Prof_Bawbag wrote: ». Simply don't want to waste an hour of my time running through a dungeon only to find out the final boss requires at least 2 people to be present. I mainly do dungeons on normal just to learn the boss mechanics.
Banished Cells I - soloable
Banished Cells II - soloable
Elden Hollow I - soloable
Elden Hollow II - soloable
City of Ash I - soloable
City of Ash II - soloable
Tempest Island - soloable
Selene's web - soloable
Spindleclutch I - soloable
Spindleclutch II - soloable (ghost boss that drains your resources is an absolute PITA tho)
Wayrest sewers I - soloable
Wayrest sewers II - ? - harvester boss will lock you down and kill you, not sure if you can bypass the boss
Crypt of hearts I - soloable
Crypt of hearts II - requires specific setup / tactic, due to Nerien'eth stunlock at the end
Volenfell Blackheart Haven - soloable if you can kill the last boss before the skeleton change (requires stupid high DPS)
Arx Corinium - soloable
Cradle of Shadows - soloable with specific tactics (masochist rank required)
Ruins of Mazzatun - soloable until last boss (derm hallucinations) (unless @Vaoh found some way)
Blessed Crucible - soloable
Direfrost keep - requires specific setup (2 platforms to trigger) / apparently it's been done already, don't know how yet
Fungal Grotto I - soloable
Fungal Grotto II - requires specific setup / tactic due to 1) boss that locks you down 2) boss that pulls you thru a portal
Darkshade Caverns I - soloable
Darkshade Caverns II - soloable
Vaults of madness - soloable if you can bypass the harvester boss (extremely high damage required)
Imperial City Prison - requires specific setup / tactic (Ibomez for instance) - 2 levers to pull at the same time - @Vaoh required
White Gold Tower - requires specific setup / tactic (masochist rank required)
All 12-men - lolnope
nDSA - soloable (did it recently)
vDSA - ? (it was soloable previously, dunno if it has changed)
DannyLV702 wrote: »Direfrost keep and CoH2 are not soloable. ICP is soloable if you're a sorc I think. That's all I know sorry lol. Haven't done a daily in weeks but I have soloed a few vet dumgeons for my purple jewelry because no one is ever available to help me
Vaults of madness - soloable if you can bypass the harvester boss (extremely high damage required)
Banished Cells I - soloable
Banished Cells II - soloable
Elden Hollow I - soloable
Elden Hollow II - soloable
City of Ash I - soloable
City of Ash II - soloable
Tempest Island - soloable
Selene's web - soloable
Spindleclutch I - soloable
Spindleclutch II - soloable (ghost boss that drains your resources is an absolute PITA tho)
Wayrest sewers I - soloable
Wayrest sewers II - ? - harvester boss will lock you down and kill you, not sure if you can bypass the boss
Crypt of hearts I - soloable
Crypt of hearts II - requires specific setup / tactic, due to Nerien'eth stunlock at the end
Volenfell Blackheart Haven - soloable if you can kill the last boss before the skeleton change (requires stupid high DPS)
Arx Corinium - soloable
Cradle of Shadows - soloable with specific tactics (masochist rank required)
Ruins of Mazzatun - soloable until last boss (derm hallucinations) (unless @Vaoh found some way)
Blessed Crucible - soloable
Direfrost keep - requires specific setup (2 platforms to trigger) / apparently it's been done already, don't know how yet
Fungal Grotto I - soloable
Fungal Grotto II - requires specific setup / tactic due to 1) boss that locks you down 2) boss that pulls you thru a portal
Darkshade Caverns I - soloable
Darkshade Caverns II - soloable
Vaults of madness - soloable if you can bypass the harvester boss (extremely high damage required)
Imperial City Prison - requires specific setup / tactic (Ibomez for instance) - 2 levers to pull at the same time - @Vaoh required
White Gold Tower - requires specific setup / tactic (masochist rank required)
All 12-men - lolnope
nDSA - soloable (did it recently)
vDSA - ? (it was soloable previously, dunno if it has changed)
So many comments bigging up @Vaoh for his solo work. Interesting...
