rampoob16_ESO schrieb: »Heute Update auf 10.13.1
Keine Änderung am Cursor Verhalten unter ESO, in keinem anderen Programm ist das so...
Muss annehmen das ist ein Mac Client Bug. Bei aller Liebe macht was. Damit das mit ESO wieder Spass macht.
Auf ein deutschsprachiges macOS übertragen wäre das:So I had been using High Sierra beta for quite some time and was plagued by this cursor issue you guys are talking about, couldn't figure out what was causing it for the longest time until I started messing around with every mouse setting I could possibly find.
So I hope this works for all of you with the issue, if not..at least some of you.
System Preferences > Accessibility > Mouse & Trackpad > Uncheck Spring-Loading delay
I tried leaving it enabled and turning the delay down and up to see if it would help the issue without completely disabling it and it wouldn't work for me unless it was completely unchecked. But I haven't had an issue so far with my mouse doing weird things since disabling that option.
Hope it helps, I know how frustrating it was.