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Random loss of control

From time to time, usually while in dungeons or buildings, I suffer from a loss of control of my weapons. I can still move around with WASD and fire some abilities, but when it comes to primary attack or block, nothing happens. Also, when I do fire an abilitiy, for example a fireball, it won't go to the target, it just flops down in front of them like i didn't target anything.

At first I thought it was some kind of debuff that I was being hit with, because it usually happens around combat, but after dying to this a dozen or so times I started trying stuff when it happened, and I found that if I hit Alt to bring up the last character window and then close it again, I regain control.

The place I most noticed this was while boss camping/farming in the Tongue of Sheogorath dungeon on Ebonhart pact. It felt like every time a new player passed a certain point there was a chance it would glitch and I would lose control. I wasn't able to replicate the glitch so I can't say for sure.
Edited by Psiion on April 29, 2022 7:54PM
  • badmojo
    I suspect that the rats might have something to do with it. It seems like the Dawns Rath fireball spell won't target a rat, which screws it up when trying to fire at enemies near a rat. Perhaps it has something to do with the multiple target morph that I have on it.
  • Phyrdrin
    This has happened to me in various dungeons. The most recent location it occurred was in the "Lasting Winter" quest where you had to rescue the maiden from her imprisonment by the Kajit trickster god in Grahtwood. I couldn't use my weapons and my special abilities were all "missing" the target. I died several times. Tried to relog. It helped at first, but the glitch kept happening for a while. I don't know what fixed it - it just stopped on its own eventually.
    "Surprise me. Say something intelligent."
  • badmojo
    Phyrdrin wrote: »
    This has happened to me in various dungeons. The most recent location it occurred was in the "Lasting Winter" quest where you had to rescue the maiden from her imprisonment by the Kajit trickster god in Grahtwood. I couldn't use my weapons and my special abilities were all "missing" the target. I died several times. Tried to relog. It helped at first, but the glitch kept happening for a while. I don't know what fixed it - it just stopped on its own eventually.

    I'm curious if you use reflective light, the multi-target fireball skill on a templar?
  • Kupoking
    Happens to me a lot. usually it glitches when I use slotted abilities
  • Deadeyemouse14_ESO
    Happens a lot to me too. I have to hit the window button, then click on the game again for it start receiving my attack commands again.
  • BeeK
    Yeah, very often this also happens to me. I usually relog, but just this last time it happened, I couldn't even log out! After the countdown timer expired, nothing happened, and I had to force-quit. It is quite annoying, but I imagine this will be corrected eventually.

    I do try to move at times, and since I run dual screens, my cursor will cross over out of game and I will be unable to move. Maybe this has something to do with it when I get back into the correct screen and I am just W,A,S,D + attacking and nothing happens. Then the slow walk happens and I can't run either. LOL! Fun, fun...

    You know, when you type /stuck and die, it shouldn't cause damage to your armor. That's kind of silly.
    Edited by BeeK on April 13, 2014 2:16AM
  • Myxaplix
    Yes it happens to me 3-4 times a day. Not necessarily any place special. It happens during combat. I can usually get it working by hitting the escape key two times to get back. It seems to happen when I miss with a hit (not targeting the mob).
  • badmojo
    BeeK wrote: »
    You know, when you type /stuck and die, it shouldn't cause damage to your armor. That's kind of silly.

    If they did that people would use it to teleport to the nearest way shrine.

    I know when I'm actually stuck, losing some durability is the last thing I care about. I guess you could always bring up the map and teleport without losing durability, but that costs gold.
  • badmojo
    After some more testing, I'm 90% sure that(at least for me) the bug is being triggered by rats. As I suspected earlier.

    A few minutes ago I was firing fireballs at an enemy and after the first one a rat spawned right between us, instant loss of control. Again moments later, I was firing at enemies and lost control, I turned around to see the same rat spawned behind me, but it was closer than the enemies I was firing at, so I'm guessing my target went to that and bugged out.
  • JunkyardWolf
    Rats do that to my wifey too, screams and hops around like crazy! that will teach her to get a cat :P
  • Kvasi
    For me pressing alt twice helps. Still really annoying.
  • Foxhunt
    It happened to me yesterday mid fight. At first it lasted a few seconds while I ran around avoiding the enemies because I couldn't do anything at all, and then my powers returned. Not but 20minutes later same thing happened mid fight between 3 enemies and right away I was killed. No rats or rodents were around, and I was clearly targeting the npc and not a lowly rodent around him.
    Edited by Foxhunt on April 17, 2014 2:19PM
  • JS83
    Happens to me too, on occasion. I press Esc key twice and it resolves it.
  • Jaffar_AlKhazzir
    seems to have something to to with the lvl 1 critters (rats, rabbits, deers and so on) when you try to activate a slotted skill on them.
    If I try to kill a deer ie. with a slot skill the skill won't have an effect but I'm stuck without being able to use the mouse key attacks untill going to the inventory or by pressing ESC twice.
  • Sidney
    This happens to me a lot no matter where I am or what I'm killing. However, unlike the person above, critters are the only time I don't have the issue.
    If you want me to read a post aimed at me, please put @Sidney.
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  • felixgamingx1
    I think you guys not casting the spell properly... Are you holding alt+f4 during the cast? In fact You can overcharge spells by doing that.
  • gypsythief
    I think you guys not casting the spell properly... Are you holding alt+f4 during the cast? In fact You can overcharge spells by doing that.

    I used to use alt+f4 for spells, but then I took an arrow to the knee...
  • Jaffar_AlKhazzir
    BeeK wrote: »
    You know, when you type /stuck and die, it shouldn't cause damage to your armor. That's kind of silly.

    No, otherwise you could circumvent the repair bill due to a death, against a hard dungeon boss ie. by simply /stuck via chat command macro as soons as lets say your tank goes down.
  • Aldarund
    Happens to me in middle of some battles too. Kinda annoying. Not sure about others, but for me it begin to happen only after last patch.
  • Kvasi
    Holy *** crap this is getting annoying. Had it happen twice each fight the last three fights.
  • ipkonfigcub18_ESO
    it is a soft-targeting issue within the game. Sadly Zenimax does not consider this a game breaking issue. It'll get resolved with True-Full-Screen mode (meaning it won't).

    Try swapping weapons
    Try pressing "M" twice (open/close map)
    Try pressing "." twice

    There is nothing Zenimax can do to fix this bug. It's here to stay (you can quote me)
  • badmojo
    I can't help but feel like the solution is as simple as letting the level 1 creates be treated like any other target.
  • Psiion

    As this thread is over 8 years old and the information within is quite out of date, we have closed it down. If anyone would like to continue this discussion, please feel free to create a new thread to do so.
    Staff Post
This discussion has been closed.