Status of Current Live Issues

  • HenryIvan
    I'm sure they're aware of more but are focusing on those four specifically as they are the most important

    I am dying from mudcrabs all my characters have been affected by this bug I think my issue is just as important
  • Septimus_Magna
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    It's not a rumor. I can reproduce the exploit myself to skip from normal to vet. The reason it works is because it seems the saved state of you in the dungeon isn't different from vet or normal. so basically u can go into normal. work it to the desired stage. then do some things im not going to say. renter the dungeon on vet mode. and presto. ur on vet at the exact stage you left on normal. ur score is 0. and now all you have to do is the last boss.

    Im very surprised to hear this, the first time I did the normal MA I crashed and had to start over from the stage 1. Also I thought there was no save state for vMA or am I mistaken about this?
    PC - EU (AD)
    Septimus Mezar - Altmer Sorcerer
    Septimus Rulanir - Orsimer Templar
    Septimus Desmoru - Khajiit Necromancer
    Septimus Iroh - Dunmer Dragon Knight
    Septimus Thragar - Dunmer Nightblade
    Septimus Jah'zar - Khajiit Nightblade
    Septimus Nerox - Redguard Warden
    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • ItsMeToo
    Oddball666 wrote: »
    Thanks for feedback . Another thing you can look at in Cyrodill - I cant use and repair items after last patch. Appreciate all the hard work

    Until this is fixed, just un quick slot them and re quick slot them. Do it for all repair items, (wall repair, door repair, siege repair, etc). It worked for me.
    FYI - There is no such thing as 'night capping' in a world wide MMO.
    FYI - There was no paid Beta. When they launched the game the Beta was over, even if you don't think it was.
    FYI - It's B2P not F2P. There is a difference.
    FYI - It doesn't take any player skill to mash keys or buttons in this game. The ones that stay alive longer have the better internet connection and speed.
    FYI - The game is not broken, it still works. It just has 'bugs' that need to be fixed.
    Balance is a "Bad" thing.

    Example: There were hundreds of Jedi and only two Sith in Star Wars. The Jedi wanted, "Balance in the Force" and they got it. Now there are only two Jedi and two Sith.

    Balance is a "Bad" thing.
    Is the glass half full or half empty?
    I say, "Get a smaller glass."
  • Wollust
    Gotta love how the lag and the latency issues leading to an unplayable Cyrodiil are not even worth mentioning anymore as current live issues.

    Zerg Squad
  • Septimus_Magna
    Oddball666 wrote: »
    Thanks for feedback . Another thing you can look at in Cyrodill - I cant use and repair items after last patch. Appreciate all the hard work

    This could be just a visual bug, I noticed this happening if you use repair kits while wearing the Goblin costume.
    It looks like the repair kits arent working because he doesnt kneel down but if you wait until you see that you have 1 less repair kit (or AP gained for repairing) you can continue with the next repair kit.
    PC - EU (AD)
    Septimus Mezar - Altmer Sorcerer
    Septimus Rulanir - Orsimer Templar
    Septimus Desmoru - Khajiit Necromancer
    Septimus Iroh - Dunmer Dragon Knight
    Septimus Thragar - Dunmer Nightblade
    Septimus Jah'zar - Khajiit Nightblade
    Septimus Nerox - Redguard Warden
    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • Van_0S
    Plz, Zeni don't fix the instant stamina regent bug. :trollface:
  • babanovac
    Why doesn't "Cyrodiil is unplayable due to lag" ever make it to these lists?
  • altemriel
    babanovac wrote: »
    Why doesn't "Cyrodiil is unplayable due to lag" ever make it to these lists?

    yes, it should be on the top priority fix it list!!! As I see it is a pretty long time issue now!

  • Djeriko
    @ZOS_MattFiror @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JasonLeavey

    I'm still waiting on a logical reason why it takes 110 ingots or bricks of metal to make a sword...

    Are rubedite ingots the size of a penny for something?