Last I can recall, @Thelon was solo'ing stuff for the longest of time before it ever became the thing to do, and had threads/footage of him doing so. He was THE PetSorc. The guy even solo'd Mantikora. Come on now. Lol. I also solo'd numerous veteran dungeons myself (on hard mode), and world bosses as well. And plus there are tons of others here on these very forums who solo veteran content. Soooo yeah. Vaoh is not the end all and be all to solo'ing knowledge guys. He's a fantastic player and all, and a great Sorcerer. But, I think there's just a wee bit too much of the not giving credit where it's due. Vaoh solo'd VWGT okay. That's what's up. But it doesn't mean they're the guru of solo'ing content.
And it's no offense to Vaoh, as he's a solid buddy of mine. And an overall great person.
Direfrost solo: You can skip the room with the 2 trigger plates and go in through the "exit".
-> go to the closed exit gate, you can use the handle from outside
-> fight through some trolls and get to the other closed gate
-> then use one of the following methods:
1. attacking the boss with a gap closer is supposed to work, though I never testet this method
2. attacking the boss from outside the room is possible, then he'll run to you through the closed gate
2.1 place yourself between the boss and the gate and wait for his heavy attack that, if not blocked, will knock you into the room OR..
2.2 ..kill the boss, run to the dungeon entrance and use the portal to port into his room
when you're in the boss' room use the lever and head back to the big room with the fire in its middle - and tadaa: the big gate is open and will let you reach the final 2 bosses.
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »
This thread was never intended "to big people up", nor do I wish it to turn into one. Someone mentioned @Vaoh due to his/her experience, thus was deemed to be in a position to help draw up a list for those of us who would benefit from such a list. That's what i took from those aforementioned posts. If I've taken your post the wrong way or read too much into it, then please accept my apologies, but I think it's better to make my intentions for this thread clear before it descends into an e-peen contest.
Fortunately someone else was kind enough to take the time out and supply such a list.
DannyLV702 wrote: »Direfrost keep and CoH2 are not soloable. ICP is soloable if you're a sorc I think. That's all I know sorry lol. Haven't done a daily in weeks but I have soloed a few vet dumgeons for my purple jewelry because no one is ever available to help me
DMuehlhausen wrote: »
There is actually somebody that has solo'd Direfrost it was somebody on Xbox I believe. They posted a video of it somewhere on here. There is a skill that pushed him backwards through the gate with the plates.
would you guys please read the other comments before you post redundant info? Or check if your info is not somewhere else in the thread? Ctrl+F and typing "diref" is not that hard, is it?GreenhaloX wrote: »in Direfrost, you can use crit rush (if you have it) at that boss below the upper two pressure plates room. You don't even need to go up there, if you can crit rush at that boss, from the bottom level. Any dungeon that has a boss throw a crippling move on you when there needs to be another to disrupt or to kill an add in order to break-free, is not soloable, i.e., Harvestor boss in WS2, Dranos boss in CoS, boss in FG2 where she has her two adds tie you down, that spider boss that throws you in a cocoon (CoH2?), etc..
.. and folks are wondering why the developers are upping the game/difficulty and increasing the damages from the adds and bosses. If this is true, then all these soloing feats could be the catalyst. No one toon/player should be able to solo any vet group content/dungeon (within the confine of what is legitimately allowable to be made [builds] in the game.) Something smells fishy!
• Fungal Grotto II: Spawn of Mephala - probably soloable. I would be surprised if a Sorcerer is not able to solo this dungeon utilizing a summoned clannfear. You have to be quick on killing adds inside the portals while your pet keeps the boss aggroed otherwise it'll die. I haven't yet tested this to confirm whether or not it is soloable.
sodantokb16_ESO wrote: »I havent tried Fungal Grotto II on veteran yet, but on normal just fighting Spawn of Mephala near bridge disables the whole pulled-to-portal part of the fight.
sickboy2808 wrote: »What Normal Dung would yous recommened trying to solo first?
