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Justice System and Housing Update!

  • p.hurst1b16_ESO
    The Justice system will make a lot of TES fans happy and it will be worth the wait. Nice feature to make this MMO more unique and that will hopefully pull more players in.

    Housing. Not to be rushed. Needs a lot of thought and feedback. Even if it takes two years or more I would rather wait than have something bugged and anything short of absolutely awesome.

    I want fully customisable housing that is completely integrated into the game and that includes crafting.
    <Enigmatic Name> Is poaching new guild members again ! Apply on our webby with your CV and proof of identity and we can arrange an interview with a panel of our officers.
  • nerevarine1138

    Actual it makes perfect sense, Its the definition of the current MMO genre. Imagine if a company released all the content for an MMO at launch and never added any updates. In this reality you would know what you are paying for each month. You could make a choice based on what's already available, not what's going to be available.


    If a company never released updates for an MMO, the game would go under within 2 months of release. Every MMO has a regular update schedule, and every sub-based MMO relies on the players understanding that they are paying for access to the current version of the game at any given time. You aren't building up credit towards updates.
  • curryfiend
    I think player housing would be a fun distraction, so I like the idea. I don't think it's something I should have to pay extra for, though.

    However, I'd be much more impressed with a server-wide auction house.
    Edited by curryfiend on 22 May 2014 17:37
    "Valar morghulis...valar dohaeris."
  • frwinters_ESO
    NiRN wrote: »
    You will be able to buy a house from the store once ESO goes F2P. Maybe you will even be able ot purchase the right to use a game AH!!!News on IGN!

    I hope ESO never goes F2P so you can just stop already.

    Anywho, I never got the big deal over player housing. I know you can store crap but I am not much of a collector or crafter. I sell or vendor all my junk all the time. I still got tons of personal bank space im willing to rent to someone if i could.

  • liquid_wolf
    I'm happy with the way this game is going.

    All of the arguments are invalid.
  • Vendersleigh
    Definitely housing first. I am disappointed that it's 2 years away. SWG had housing 2 months after launch. I still remember the joy of making my first house then finding a spot to place it. And that was just the start of a whole suite of buildings, towns I was mayor of, town gardens and municipal facilities. Great fun. No-one who was not in SWG can probably understand the great possibilities opened up with housing but for those of us who have, we yearn for it in every game since. And have never yet been satisfied.
    It really ties me into the game to have housing and that ability to call a place one's own. SWG 5 years logging in daily plus occasionally for years after. No other game more than 18 months, usually leaving when they went "free to play".

    I am ok with a justice system so long as it is PvE only, not PvP.
  • danreckerpreub18_ESO
    A month ago, a lot of us were full of the joys of spring

    Winter is coming.
  • danreckerpreub18_ESO
    Definitely housing first. I am disappointed that it's 2 years away. SWG had housing 2 months after launch. I still remember the joy of making my first house then finding a spot to place it. And that was just the start of a whole suite of buildings, towns I was mayor of, town gardens and municipal facilities. Great fun. No-one who was not in SWG can probably understand the great possibilities opened up with housing but for those of us who have, we yearn for it in every game since. And have never yet been satisfied.
    It really ties me into the game to have housing and that ability to call a place one's own. SWG 5 years logging in daily plus occasionally for years after. No other game more than 18 months, usually leaving when they went "free to play".

    I am ok with a justice system so long as it is PvE only, not PvP.

    Gak! It's as if Sheogorath dumped a bucket of nostalgia into this post...

    The only reason I didnt buy my own guildhouse to decorate was the fact that I still needed harvesters for my Combat medic throwables...

    I was money capped about 3 weeks post release, used every credit 4 times over for Krayt-tissue weapons crafted... spent a good 150 hours arranging everything pixel by pixel, in a massive house right outside Theed...

    I had enough credits in that thing's upkeep to keep it running until 2017, shame the servers 'sploded when Swtor released...

    SWG... SWG was player housing done RIGHT.
  • LexonLightbringer
    What if Player Housing is same old... same old...? Paul Sage suggests that the reason for the long development of Player Housing is in part because "it has to be something that’s done differently and done well,".

    What if we wait two years for Player Housing that's modeled after every other MMO, would anyone be disappointed?

    If you had a choice, would you rather have Player Housing in Six months that is very similar to every other MMO, or wait two years for some revolutionary system?