    How about ancestor silk, 1 per square inch?

    Ruby ash?

    If the quality of V16 stuff isn't that much of a huge step increase from V15, how does it logically make sense that the increase in crafting mats would increase?

    Am I building a sword the size of a boat?

    How then would you not be encouraging the community to go out and grind for stuff?

    I thought you were against people grinding for items. If you are for people grinding for items, stop nerfing grinding spots.
    If you aren't for grinding, then the higher amount of crafting mats needed is useless.

    Oh wait, you said you want people to get a sense of accomplishment crafting at Vet16. That's cool. So then why does drop stuff have the same value when in previous statements you said you actually want people to craft so you made crafting stuff have higher armor values.

    Yeah so that's thrown out of the window.

    To put it plainly, if you want that big of increase in mats, I expect the value of armor to increase just as greatly. But of course that would break the game. Logical response is to lower the mats needed.

    If you do not do so, you end up like the end of Fallout 3 when you get to the last boss and you kill him with one headshot from 5 feet away before he can move. Game Over. Huge Let Down!

    You confuse me ZOS
    *finds wall and bangs head against it*
    Edited by Djeriko on November 9, 2015 1:48PM
    "When in doubt, kill it with fire."
  • Talcyndl
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    Everyone that has gotten a sub 10,000 score, has been using the Maelstrom save state error I stumbled upon and can reproduce. Do they get to keep their equipment? their achievements? poly morph? title?


    Exploit early and often. ZOS will eventually fix it and your gains will be locked in. :wink:
    Tal'gro Bol
    PvP Vice Officer [Retired] and Huscarl of Vokundein
  • Bfish22090
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    What about the spell power bug?
    People using normal to get to round 8+ then switching to vet?
    And what about all the illigetimently gained gear everyone has?

    I didn't participate in the Trap beast exploits... and farm of WGT and ICP
    So now im under geared.
    Because im willfully not skipping all the tough bosses in Maelstrom arena Vet am I to be out geared by the exploiters again?

    Everyone that has gotten a sub 10,000 score, has been using the Maelstrom save state error I stumbled upon and can reproduce. Do they get to keep their equipment? their achievements? poly morph? title?

    The answer should be a resounding NO!... if not a ban wave for the abusers.

    I mean if your going to smash through the arena by skipping the toughest rounds (6 and 7), use infinite Stamina to infinite roll dodge+vigor etc, and exploit the current Spell power bug that allows you to do 80k per target proxi-dets... it would seem more then unfair to let all the people who are obviously, knowingly, and deliberately breaking the game continue to play with us, and keep everything they've gotten.

    The stat bug I believe is just visual. I have tested it and got high stat but wrecking blow hitting for the same as before.
    Its not possible to change from normal to vet during maelstrom. Is this common expoit or just some rumors since people get low score or something?


    It's not a rumor. I can reproduce the exploit myself to skip from normal to vet. The reason it works is because it seems the saved state of you in the dungeon isn't different from vet or normal. so basically u can go into normal. work it to the desired stage. then do some things im not going to say. renter the dungeon on vet mode. and presto. ur on vet at the exact stage you left on normal. ur score is 0. and now all you have to do is the last boss.

    Oh and additional bugs I've ran into.

    *Sorc pets just stand there and do nothing while fighting.
    *Lots of sorc skills...such as overload... just randomly STOP casting and then ur locked out of your skills. you have to do a series of tricks to get your bars back. sprint, jump, dodge roll, drink a potion, take damage, and tap esc twice.
    *Pet cast times are ridiculously high, the animation can even get stuck sometimes so ur arms are out to the side and ur running around like a child playing like they are an air plane.
    *Sorc pets still have some dire hatred towards banner bosses/sweepers in IC... they'll literally break stealth to run off across the room to attack them. unfortunately this usually results in your death.

