeah, hence the " ... it's been awhile ..." part =)
  • Savinder
    I would avoid PvP, since turning F2P would mean a surge of people cheating (since the game completely trust the client. "Great" design choice there).
    Edited by Savinder on 25 May 2014 06:57
    Var var var
  • HerbZula
    Can not even play now. Still wont be able to play if it goes free to play. Terrible
  • justin903b14a_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I'd pay more a month or even pay a yearly fee to keep this game from that fate
  • hk11
    It seems that you guys are unaware that mmos make more money under the f2p system. Look at rift. They are making more than when they were sub based.
  • justin903b14a_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I don't care about there money I care about the game I play and want to keep the trash away, but the trolls who want to just sit and fill chat up talking and never play a single second atleast I know the trolls who do play are paying to troll which to each their own but f2p trolls whole other bunch
    Edited by justin903b14a_ESO on 25 May 2014 07:24
  • steveb16_ESO46
    Zen need to stop flailing around like an octopus with 8 sledgehammers and get a grip. Start delivering what was promised. A quality sub game.

    Stop breaking stuff with every patch.

    Stop with the random changes and all the other petty crap.

    Sit down, plan things out and for the love of god test things properly.

    Then roll out a nice big update that works. One which has been mass tested and the results incorporated.

    At the moment I don't see any evidence they know what they are doing. It's just desperate flailing around that results in untested, unwanted, ill considered and badly executed changes that just make things worse.

    Forget new stuff. Forget everything. Just get what should have been working from the beginning, working. When all classes have their working skills, when weapon swaps and skill activations work as flawlessly as in GW2; then you can look at balance issues.

    When as big a fan as me can no longer be bothered to play because they cannot face wrestling with a whole new mess then you have real problems.

    Sadly I believe this game failed the moment someone decided it was fine to release early beta code as a pay for product.
  • Rodario
    Only if a subscription remained an option and granted access to ALL cash shop content.
    Victoria Lux - Templar Tank
  • Akhratos
    Daethz wrote: »
    If it became f2p, it will be filled with more bots and kids who think they're old enough to play the game.
    Actually it would probably reduce the amount of bots. And I have met alot of "Kids" who are more mature than adults. I was more mature than many adults 6 years ago when i was 14.

    You still are a kid. You are 20, you are still technically, a young adult/teen. You don't become an adult until 21, and even then, many tend not to really mature until 25. I understand well what you mean, having to be adult at 13 was fun for me too [seriously, long story short, most my life story is one of hardship as a kid due to many reasons I wont go into] that said, I'm 30 now and trying to be as childish as I can get away with.

    You mean in the US? Because Im unaware of any biological law stating the age you become an adult rather than psychological/physiological specifics.

    Funny you are not an adult because you can not drive/drink, but you can be executed or imprisoned before becoming one. Logical flaw.
    Edited by Akhratos on 25 May 2014 08:20
  • Vandril
    I voted no, but it all depends on what they add to their game store. If they add even a single item/purchase that gives even the slightest advantage over anyone that doesn't pay or that will take the average player over a day of casual play to legitimately earn a perfectly equivalent item of in-game, I would quit in a heartbeat. No question, no hesitation.

    F2P markets must be purely cosmetic and time-saving (exp bonuses are fine, since leveling is a waste of time, anyway) for me to even consider continuing to play an MMORPG. I'm perfectly fine with things like costumes, character redesign "tokens" (aesthetic redesign only), temporary exp bonus items, basic mounts (equiv. to the 13k one, as they have, already), etc.
    Edited by Vandril on 25 May 2014 09:40
  • Ruddertail
    Of course, as long as any microtransactions were for cosmetic items.
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