    Anyone have any ideas how they could improve Housing, that would justify the wait suggested by Paul Sage. It seems most MMO's that have housing follow the same basic principles. How would ESO Housing be different, or how could they make it different?
    Edited by LexonLightbringer on 22 May 2014 18:13
  • Moonchilde
    There are (roughly) FOUR kinds of MMO players - people who are primarily motivated by *different things*. These things are, in no particular order:


    When I read threads like this one, I see these people who are very high on the Achievement scale screaming their lungs out to people who are of the other 3 types, who just don't see things that way.

    When you make a judgement call on whether or not a game is worthless (based on your own criteria), please keep in mind that your criteria may not include a vast territory of possible experience that other people are very happy with.
  • rynth
    I would say the timelines are good, yes those are two elderscroll type things. But, look at it from the other side we don't know what they have going in those 7 months to year. We don't know how the game will be doing then, plus perhaps they don't know how they want to implement those two systems to make them work for the MMO.

    Come on you people need have some give in you and some understanding its not just me me me me, now now now now now.

    What type of housing do you want or are we going to have? is it going to be like Star Wars Galaxy's, Rift, etc. Not only that but can/ or will they have it so that you can have land around your house that you can add to it, can you have your home a certain design that you want. There is a lot of thinking and time that goes into something like player housing alone. The game is only what two months old right now.
    Edited by rynth on 22 May 2014 18:14
    When asked what he would do for a Klondike bar. Grand Moff Tarkin said "why I would blow up Alderaan."
  • Jim_McMasterub17_ESO
    when i look at these people i really feel embarrased for them. i dont think they even have any clue at all about what elderscrolls is. and they look all proud and happy like they think we got what we want. really sickens me.

    I think they are intentionally kept "in the dark' feedback wise. I liken it to removing even ONE of the colored word balls from the manatee tanks in Hollywood.

    They may refuse to work any more if they knew how badly many of us think they handled this.
  • denicolad16_ESO
    Tough decision for me. I really want a justice system. I miss breaking and entering and being bad in general. Housing though sounds good but I don't see how it will benefit us in this game. Will we be able to have our own stores from our houses? Will we just gain more inventory space to store things like a bank? If that is the case will the bank and housing storage be combined? Maybe housing is good for people who like to......well I don't know put up curtains or something? What real benefit is there from housing honestly???????
  • Soulshine
    After Rift housing, there is nothing that can compare. I loved making houses and house mods in TES but I seriously doubt if they implement housing here that it will allow for even that level of customization... I would rather see more content and raids for end game in particular.
  • JessieColt
    NiRN wrote: »
    You will be able to buy a house from the store once ESO goes F2P. Maybe you will even be able ot purchase the right to use a game AH!!!News on IGN!

    Houses serve no real purpose in an MMO other than for storage. Anyone dumb enough to buy one, IMHO, will be the same people who THINK they need to pay 100K for a Racial
    Edited by JessieColt on 22 May 2014 18:22
  • DarkFrost
    Soul Shriven
    Tough choice for me as well... It's just not an ES game without the thieves guild, but player housing is high on my list.

    I think it's awesome seeing all of you old SWG Players on here, now that was a great time!
  • nerevarine1138
    when i look at these people i really feel embarrased for them. i dont think they even have any clue at all about what elderscrolls is. and they look all proud and happy like they think we got what we want. really sickens me.

    I think they are intentionally kept "in the dark' feedback wise. I liken it to removing even ONE of the colored word balls from the manatee tanks in Hollywood.

    They may refuse to work any more if they knew how badly many of us think they handled this.

    Yep. I bet they just cry themselves to sleep at night knowing that some anonymous poster on the forums doesn't approve of their design.
  • Catches_the_Sun
    While I'm a huge fan of the idea of player housing, I am extremely nervous of the potential negative impact that it can have if not implemented correctly. With us playing on a megaserver, this means housing would certainly have to be instanced. This brings up a host of questions, such as:

    How do we determine who is in the same housing instance? The could provide different instances in the same way that they do campaigns, where you could "join" a housing instance & look for your plot of land within.

    How do you implement instanced housing without negative impact on in-game community? Towns feel alive...how do you implement housing without making the existing towns feel dead?