    As for your "visual bugs" I'm not talking about the julionos bug where it doesn't give you the advertised stats. I'm talking about how some people can recreate a bug that more then doubles your initial spell power. we're talking to epically game breaking levels. 150k single target dps sort of broken. we're talking same level of broken as the trap beast fiasco...


    Maybe. I doubt your story tho. It's nothing personal. it's 2 things. 1 there is a bug to skip and the scores im seeing from some of our *elite* are exactly the scores you would achieve if you used the bug. 2. the game is so broken right now that doing maelstrom on vet is border line easy for the right builds exploiting the hell out of everything. I mean right now u can infinitly dodge roll. u can literally just put and arrow rain on the 6th level boss and just roll dodge around it till it dies. thats it.

    Bugging out the arena by switching to vet is a thing.
    People have been farming master weapons since orsinium went live.
    I'm sure zos will take them away from them right?
  • Armenua
    I don't have all the problems the higher levels and vets have, but

    I am really tired of logging out in the Guild Bank and logging back into dying in some swamp a few yards away.
    I'm also tired of dying because of delay, even as my fps and pr show as decent/normal..
    I'm also tired of running to somewhere almost being there and then, poof, i'm back down the road again and have to run back to the same spot.

    These happen CONSTANTLY and it is really frustrating.
  • ZigaZuzek
    Why is fixing the LOOONG loading screens not a priority? :(
    Guilds:„„„„„ ● Hodor ● The Wabbajack ●
    Main: Vraan - EP, Nord, Dragonknight DD/Tank
    Alts: Saves-Many-Lives (EP, Argonian, Templar Healer), Nevos Salvani (EP, Dunmer, Sorcerer DD), Al-Jabbar (EP, Redguard, Templar DD), Do'Purr (EP, Khajit, Nightblade DD), Smargroth (AD, Altmer, Sorcerer DD)

  • Thelon
    Bfish22090 wrote: »
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    What about the spell power bug?
    People using normal to get to round 8+ then switching to vet?
    And what about all the illigetimently gained gear everyone has?

    I didn't participate in the Trap beast exploits... and farm of WGT and ICP
    So now im under geared.
    Because im willfully not skipping all the tough bosses in Maelstrom arena Vet am I to be out geared by the exploiters again?

    Everyone that has gotten a sub 10,000 score, has been using the Maelstrom save state error I stumbled upon and can reproduce. Do they get to keep their equipment? their achievements? poly morph? title?

    The answer should be a resounding NO!... if not a ban wave for the abusers.

    I mean if your going to smash through the arena by skipping the toughest rounds (6 and 7), use infinite Stamina to infinite roll dodge+vigor etc, and exploit the current Spell power bug that allows you to do 80k per target proxi-dets... it would seem more then unfair to let all the people who are obviously, knowingly, and deliberately breaking the game continue to play with us, and keep everything they've gotten.

    The stat bug I believe is just visual. I have tested it and got high stat but wrecking blow hitting for the same as before.
    Its not possible to change from normal to vet during maelstrom. Is this common expoit or just some rumors since people get low score or something?


    It's not a rumor. I can reproduce the exploit myself to skip from normal to vet. The reason it works is because it seems the saved state of you in the dungeon isn't different from vet or normal. so basically u can go into normal. work it to the desired stage. then do some things im not going to say. renter the dungeon on vet mode. and presto. ur on vet at the exact stage you left on normal. ur score is 0. and now all you have to do is the last boss.

    Oh and additional bugs I've ran into.

    *Sorc pets just stand there and do nothing while fighting.
    *Lots of sorc skills...such as overload... just randomly STOP casting and then ur locked out of your skills. you have to do a series of tricks to get your bars back. sprint, jump, dodge roll, drink a potion, take damage, and tap esc twice.
    *Pet cast times are ridiculously high, the animation can even get stuck sometimes so ur arms are out to the side and ur running around like a child playing like they are an air plane.
    *Sorc pets still have some dire hatred towards banner bosses/sweepers in IC... they'll literally break stealth to run off across the room to attack them. unfortunately this usually results in your death.