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »
I would try CoA1 first. This has to be the easiest of all group dungeons IMO. It was the first dungeon I solo'd after 1T and is one of the most commonly run dungeons in game- BSW is BiS for most mag builds. No real mechanics to speak of, just burn everything down
DurzoBlint13 wrote: »
not sure how this got messed up when I posted. I meant it as a comment, not a quote
You wrote this up before I could! I agree with everything you've said. I'll just add a bit of info though from what I know.
• Wayrest Sewers II: Malubeth the Scourger - seems impossible to solo.
I only have one idea atm, which is to slot the Pheonix set and hope that it grants one free pass from being executed. If it does, this boss is likely soloable with really high DPS. A second free pass on Malubeth's special killing ability may be granted by slotting the Eternal Yokeda set on top of the Pheonix set. Either way, you need to kill the boss before you run out of automatic revives from your set bonuses. It is likely not possible to solo.
• Fungal Grotto II: Spawn of Mephala - probably soloable. I would be surprised if a Sorcerer is not able to solo this dungeon utilizing a summoned clannfear. You have to be quick on killing adds inside the portals while your pet keeps the boss aggroed otherwise it'll die. I haven't yet tested this to confirm whether or not it is soloable.
• Crypt of Hearts II: Nerien'eth - This boss may be soloable. I have two ideas for how to take him down. The first would be to place all of your DoTs (perfectly timed) on the boss right before you are targeted by his execution ability in hopes it will be enough to live. My second idea would be to slot Pheonix, and hope it can give you one free chance at survival so you can kill him quickly afterward.
• Vaults of Madness: Ulguna Soul-Reaver - This boss is soloable. Just gotta keep up HoTs or shields and drop your DoTs. A pet makes it easier but is totally not required.
• Blackheart Haven: Captain Blackheart - This boss is not soloable on Vet CP160. Unless you are a Heavy Armor Magicka Templar or Heavy Armor Magicka Pet Sorc, and manage to maintain very high survivability/healing even when transformed, this is not a soloable fight imo.
• Direfrost Keep: Use a knockback ability/get knockbacked through the gate that requires two players to step on pressure plates to open.
• Cradle of Shadows/Imperial City Prison/White Gold Tower: I dont think anyone else will manage to solo these dungeons. They aren't really doable unless a damage creep overtime makes them much easier. For example, Ibomez the Flesh Sculptor will become an easy solo fight for me in Homestead because of pet buffs.
• Ruins of Mazzatun: Tree-Minder Ka-Nesh - The key is to dodge the projectile that activates the hallucination mechanic. I know it is dodgeable on Normal but I'm not sure about Vet. Certain armor Sets like Glorious Defender may allow this mechanic to be bypassed. Needs further testing but after soloing 3/4 DLC dungeons I do want to figure out a way.
• vDSA: I soloed the first stage and most of the second stage one time but quit because I was tired and never attempted it again. It might be possible. Not sure.
• Normal Hel Ra Citadel: Might have worked on this lately..... Js
EDIT: Vet ICP's lever mechanism is not usable by any single player, even with Streak. You can open them by simply aggroing the Lord Warden's Council with Caltrops or another AoE ability. You can also get knocked back through the gates.
The gate leading from the Lord Warden's Council to Lord Warden can only be opened by using the levers, and cannot be passed by knockback abilities. You'll instead have to jump on top of the Lord Warden's Council boss NPCs and use them to knock yourself over the top of the gate to pass them (not through it). This leaves the Lord Warden's Council as the "last boss", since you'll have to return to kill them after slaying the Lord Warden. Iff you don't do it this way you cannot reach Lord Warden solo.