    What compelling reason do we have to NEED housing? If the answers to this question are increased storage space or owning your own crafting stations, I'm concerned as to how this would effect overall balance of the game & the community. I enjoy the towns feeling alive right now...what happens to that feeling of full, alive towns when everybody is crafting in their instanced homes?
    Catches-the-Sun - Argonian Templar - Master Smith, Provisioner, Chemist & Tailor
    Valaren Arobone - Dunmer Flamewalker - Master Woodworker, Provisioner, Assassin
    Kazahad - Khajiiti Arcane Archer - Master Thief
    V'orkten - Redguard Swordmaster
    Finnvardr the Frenzied - Werewolf Berzerker
  • Squishy
    Uhhmmm this long to the DB and houses? I mostly enjoyed the game until now, but since my main is out of quests, and the new release seem to suggest it's mostly groups only, I doubt I'll last a month like that :(.

    If they said a couple of months, sure, I'll keep the sub up until then, but we're talking years here, they really need to deliver something awesome quite often for everyone to stick in :(.

    I kinda thought the DB was a LOT closer than that, I never imagined we were talking about this kind of timeframe :S
    "In 2014, a possible bot was sent to coldharbour by a military GM for a crime she didn't commit. This argonian promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Ebonheart underground. Today, still wanted by the developers she survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a bot problem, if no one else can bite you, and if you can find her....maybe you can hire The SQUISHY."
  • Vendersleigh
    NiRN wrote: »
    You will be able to buy a house from the store once ESO goes F2P. Maybe you will even be able ot purchase the right to use a game AH!!!News on IGN!

    Houses serve no real purpose in an MMO other than for storage. Anyone dumb enough to buy one, IMHO, will be the same people who THINK they need to pay 100K for a Racial

    Houses provide a place to roleplay, a place to show your creativity (if one can decorate them freely using full rotation and xyz co-ordinates for placing), a place to show off trophies earned, a place of one's own that is a bit of the game world to which you have contributed.

    As to your second point, I would never pay anything for a Racial motif. Indeed I have not yet bought anything ingame other than empty soul gems from the Mystic trader and do not plan to do so. I get by fine by finding everything myself with a few gifts traded back and forth amongst friends; there is so much more satisfaction that way.
  • Vendersleigh
    rynth wrote: »
    I would say the timelines are good, yes those are two elderscroll type things. But, look at it from the other side we don't know what they have going in those 7 months to year. We don't know how the game will be doing then, plus perhaps they don't know how they want to implement those two systems to make them work for the MMO.

    Come on you people need have some give in you and some understanding its not just me me me me, now now now now now.

    What type of housing do you want or are we going to have? is it going to be like Star Wars Galaxy's, Rift, etc. Not only that but can/ or will they have it so that you can have land around your house that you can add to it, can you have your home a certain design that you want. There is a lot of thinking and time that goes into something like player housing alone. The game is only what two months old right now.

    I understand that there are design questions to be answered but still 2 years is a disappointment when SWG implemented housing 2 months in. I remember the day when we all lined up to create our first town, with our Guildmaster being very fussy on layout so that it looked just right.

    Nothing is more important to me than player housing. I do not care for PvP nor for Trials/Raids/large dungeons while quests are just something to fill in the time between roleplaying, exploring and crafting. I understand that not everyone thinks the same way but for me housing is content in the way that nothing else is because it allows us to use our imagination, it allows us to interact with the world more than anything else and it allows us to make a mark on that world.
  • rynth
    you know it would be cool though maybe more for rp guilds don't know, but allow us to buy areas of land that we as a guild could setup shops, homes, etc. Make our own towns or such. That other characters can visit and purchase or interact. Just a thought...though I think everquest next is doing something like this at least where you can make a lord or something and have tenets on your land not for sure
    When asked what he would do for a Klondike bar. Grand Moff Tarkin said "why I would blow up Alderaan."
  • curlyqloub14_ESO
    Moonchilde wrote: »
    There are (roughly) FOUR kinds of MMO players - people who are primarily motivated by *different things*. These things are, in no particular order:


    When I read threads like this one, I see these people who are very high on the Achievement scale screaming their lungs out to people who are of the other 3 types, who just don't see things that way.

    When you make a judgement call on whether or not a game is worthless (based on your own criteria), please keep in mind that your criteria may not include a vast territory of possible experience that other people are very happy with.