    As for your "visual bugs" I'm not talking about the julionos bug where it doesn't give you the advertised stats. I'm talking about how some people can recreate a bug that more then doubles your initial spell power. we're talking to epically game breaking levels. 150k single target dps sort of broken. we're talking same level of broken as the trap beast fiasco...


    Maybe. I doubt your story tho. It's nothing personal. it's 2 things. 1 there is a bug to skip and the scores im seeing from some of our *elite* are exactly the scores you would achieve if you used the bug. 2. the game is so broken right now that doing maelstrom on vet is border line easy for the right builds exploiting the hell out of everything. I mean right now u can infinitly dodge roll. u can literally just put and arrow rain on the 6th level boss and just roll dodge around it till it dies. thats it.

    Bugging out the arena by switching to vet is a thing.
    People have been farming master weapons since orsinium went live.
    I'm sure zos will take them away from them right?

    No one said the exploit doesn't exist. What I'm telling you is if you spend 9+ hours and 250+ deaths on a vet completion, you'll receive a score of only a few hundred points. People should test things thoroughly before accusing community members of exploiting.
  • Jitterbug
    DrogoKong wrote: »

    I have been trying to get help with this bug my stats are low until I repair my armor and sell all my junk in my inventory then my stats go up but if I unequip and re-equip and item I am wearing my stats will drop again or if I swap to my other weapon also of course when my stats drop so does the damage of my skills

    Do you notice it, or might it be visual only?
  • Jitterbug
    I'm sure they're aware of more but are focusing on those four specifically as they are the most important

    Also, they are trying that "communicating" thing we've all been yammering about like it's the new 90210 or something. Give credit where credit is due.
    If they were to release the actual full list of things they're working on someone would whine wall of text.

    edit: another thing, this sort of communicative list is obviously only going to contain items they will have a fix for quickly. It's PR.
    Edited by Jitterbug on November 9, 2015 5:23PM
  • MrGrimey
    Not sure if anyone has mentioned this, but when many players are on screen in cyrodiil the game's performance goes down hill, gets very laggy and my abilities lose their effects. Like, I'm throwing out invisible spells, shards, flame, etc...

    This game prides itself in being massive large scale PvP. But when the engine the game is running can not handle it, maybe you guys need to go back to the drawing board when it comes to cyrodiil or atleast do something to separate the zergs
  • Crown
    I just posted this in a new thread and was referred here.. Here's a copy:

    1. Battle Spirit is still being removed when changing zones (delves, sewer entrances, and occasionally transit) for a lot of people. This has gotten better in that it doesn't happen all the time, but often enough that we have to all check every time we hit a load screen. The solution is to remove all your gear and change zone again, or log out and back in while naked. This was demonstrated and replicated by the devs on internal systems, so they have evidence of it. @ZOS_BrianWheeler the last time this happened to me was two days after the Orsinium patch, though there are other people experiencing it every day.

    2. Fall damage hitting you for 3-4 times your total health. Any spell or ability that kocks you up while you're on uneven surfaces (most notably stairs) can kill you with 75k fall damage even if you land in the same place as you were knocked up. This is the reason there are so many more volcanic runes placed on stairs, and 20 people in opposing groups all casting meteor at the same time when you're about to take stairs. The solution to this is to hold block before being hit, though that's not feasible for most people. This is also easily demonstrated - just go stand on the lower wooden stairs at Ash mile gate and have someone use a wrecking blow or cast a meteor on you. If you land on the same steps, you're dead. @ZOS_GinaBruno it would be very nice if we got an acknowledgement that you're working on this. Even if it will take you six months to fix, knowing that the relevant team is paying attention to significant things like this would make a lot of people feel better. It seems as though bugs that affect PvE as well as PvP are fixed VERY quickly (such as the unlimited stamina by blocking while stealth walking in today's patch) though issues that ONLY affect PvP are largely ignored.

    3. Some peoples' proxy detonations are hitting for about one million damage. It's easiest for DKs to do it, though it can be done by all classes. It was quite disheartening yesterday to have a group of 18 people (the Emp group) all be one-shot by the same person using this exploit three times in one minute at Nikel. This bug does not work in PvE, as it's apparently a scaling issue with multiple player targets. It looks like the damage multiplier is 125 instead of 1.25 in some conditions. @ZOS_GinaBruno here's a perfect example of a PvP-only issue that doesn't affect PvE. If the details on how to do it are made public, will it be patched next week or will it be months like other PvP-only issues? Bug reports and reports against the two DC players using it were made. We'll see how long it takes before we stop seeing it.

    4. Being stuck in combat for about 4 minutes has been a thing for a long time. After finishing a fight, there are some people who can mount right away, and others who aren't even able to mount after running the distance from BRK to Chalman. People have been complaining about this since before the 1.5 patch. There is obviously something / some player aura or buff keeping some people in combat. Is anyone even looking into this?

    As usual when I bring things like this to your attention, I invite you to come play with us one evening and we will be happy to demonstrate all of these issues to you.
    Crown | AD NB | First AD/NA Grand Overlord (2015/12/26)
    PvP Guides @
  • HenryIvan
    Jitterbug wrote: »
    DrogoKong wrote: »

    I have been trying to get help with this bug my stats are low until I repair my armor and sell all my junk in my inventory then my stats go up but if I unequip and re-equip and item I am wearing my stats will drop again or if I swap to my other weapon also of course when my stats drop so does the damage of my skills

    Do you notice it, or might it be visual only?

    I notice it when everything starts killing me or when it takes me forever to kill something I wish it was just visual but hey its prolly fixed by now so fingers crossed
  • Crown
    Adding to the stuck in combat issue.. After reviving in another keep post-death, you should NOT be stuck in combat for 2 minutes before you can port somewhere!
    Crown | AD NB | First AD/NA Grand Overlord (2015/12/26)
    PvP Guides @
  • Zaldan
    Crown wrote: »
    Adding to the stuck in combat issue.. After reviving in another keep post-death, you should NOT be stuck in combat for 2 minutes before you can port somewhere!

    quote from patch 2.2.4
    Fixed an issue where a player character killed in PvP combat would still be flagged as being in combat after resurrecting or releasing to a Keep.

    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

  • syzmic
    ZigaZuzek wrote: »
    Why is fixing the LOOONG loading screens not a priority? :(

    It's not a priority because they don't know how to "fix" it.
  • Woeler
    - Leaderboards were not reset

    - Trial leaderboards are still broken

    - I did not receive my AA weekly reward, although I was on weekly nr 1
    Edited by Woeler on November 10, 2015 3:54PM
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hey everyone, just wanted to give you guys an update to some of the other issues called out in this thread.

    Scyantific wrote: »
    What about the loot issues in group dungeons?
    This should be fixed as of the latest patch.

    Destimion wrote: »
    + quest bugs should be added, i'm unable to do "the prismatic core" quest.

    The door to enter the fighter's guild in greenshade (quest zone) first city u enter when u leave Grathwood.
    Allot of players have the same issue, they stand infront of the door clueless like me. The quest marker is shown high upon the door. But we are unable to enter it.

    Please fix this.
    This should also be fixed as of patch 2.2.5.

    Woeler wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Since you are resetting the leaderboards, will you also fix the bug that the leaderboards for trials can only contain 100 people instead of 100 groups, and the fact that they rank players 1, 13, 25, 37 etc?
    This is actually working as designed and not a bug, but we are talking to the team to see if they would like to change it.

    Gravord wrote: »
    What about 5 min load screens anytime loggin char, switching zone or entering a building?
    We're actually publishing a potential fix for this with our next incremental patch!

    Does Monday's patch also have a fix for the exploit/bug where you can have a one handed weapon in your offhand while using a two hander, granting bonus damage, trait, and set bonus activation?