    Well put. I would be one of the many people who are motivated by items 2-4 on that list, but couldn't care less about item 1. Achievements are like little sprinkles on the frosting on the cake. They're fun in a sort of underwhelming oh-you-checked-that-off-the-todo-list-congrats sort of way, but that's about it.

    Player housing is completely useless, except to "show off" as some people have mentioned. If you like to build things and spend hours arranging your pixels, go play a sim game. Want to roleplay and have "parties" where you sit there staring at each other's pixels and /emoting back and forth? Go play Second Life. Want to be the "mayor" of your pixel town? Go check in on FourSquare or Farmville or whatever those ridiculous FB games are. Want to "show off" your pixel trophies to your friends? Grow up, this isn't 2nd grade, we don't have show and tell anymore. No one cares about your trophies.

    Not to mention the valid and significant questions/concerns that could arise with player housing, which @Catches_the_Sun already mentioned just a few posts above.

    Justice system, on the other hand, will add to the actual game play, hopefully introducing new skills and tactics along with quests - it has a lot more offer than housing. And I had completely forgotten about bounty hunters until someone else in this thread mentioned it, but ya - that would add to the game too. I steal too many purses, suddenly some assassin is hunting me down for retribution...fun stuff. And I would gladly wait as long as needed for that - I'd rather it be done well than rushed. As for housing, if they add that to the game in 10 years, it would be too soon.
  • rioinsigniab16_ESO
    Moonchilde wrote: »
    There are (roughly) FOUR kinds of MMO players - people who are primarily motivated by *different things*. These things are, in no particular order:


    When I read threads like this one, I see these people who are very high on the Achievement scale screaming their lungs out to people who are of the other 3 types, who just don't see things that way.

    When you make a judgement call on whether or not a game is worthless (based on your own criteria), please keep in mind that your criteria may not include a vast territory of possible experience that other people are very happy with.

    Well put. I would be one of the many people who are motivated by items 2-4 on that list, but couldn't care less about item 1. Achievements are like little sprinkles on the frosting on the cake. They're fun in a sort of underwhelming oh-you-checked-that-off-the-todo-list-congrats sort of way, but that's about it.

    Player housing is completely useless, except to "show off" as some people have mentioned. If you like to build things and spend hours arranging your pixels, go play a sim game. Want to roleplay and have "parties" where you sit there staring at each other's pixels and /emoting back and forth? Go play Second Life. Want to be the "mayor" of your pixel town? Go check in on FourSquare or Farmville or whatever those ridiculous FB games are. Want to "show off" your pixel trophies to your friends? Grow up, this isn't 2nd grade, we don't have show and tell anymore. No one cares about your trophies.

    Not to mention the valid and significant questions/concerns that could arise with player housing, which @Catches_the_Sun already mentioned just a few posts above.

    Justice system, on the other hand, will add to the actual game play, hopefully introducing new skills and tactics along with quests - it has a lot more offer than housing. And I had completely forgotten about bounty hunters until someone else in this thread mentioned it, but ya - that would add to the game too. I steal too many purses, suddenly some assassin is hunting me down for retribution...fun stuff. And I would gladly wait as long as needed for that - I'd rather it be done well than rushed. As for housing, if they add that to the game in 10 years, it would be too soon.

    Don't you think it's kinda odd to agree to the post you quoted, only to then criticise the opinions of others having different viewpoints to your own? Doesn't that make you sound a little hypocritical?

    Player housing is only as good as its design and development.
    It can be REALLY good and have lots of depth and "fun" (e.g. SWG), or it can be REALLY crap and shallow (SWTOR's ships).

    I know you consider housing to be "useless", but I don't think you've realised the potential of such a system and how it can actually benefit YOU even though you may never actually partake in it.

    Let's consider EQ2's housing system. Over the years SOE developed it into a "social" system that allows players to grant access to other players. Now, some players have become "interior designers", offering their services to other players. Now sure, YOU might think that's ridiculous. And perhaps it is. But, the point is that whilst players are partaking in such "emergent" in-game activities, they may very well be continuing to pay money to the devs.

    Money that the devs can then spend on other things, such as content YOU want to play and partake in. And isn't that the main goal in the end? To keep players playing the game. So that it continues to feel like a popular MMO that other players WANT to play?

    Wouldn't YOU like to see a greater revenue stream constantly flowing into the development of this game?