    What about the weapon crit bug that has been known since the PTS and hasn't been updated on?
    The exploit, we're still investigating. The crit bug, we've fixed internally and will be rolling out the fix in a future patch (trying to figure out which one).

    Djeriko wrote: »
    Evil Hunter bug:
    Not sure if this affects other morphs too but once activated with my dual wield knives, I will weapon swap to my destruction staff and the glow effect from hunter is still floating over my left hand where my knife would be. Swap back to knives and the left knife has no glow effect.

    Inactivity timer kicks you off while waiting for load screens.

    Inactivity timer kicks you off at character selection. Was this intentional?
    For Evil Hunter, we've fixed this internally and will be rolling out the fix in a future patch. The inactivity timer was changed in the Orsinium update and is intended, though similar to the leaderboard feedback, we're seeing if the team would like to change this.

    Wollust wrote: »
    Gotta love how the lag and the latency issues leading to an unplayable Cyrodiil are not even worth mentioning anymore as current live issues.
    This is something we're continually looking into. The first step toward improving the performance in Cyrodiil was taken in patch 2.2.5 with some of the ability changes.

    Plz, Zeni don't fix the instant stamina regent bug. :trollface:
    Too late! ;)

    Crown wrote: »
    I just posted this in a new thread and was referred here.. Here's a copy:

    1. Battle Spirit is still being removed when changing zones (delves, sewer entrances, and occasionally transit) for a lot of people. This has gotten better in that it doesn't happen all the time, but often enough that we have to all check every time we hit a load screen. The solution is to remove all your gear and change zone again, or log out and back in while naked. This was demonstrated and replicated by the devs on internal systems, so they have evidence of it. @ZOS_BrianWheeler the last time this happened to me was two days after the Orsinium patch, though there are other people experiencing it every day.

    2. Fall damage hitting you for 3-4 times your total health. Any spell or ability that kocks you up while you're on uneven surfaces (most notably stairs) can kill you with 75k fall damage even if you land in the same place as you were knocked up. This is the reason there are so many more volcanic runes placed on stairs, and 20 people in opposing groups all casting meteor at the same time when you're about to take stairs. The solution to this is to hold block before being hit, though that's not feasible for most people. This is also easily demonstrated - just go stand on the lower wooden stairs at Ash mile gate and have someone use a wrecking blow or cast a meteor on you. If you land on the same steps, you're dead. @ZOS_GinaBruno it would be very nice if we got an acknowledgement that you're working on this. Even if it will take you six months to fix, knowing that the relevant team is paying attention to significant things like this would make a lot of people feel better. It seems as though bugs that affect PvE as well as PvP are fixed VERY quickly (such as the unlimited stamina by blocking while stealth walking in today's patch) though issues that ONLY affect PvP are largely ignored.

    3. Some peoples' proxy detonations are hitting for about one million damage. It's easiest for DKs to do it, though it can be done by all classes. It was quite disheartening yesterday to have a group of 18 people (the Emp group) all be one-shot by the same person using this exploit three times in one minute at Nikel. This bug does not work in PvE, as it's apparently a scaling issue with multiple player targets. It looks like the damage multiplier is 125 instead of 1.25 in some conditions. @ZOS_GinaBruno here's a perfect example of a PvP-only issue that doesn't affect PvE. If the details on how to do it are made public, will it be patched next week or will it be months like other PvP-only issues? Bug reports and reports against the two DC players using it were made. We'll see how long it takes before we stop seeing it.

    4. Being stuck in combat for about 4 minutes has been a thing for a long time. After finishing a fight, there are some people who can mount right away, and others who aren't even able to mount after running the distance from BRK to Chalman. People have been complaining about this since before the 1.5 patch. There is obviously something / some player aura or buff keeping some people in combat. Is anyone even looking into this?

    As usual when I bring things like this to your attention, I invite you to come play with us one evening and we will be happy to demonstrate all of these issues to you.

    Battle Spirit being randomly removed is something we're still working on fixing for all areas. Fall damage, same thing - still working on fixing all the remaining issues. Proxy Detonation, we're investigating now. And the stuck in combat bug? That is a much larger issue that the team will be exploring how to improve in a future update.
    Edited by ZOS_GinaBruno on November 10, 2015 6:57PM
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Personofsecrets
    @ZOS_GinaBruno ,

    What is the development teams current stance on completing multiple Wrothgar World Boss "dailies" a day?
    Edited by Personofsecrets on November 10, 2015 7:13PM
    Don't tank

    "In future content we will probably adjust this model somewhat (The BOP model). It's definitely nice to be able to find a cool item that you don't need and trade it to someone who can't wait to get their hands on it." - Wrobel
  • Iyas
    So you still have no clue how to fix pvp and lags?
    Noricum/ Kitesquad/ PC/EU

    Kitesquad Vol. 1
  • SoulScream
    Good changes I hope they appear in Monday patch!
  • Woeler
    Woeler wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Since you are resetting the leaderboards, will you also fix the bug that the leaderboards for trials can only contain 100 people instead of 100 groups, and the fact that they rank players 1, 13, 25, 37 etc?
    This is actually working as designed and not a bug, but we are talking to the team to see if they would like to change it.

    Uhm, wait what? This is terrible. Now multiple chars of the same person on the weekly is an even bigger problem. Furthermore There is absolutely no logic in ranking the 2nd best group "number 13" and the 3rd "number 27".

    The Maelstrom leaderboards might be working as intended because they have 1 person per rank, but in trials this cannot be working as intended.

    If this is working as inteded the first group should be ranked place 1 till 12 and the 2nd place 13 till 25, but that is not the case. It counts "players above me" + 1 = rank for each group, which works fine for groups of 1, not groups of twelve.

    I'm really really sorry to say this, but if this is really, really bad. No normal human being counts 1, 13, 25, 37 etc...
  • CtrlAltDlt
    Hey everyone, just wanted to give you guys an update to some of the other issues called out in this thread.

    Scyantific wrote: »
    What about the loot issues in group dungeons?
    This should be fixed as of the latest patch.

    Destimion wrote: »
    + quest bugs should be added, i'm unable to do "the prismatic core" quest.

    The door to enter the fighter's guild in greenshade (quest zone) first city u enter when u leave Grathwood.
    Allot of players have the same issue, they stand infront of the door clueless like me. The quest marker is shown high upon the door. But we are unable to enter it.

    Please fix this.
    This should also be fixed as of patch 2.2.5.

    Woeler wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Since you are resetting the leaderboards, will you also fix the bug that the leaderboards for trials can only contain 100 people instead of 100 groups, and the fact that they rank players 1, 13, 25, 37 etc?
    This is actually working as designed and not a bug, but we are talking to the team to see if they would like to change it.

    Gravord wrote: »
    What about 5 min load screens anytime loggin char, switching zone or entering a building?
    We're actually publishing a potential fix for this with our next incremental patch!

    Does Monday's patch also have a fix for the exploit/bug where you can have a one handed weapon in your offhand while using a two hander, granting bonus damage, trait, and set bonus activation?

    What about the weapon crit bug that has been known since the PTS and hasn't been updated on?
    The exploit, we're still investigating. The crit bug, we've fixed internally and will be rolling out the fix in a future patch (trying to figure out which one).

    Djeriko wrote: »
    Evil Hunter bug:
    Not sure if this affects other morphs too but once activated with my dual wield knives, I will weapon swap to my destruction staff and the glow effect from hunter is still floating over my left hand where my knife would be. Swap back to knives and the left knife has no glow effect.

    Inactivity timer kicks you off while waiting for load screens.