    So please, think about things before you consider concepts and systems "useless". Think about how such "useless" content could actually be benefitial in a round-about way to you, even though YOU may not directly partake in it.
    Edited by rioinsigniab16_ESO on 22 May 2014 20:09
    How can you soar with eagles.....when you work with turkeys?
  • rioinsigniab16_ESO
    "it's one of those things that when you have a game that's been running a long time"

    WS has housing at launch.
    EQ2 had housing at launch.
    SWG had housing at launch (iirc).
    Plus others.

    In each game, housing was well received and enjoyed.

    To put housing "on the back burner" is a boneheaded move, because housing can be a MAJOR factor that keeps people playing the game. Why? Because if people can decorate their houses with items they get from the game, that gives them one more reason to go out and hunt for those items they covet. Whether they are crafted or drops, easy to get or hard to acquire.

    It doesn't have to be "different". It just has to be implemented well.
    Take Skyrim's housing (both the original version, and the expansion). To me, those are perfect foundations on which to draw inspiration. You could have city/town based instanced housing, as well as highly sought after "plots" of land in the game world on which to build.

    The above is what I posted on massively.com's article regarding the interview.

    The average "shelf life" of an MMO that relies almost exclusively on combat and quest is getting shorter and shorter with each new release. TESO has gotten a lot of flak over the last few months. Some for appearing too "samey" and "mediocre" and others for straying too far from the Elder Scrolls formula. And whilst I don't completely agree with all such criticisms, nevertheless I do think that the devs have only a small window of opportunity to set TESO aside from the pack post-launch and onto greater potential.

    Zeni, don't be stupid. You need to work FAST and get these kind of "emergent" gameplay activities into the game as quickly as possible if it is to stand a chance at keeping hold of a decent sized playerbase, and possibly prevent itself from falling into the F2P trap.
    Edited by rioinsigniab16_ESO on 22 May 2014 20:26
    How can you soar with eagles.....when you work with turkeys?
  • Phantax
    A YEAR or TWO for player housing??? As much as so many people want this, that is just unacceptable. There is no way I will even be around for that. Knowing this, my time in ESO will be substantially shortened. I doubt I will even make it to one year although for the most part I do love the game. Oh well. Too little too late as usual just like a lot of other MMO's in the past.

    Housing has always been a part of Elder Scrolls, 2 years to get it in ESO... they'll be lucky if they have any players in 2 years at this rate !
    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • Sakiri
    crowfl56 wrote: »
    player housing is a complete waste of time, and always has been. Make the bank system realistic and useable.

    Wouldn't need a better banking system if they put housing with containers in.

    Also, waiting 2 years for housing is unacceptable. Sorry ZOS. Get working on it. Should have been in at launch.
  • Sakiri
    NiRN wrote: »
    You will be able to buy a house from the store once ESO goes F2P. Maybe you will even be able ot purchase the right to use a game AH!!!News on IGN!

    Houses serve no real purpose in an MMO other than for storage. Anyone dumb enough to buy one, IMHO, will be the same people who THINK they need to pay 100K for a Racial

    Yep, roleplayers don't exist, nor do people that like decorating.

    EQ2 Decorators doesn't exist.
  • Sakiri
    While I'm a huge fan of the idea of player housing, I am extremely nervous of the potential negative impact that it can have if not implemented correctly. With us playing on a megaserver, this means housing would certainly have to be instanced. This brings up a host of questions, such as:

    How do we determine who is in the same housing instance? The could provide different instances in the same way that they do campaigns, where you could "join" a housing instance & look for your plot of land within.

    How do you implement instanced housing without negative impact on in-game community? Towns feel alive...how do you implement housing without making the existing towns feel dead?

    What compelling reason do we have to NEED housing? If the answers to this question are increased storage space or owning your own crafting stations, I'm concerned as to how this would effect overall balance of the game & the community. I enjoy the towns feeling alive right now...what happens to that feeling of full, alive towns when everybody is crafting in their instanced homes?

    Instanced housing.


    You don't build your houses in EQ2. You click on a door or a portal(to some of the fancier islands and whatnot) and either go to yours or pick from a list and go to someone else's.
  • redwoodtreesprite
    Sigh two years likely before they give us any player housing? Game will def be FtP by then I am sure. They will be probably selling housing in their game store. Ah well, not surprised...
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