    Inactivity timer kicks you off at character selection. Was this intentional?
    For Evil Hunter, we've fixed this internally and will be rolling out the fix in a future patch. The inactivity timer was changed in the Orsinium update and is intended, though similar to the leaderboard feedback, we're seeing if the team would like to change this.

    Wollust wrote: »
    Gotta love how the lag and the latency issues leading to an unplayable Cyrodiil are not even worth mentioning anymore as current live issues.
    This is something we're continually looking into. The first step toward improving the performance in Cyrodiil was taken in patch 2.2.5 with some of the ability changes.

    Plz, Zeni don't fix the instant stamina regent bug. :trollface:
    Too late! ;)

    Crown wrote: »
    I just posted this in a new thread and was referred here.. Here's a copy:

    1. Battle Spirit is still being removed when changing zones (delves, sewer entrances, and occasionally transit) for a lot of people. This has gotten better in that it doesn't happen all the time, but often enough that we have to all check every time we hit a load screen. The solution is to remove all your gear and change zone again, or log out and back in while naked. This was demonstrated and replicated by the devs on internal systems, so they have evidence of it. @ZOS_BrianWheeler the last time this happened to me was two days after the Orsinium patch, though there are other people experiencing it every day.

    2. Fall damage hitting you for 3-4 times your total health. Any spell or ability that kocks you up while you're on uneven surfaces (most notably stairs) can kill you with 75k fall damage even if you land in the same place as you were knocked up. This is the reason there are so many more volcanic runes placed on stairs, and 20 people in opposing groups all casting meteor at the same time when you're about to take stairs. The solution to this is to hold block before being hit, though that's not feasible for most people. This is also easily demonstrated - just go stand on the lower wooden stairs at Ash mile gate and have someone use a wrecking blow or cast a meteor on you. If you land on the same steps, you're dead. @ZOS_GinaBruno it would be very nice if we got an acknowledgement that you're working on this. Even if it will take you six months to fix, knowing that the relevant team is paying attention to significant things like this would make a lot of people feel better. It seems as though bugs that affect PvE as well as PvP are fixed VERY quickly (such as the unlimited stamina by blocking while stealth walking in today's patch) though issues that ONLY affect PvP are largely ignored.

    3. Some peoples' proxy detonations are hitting for about one million damage. It's easiest for DKs to do it, though it can be done by all classes. It was quite disheartening yesterday to have a group of 18 people (the Emp group) all be one-shot by the same person using this exploit three times in one minute at Nikel. This bug does not work in PvE, as it's apparently a scaling issue with multiple player targets. It looks like the damage multiplier is 125 instead of 1.25 in some conditions. @ZOS_GinaBruno here's a perfect example of a PvP-only issue that doesn't affect PvE. If the details on how to do it are made public, will it be patched next week or will it be months like other PvP-only issues? Bug reports and reports against the two DC players using it were made. We'll see how long it takes before we stop seeing it.

    4. Being stuck in combat for about 4 minutes has been a thing for a long time. After finishing a fight, there are some people who can mount right away, and others who aren't even able to mount after running the distance from BRK to Chalman. People have been complaining about this since before the 1.5 patch. There is obviously something / some player aura or buff keeping some people in combat. Is anyone even looking into this?

    As usual when I bring things like this to your attention, I invite you to come play with us one evening and we will be happy to demonstrate all of these issues to you.

    Battle Spirit being randomly removed is something we're still working on fixing for all areas. Fall damage, same thing - still working on fixing all the remaining issues. Proxy Detonation, we're investigating now. And the stuck in combat bug? That is a much larger issue that the team will be exploring how to improve in a future update.

    I want to cry of joy if the bolded part is true
    PC NA - jeazzy

    stamblade outnumbered pvp vol 1.
    Stamblade outbumbered pvp vol 2. No cheese
  • Leandor
    Anyone able to enlighten me how it is a good thing that every single chest that I opened after respeccing champion points to get treasure hunter perk, only ever contains set pieces at V15 (I am V16), if any is in?
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